Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle

Democrats screwed over the unemployed to pass this bill. Republicans screwed over veterans to pass this bill, and I'M telling people what to think? Did anyone bother to think this bill through before they passed it?

Nope they didn't. 2014 and mid terms are fast approaching.
Suddenly, attacking family is acceptable?

Ever have a two-person income, and one person loses their job? All the stuff that was already ordered still needs to be paid for. So what do you do? Say you're not going to pay?

America can't afford to continue to provide corporate welfare.
[MENTION=21665]Dont Taz Me Bro[/MENTION]

You would be wise to adjust or perhaps erase that post. We don't go after family members here, Bro. I don't care what political similarities or differences we hold, attacking someone's family is out of bounds.
When neither political party is happy, I'm happy. The vet thing sucks but otherwise I'm all in.
Pretty amazing to hear those of you who hate the government and hate the deficit spending by the government, get all weepy and teary eyed because a group of people that you all support are going to have their benefits cut.

Of course, those vets reliably vote Repub (at least that is what you all say). So are you rethugs simply trying to buy votes from Vets like you claim Dems are buying votes from poor people?

Just curious.
Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- A federal budget compromise that already passed the House cleared a key procedural hurdle on Tuesday in the Senate, increasing the likelihood it will win final Congressional approval this week.

President Barack Obama has signaled his support for the plan worked out by the budget committee leaders in each chamber that would guide government spending into 2015 to defuse the chances of another shutdown such as the one that took place in October.

Tuesday's vote overcame a Republican filibuster attempt that required 60 votes in the 100-member chamber to proceed on the budget measure. The count was 67-33, with a dozen Republicans joining the 55 Democrats and independents in support of the plan.

Final approval in the Senate requires a simple majority of 51 votes. The budget plan easily passed the House last week on a 332-94 vote.

Cmon, y'all! Why. WHY would you make a filibuster attempt? The government is supposed to work. Attempted derailment is not what we expect from you.

I am very proud of ALL who are making this happen.

you are an idiot :up: retired Vets and wounded Vets are paying for this bullshit so that fucking illegals can have more welfare.., you commies just don't get it yet ! but then what does one expect from those who hate our military heros.
disabled and retired Vets are paying for the increased benefits for scumbucket illegals :up: .... :up: .... :up:

A provision in the already House-passed bill would cut retirement benefits for military retirees by $6 billion over 10 years.

Sessions wanted to instead eliminate an estimated $4.2 billion in annual spending by reining in an IRS credit that illegal immigrants have claimed.

He and fellow senators argued the bill unfairly sticks veterans and other military retirees with the cost of new spending.

“It’s not correct, and it should not happen,” Sessions said on the floor.

LoneLaugher Yeah! Liberals and Democrats all hate military vets! Everyone knows that! for a liarberal you do sometimes tell the truth :up:
Like I said in another post, by voting for this, what every single democrat did, and 12 liberal repubs, to our disabled veterans is a travesty. What a bunch of American hating communist assholes


Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal | Washington Free Beacon

Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal

A provision cutting the pensions of military retirees in the bipartisan budget deal that the Senate will vote on this week does not exempt disabled veterans, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Disabled retirees were previously thought to be exempt from the changes to military retiree pay, which could cost servicemembers up to $124,000 over a 20-year period.

The Free Beacon previously reported that military retirees under the age of 62 would receive 1 percentage point less in their annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in the plan crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D., Wash.).

The section of the U.S. code that has been altered also applies to disabled servicemembers, many of whom have been wounded in combat
Like I said in another post, by voting for this, what every single democrat did, and 12 liberal repubs, to our disabled veterans is a travesty. What a bunch of American hating communist assholes


Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal | Washington Free Beacon

Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal

A provision cutting the pensions of military retirees in the bipartisan budget deal that the Senate will vote on this week does not exempt disabled veterans, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Disabled retirees were previously thought to be exempt from the changes to military retiree pay, which could cost servicemembers up to $124,000 over a 20-year period.

The Free Beacon previously reported that military retirees under the age of 62 would receive 1 percentage point less in their annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in the plan crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D., Wash.).

The section of the U.S. code that has been altered also applies to disabled servicemembers, many of whom have been wounded in combat

it is a shame
I know! I wish those Democrats would stop trying so hard to cut spending! If not for the GOP, they'd cut everything for veterans! Cut, cut, cut!
Everybody has to have some skin in the game. If you are not a plutocrat (which I assure you that an injured Vet is not a plutocrat) then you have to line up and take your medicine like a man or woman.

It is ONLY the ultra rich plutocrats that politicians care for. Anyone hear of a plutocrat not getting their rewards? Hell no.

And you rethugs have been so fucking slow to figure this out, I suspect you have been brainwashed by the likes of the party leaders and radio/tv personalities that you all follow.

Hey maybe some of you will start to figure this out. But I doubt it.
[MENTION=21665]Dont Taz Me Bro[/MENTION]

You would be wise to adjust or perhaps erase that post. We don't go after family members here, Bro. I don't care what political similarities or differences we hold, attacking someone's family is out of bounds.

where did he attack anyones family ?????
Everybody has to have some skin in the game. If you are not a plutocrat (which I assure you that an injured Vet is not a plutocrat) then you have to line up and take your medicine like a man or woman.

It is ONLY the ultra rich plutocrats that politicians care for. Anyone hear of a plutocrat not getting their rewards? Hell no.

And you rethugs have been so fucking slow to figure this out, I suspect you have been brainwashed by the likes of the party leaders and radio/tv personalities that you all follow.

Hey maybe some of you will start to figure this out. But I doubt it.

There are other more appropriate areas to get needed revenue. Taking it from disabled vets is socially unacceptable. Every swinging dem voted straight party line for this chit. They need their asses kicked

Everybody has to have some skin in the game. If you are not a plutocrat (which I assure you that an injured Vet is not a plutocrat) then you have to line up and take your medicine like a man or woman.

It is ONLY the ultra rich plutocrats that politicians care for. Anyone hear of a plutocrat not getting their rewards? Hell no.

And you rethugs have been so fucking slow to figure this out, I suspect you have been brainwashed by the likes of the party leaders and radio/tv personalities that you all follow.

Hey maybe some of you will start to figure this out. But I doubt it.

There are other more appropriate areas to get needed revenue. Taking it from disabled vets is socially unacceptable. Every swinging dem voted straight party line for this chit. They need their asses kicked


LMAO. Yes there is dude. But the stupid fuckers you support won't hear of it.

You know where this "more appropriate" source of money is located? That's right. In the pay checks and the bank accounts of the ultra wealthy.

You do know that the Vets have to pony up some money so the ultra rich don't have to pay more taxes.

And you should be fine with that. I know how you loves you some rich people.
Like I said in another post, by voting for this, what every single democrat did, and 12 liberal repubs, to our disabled veterans is a travesty. What a bunch of American hating communist assholes


Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal | Washington Free Beacon

Disabled Military Retirees Not Exempt from Pension Cuts in Budget Deal

A provision cutting the pensions of military retirees in the bipartisan budget deal that the Senate will vote on this week does not exempt disabled veterans, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

Disabled retirees were previously thought to be exempt from the changes to military retiree pay, which could cost servicemembers up to $124,000 over a 20-year period.

The Free Beacon previously reported that military retirees under the age of 62 would receive 1 percentage point less in their annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in the plan crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D., Wash.).

The section of the U.S. code that has been altered also applies to disabled servicemembers, many of whom have been wounded in combat

While I don't like this the far left does not care about this as they can sign up for Obamacare.

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