Bud Light boycott, the most effective in US history

When that $5 billion in lost sales becomes $10 billion Bud Light may be singing a different tune.
The boycott against Bud Light is not the most effective. The most effective is the boycott against Bed Bath and Beyond that recentl recently went bankrupt.
The boycott against Bud Light is not the most effective. The most effective is the boycott against Bed Bath and Beyond that recentl recently went bankrupt.

Sorry, but Bed Bath and Beyond didn't go tits up because they stopped sell a shitty pillow. Their problems ran much, much deeper than that...
Well run companies never have a political stance. Truth be told. $ far exceed morals or philosophy. Capitalism and politics are enemies of each other.
It use to be that when the right boycotted something investment groups like Blackstone would come in and buy a load of stock and make the boycott look ineffective and small...
But thanks to a crumbling Biden economy groups like Blackstone are a little short on cash so they can't cover the spread.... There is a certain bit of na na na na na naaaaa in seeing that...

No boycott has had this much negative impact on a corporation in US history


Sales down 26% and falling.

The Left is the ones doing the most of this, but the right seems to be the best at it when they decide to do it.
Repugs the true cancel culture. Good stuff.
Leftist can dish it out but can’t take it.

We knew it all along.
Lol, love watching you all cry about cancel culture while being the main contributors. Love watching you cry about all the Jan 6th retards in jail also. Meanwhile drove by the bush,bud factory the other day still running. All the Jan 6th scum still sit in jail.
The real interesting part about this is how Bud Light manages to navigate through it. They are backpedaling but that has made the left quite upset and you are now seeing them retaliate against them as well.

I don't think anything they do is going to win back the right wing customers they already lost, they have moved on to another crappy beer and will not look back. They are just going to bleed more customers.

They should have just shut up.
The real interesting part about this is how Bud Light manages to navigate through it. They are backpedaling but that has made the left quite upset and you are now seeing them retaliate against them as well.

I don't think anything they do is going to win back the right wing customers they already lost, they have moved on to another crappy beer and will not look back. They are just going to bleed more customers.

They should have just shut up.
There is one possibility, if they admitted they screwed up, they may see a turning point. But the half-assed excuse(s) they've made so far just isn't going to cut it. Although admitting they screwed up would be a pretty tough pill to swallow, not sure if the libs that work there have the stomach.
That's why it hurts AB so much... we all drank Bud Light and now we don't.... so lets see is another company goes trans woke like this... bet none do..... lessons be learned.... Biden's tranny freak show presidency is almost over....
Ok...let me get this straight (pun intended).... You liked the beer. You bought it. And because someone else apparently likes the beer who you don't like....you're depriving yourself of something you liked.

It isn't hurting them...it's hurting you dumbfuck.

Someday you idiots are either going to run out of bullets or you're going to run out of toes. And when you do...you'll blame anyone but yourself.
Lol, love watching you all cry about cancel culture while being the main contributors. Love watching you cry about all the Jan 6th retards in jail also. Meanwhile drove by the bush,bud factory the other day still running. All the Jan 6th scum still sit in jail.

And we love watching you deflect!

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