Buddhism: the religion of peace

The Buddha said, "Live harmlessly, and kill nothing". People who do anything different are not real Buddhists.

The same can be said of Muslims and Christians
I wonder if Buddha and his followers invaded lands and raped and pillaged and forced Buddhism down people's throats at the point of a sword like Muhammad did with Islam for the last 1400 years. I wonder if Buddhists kill anybody who converts out of Buddhism to another religion, because Buddha said so.

Take out "muslim" and replace with "christian". Muslims are gonna have really work to catch up with the death toll attributed to christians.
I wonder if Buddha and his followers invaded lands and raped and pillaged and forced Buddhism down people's throats at the point of a sword like Muhammad did with Islam for the last 1400 years. I wonder if Buddhists kill anybody who converts out of Buddhism to another religion, because Buddha said so.

Perhaps if you actually read the news, occasioally?

In Burma:

Video shows Burmese police standing by as Buddhists attack Muslims

Footage emerges of police failing to prevent violence in Burma as EU prepares to lift all sanctions permanently

Video footage has emerged showing Burmese police standing by as Buddhist mobs wielding sticks and swords attack Muslims in Meikhtila – where last month more than 40 people were killed and 12,000 displaced – on the same day that the EU is expected to permanently lift all sanctions against the country.

Video shows Burmese police standing by as Buddhists attack Muslims | World news | guardian.co.uk
In Sri Lanka:

Sri Lanka crowd attacks Muslim warehouse in Colombo

Several people have been injured in Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, when Buddhist monks led hundreds in an assault on a Muslim-owned clothing warehouse.

Buddhist monks were filmed throwing stones at the storage centre of popular garment chain Fashion Bug in a suburb of the capital on Thursday night.

Police told AFP news agency that forces had been deployed to guard the area.

The attack comes as hard-line Buddhist groups step up a campaign against the lifestyles of Muslims.

BBC News - Sri Lanka crowd attacks Muslim warehouse in Colombo
The Buddha said, "Live harmlessly, and kill nothing". People who do anything different are not real Buddhists.

The same can be said of Muslims and Christians

Exactly - that is an excellent point.

It's easy to say "they aren't real Christians" when we look at Christian mobs slaughtering people in the Congo, but we don't often hear people say they "they aren't real Muslims" when the opposite occurs.
Relative to what? Muslims? Ha ha ha. You comparing Muslim behavior today, to these isolated pockets of Buddhist violence. Get a life, will ya.

I asked this before, but did not get an answer -

How many countries with a large Hindu population have not suffered violence recently?

How many predominantly Buddhist countries have not suffered violence recently?

The fact that there are 40 or so Muslim countries and only perhaps 3 Hindu and 6 Buddhist countries may have skewed your judgement.
Relative to what? Muslims? Ha ha ha. You comparing Muslim behavior today, to these isolated pockets of Buddhist violence. Get a life, will ya.

I asked this before, but did not get an answer -

How many countries with a large Hindu population have not suffered violence recently?

How many predominantly Buddhist countries have not suffered violence recently?

The fact that there are 40 or so Muslim countries and only perhaps 3 Hindu and 6 Buddhist countries may have skewed your judgement.
Try making sense next time.
The same can be said of Muslims and Christians
I wonder if Buddha and his followers invaded lands and raped and pillaged and forced Buddhism down people's throats at the point of a sword like Muhammad did with Islam for the last 1400 years. I wonder if Buddhists kill anybody who converts out of Buddhism to another religion, because Buddha said so.

Take out "muslim" and replace with "christian". Muslims are gonna have really work to catch up with the death toll attributed to christians.
Yeah? But I bet you can't take out Muslim or Christian and replace it with Buddhism!
I wonder if Buddha and his followers invaded lands and raped and pillaged and forced Buddhism down people's throats at the point of a sword like Muhammad did with Islam for the last 1400 years. I wonder if Buddhists kill anybody who converts out of Buddhism to another religion, because Buddha said so.

Perhaps if you actually read the news, occasioally?

In Burma:

Video shows Burmese police standing by as Buddhists attack Muslims

Footage emerges of police failing to prevent violence in Burma as EU prepares to lift all sanctions permanently

Video footage has emerged showing Burmese police standing by as Buddhist mobs wielding sticks and swords attack Muslims in Meikhtila – where last month more than 40 people were killed and 12,000 displaced – on the same day that the EU is expected to permanently lift all sanctions against the country.

Video shows Burmese police standing by as Buddhists attack Muslims | World news | guardian.co.uk
Reading comprehension problems again? We're talking about the history, HISTORY of the two religions. I realize you want to paint Islam in the best light possible, but that pig just won't fly.

And what makes you think that Muslims are blameless in these conflicts? Let's not forget that Islam is the religion that invaded all the lands that are now Muslim, and shoved Islam down people's throats at the point of the sword. As proven in Western nations and throughout the world, it is Islam that cannot coexist, not the other way.

Other religions have ore than proven their ability to coexist in the 21st century. Islam has yet to step up to the platter.
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Well, much of the time, anyway. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka they have other priorities, such as becoming the new Israel.

The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims

After a series of attacks on mosques, wild rumours about animal slaughter and an attempt to outlaw the halal system of classification, the BBC's Charles Haviland investigates how Sri Lanka's Muslim minority is being targeted by hardline Buddhists.

On a January morning a crowd of Buddhist monks storm a law college, yelling, chanting and even hitting one or two seemingly random people and pushing back the police. Furiously they shout that the exam results have been distorted to favour Muslims.

BBC News - The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims
Would this be before, or after the Islamist Taliban animals blew up the two ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan, just to prove how peaceful Islam is and how respectful it is of other faiths? Ha ha ha.
As usual they they only give you half the story:

Myanmar jails 7 Muslims for attacks on Buddhist monk | GlobalPost

Myanmar jails 7 Muslims for attacks on Buddhist monk
The arrests come as Myanmar's president met with Obama in Washington to assure the White House about its work towards democracy.

BANGKOK, Thailand — In a high-profile Myanmar court case deciding the fate of Muslims accused of killing a Buddhist monk — whose death spawned a bloody March riot — seven Muslim men received harsh sentences on Tuesday. The verdict is apt to please those among the dominant Buddhist majority in Myanmar, formerly Burma, who have been swept up in a growing nationalist anti-Muslim fervor.

The defendants received prison terms ranging from two to 28 years, a justice official said. Among the charges: religious disrespect. The monk's death in Mandalay Division was followed by an arson and killing spree that left entire Muslim quarters burned down in several cities, dozens dead and roughly 12,000 displaced, according to government figures.
Roudy -

Still waiting for a reply to post #46.

Btw. Sri Lanka is not even in the same global region as Afghanistan, hence events in one do not directly influence events in the other.
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Roudy -

Still waiting for a reply to post #46.

Btw. Sri Lanka is not even in the same global region as Afghanistan, hence events in one do not directly influence events in the other.

You are a joke. Trying to compare Muslim disrespect and violence towards other religions to Buddhists.


Akmeemana Dayarathana, founder of another ultra-nationalist Buddhist group, Sinhala Echo, said that Muslims have a history of destroying Buddhist communities and cultures across South and East Asia.

“[Sri Lanka] is the only country for the Sinhalese,” he told BBC. ”Look around the world — Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and others — they were all Buddhist countries, but the Muslims destroyed the culture and then took over the country. We worry they’re planning it here too.”

Islamic clerics facing massive protests from militant Buddhists in Sri Lanka have put an end to the island's widespread halal labeling system for food.

New Sinhalese Buddahist group Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Strength Force) staged large rallies throughout February 2013 calling for the abolition of the Muslim halal system of certifying that foods and other goods follow Islamic dietary guidelines.

Food manufacturers in Sri Lanka, especially those who export to Middle Eastern countries, have long made all their products using halal methods to avoid the costs of two separate production lines. The products were labeled with the halal certificate, issued by Islamic body All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU).

But protesters argued that it was unfair that Muslims, less than 10 percent of the Sri Lankan population, should force the majority Buddhist population to eat food prepared according to Islamic law.
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Nope, Atheists have liked just as much if not more.

Actually, no wars have been fought in the cause of atheism. People like to bring up Stalin et al, but athiesm was what drove them. Realistically - what does athiesm have to bind people and motivate them to great acts of destruction and construction?
Roudy -

How many countries with a large Hindu population have not suffered violence recently?

How many predominantly Buddhist countries have not suffered violence recently?

The fact that there are 40 or so Muslim countries and only perhaps 3 Hindu and 6 Buddhist countries may have skewed your judgement.
Roudy -

How many countries with a large Hindu population have not suffered violence recently?

How many predominantly Buddhist countries have not suffered violence recently?

The fact that there are 40 or so Muslim countries and only perhaps 3 Hindu and 6 Buddhist countries may have skewed your judgement.
Wrong again. Hindus and Buddhists do not have problems with Christians, Jews, Bahaiis, Sikhs, and people of other faiths. Except for Islam and Muslims. Now why is that? Hmmmm...lemme think...probably because Muslims are pulling the same usual shit they have been all over the globe.
Roudy -

How many countries with a large Hindu population have not suffered violence recently?

How many predominantly Buddhist countries have not suffered violence recently?

The fact that there are 40 or so Muslim countries and only perhaps 3 Hindu and 6 Buddhist countries may have skewed your judgement.
Wrong again. Hindus and Buddhists do not have problems with Christians, Jews, Bahaiis, Sikhs, and people of other faiths. Except for Islam and Muslims. Now why is that? Hmmmm...lemme think...probably because Muslims are pulling the same usual shit they have been all over the globe.

Hindus have committed violence on Sikhs and Muslims - there's been plenty of back and forth violence there. They've also attacked Christians. You might need to study up on that part of the world.

Buddhists are similar: Buddhism and violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Roudy -

How many countries with a large Hindu population have not suffered violence recently?

How many predominantly Buddhist countries have not suffered violence recently?

The fact that there are 40 or so Muslim countries and only perhaps 3 Hindu and 6 Buddhist countries may have skewed your judgement.
Wrong again. Hindus and Buddhists do not have problems with Christians, Jews, Bahaiis, Sikhs, and people of other faiths. Except for Islam and Muslims. Now why is that? Hmmmm...lemme think...probably because Muslims are pulling the same usual shit they have been all over the globe.

Hindus have committed violence on Sikhs and Muslims - there's been plenty of back and forth violence there. They've also attacked Christians. You might need to study up on that part of the world.

Buddhists are similar: Buddhism and violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Didn't Mother Teresa spend decades in India helping the poor and needy? Nobody is claiming "there is no violence towards people of other faiths, period" But overall, Hindus are very tolerant of non Hindus, and I know this from personal experience. Many Jews that fled Arab countries, settled in India and South Asian Buddhist countries. There was absolutely no problem whatsoever in India or any of those countries.

The vast majority of the violence and friction exists between Hindus and Muslims or Buddhists and Muslims because Muslims invaded their lands and killed them by the millions, and all they are doing now is trying to preserve their country, culture, and identity from being destroyed and go the way of other lands invaded by Muslims. I think maybe you should study up on that part of the world a little:


"The Constitution of India declares the nation to be a secular republic that must uphold the right of citizens to freely worship and propagate any or no religion or faith.[9][10] The Constitution of India also declares the right to freedom of religion as a fundamental right."
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Roudy -

How many countries with a large Hindu population have not suffered violence recently?

How many predominantly Buddhist countries have not suffered violence recently?

The fact that there are 40 or so Muslim countries and only perhaps 3 Hindu and 6 Buddhist countries may have skewed your judgement.
Wrong again. Hindus and Buddhists do not have problems with Christians, Jews, Bahaiis, Sikhs, and people of other faiths. Except for Islam and Muslims. Now why is that? Hmmmm...lemme think...probably because Muslims are pulling the same usual shit they have been all over the globe.

You did not answer the question - obviously.

Why not just be honest and open and accept that EVERY country with a large Hindu population and the majority of countries with a large Buddist population had also experience internicine violence during the past decade or so.

Hence, the violence appears to be more regional than religious.

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