Buddhism: the religion of peace

Two Thumbs -

Absolutely. It is simply unacceptable that Muslims run around making people attack them.

Glad we agree

If muslims would stop killing innocent people
attempt to blend in with the regions they invade instead of try to replace
stop executing women for minor things
join the 19th century
and maybe when they do run countries, stop being complete dicks to the rest of the word

This would stop happening to them

muslims are vile people that treat their neighbors like shit.

they treat people so poorly that they were actually able to drive buddist monks to violence.

and just an fyi; There's a HUGE difference between a couple people getting buddah smacked and blowing up a bus full of children.


muslims are vile people that treat their neighbors like shit.

they treat people so poorly that they were actually able to drive buddist monks to violence.

and just an fyi; There's a HUGE difference between a couple people getting buddah smacked and blowing up a bus full of children.


Are you saying that EVERY Muslim you have ever met has been a vile terrorist?

muslims are vile people that treat their neighbors like shit.

they treat people so poorly that they were actually able to drive buddist monks to violence.

Two Thumbs -

The idea that Muslims are responsible for making people come and beat them up is beyond silly. There is no evidence in this story that Muslims are in any way responsible for violence.

Your posting here is based entirely on prejudice and ignorance.

muslims are vile people that treat their neighbors like shit.

they treat people so poorly that they were actually able to drive buddist monks to violence.

Two Thumbs -

The idea that Muslims are responsible for making people come and beat them up is beyond silly. There is no evidence in this story that Muslims are in any way responsible for violence.

Your posting here is based entirely on prejudice and ignorance.

So your saying a bunch of buddist monks got together and decided to kick some muslim ass just for fun.

you're a blind idiot

muslims are vile people that treat their neighbors like shit.

they treat people so poorly that they were actually able to drive buddist monks to violence.

and just an fyi; There's a HUGE difference between a couple people getting buddah smacked and blowing up a bus full of children.


Are you saying that EVERY Muslim you have ever met has been a vile terrorist?

I've worked with a few. Those I talked with made it clear I was an infedel.

some went to far, some were polite.

but it's like gang bangers, not all of them are killers, but none of them will stop another member from killing
Wasn't Pol Pot a Buddhist? and isn't Kim Jong Un a Buddhist?

Pot was a commie, and therefore an athiest.

Un? :gives:

Not all communists have been athiests - ever heard of Liberation Theology?

Pol Pot was raised a Buddhist and Catholic. In this regard, Dr. Ian Harris, a Reader in Religious Studies at the University College of St. Martin, relates: "In one of his early writings Pol Pot wrote approvingly that the 'democratic regime will bring back the Buddhist moralism because our great leader Buddha was the first to have taught [democracy].'" Although in comparison to the Abrahamic religions its history is far less violent, Buddhism has not been entirely devoid of atrocity in its spread and practice.

Were Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot atheists?
Your attitude is one of superiority, as if you know what it means. Do you? I hope you do. Tell us. LOL? That is such a petty remark, how old are you? Spare me, I don’t care.

It actually comes from an old koan attributed to Zen Master Linji, (the founder of the Rinzai sect). It’s a simple one:

“If you meet the Buddha, kill him.” — Linji

I’m sure you already realize that it’s not being literal. The road, the killing, and even the Buddha are symbolic.

The road is generally taken to mean the path to Enlightenment; that might be through meditation, study, prayer, or just some aspect of your way of life. Your life is your ‚Äúroad.‚Äù That’s fairly straightforward as far as metaphors go.

But how do you meet the Buddha on this “road?” Imagine meeting some symbolic Buddha. Would he be a great teacher that you might actually meet and follow in the real world? Could that Buddha be you yourself, having reached Enlightenment? Or maybe you have some idealized image of perfection that equates to your concept of the Buddha or Enlightenment.

Whatever your conception is of the Buddha, it’s WRONG! Now kill that image and keep practicing. This all has to do with the idea that reality is an impermanent illusion. If you believe that you have a correct image of what it means to be Enlightened, then you need to throw out (kill) that image and keep meditating.

Most people have heard the first chapter of the Tao, “The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao.” (So if you think you see the real Tao, kill it and move on).

If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him « Daily Buddhism

Thank you for that, I am having a problem here with Buddhism because of ...reincarnation, I can't get past that anymore than I can believe in Jesus resurrection or any form of immortality.

Hi Mary the best explanation I have heard of this, and it was by a Buddhist monk,
is that the KARMA reincarnates, not the soul.

This makes sense, in Christianity also, that the sins of the past, if these are not forgiven and resolved, get passed down to future generations. so either it causes repeat suffering, or it motivates people to resolve problems to break the cycle, and learn from history instead of repeating it. it is cause and effect, the laws of karma, reaping what you sow.
So if you do not like the suffering and problems, then by feeling the repeat effects this forces humanity to find and solve the root causes to end that suffering.
Myanmar Muslims jailed for killing Buddhist monk

This shows that both religious and political abuses are hard to check
when there are conflicts of interest in "taking sides." As one Buddhist peacemaker points out in his workshops, the minute you have any "them vs. us" division, this will implode on itself and destroy the whole. The foundation and spirit must be built on "equal inclusion" BEFORE rule of law can be enforced consistently, or else the authority will get hijacked.

In Constitutional and Christian laws, where these are interpreted to INCLUDE
both sides of a conflict in the justice process as EQUALS under law, then the focus is on PRESERVING and RESTORING justice for BOTH sides of the conflict.

Where this universal inclusion is lost, however, then people get divided into taking sides by religion or by party, there is not equal interest in defending both; and the relations and laws fall apart due to political bullying by coersion or exclusion.

All laws and religions can be abused to start favoring one party over another in this way.

It is the SPIRIT of the law that needs to be enforced: not compromising inclusion or the rule of law, but enforcing both together; having both full and equal representation and inclusion AND agreeing to enforce the laws consistently for all people and parties. it has to be by consent of ALL the governed for laws and govt to sustain peaceably for order.

In Christianity we are supposed to have equal forgiveness and mercy for all in order to have peace and justice.
Under Constitutional laws we are supposed to have equal protection of the laws for equal justice and due process and religious freedom.

In Buddhism there is supposed to be equal compassion for all beings, and the Buddha advised against turning the Sangha or community into political factions for private gain.
There is supposed to be spiritual oneness of being, where there is no separation between the individual, the whole, and thus any other beings who are part of the one creation.

In Islam there is supposed to be peaceful coexistence, and both Islam and Buddhism prohibit religious indoctrination or compulsion. So clearly there is political fanaticism
corrupting and imposing here, as with other cases of abuse of church or state authority.

just human fear, division and selfish conflict that collectively is imposed and expressed
through institutions, corrupting either religious and/or govt groups for political dominance.

Once groups faction off, and repeat the vicious cycle of retribution and war,
then it takes "divine forgiveness and mercy" to break this trend.
neither Buddhism nor Islam on its own have this ability, but
the "divine forgiveness" which Christ Jesus represents has that authority for all people of all walks and all groups and nations.

So whatever you call this "divine intervention" where compassion/charity for all intersects with commitment to enforce laws equally for justice
that is where all people of all tribes and nations will eventually submit to this one authority.

Christian know this part of the process as repenting and asking divine help with forgiveness so justice with mercy can be received to save all relations, souls and humanity.
Buddhists and nontheists may call it letting go, or spiritually detaching/emptying oneself and one's mind of emotional or material prejudice in order to be perfectly objective and open to receive
pure wisdom and truth.

Whatever part of the enlightenment and salvation process we call these different steps,
all humanity has to go through them in order to break the cycle of karma or sin, and establish truth and justice that will liberate humanity from war and suffering.
it is the same process, and the spirit of truth and justice that God/Jesus represent fulfills all these paths on the way to spiritual maturity and harmony for all humanity.
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Well, much of the time, anyway. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka they have other priorities, such as becoming the new Israel.

The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims

After a series of attacks on mosques, wild rumours about animal slaughter and an attempt to outlaw the halal system of classification, the BBC's Charles Haviland investigates how Sri Lanka's Muslim minority is being targeted by hardline Buddhists.

On a January morning a crowd of Buddhist monks storm a law college, yelling, chanting and even hitting one or two seemingly random people and pushing back the police. Furiously they shout that the exam results have been distorted to favour Muslims.

BBC News - The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims

Why are the Buddhists doing this? I find it hard to believe they woke up one day and decided to start attacking Muslims.
Well, much of the time, anyway. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka they have other priorities, such as becoming the new Israel.

The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims

After a series of attacks on mosques, wild rumours about animal slaughter and an attempt to outlaw the halal system of classification, the BBC's Charles Haviland investigates how Sri Lanka's Muslim minority is being targeted by hardline Buddhists.

On a January morning a crowd of Buddhist monks storm a law college, yelling, chanting and even hitting one or two seemingly random people and pushing back the police. Furiously they shout that the exam results have been distorted to favour Muslims.

BBC News - The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims

Why are the Buddhists doing this? I find it hard to believe they woke up one day and decided to start attacking Muslims.

Most of the time these conflicts have their origins in ethnic/tribal tensions rather than religious ones. It's just easier to blame it on the Muslims.
Well, much of the time, anyway. Unfortunately in Sri Lanka they have other priorities, such as becoming the new Israel.

The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims

After a series of attacks on mosques, wild rumours about animal slaughter and an attempt to outlaw the halal system of classification, the BBC's Charles Haviland investigates how Sri Lanka's Muslim minority is being targeted by hardline Buddhists.

On a January morning a crowd of Buddhist monks storm a law college, yelling, chanting and even hitting one or two seemingly random people and pushing back the police. Furiously they shout that the exam results have been distorted to favour Muslims.

BBC News - The hardline Buddhists targeting Sri Lanka's Muslims

There is a simple solution to the problem ----Sri Lanka
need not be the "new Israel" It can be the "NEW
INDONESIA" which includes a very acceptable
basis which saigon, himself LAUDS ---panscila.
Panscila---describes "legal religions" --which includes
an EXCLUSION of some religions. ---Sri Lanka's population
includes about 70% Buddhists and less than 10 %
muslims. The PANSCILA system for Sri Lanka
can be instituted by POPULAR ACCLAIM----excluding
islam as a legal religion ----PROBLEM SOLVED.
There is another precedent for such a move
in MALDIVES---which approved legislation rendering
all non muslim residents NOT ELIGIBLE
for citizenship. Saigon will be delighted with any
attempt by SRI LANKA to emulate the two fine
examples-----Maldives and Indonesia
Relative to what? Muslims? Ha ha ha. You comparing Muslim behavior today, to these isolated pockets of Buddhist violence. Get a life, will ya.
The Buddha said, "Live harmlessly, and kill nothing". People who do anything different are not real Buddhists.

The same can be said of Muslims and Christians
I wonder if Buddha and his followers invaded lands and raped and pillaged and forced Buddhism down people's throats at the point of a sword like Muhammad did with Islam for the last 1400 years. I wonder if Buddhists kill anybody who converts out of Buddhism to another religion, because Buddha said so.

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