Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle

Everybody has to have some skin in the game. If you are not a plutocrat (which I assure you that an injured Vet is not a plutocrat) then you have to line up and take your medicine like a man or woman.

It is ONLY the ultra rich plutocrats that politicians care for. Anyone hear of a plutocrat not getting their rewards? Hell no.

And you rethugs have been so fucking slow to figure this out, I suspect you have been brainwashed by the likes of the party leaders and radio/tv personalities that you all follow.

Hey maybe some of you will start to figure this out. But I doubt it.

There are other more appropriate areas to get needed revenue. Taking it from disabled vets is socially unacceptable. Every swinging dem voted straight party line for this chit. They need their asses kicked


LMAO. Yes there is dude. But the stupid fuckers you support won't hear of it.

You know where this "more appropriate" source of money is located? That's right. In the pay checks and the bank accounts of the ultra wealthy.

You do know that the Vets have to pony up some money so the ultra rich don't have to pay more taxes.

And you should be fine with that. I know how you loves you some rich people.

Count them, every swinging lib democrat POS voted for this crap. And 12 Liberal pubs to boot. Taxing the shit out of us already, make us pay for the fubar Obamacare, and kick the vet while he's down.

If Obama wasn't such a spending communist he would not need to take from disabled veterans. Oh, and the wealthy already pay their 'share'.

What a bunch of assholes that voted for this chit

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Out of all the people in this country, the rich, poor, criminal and the like, the Dem's and Obama supporting Pubs go after the disabled veterans COLA. How embarrassing of a moment.


Helping disabled vets rebuild their lives

(CNN) -- As he watched wounded troops being brought inside the hospital on stretchers, Michael Conklin couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"You see this stuff in movies, but I was watching it happen," said Conklin, recalling a 2003 visit to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. "There were so many casualties coming in -- busloads of them."
Conklin made the visit to learn more about the needs of wounded servicemen and women. The needs were overwhelming.
"When these guys come back from war, they are broken," he said, reflecting on the missing limbs, traumatic brain injuries and other devastating wounds he observed.

Helping disabled veterans rebuild their lives - CNN.com
Budget compromise clears Senate procedural hurdle - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- A federal budget compromise that already passed the House cleared a key procedural hurdle on Tuesday in the Senate, increasing the likelihood it will win final Congressional approval this week.

President Barack Obama has signaled his support for the plan worked out by the budget committee leaders in each chamber that would guide government spending into 2015 to defuse the chances of another shutdown such as the one that took place in October.

Tuesday's vote overcame a Republican filibuster attempt that required 60 votes in the 100-member chamber to proceed on the budget measure. The count was 67-33, with a dozen Republicans joining the 55 Democrats and independents in support of the plan.

Final approval in the Senate requires a simple majority of 51 votes. The budget plan easily passed the House last week on a 332-94 vote.

Cmon, y'all! Why. WHY would you make a filibuster attempt? The government is supposed to work. Attempted derailment is not what we expect from you.

I am very proud of ALL who are making this happen.

No.. government is not SUPPOSED to work as you are putting it.. government is SUPPOSED to have a hard time ramming new shit thru...

The problem is that this 'budget' does nothing to solve the problem... it is just funding the leviathan once again with some blinky lights that they will point at to show 'cuts'... that are not really cuts because future sessions of congress are not bound by these decisions...

IMHO, people, senators, and representatives who actually give a shit should hold their ground for true cuts.. and those that do not need to be railroaded out of their places
Democrats screwed over the unemployed to pass this bill. Republicans screwed over veterans to pass this bill, and I'M telling people what to think? Did anyone bother to think this bill through before they passed it?


As I specifically posted at the start of another thread, there was an admendment offered that would cut benefits to illegals and restore benefits to our vets. It was shot down. But hey everyone getting along in congress is much more important then what they actually do. Kumbaya, thanks for your service, now go f yourself. Great thought just to avoid filibuster.

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