Brutal Attack on Israeli Journalists Depicts Rise in Terror


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
It shows the hate and antisemitism that exists. Taught and cultivated from childhood to believe that only peace will be when Israel no longer exists

Brutal Attack on Israeli Journalists Depicts Rise in Terror

A brutal attack against two Israeli journalists is indicative of the sharp rise in Palestinian-Arab violence.

The near-lynching of two Israeli journalists near Ramallah on Thursday was among the latest incidents demonstrating the rise in terror emanating from the Palestinian-administered territories.

The incident occurred following a day of clashes between the IDF and Palestinian “Nakba Day” protests, which became violent and ended with two rioters dying of wounds after being shot by IDF troops.

(Nakba is Arabic for “catastrophe,” referring to the creation of the State of Israel. It is observed annually by anti-Israel Arabs on May 15.)
Rise in Terror Directly Linked to Peace Talks

In March, Jewish residents of Jerusalem suffered 157 terror-related incidents in the month of March, according to a survey cited on IDF Radio.

“On average, Palestinian Arabs attack a Jewish Israeli 2.5 times per day each month; the number of attacks per month has not dipped below 80 since November 2012,” Arutz-7 reports.

Palestinian Arabs burn an Israeli flag at Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, marking the 66th anniversary of the “Nakba,” – the “catastrophe” of the Jewish State’s creation.

“The attack rate is highest near Jewish holy sites, the survey shows, including the City of David near Silwan, Jerusalem’s Old City, and the Mount of Olives. Eighty percent of attacks include throwing projectiles, and of those, two percent are firebombs or Molotov cocktails; most attacks do not cause injuries or damage.”
Most Anti-Semitic Place on Earth: Palestinian-Administered Territories

A recent survey conducted the the U.S.-based Anti-Defamation League revealed that the most anti-semitic place in the world is the Palestinian Authority-run territories.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked at the weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem:

Sharp rise in terror in most anti-semitic place on earth.

“Last week, the Anti-Defamation League issued a global report in which it compared levels of anti-Semitism among adults in various places around the world. It seems that the place with the highest level of anti-Semitism is the Palestinian Authority, where 93% of adults hold anti-Semitic views. This is the result of the Palestinian Authority’s unceasing incitement, which distorts the image of the State of Israel and the Jewish People, as we have known in other places in our past. This finds expression in the fact that they hold parades to commemorate what they call the Nakba. They define the existence and establishment of the State of Israel as a disaster that must be corrected. This also finds expression in the increased activity that the Palestinians are allowing in Judea and Samaria for Hamas, which directly and openly calls for our destruction.”

“Whoever sees the establishment of the State of Israel and its continued existence as a disaster does not want peace,” Netanyahu declared.
More examples of what is happening. Women should be empowered no brutalized or killed, imagining that their faith somehow expects or least permits it.

UN “Seriously Concerned” About Palestinian Violence Against Women
Raphael Poch

The United Nations organization for women’s rights, UN Women, is “seriously concerned” by the rising rates of violence against women, including “honor” killings, in the West Bank and Gaza the Palestinian Ma’an News Agency reported.

A UN statement highlighted the Palestinian Authority’s recent endorsement of the “Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women”.

“The Palestinian Government has demonstrated a political will to end violence against women through the adoption of a zero-tolerance policy on violence against women,” the statement read. However, the UN urged that this “political will must be translated into urgent concrete action.”

A 2012 survey by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics reported that 37 percent of Palestinian women were subject to some form of violence at the hands of their husbands, with the highest rate in Gaza at 58.1 percent and the lowest in Ramallah, at 14.1 percent.

Furthermore, according to statistics released in 2012 by the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights, 13 women were murdered by honor killings in 2011 and 12 in the first seven months of 2012.

As these numbers continue to increase, UN Women has called for the urgent implementation of the “Serious Case Review” mechanism. This mechanism, coordinated by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, unites governmental and civil society institutional partners to conduct a thorough investigation into the most recent cases of violence. The goal is to identify the appropriate response in terms of ensuring protection for Palestinian women and ending impunity for the perpetrators of violence against them.

While some experts claim that the increase in violence was indicative of a slowing economy, others pointed out that women themselves are the ones who are unemployed and this makes their plight even worse. Palestinian female participation in the labor force stands at 17 percent, a figure the World Bank called “abysmally low,” noting that employers appeared to favor men, among whom joblessness was almost a third lower in 2013.

Palestinian media occasionally reports the discoveries of women’s bodies in what are called “hazy circumstances” – a euphemism for honor killings. Names are concealed and the news is rarely followed up.

Honor killings are not a new phenomenon among the Palestinian population. A 2013 study estimated an average of 15 to 20 honor killings occur every year in Jordan, a country whose total population is approximately 6.3 million, compared to almost the same number happening in the West Bank and Gaza whose total population is only approximately 3 million.

Dr. Yunis Al-Astal, a member of the Council of Palestinian Clerics and a Hamas MP,recently criticized the punishment of honor killings in Palestinian Arab society.

In his statement, Astal argued that honor killings is a more serious crime than the reason behind the honor killings itself. The dictated punishment for premarital sex by Sharia Law – which is the most common reason for the murders, according to Astal – is only one hundred lashes, not execution.

Astal also clarified that according to Sharia Law while adultery is punishable by stoning, the sentence needs to be handed down by the court, not by family members. He slammed the fact that, often, honor killings are carried out in secret – with only close family members knowing her fate.

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