Bryan Adams goes on expletive-laced tirade about China and the coronavirus

I'm sure Xi Jinping and his boys appreciate the way you remove all responsibility for the deadly global pandemic that they created and and place the blame for Bryan Adam's cancelled concerts on him, as if he is somehow at fault here.

Have you been drinking? Even for you, this is dumb.

First, you're babbling a kook conspiracy theory about Chinese bioweapons.

Second, the fact that China was inept and corrupt does not excuse DearLeaderTrump being more inept and corrupt. Did your momma not teach you the "Just because Jimmy did it doesn't make it okay for you to do it" thing?

I couldn't imagine a more perfect example of "blame the victim" idiocy in action.

That's right, you and Trump are always the ultimate victims.

Oh wait. You're not. You're just pushing stupid stories because you were commanded to excuse DearLeader's stupidity and corruption.

Hopefully the next time you get a big heaping bowl of bat wing and noodles soup Xi will put a
little something extra in it for you. Your loyalty and unthinking cowardice should be rewarded by the biggest threat to global democracy and freedom in the 2000's because it's sheeple like you that gives them cover.

In between bouts of wetting themselves over China, the Trumpflakes all scream how is cowardly everyone is for not spreading a pandemic. You can't make this stuff up.
I always find it very strange when someone defends China, of all places. :cuckoo:
For the record he is being destroyed by Canadian media as being "racist". The same media that refuses to blame China. How is that not a form of prejudice in itself? Deny facts if it makes you feel you are somehow "enlightened", as millions of Chinese citizens are persecuted by their filthy, communist overlords. How rich.
I look at my daughter and her husband, both school teachers, as political barometers and they have both turned on Bernie Sanders and detest the Chinese government.

The media further alienates itself every time they stand up for China and further their propaganda.
It digs it's own grave every single day lying to people that know better.
And he retracts and backpedals...what?..that took less than a day?...Money....changes everything..yah,!!
Singer Bryan Adams apologizes for social media post blaming 'bat eating' people for coronavirus
Adams makes a living not offending the dopes that infest social media. He is forced to cave in.
The rest of us are not!
One delicate snow flake said Adams was racist saying China was filled with "bat eating people".

Well quite obviously Adams was not lying and China truly and regularly eat bats and all sorts of things in wet markets that most of the rest of the world wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. That's why so many pandemics seem to come out of China. Why Do New Disease Outbreaks Always Seem to Start in China? | RealClearScience

"China is also notorious for its misinformation, secrecy, and censorship, which raises the chances that new diseases will fester and spread. Back in early January, Chinese government officials told the public that the new infection's spread had been effectively halted. This was not true. At the same time, the authoritarian regime bullied health experts who attempted to sound alarm. The young doctor Li Wenliang attempted to warn others about the new coronavirus. He was 'rewarded' with a threatening reprimand by police. Li subsequently caught COVID-19 and succumbed to the disease the first week of February. "

We have many of those same people virtue signaling to Adams on these very boards.
Fortunately they get shouted down soon after posting their idiocy.
How about a Yoko Ono duet with a howling shih tzu and a raging case of diarrhea?
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Bryan Adams is right. Not only did those communist bastards develop the virus; but they intentionally spread it around the world. You can't trust Red China. Better dead than Red.

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