Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

So where has property been condemned via eminent domain based on the Endangered Species act?

Where has property been "condemned" on this thread? BLM sought to make the Bundy's pay their bills for the use of a commons - the Bundy's tried to flood that commons with WAY more than the original arrangement stipulated, lost multiple legal challenges to those stipulations, are scofflaws to the bills that are due and payable for use of that commons, and are currently making the lot of you show your asses in support of countless illegal acts.

Keep your chins up - even Glen Beck and Fawx news may have abandoned you, but you'll always have KG and the insanity that wants to see women and children gunned down...for effect.

You are not answering the question I asked. i asked for specific examples of the ESA using Eminent Domain to protect a species.

The BLM cut back on all the ranchers in the area with the express purpose of putting them out of business. Bundy did increase his herd, but its still smaller than when all the other ranchers were using the land. In his mind its his right.
I've never seen barb do that. you on the other hand........

Keep, up. I did not call barb a lair, she's defending Wry Catcher. Or am I confused about some well known sock issue?

Nope. Wry is a different poster. I've never seen wry do that either, and I read the list. Prove the lie (s), every last one, or you lose. It really IS that simple. (with props to Sallow)

You speaking for Wry now? Or just keeping track of the lies he makes?

Tell you what. Why don't you make the same statements he made, then I'll call you LAIR and provide my proof.
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"Props to Sallow".

It's like the best punchline ever.

These people are pathetic. They're pathetic to begin with, with their overweening ignorance and dismissive attitude towards life...but the fact that they don't even recognize how stupid they look is what makes them over the top pathetic.

If they weren't so incredibly disgusting and unpleasant, one would feel sorry for them.
Pioneers didn't take anything. Indians didn't recognize ownership of land. They thought the whites were morons for paying them for land, because they didn't think it COULD be owned. They took the money thinking they were ripping off whites.

By the time they realized they were wrong, there wasn't much they could do. Except continue to sell land the whites thought was theirs to sell.

They waded into something without preparing themselves and they got pwned. All the statist nutbags posting in this thread should be able to relate.
This thread has gone fine for me, and very poorly indeed for the anti-American pieces of shit who think the feds should fire on ranchers.

The feds weren't the ones setting up sniper positions.

Hi, you have received -7516 reputation points from koshergrl.
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Wrong as usual.


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Oh, "koshergrl"?

Federal rangers face off against armed protesters in Nevada 'range war' | World news | theguardian.com
This thread has gone fine for me, and very poorly indeed for the anti-American pieces of shit who think the feds should fire on ranchers.

The feds weren't the ones setting up sniper positions.

Hi, you have received -7516 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

Wrong as usual.


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Oh, "koshergrl"?

Federal rangers face off against armed protesters in Nevada 'range war' | World news | theguardian.com

ROFL... you have one picture of one lone guy with one gun. No name, no date, nothing.
With a caption that says "a protester aims his weapon from a bridge next to the Bureau of Land Management's base camp. Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters."

The only folks I saw armed in the videos were the fed contractors.
Nobody proved he was a liar. The premise of the thread is a lie, as was exposed within about 3 posts....the OP and every statist retard posting on here apparently thinks "forefathers" is synonymous with "father".

Which makes you the liar.
Pioneers didn't take anything. Indians didn't recognize ownership of land. They thought the whites were morons for paying them for land, because they didn't think it COULD be owned. They took the money thinking they were ripping off whites.

By the time they realized they were wrong, there wasn't much they could do. Except continue to sell land the whites thought was theirs to sell.

They waded into something without preparing themselves and they got pwned. All the statist nutbags posting in this thread should be able to relate.

It's fun watching the Right defending a liar and moocher.

Funny. When you talk about moochers.......

What percentage of people on welfare are Obama voters?

Never mind.

You know nothing about the work it takes to work a ranch.

The fact is liberals are the mooching losers. It is the elite liberals that are pathetic morons that convince all minorities that they are nothing but victims.

The daily hypocritical blather from the pathetic left wing losers continues.
I've been saying it all along. Bundy is just a wacko freeloader with a lot of militia type hero worshipers. He is going to end up with nobody but the Idaho anti-government nuts as his friends and supporters. He is playing a losing hand in a losing game.

Liberals are ones to talk about freeloading, while advocating all sorts of entitlement programs. Explain to me how this logic works?
I just read that the only reason Dems hold sway with a (tiny) majority of female voters is that the welfare moms all vote dem.

Of course they do!
Did you just compare a rancher/squatter standoff to Pearl Harbor? Really?

Sorry, I cannot agree with you on that one. The scope of these two things is just too different to make any logical comparison, imo.

No. Perhaps you should chill out, Stat. Actually you can. Come to think of it, you don't know something so small exists until it winds up making history. If the government fires even one shot at the protesters, it will be just as comprable to the Boston Massacre, or the shot heard round the world.

I didn't say I didn't respect your opinion, TK, I just said I don't agree with your opinion.

I am actually quite chilled out.

If you are saying that this little podunk-nowhere town could be the flashpoint or a turning point in history, I can't disagree with you. That is indeed possible, for it can happen anywhere, anytime, without protesters. Only, I wouldn't put it in the same category as Pearl Harbor.

Perhaps the "chill out" part was unnecessary. I was up all night with a bug, rather cranky. Anyhow Lexington and Concord were 'podunk-nowhere' towns too. Yet, they were the turning points in the American Revolution. Nobody heard of Pearl Harbor until the Japanese bombed it, likewise with Shanksville, Pennsylvania. I wasn't putting anything into any category, just noting a few parallels I see. Bunkerville could be the turning point in the peoples displeasure with the Government. It no longer matters if Bundy broke the law or not, this is being taken to new levels each and every day.
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