Bud Light boycott, the most effective in US history

Ok...let me get this straight (pun intended).... You liked the beer. You bought it. And because someone else apparently likes the beer who you don't like....you're depriving yourself of something you liked.

It isn't hurting them...it's hurting you dumbfuck.

Someday you idiots are either going to run out of bullets or you're going to run out of toes. And when you do...you'll blame anyone but yourself.

When that $5 billion in lost sales becomes $10 billion Bud Light may be singing a different tune.

---Sales for Miller Lite and Coors Light see a huge boost---

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The head of marketing is a genius imo. What other beer company has garnered this much attention in the media?
Precisely. What is going to happen is this. The Bud Light brand will expand into a new demographic. When the Conserve-hate-ives have moved on to whatever their next outrage is and have forgotten they were supposed to be pissed off about this will go back to drinking Bud Light--some won't but most will. I don't think they thought it would get this much traction but since it did...ANOTHER WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS.
And we love watching you deflect!
Deflect from what? Were you bitches crying about cancel culture? Did you engage in it? Can I still go buy a bud light? Are there hundreds upon hundreds of Trumptards in jail over Jan 6th? Did fox News just have to fork out nearly a billion dollars for their lies? Is the bud light factory still open? Can I drive by Bush Blvd and see the steam coming from the factory? Lol, no reason to deflect.
Deflect from what? Were you bitches crying about cancel culture? Did you engage in it? Can I still go buy a bud light? Are there hundreds upon hundreds of Trumptards in jail over Jan 6th? Did fox News just have to fork out nearly a billion dollars for their lies? Is the bud light factory still open? Can I drive by Bush Blvd and see the steam coming from the factory? Lol, no reason to deflect.

No reason to deflect, and yet you do.
Precisely. What is going to happen is this. The Bud Light brand will expand into a new demographic. When the Conserve-hate-ives have moved on to whatever their next outrage is and have forgotten they were supposed to be pissed off about this will go back to drinking Bud Light--some won't but most will. I don't think they thought it would get this much traction but since it did...ANOTHER WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS.

Wrong as usual.
It is fun watching you all be proud over being triggered by a beer can.
I think you fail to recognize the significance of this. Do ya think a lot of other corporations are going to be using trans people to sell their products in the future? Your side lost the cultural war on this one. Bush's losses means that the left lost the trans war, or at least when it comes to businesses.

The trans movement hit its peak, just like BLM did. Now they will fade away as histories losers.
If I were hiding in a basement, I wouldn't worry about the message I send with my beer choice.

How about you dd?

Will you get a swastika tattooed on your forehead or are you "scared"?

The answer is "no", because a swastika on the forehead sends a message to the public that you don't want to send. Ditto with drinking bud light in 2023.
Don't drink. What does a swatiska on my forehead have to do with all of you being scared of anyone not like you?
Don't drink. What does a swatiska on my forehead have to do with all of you being scared of anyone not like you?

I'm not afraid of sexual perverts. I just don't want to send out the vibe that I am one of that flock, which I would be if I drank Bud Light.

A swastika tattooed on the forehead sends a message that the wearer is a Socialist of the national variety. I'm not afraid of those folks either, but I still don't want to look like one.
Precisely. What is going to happen is this. The Bud Light brand will expand into a new demographic. When the Conserve-hate-ives have moved on to whatever their next outrage is and have forgotten they were supposed to be pissed off about this will go back to drinking Bud Light--some won't but most will. I don't think they thought it would get this much traction but since it did...ANOTHER WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS.
Have all of these freedoms from Prog thinking with taxation cut in half in all ways. Do it. Freedom is freedom. Living in extremes is not freedom unless tolerated or forced to.
Woke Budweizer plans to triple spending in the US on advertising for Bud Light?

How much money is that?

Several billion dollars?

Who knows?

Whatever the amount, it proves that the gay woke agenda is not popular with the American people

Is Bud Light going to double down on its efforts to reach Homo Drinkers- or are they going to reverse course and try to reposition their suds as a drink for Normal guys?
I think you fail to recognize the significance of this. Do ya think a lot of other corporations are going to be using trans people to sell their products in the future? Your side lost the cultural war on this one. Bush's losses means that the left lost the trans war, or at least when it comes to businesses.

The trans movement hit its peak, just like BLM did. Now they will fade away as histories losers.

I am sure they will all think long and hard about it now that they have seen the pure hatred shown by far more than they probably expected.
Wrong as usual.
You guys boycotted the NFL... what happened there? Nothing. The NFL is now seen as gender positive for all Americans. They're still around. Still a multi billion dollar industry with one entity. The competitors--nobody even knows who they are.

You guys boycotted Facebook. They just posted 52 week highs on successive quarters in a rapidly segmenting market.

The Rage party came to Twitter recently. Twitter is now--according to Twitter itself--worth half of what Elon paid for it.

So I laugh at your assessment. You really are very stupid.
You guys boycotted the NFL... what happened there? Nothing. The NFL is now seen as gender positive for all Americans. They're still around. Still a multi billion dollar industry with one entity. The competitors--nobody even knows who they are.

You guys boycotted Facebook. They just posted 52 week highs on successive quarters in a rapidly segmenting market.

The Rage party came to Twitter recently. Twitter is now--according to Twitter itself--worth half of what Elon paid for it.

So I laugh at your assessment. You really are very stupid.

This really isn't a conservative "boycott" at all.

Normal drinkers just don't want to be identified as Homo, so they are drinking something else particularly in public.

Maybe the Homos are boycotting Bud Light? This is their beer, they have to be the ones to support it.
You guys boycotted the NFL... what happened there? Nothing. The NFL is now seen as gender positive for all Americans. They're still around. Still a multi billion dollar industry with one entity. The competitors--nobody even knows who they are.

You guys boycotted Facebook. They just posted 52 week highs on successive quarters in a rapidly segmenting market.

The Rage party came to Twitter recently. Twitter is now--according to Twitter itself--worth half of what Elon paid for it.

So I laugh at your assessment. You really are very stupid.

Did “we”? I missed those.

This one is still picking up steam. Now even some gay bars are doing away with Bud.
You guys boycotted the NFL... what happened there? Nothing. The NFL is now seen as gender positive for all Americans. They're still around. Still a multi billion dollar industry with one entity. The competitors--nobody even knows who they are.

You guys boycotted Facebook. They just posted 52 week highs on successive quarters in a rapidly segmenting market.

The Rage party came to Twitter recently. Twitter is now--according to Twitter itself--worth half of what Elon paid for it.

So I laugh at your assessment. You really are very stupid.
Damn, didn't realize the NFL was ever having a gender issue.

Fakebook has managed to prop themselves up by laying off 11,000 employees.

What's funny is when you idiots boycotted Chick-fil-a, how'd that work out....dumbass.
This really isn't a conservative "boycott" at all.
Sure it is.
Normal drinkers just don't want to be identified as Homo, so they are drinking something else particularly in public.
You guys gave up on being normal years ago.
Maybe the Homos are boycotting Bud Light? This is their beer, they have to be the ones to support it.
I don't know...you seem really bothered by someone else drinking a beer you like. So you're quite abnormal.

Really....do you decide...."If I order a Bud Light, those guys in the corner whom I don't know may see me drink it may think I'm gay so I can't order it". Again...it's an abnormal thought process you have. You really should seek some sort of psychological counseling and get over it.

I go to Chick-fil-A...have a great sandwich, great waffle fries and some great sweet tea. And I don't care what anyone else thinks about it who may share my thoughts on gay marriage, abortion, LGBTQ rights, etc. It's called being an adult.
Did “we”? I missed those.

This one is still picking up steam. Now even some gay bars are doing away with Bud.
You've missed quite a bit in your life. I'm guessing meth, prison, or both.

Every boycott you guys have tried has failed. As will this one. Not because they're right and you're wrong (although they are and you are) but simply because the whole idea of boycott to punish a company for something as harmless as a marketing decision is dumb.

You're either on a Windows or Mac based operating system right now (this is the part where you lie and say you're not). Neither one of the companies that make those products share you view of the world.



Are you going to turn off your computer? Nope. Why aren't you as upset about this as you are some guy posing with a beer can? Because you haven't been told to be as upset. You're a programmable idiot who's only outstanding quality is your hypocrisy.

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