Bruticus: A.I. Capitalism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can capitalism generate satisfying 'empire folklore' (for TrumpUSA)?



A unit of A.I. military vehicles known as the Combaticons was invented/assembled and coordinated in the summer of 2018 to respond to threats of modern global nuclear warfare. These Combaticons could transform into laser-equipped warlike running robots who could then merge into one giant super-A.I. war-child robot named Bruticus. Bruticus and the Combaticons were romanticized in the press and Steven Spielberg planned a patriotic film about the super-robot force called War-Gear (starring Tom Cruise and Denzel Washington).


A identity and alias was assigned to each Combaticon including Brawl and Onslaught. These Combaticons were pure war-minded A.I. 'creatures' who seemed very content to submit to the authority of U.S. President Donald Trump and Washington. The Combaticons were also pleased Spielberg was making an ambitious film about them(!). Would this patriotism in American society last, or would it be replaced by war-protests and anti-federalism paranoia? President Trump worried that a visible lack of support from the American voting public would 'catch' the attention of anti-American terrorists (i.e., ISIS, Cobra).


As the Combaticons swept through hostile territories in the skies of the Middle East as the flying merged giant super-robot Bruticus, Japanese film-makers started planning a fun summer thriller-adventure film Godzilla v Bruticus (starring Jet Li and Jared Leto). Bruticus was seen as a force for 'good' (since he secured all zones of commercial traffic and thruways from the modern threat of anti-civilization terrorism). However, a handful of 'quiet critics' insisted Bruticus was nothing more than the product of modern war-minded paranoia and mistrust. Who would win this argument concerning 'geopolitical etiquette' (in the long run)?


As expected, Bruticus toys began being marketed in American toy-stores and became very very popular instantly as that first sale-season's Christmas shopping period. Bruticus toys were on the wishlist of every American kid, and dads raced to toystores trying to get a model for their kid before they all sold out. A comedy film about this ironical competitive-shopping was made called Jingle All the Way (starring Sinbad). Bruticus toys represented all the patriotism towards modern consumerism (and hence capitalism) in the Western world.


As tourism picked up thanks to the added security across Europe and Asia, visits to Disney parks boomed and Disney wrist-watches were suddenly the rave, as everyone started buying these iconic consumerism 'trophies' for themselves and friends/family. President Trump stated in the press, "It's thanks to Bruticus that these Disney tokens and wrist-watches are once again a humanity-symbol of peaceful imagination and hospitality (and theme-parks!)." However, critics still lingered and wondered if all this consumerism obsession was masking a new form of 'pseudo-fascism' (and perhaps even mindless patriotic obedience).


GOD: I like Bruticus...
SATAN: So does the Trump Administration!
GOD: Trump will go down as a new Woodrow Wilson.
SATAN: Bruticus just might unify Europe and Asia.
GOD: And secure them from the Middle East!
SATAN: Yes, Israel-Palestine continues to be a problem.
GOD: Bruticus's 'mission' was to end terrorism...
SATAN: He's done more than NATO and the Security Council.
GOD: Will he canonized as a 'friend' of humanity?
SATAN: If Bruticus decides to continue to 'serve' mankind, he will!
GOD: You think there's a chance Bruticus will betray humanity?
SATAN: Well...there's always a chance of that...but who knows?
GOD: After all, capitalism promotes much competitive fire.
SATAN: I suppose Bruticus might wonder, "Why am I a simple 'tin-soldier?".
GOD: I remember when Trump was just a casino-owner in Atlantic City.
SATAN: America is for opportunists...
GOD: Maybe terrorists will bow to Bruticus.
SATAN: Maybe American intellectuals will dislike Bruticus's 'deification.'
GOD: Is capitalism an 'engine' for discord?
SATAN: Bruticus was invented to create a security-force.
GOD: We'll see if spirits prevail over egos...
SATAN: Let's watch WarGames (Matthew Broderick) on Netflix!




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