Buddhist terror


Gold Member
May 4, 2012
What I find interesting about the current wave of Buddhist violence is not so much that it exists, but that so many people wish to apologise for it. Let's see if today's story gathers much support:

Sri Lanka Buddhist mob attacks Colombo mosque.

A Buddhist mob has attacked a mosque in the Grandpass area of the Sri Lankan capital Colombo, leaving at least five people injured.

Buddhists and Muslims clashed after the attack, and police imposed a curfew in the area.

Last month, a group of Buddhist monks had protested near the mosque, demanding it be relocated.

In recent months hardline Buddhist groups have mounted a campaign against Muslim and Christian targets.

The past year has seen mounting religious tension in the country as hardline Buddhist groups have attacked mosques and Muslim-owned businesses, as well as churches and clergy.

In February, one group also called for the abolition of the Muslim halal system of certifying foods and other goods.

Buddhist hardliners accuse Muslims and Christians of promoting extremism and trying to convert Buddhists to their own faiths.

BBC News - Sri Lanka Buddhist mob attacks Colombo mosque
I've been reading up on the background to this and it's very strange.
It seems a lot of the problem is down to halal meat and the pacifist Buddhists willing to violently stop it and hurt people who want to eat it.

This goes against all Buddhist teachings I've ever read so just goes to prove, even pacifists have violent extremists in their ranks.

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