Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

So show us where Bundy lied about his forefathers?

To which the lolberal reply is expected to be sumpin' like: "but but but .. even if he didn't SAY 'on my pappy's side,' clearly that's what he must have MEANT!"

Goes without saying in the WAY BACK MACHINE your friends are using - WOMEN couldn't OWN property back that far. :dig:

Wow. Just wow.

My maternal lineage does not consist just of women. (Nobody's does, in fact.)

Why, in fact, I know for a fact that my mom's father was a male. So was HIS dad. And those males were on the maternal side of my lineage.

See how that works?

To which the lolberal reply is expected to be sumpin' like: "but but but .. even if he didn't SAY 'on my pappy's side,' clearly that's what he must have MEANT!"

Goes without saying in the WAY BACK MACHINE your friends are using - WOMEN couldn't OWN property back that far. :dig:

Wow. Just wow.

My maternal lineage does not consist just of women. (Nobody's does, in fact.)

Why, in fact, I know for a fact that my mom's father was a male. So was HIS dad. And those males were on the maternal side of my lineage.

See how that works?


I do, but the claim specified the female.

Even that is splitting hairs, hell, splitting split hairs, and you damned well know it.
The takeaway from this 'crisis' is simple. First lie. The far right wing in the United States hates our Government Second lie.and is a threat to the rule of law and peace in our nation Third lie.. Fortunately, it appears to be self funded Fourth lie.- thus far - and has no central command and control, Fifth lie. no intelligence (within both meanings of the term) Sixth and Seventh lie. and is fueled by hate, fear and ignorance Eighth lie.. It's likely they'd get their ass handed to them in a casket by any urban gang in the United States Ninth lie..

Militia's should obey the law of the land, i.e. The Constitution of The United States, to wit:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;"

"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

Tenth lie, presumes by exclusion that they are not obeying the law of the land,etc.

It is apparent that the conservative movement which demand the COTUS be understood by the original intent of the authors ignore it when it comes to Militias Eleventh lie.and in fact challenged the legitimate authority of the United States to enforce the laws of the Union in Southern Arizona.Twelfth lie.
Really, which part of my post is a lie?
When I did not answer earlier, I thought you were joking being sarcastic. As no reasonable person would make up 12 lies in one short post then seriously ask, what lie?
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Okay, so I did some research, and came across a post in another forum

"Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States ...." (Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2)... only within the bounds of The Enclave Clause of the Constitution, (Article I, section 8, clause 17), which sets the limits to federal land ownership...

... by giving Congress the power “[t]o exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever” over the District of Columbia and “to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings.”


Being public land in this case, or be it private land, it's owner cannot lawfully be the federal government, even If the state constitution cedes land ownership to the federal government, "forever."... WHY?... Because the US Constitution forbids the federal government from accepting it. ...Again see Article I, Sec. 8, clause 17, US Constitution.

This was the essence of Bundy's argument, and the reason he sought remedy in a state court..

What do you think?

the land should not be owned by the feds period

You think it should be "given" to the rich? Not surprised.
He also didn't participate in an armed resistance. His facebook page repeatedly asked that people not come with arms..the objective was to show the feds up as aggressors.

And they did just that. The statists who approve of the feds actions are a tiny minority, and insane besides. They are the people who don't understand words like "forefathers" and who don't care about the rights of individuals, period. They are people who think human and civil rights violations are a-ok because they hate rural Americans...and anyone else who doesn't support totalitarianism.
Says the one that hails from a party that hates Gays and other minorities....who doesn't believe in separation of church and state although Forefather Jefferson was all for it....

They're sheep. They think that because they need government to tell them how to live, that everybody else should be forced to abide under a tyrannical government....and like it, or else.

So right.....but it's the ones that are defending Bundy being a deadbeat that are sheep.
You want the government to tell women what they can do with their bodies, so apparently you do like government, only when it does what you want it to do.....and apparently you do like free stuff....just like Bundy...he wants to be able to graze his cattle for free while others have to pay....speaking of free stuff......:lol::lol:
Really, which part of my post is a lie?
When I did not answer earlier, I thought you were joking being sarcastic. As no reasonable person would make up 12 lies in one short post then seriously ask, what lie?

YOU charged "liar."
YOU must (are tasked with) identifying the lie (now 12) and give the people evidence that they ARE lies.

YOU charged.
YOU pay.

Oh now we need evidence for our statements? But he's allowed to make shit up with no basis? Why would that be? Further, he's the one charged. If he wants one of the lies proven I'll do so, gladly. Till then it looks to me more like he just wanted to know which of his lies he was being called on.
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When I did not answer earlier, I thought you were joking being sarcastic. As no reasonable person would make up 12 lies in one short post then seriously ask, what lie?

YOU charged "liar."
YOU must (are tasked with) identifying the lie (now 12) and give the people evidence that they ARE lies.

YOU charged.
YOU pay.

Oh now we need evidence for our statements? But he's allowed to make shit up with no basis? Why would that be?

I've never seen barb do that. you on the other hand........
YOU charged "liar."
YOU must (are tasked with) identifying the lie (now 12) and give the people evidence that they ARE lies.

YOU charged.
YOU pay.

Oh now we need evidence for our statements? But he's allowed to make shit up with no basis? Why would that be?

I've never seen barb do that. you on the other hand........

Keep, up. I did not call barb a lair, she's defending Wry Catcher. Or am I confused about some well known sock issue?
The feds weren't the ones setting up sniper positions.

Tell that to the dead cows.


Would they understand human language better than live ones?

And was their fate going to be any different under Crimeboss Bundy?

Well given that the bulls get to have sex with the cows, and the cows get to have calves, and the cows would've had much longer lives before being killed for food vs. being killed for no reason and buried. Yeah, their fate was going to be completely different under the care of the ranchers.
Oh now we need evidence for our statements? But he's allowed to make shit up with no basis? Why would that be?

I've never seen barb do that. you on the other hand........

Keep, up. I did not call barb a lair, she's defending Wry Catcher. Or am I confused about some well known sock issue?

Nope. Wry is a different poster. I've never seen wry do that either, and I read the list. Prove the lie (s), every last one, or you lose. It really IS that simple. (with props to Sallow)
The constitution protect citizens, and visitors we extend such protections to via treaty with their country. The people at Guantanamo are closer to prisoners of war than guests of our country, and thus do not get certain protections, such as trial by jury. In fact a real prisoner of war would be insulted by the insinuation of needing a trial in the first place, or of our courts ability to try them. The hard part is they are part of an undeclared war, and thus we have felt the need to try them. But even then they do not get the full protections Citizens and guests get, because we choose NOT to extend them to them.

Take another look and share with the class how many time citizens are specified in the document rather than persons.

I'll do that the same time you show me where abortion and gay marriage are mentioned in the document.

Marty, thank you for your fail. No, your opinion is not fact.
"No, little bitch, it's gone badly for the anti American pieces of detritus who HOPE the feds would fire on ranchers - or better yet - the women and children they hope to push out front for dramatic effect."

The "militia" were acting no differently than jihadists.

They want their children to be drone feed.
Take another look and share with the class how many time citizens are specified in the document rather than persons.

I'll do that the same time you show me where abortion and gay marriage are mentioned in the document.

Marty, thank you for your fail. No, your opinion is not fact.

Are we attempting to play the White Knight dickweed?

Go back to your threads where you pretend you are a Republican, and of course, as always, go fuck yourself.
I'll do that the same time you show me where abortion and gay marriage are mentioned in the document.

Marty, thank you for your fail. No, your opinion is not fact.

Are we attempting to play the White Knight dickweed?

Go back to your threads where you pretend you are a Republican, and of course, as always, go fuck yourself.

We are where you have demonstrated you are wrong.

Tis what tis. Always.

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