Bullies always back down.

Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Cowering on a golf course? Is that anything like cowering in a basement? Dumbass.
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.

A whole side of groupthink bullies bitching about a single bully has to be the fucking most pathetic post of the year so far.
Move to Canada and you will learn how bullies REALLY operate. Not unlike any unaccountable police state in the past, the bullies present themselves as the "good guys". Their supporters are just as bad. Bullies are in fact, cowards. It is all a matter of degrees.

You never failed to take the opportunity to tout what a victim you are. And how terrible candidate is. Leave. Go back where you came from.

You hate the country and have no life here. Go. We don’t need assholes like you living off the government and trashing the hand that feeds you.
it is difficult to punch up when you are POTUS. There aint nobody up there.
Then there's everyone else, including all the real billionaires who continue sticking us with such shitty, batshit crazy candidates to distract us from ever taking a good, hard look at them or how laissez faire capitalism continues destroying us.
Two FAKE impeachments, stolen election, unprecedented surveillance, unprecedented indictment, forced FAKE "vaccine", unnecessary illogical lockdowns, and on and on.....
Bullies often like to pretend they are the victim. Can you think of a single thing he's said since the election that wasn't some form of "they done me wrong"?
Bullies get way with a lot because they are loud, insulting and mean. As long as nobody stands toe to toe with him, he will always get worse. The funny thing is that as soon as someone stands up to a bully, and returns the same they usually back down. That's what happened with Christe and trump. Christie said trump was fat. He called him a petulant child. In front of a MAGA crowd, he called trump what he is --- a loser. Considering how insulting and crude trump is willing to get, you would expect him to release a momentous counter attack, but just like all bullies, he backed down. Now trump is even afraid to debate Christie. What happened to all of trump's bravado? Is he afraid to face off with someone who doesn't cower at trump's insults? If MAGAs are looking for someone that isn't afraid to go toe to toe with their opponent, instead of cowering on a golf course, they should at least admit trump is hiding like the loser he was shown to be in the last election.
Bullies typically do, this is why we are seeing Xiden's DOJ asking to continue the Stalinist show trial against Trump.
You never failed to take the opportunity to tout what a victim you are. And how terrible candidate is. Leave. Go back where you came from.

You hate the country and have no life here. Go. We don’t need assholes like you living off the government and trashing the hand that feeds you.
"Living off the government". This comment is so rich with irony and at the same time convenient dishonesty that it is disgusting.

The creepy Security Industrial Complex, one I surmise that you are a part of; are the reason for my suffering. This includes the constant ringing in my ear and lost hearing. How dare you minimize my suffering with some fake patriotic platitudes.

If not for these dishonest cowards, I would have contributed greatly to our economy and our relationship with Americans by the way. How much would that have meant to Canada in terms of economic activiy and jobs? Mulroney got along very well with Reagan, even took Ronnies advice and it has worked out very well for Canada. We need more who actually get Americans and what they stand for, we need fewer turtles and snakes. Americas see through that B.S a mile away.

I bet you that today if the government hired someone like myself to provide outreach to America and build bridges that I would do a far better job than most of the career bureaucrats that are hired for the job (and have failed miserably of late). I state that not with arrogance but with great confidence.
So, christy is picking a fight with trump and you call trump the bully?

Thats weird even for twisted lib logic
Christie is using trump's tactics. I never said that was the honorable thing to do. I'm just pointing out how it's causing trump to cower.
Christie is using trump's tactics. I never said that was the honorable thing to do. I'm just pointing out how it's causing trump to cower.
So you consider it good when Christie does it but cowardly if trump refuses to play your game?

I dont agree

Christy is a yap dog bitting trump’s ankle

but trump just keeps on walking
"Living off the government". This comment is so rich with irony and at the same time convenient dishonesty that it is disgusting.

The creepy Security Industrial Complex, one I surmise that you are a part of; are the reason for my suffering. This includes the constant ringing in my ear and lost hearing. How dare you minimize my suffering with some fake patriotic platitudes.

If not for these dishonest cowards, I would have contributed greatly to our economy and our relationship with Americans by the way. How much would that have meant to Canada in terms of economic activiy and jobs? Mulroney got along very well with Reagan, even took Ronnies advice and it has worked out very well for Canada. We need more who actually get Americans and what they stand for, we need fewer turtles and snakes. Americas see through that B.S a mile away.

I bet you that today if the government hired someone like myself to provide outreach to America and build bridges that I would do a far better job than most of the career bureaucrats that are hired for the job (and have failed miserably of late). I state that not with arrogance but with great confidence.

Delusional. Just like your delusions about the horrific security state you’re living in and the horror that Canada is.

The problem for you is that I spent all of my professional life as a banker and a law, checking every claim made. Your stories have more holes than Swiss cheese.

Just like your crazy claim that the government was messing with your WIFI when Rogers upgraded your area as part of their infrastructure upgrade after the nationwide crash of their network.

Bat shit crazy.
So you consider it good when Christie does it but cowardly if trump refuses to play your game?

I dont agree

Christy is a yap dog bitting trump’s ankle

but trump just keeps on walking
When did I ever say Christie was good? He's manipulating scum. I expect him to eventually realize kissing trump's ass will help his career more than opposing him, and he will cave just like he did before. I just pointed out how Christie's current tactics are effecting trump for now.

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