Bullies always back down.

Delusional. Just like your delusions about the horrific security state you’re living in and the horror that Canada is.

The problem for you is that I spent all of my professional life as a banker and a law, checking every claim made. Your stories have more holes than Swiss cheese.

Just like your crazy claim that the government was messing with your WIFI when Rogers upgraded your area as part of their infrastructure upgrade after the nationwide crash of their network.

Bat shit crazy.
Comedy. The "upgrades" were made in my neighbourhood a couple of years befire the blackouts and the were made by both Rogers and Bell. The problem now is tha wth the current efforts to interfere in my career the Creepy Ones needed the help of Florida police. This, on top.of the border detainment request years ago (which the U.S showed disdain for btw, they know more than you think). Thus, you reconfirm my thesis every time you persecute me as has occurred for newrly 40 sickening years. You never realized just HOW much I actually knew, and I did a great job of keeping the important details under wraps...
Bullies typically do, this is why we are seeing Xiden's DOJ asking to continue the Stalinist show trial against Trump.

Xiden???? Stalinist?????? Hyperbole much???

Do you use this language to make yourself look stupid on purpose When you refuse to admit That that Donald Trump committed multiple criminal offenses, while in office, you look stupid and gullible.

Trump has confessed/ been found liable or guilty to every crime he’s been charged with. He was in the middle of a fraud trial, which he settled, while he was running for president.

It was Trump’s trade war with China that allowed Xi to say that he could take over Taiwan. Trump stood by and allowed Xi to trample on the agreement to allow Hong Kong to remain free.

Trump personally admits to having taken more than $11 million out of a secret bank account in China, after he was elected president. But let’s talk about Hunter Biden.
Comedy. The "upgrades" were made in my neighbourhood a couple of years befire the blackouts and the were made by both Rogers and Bell. The problem now is tha wth the current efforts to interfere in my career the Creepy Ones needed the help of Florida police. This, on top.of the border detainment request years ago (which the U.S showed disdain for btw, they know more than you think). Thus, you reconfirm my thesis every time you persecute me as has occurred for newrly 40 sickening years. You never realized just HOW much I actually knew, and I did a great job of keeping the important details under wraps...

Nothing you have ever posted has any ring of truth to it and you’ve never backed up a single thing you’ve said, so no I’m under no obligation to believe some asshole on the Internet just because he thinks he’s all that and a bag of peanuts.

Rogers has done no infrastructure upgrades in any part of the country prior to the outage. They’ve been spending all their money on expanding their network and buying up the competition. Try another lie.

You’re just some paid asshole from some anti-democratic country throwing dirt at the democracies.
Comedy. The "upgrades" were made in my neighbourhood a couple of years befire the blackouts and the were made by both Rogers and Bell. The problem now is tha wth the current efforts to interfere in my career the Creepy Ones needed the help of Florida police. This, on top.of the border detainment request years ago (which the U.S showed disdain for btw, they know more than you think). Thus, you reconfirm my thesis every time you persecute me as has occurred for newrly 40 sickening years. You never realized just HOW much I actually knew, and I did a great job of keeping the important details under wraps...
I'll bet you have spent thousands of hours in research, too, haven't you?
When did I ever say Christie was good? He's manipulating scum. I expect him to eventually realize kissing trump's ass will help his career more than opposing him, and he will cave just like he did before. I just pointed out how Christie's current tactics are effecting trump for now.
Trump has always responded to attacks on him by pushing back even harder

Libs were at first shocked to find a repub who refused to meekly submit to his flogging the way Bush and Romney did

So you called it bullying

But we know better
Trump has always responded to attacks on him by pushing back even harder

Libs were at first shocked to find a repub who refused to meekly submit to his flogging the way Bush and Romney did

So you called it bullying

But we know better
Hiding on a golf course and refusing to debate Christie. I'll bet that'll show how tough Trump is, right?
You never failed to take the opportunity to tout what a victim you are. And how terrible candidate is. Leave. Go back where you came from.

You hate the country and have no life here. Go. We don’t need assholes like you living off the government and trashing the hand that feeds you.

Racist black face supporter says what?
One persons bully is the next persons passionate advocate. Strident people are judged to be at least honourable and worthy of respect if things that they are championing win the day through reasonably honest ways . In our sceptered island Churchill is the classic example of a clever , alcoholic bully being revered because he latched onto things which were fundamental to most people . Many would reasonably contend that Trump is a similar character ( without the drink) and Christie type spats are tiny and soon forgotten within the greater picture . imho
No...a bully is a bully is a bully, hun.
Racist black face supporter says what?

When you make up when you make a stupid comment like that, while supporting the work of the KKK, the white supremacists and anti-democracy forces trying to end America’s Constitutional elections, it pales by comparison.

Considering that his first opponent was arrested and charged with defrauding his own party, I think I made the right choice with my votes.

The current conservative leader, is an avowed racist, anti-immigrant, supporter of the trucker convoy, who tried to start his own party because the Conservatives weren’t far enough to the right for him.

No economic policy, no foreign policy, just culture wars. Canadians are not nearly as stupid as Americans and we don’t have a right wing media that is willingly lying to us and getting away with it
How does this work? Trump is a bully, Putin is a bully, Desantis is a bully...Christ sake, don't agree with Biden and we'll call you a bully, or a liar, or racist, or homophobe. What the fuck is wrong with you idiots.
And you're a totally demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist piglet zombie.

When all you have are insults, and nothing to back up your assertions, you’re admitting defeat, and that you have nothing to support your claims

All you do is regurgitate, right wing media lies, and none of that is backed up with evidence, facts, or legal opinions for that matter.
Xiden???? Stalinist?????? Hyperbole much???

Do you use this language to make yourself look stupid on purpose When you refuse to admit That that Donald Trump committed multiple criminal offenses, while in office, you look stupid and gullible.

Trump has confessed/ been found liable or guilty to every crime he’s been charged with. He was in the middle of a fraud trial, which he settled, while he was running for president.

It was Trump’s trade war with China that allowed Xi to say that he could take over Taiwan. Trump stood by and allowed Xi to trample on the agreement to allow Hong Kong to remain free.

Trump personally admits to having taken more than $11 million out of a secret bank account in China, after he was elected president. But let’s talk about Hunter Biden.
just speaking facts

haha that secret bank account that was required by law for him to have in china since he was doing business there? hahah yes let’s talk about hunter, what business was he in with china? why wasn’t he required to have a bank account there like chinese law required for folks doing business there? nice deflection but it fails
Move to Canada and you will learn how bullies REALLY operate. Not unlike any unaccountable police state in the past, the bullies present themselves as the "good guys". Their supporters are just as bad. Bullies are in fact, cowards. It is all a matter of degrees.
^ This.
How does this work? Trump is a bully, Putin is a bully, Desantis is a bully...Christ sake, don't agree with Biden and we'll call you a bully, or a liar, or racist, or homophobe. What the fuck is wrong with you idiots.

All of these people are bullies. If you don’t do what they want done, they will punish you. Harshly.

Donald Trump pardoned all of the molar defendants who didn’t “rat him out”. The defendants, who signed plea agreements and gave evidence against him, he threw in jail and kept them there, or at least tried to.

Trump tried to send Michael Cohen to jail for writing a book about it. He tried to send Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to jail because his wife was the Democratic candidate.

Trump’s major excuse for firing people, was that they weren’t sufficiently “loyal”. The people that Donald Trump refers to as the “deep state”, are people who are loyal to their oath to the Constitution.

DeSantis is bullying women, teachers, and Disney. None of Ron DeSantis is “anti-woke” laws on abortion, gay rights, book bannings, and first amendment rights, including his law allowing motorists to run down protestors, will withstand a Constitutional challenge.

When Republicans are busy passing and codifying laws, which 80% of the American people, strenuously oppose, that’s bullying.
Trump has always responded to attacks on him by pushing back even harder

Libs were at first shocked to find a repub who refused to meekly submit to his flogging the way Bush and Romney did

So you called it bullying

But we know better
Yea Trump really pushed back on Obama by hopping on the birther conspiracy and lying about hiring private investigators...I am pretty sure he won over a lot of support from republican voters by doing so...

But it still means, it took a racist conspiracy for you folks to stop voting for the Bushes and Romneys of the world and become conspiracy fueled Trump sycophants........because it definitely wasn't because of the policies...since they are all the same.....

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