Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

Bundy is a Criminal stealing from tax payers. We all need to write out Congressman and demand that justice be done and that he pays his fees. I know that I am!
Well, I'm certainly not stopping you from making an ass out of yourself. Personal liberty and all that jazz.

And I certainly couldn't give a rat's ass what you think of me.

So, I would say that the universe is unfolding as it should.

What ever stat boy. Hey stat boy, what percentage of losers on welfare that refuse to work are Obama voters.

Go ahead stat boy, give us your best educated guess.

Go ahead stat boy. Give us your estimate.

Probably need the point I am making spelled out for you. Don't you hypocrite.

The title of this thread is:

Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

So, are you capable of actually debating the subject of this thread, or are you just here to fling shit and desperately hope that something sticks, owl?

Stop pretending like you are not obfuscating.

You and your types are NOTHING but bloviated, arrogant, ignorant, double talking, hypocrtical piles of shit.

Aboslutely nothing more and nothing less.
What ever stat boy. Hey stat boy, what percentage of losers on welfare that refuse to work are Obama voters.

Go ahead stat boy, give us your best educated guess.

Go ahead stat boy. Give us your estimate.

Probably need the point I am making spelled out for you. Don't you hypocrite.

The title of this thread is:

Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

So, are you capable of actually debating the subject of this thread, or are you just here to fling shit and desperately hope that something sticks, owl?

Stop pretending like you are not obfuscating.

You and your types are NOTHING but bloviated, arrogant, ignorant, double talking, hypocrtical piles of shit.

Aboslutely nothing more and nothing less.[/QUOTE

Why do you use video's of black women to represent the misuse of government distributed cell phones and food assistance from the federal government as a counter to the thread topic of a white rancher's misuse of the federal government's public lands grazing policies? Are you implying that most government cell phone recipients are black women or that most food assistance recipients are black women? Aren't there lots of old white guys getting free cell phones and food assistance? How about white women and young moms getting that stuff?
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Bundy is a Criminal stealing from tax payers. We all need to write out Congressman and demand that justice be done and that he pays his fees. I know that I am!

Indeed. I remember that once in the past, the GOP was actually against lawlessness. Gee, I wonder what happened...

Barack Obama became President and they lost their collective minds.
OK Dumbalec.....who is "we"? The group of disgruntled right-wingers siding with a deadbeat?

You want that piece of land distributed to all Nevadans.....what a nonsensical idea...how much land do you think that would amount to?

It belongs to the government - so in essence belongs to all people....as the government operates for the good of the people....all the people of the US, not a bunch of disgruntled butt hurt people siding with a deadbeat.

so in essence belongs to all people..

not these days

it belongs to nameless faceless un elected bureaucrats

It is hilarious watching these hypocrites claim "dead beat" when they are the same people that fight for welfare for people that refuse to ever work.
By the same token....those here defending this deadbeat are the same ones that would take food out of children's mouth and call their parents deadbeats. Now that would really be hilarious if it wasn't so sad that they would rather defend a wealthy deadbeat than a poor child.

They have no ability to even see their double standards, and so it makes a stupid know it all hippy bitch nothing more than a piece of shit.
Yeah, look in the mirror next time you accuse poor people of being deadbeats.

Which then makes those that like her cliches put forth by the main stream media that calls a rancher a deadbeat dumber.
The dumb one is the one that thinks he is being called a deadbeat because he is a rancher....he's a deadbeat because he wants "free stuff".....remember?

Yes, they actually have the audacity to call a rancher a deadbeat, while they fight for these people that receive money for absolutely nothing.
Yeah, it's dumb to fight for children to have food and a roof over their head....we should demand that children clean the rest rooms in schools before we give them some food....it's smart to defend a wealthy person who doesn't want to pay his taxes because he wants free stuff, while whining about others getting free stuff....brilliant.

Here is another great piece on the actual deadbeats. They are all liberals too.
Liberals aren't deadbeats.....we don't mind paying more taxes so those who are poor can have food....those that cringe at paying a little extra so a child can eat are the deadbeats, while getting their panties all in a wad over the fact that some of us don't defend a wealthy rancher shirking his "patriotic" duty.

They then call a rancher a deadbeat. If any liberal on these boards had to work on a ranch for one day, with in 3 hours they would be running home to the mommy and daddy.
No wonder some cons are defending this deadbeat....they don't realize that a wealthy rancher has ranch hands to do the dirty work......he has the money to pay for it because we taxpayers are the ones carrying the load.
Liberals are losers. The worst part is they think they are so smart. Every one of them are dumber than dirt. Not to mention hypocrites about every issue.

The only way that you can feel good about your ignorance is to call others names...still doesn't change the fact that you are defending/supporting a loser deadbeat and feeling proud about it....now that's dumb.
The most pathetic thing about liberals..they think they're doing a good thing when they steal from Americans who have something to steal, and then redistribute it among the masses.....under the assumption that everybody is like they are, and won't life a finger to help others personally.

Newsflash...those people you like to rob and abuse are the people who run the food banks, who fund the food banks, who fund the charity hospitals, who adopt the children, who house the disenfranchised, who minister and house the addicted....and they do it willingly. Not via money and property that is stolen from them.
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The most pathetic thing about liberals..they think they're doing a good thing when they steal from Americans who have something to steal, and then redistribute it among the masses.....under the assumption that everybody is like they are, and won't life a finger to help others personally.

Newsflash...those people you like to rob and abuse are the people who run the food banks, who fund the food banks, who fund the charity hospitals, who adopt the children, who house the disenfranchised, who minister and house the addicted....

I know a lot of liberals and conservatives that do all those things. Its not confined to a specific party or ideology.
Sure..tell me how many charity hospitals are funded by liberals?

I dont keep count. Whats your point?


According to the foundations, their support goes to “fund a range of programs around the world, from public health to education to business development.” Some of that is true, even in the United States. Soros funds after-school programs, hospitals and the arts.
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My point is you people attack the people who give, because you want what they have. Because you're innately criminal.
I generally restrict myself to explaining things 2 times to obtuse morons. If you're incapable of following and don't get the subject matter, then you should just bow out quietly.
I generally restrict myself to explaining things 2 times to obtuse morons. If you're incapable of following and don't get the subject matter, then you should just bow out quietly.

You should be able to prove your accusations. Dont get mad because you look like a fool now. :lol:
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My point is you people attack the people who give, because you want what they have. Because you're innately criminal.

I give in time and money. Why would I attack myself? For that matter no liberal has ever attacked me. What in the hell are you talking about?

but, but, that destroys her partisan logic!!! :shock:

rw'ers and their broad brushes. Sad :( Because their party had some fine statesmen in it until the t-party purge in 2010 thus painting them into corners like they find themselves in w/ the Desert Deadbeat.
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My point is you people attack the people who give, because you want what they have. Because you're innately criminal.

I give in time and money. Why would I attack myself? For that matter no liberal has ever attacked me. What in the hell are you talking about?

but, but, that destroys her partisan logic!!! :shock:

rw'ers and their broad brushes. Sad :( Because their party had some fine statesmen in it until the t-party purge in 2010 thus painting them into corners like they find themselves in w/ the Desert Deadbeat.
gotta love libtards...

When they see a modifier like "natural" rights they freak out and say there's no such thing as natural rights.

Then when you don't use broad brush statements like saying "all" libs do is attack "everyone" who gives, and instead be more specific by saying you people attack the people who give, because.. you again freak out as if the term "some" people has to be used each and every time a plural word is used otherwise you must mean ALL PEOPLE. ROFL What a bunch of dumb ass trolls.

If you use adjectives, adverbs, etc. they freak out and say you mean without the modifier. If you don't use a modifier they say you mean with the modifier. ROFL
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Okay, my ancestors, on my mother's side, come from Campbell MN. They've been there since before it was founded. Yet, according to some on here, if I were to move there today, I can't claim that my ancestors have been on that land for generations, because I just moved there today.
LOL Bundy should falsely claim Cherokee heritage. Apparently one can do that, get rewarded for it by Harvard University and then run for Senate. Ask Liz Warren aka Fauxcahantas.

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