Brutal attack in France...

Guns are bad.

And if you don't allow people of color to attack you and/or rob you... you're a racist white supremacists.
Sadly in many big cities this is actually becoming a reality it seems, otherwise if we believe the MSM reporting on this stuff. It's been going on for quite a while now, and it's been getting worse because of these activist DA's who undoubtedly have drank the cool-aid that the liberal white leftist have convinced them to drink.

Malcolm x basically said it well, that (the white liberal is far more dangerous than the white Republican), because they act like the black people's friend for nothing but to gain their vote.. They are indeed liar's who are no friend to anything but power. They use the black people is all they do. Now they've pandered and lied to the point that they have convinced the black's to then freely embark on the violent thing's that they are doing with impunity. Malcolm x and his words are a living truth in the year 2023.

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