Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

Brown you are having a problem with reading my words and my mind. I would have called him a stupid bitch if that was my intent. I merely warned that those who did so were stupid bitches. Slight difference that escapes your level of understanding.

No that's not what you said. I quoted you letter for letter. If you intended to say it as a warning.. you should've done so. For example, you might have instead said something like people need to be careful about calling others stupid bitches or they may make themselves out to be that which they are deriding.

I already graduated from school so I write how I want to. If you have a problem interpreting what I wrote...ask for clarification. That is the only way you wont look like an ass attempting to assign some random meaning to my words. In all my years alive no one has ever been able to read my mind except me. If I wanted to call owl a stupid bitch, I'm quite capable of typing that sentence.

No that's not what you said. I quoted you letter for letter. If you intended to say it as a warning.. you should've done so. For example, you might have instead said something like people need to be careful about calling others stupid bitches or they may make themselves out to be that which they are deriding.

I already graduated from school so I write how I want to. If you have a problem interpreting what I wrote...ask for clarification. That is the only way you wont look like an ass attempting to assign some random meaning to my words. In all my years alive no one has ever been able to read my mind except me. If I wanted to call owl a stupid bitch, I'm quite capable of typing that sentence.


Does that mean you admit to digging yourself a hole and you are crazy?
I already graduated from school so I write how I want to. If you have a problem interpreting what I wrote...ask for clarification. That is the only way you wont look like an ass attempting to assign some random meaning to my words. In all my years alive no one has ever been able to read my mind except me. If I wanted to call owl a stupid bitch, I'm quite capable of typing that sentence.


Does that mean you admit to digging yourself a hole and you are crazy?

You still don't understand this whole time thing.

Time 1- you make a post.
Time 2- I respond to your post with another post.

It's call "communication."

My post at time 2 is not about the post I made at time 2 as you appear to believe.

Your understanding of time and sequence of events is beyond moronic.

Moron - 1) a person affected with mild mental retardation
2) a very stupid person
Eg. Nearly everything [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] says exposes to the world that he is moron.
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You can all tell how fucking simple minded every liberal is when all you need to do is stick to the same old script of cliches.

The same group of fuckballs that bring up liberals and Saint Judes, are same types of scumbags that protest the Kochs giving 100 million dollars to a hospital.


Look at those scumbag hypocrites. Is that Mertex holding the sign? I think it very well could be.

Owl you are a stupid moron.

So, you stink fucking hypocrites brag how much the fucking liberals care so much for kids. You fucking stink hypocrites bring up St Judes.

I point out stink pathetic fucking hypocritical piece of shit liberals protesting (get this) for the Koch brothers donating 100 million dollars to a hospital.

Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

Was the hospital secretly to be used as a gay re-education camp that would seek to use a combination of systematic exposure to Sylvester Stallone movies, shock therapy and prayer to destroy homosexual impulses in its patients?

Or was there simply to be a large sign posted at the door that read, “Sorry! Whites only.”
It turned out that none of these factors was at play. The new structure will simply be an ordinary wing of a hospital doing regular hospital stuff like saving lives, charging $25 for a Tylenol and (equally important to the unions, you would think) employing lots of healthcare professionals. The $100 million gift was the largest in the hospital’s history.

No, the only thing the liberal interest groups didn’t like about the new hospital wing was its funding source: the philanthropist known as David H. Koch. The new wing was gratefully to be named after Koch, who along with his brother Charles stands as one of today’s great philanthropists.

Among the many David Koch gifts to this city alone are a previous $15 million to New York-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, $30 million to Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, $25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery, $20 million to a dinosaur exhibit at the
American Museum of Natural History, $65 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and $100 million to the Lincoln Center theater that is home to the New York City Ballet and the
New York City Opera.

If you’re a ballerina, an opera singer, a dinosaur or just a person who has been or could potentially become sick in this city, you should think of David Koch approximately the way you think of, say, Derek Jeter, only not really because Jeter profits from you whereas you profit from Koch.

No hospital receiving funding from George Soros has to worry about a picket line forming outside, even though Soros funded Lynne Stewart, the radical lawyer who served four years in prison for providing material support to al Qaeda terrorism. But let’s not sweat it. It’s not like Soros backs terrorists. He merely backs those who back terrorists, so it’s cool.

The anti-Koch groups held their protest on International Women’s Day to signify that this was a woman’s issue: It turns out a group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which also receives some Koch brothers largesse, has given $1 million to Susan B. Anthony’s List, a pro-life group. And the nurses who have made it their calling to protect human life? They don’t like that.


Liberals are pathetic. You are a liberal. That means you are pathetic.
You can all tell how fucking simple minded every liberal is when all you need to do is stick to the same old script of cliches.

The same group of fuckballs that bring up liberals and Saint Judes, are same types of scumbags that protest the Kochs giving 100 million dollars to a hospital.


Look at those scumbag hypocrites. Is that Mertex holding the sign? I think it very well could be.

Owl you are a stupid moron.

So, you stink fucking hypocrites brag how much the fucking liberals care so much for kids. You fucking stink hypocrites bring up St Judes.

I point out stink pathetic fucking hypocritical piece of shit liberals protesting (get this) for the Koch brothers donating 100 million dollars to a hospital.

Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

Was the hospital secretly to be used as a gay re-education camp that would seek to use a combination of systematic exposure to Sylvester Stallone movies, shock therapy and prayer to destroy homosexual impulses in its patients?

Or was there simply to be a large sign posted at the door that read, “Sorry! Whites only.”
It turned out that none of these factors was at play. The new structure will simply be an ordinary wing of a hospital doing regular hospital stuff like saving lives, charging $25 for a Tylenol and (equally important to the unions, you would think) employing lots of healthcare professionals. The $100 million gift was the largest in the hospital’s history.

No, the only thing the liberal interest groups didn’t like about the new hospital wing was its funding source: the philanthropist known as David H. Koch. The new wing was gratefully to be named after Koch, who along with his brother Charles stands as one of today’s great philanthropists.

Among the many David Koch gifts to this city alone are a previous $15 million to New York-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, $30 million to Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, $25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery, $20 million to a dinosaur exhibit at the
American Museum of Natural History, $65 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and $100 million to the Lincoln Center theater that is home to the New York City Ballet and the
New York City Opera.

If you’re a ballerina, an opera singer, a dinosaur or just a person who has been or could potentially become sick in this city, you should think of David Koch approximately the way you think of, say, Derek Jeter, only not really because Jeter profits from you whereas you profit from Koch.

No hospital receiving funding from George Soros has to worry about a picket line forming outside, even though Soros funded Lynne Stewart, the radical lawyer who served four years in prison for providing material support to al Qaeda terrorism. But let’s not sweat it. It’s not like Soros backs terrorists. He merely backs those who back terrorists, so it’s cool.

The anti-Koch groups held their protest on International Women’s Day to signify that this was a woman’s issue: It turns out a group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which also receives some Koch brothers largesse, has given $1 million to Susan B. Anthony’s List, a pro-life group. And the nurses who have made it their calling to protect human life? They don’t like that.


Liberals are pathetic. You are a liberal. That means you are pathetic.

Feel better now?

Does that mean you admit to digging yourself a hole and you are crazy?

You still don't understand this whole time thing.

Time 1- you make a post.
Time 2- I respond to your post with another post.

It's call "communication."

My post at time 2 is not about the post I made at time 2 as you appear to believe.

Your understanding of time and sequence of events is beyond moronic.

Moron - 1) a person affected with mild mental retardation
2) a very stupid person
Eg. Nearly everything [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] says exposes to the world that he is moron.

You still don't understand you cant read my mind. You are a moron for believing you can. When in doubt ask. That would have saved you from looking stupid assuming you knew what I meant.
You can all tell how fucking simple minded every liberal is when all you need to do is stick to the same old script of cliches.

The same group of fuckballs that bring up liberals and Saint Judes, are same types of scumbags that protest the Kochs giving 100 million dollars to a hospital.


Look at those scumbag hypocrites. Is that Mertex holding the sign? I think it very well could be.

Owl you are a stupid moron.

So, you stink fucking hypocrites brag how much the fucking liberals care so much for kids. You fucking stink hypocrites bring up St Judes.

I point out stink pathetic fucking hypocritical piece of shit liberals protesting (get this) for the Koch brothers donating 100 million dollars to a hospital.

Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

Was the hospital secretly to be used as a gay re-education camp that would seek to use a combination of systematic exposure to Sylvester Stallone movies, shock therapy and prayer to destroy homosexual impulses in its patients?

Or was there simply to be a large sign posted at the door that read, “Sorry! Whites only.”
It turned out that none of these factors was at play. The new structure will simply be an ordinary wing of a hospital doing regular hospital stuff like saving lives, charging $25 for a Tylenol and (equally important to the unions, you would think) employing lots of healthcare professionals. The $100 million gift was the largest in the hospital’s history.

No, the only thing the liberal interest groups didn’t like about the new hospital wing was its funding source: the philanthropist known as David H. Koch. The new wing was gratefully to be named after Koch, who along with his brother Charles stands as one of today’s great philanthropists.

Among the many David Koch gifts to this city alone are a previous $15 million to New York-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, $30 million to Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, $25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery, $20 million to a dinosaur exhibit at the
American Museum of Natural History, $65 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and $100 million to the Lincoln Center theater that is home to the New York City Ballet and the
New York City Opera.

If you’re a ballerina, an opera singer, a dinosaur or just a person who has been or could potentially become sick in this city, you should think of David Koch approximately the way you think of, say, Derek Jeter, only not really because Jeter profits from you whereas you profit from Koch.

No hospital receiving funding from George Soros has to worry about a picket line forming outside, even though Soros funded Lynne Stewart, the radical lawyer who served four years in prison for providing material support to al Qaeda terrorism. But let’s not sweat it. It’s not like Soros backs terrorists. He merely backs those who back terrorists, so it’s cool.

The anti-Koch groups held their protest on International Women’s Day to signify that this was a woman’s issue: It turns out a group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which also receives some Koch brothers largesse, has given $1 million to Susan B. Anthony’s List, a pro-life group. And the nurses who have made it their calling to protect human life? They don’t like that.


Liberals are pathetic. You are a liberal. That means you are pathetic.

They have anger management classes in your hood I am sure. You need to get to one quick moron.
Owl you are a stupid moron.

So, you stink fucking hypocrites brag how much the fucking liberals care so much for kids. You fucking stink hypocrites bring up St Judes.

I point out stink pathetic fucking hypocritical piece of shit liberals protesting (get this) for the Koch brothers donating 100 million dollars to a hospital.

Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

Was the hospital secretly to be used as a gay re-education camp that would seek to use a combination of systematic exposure to Sylvester Stallone movies, shock therapy and prayer to destroy homosexual impulses in its patients?

Or was there simply to be a large sign posted at the door that read, “Sorry! Whites only.”
It turned out that none of these factors was at play. The new structure will simply be an ordinary wing of a hospital doing regular hospital stuff like saving lives, charging $25 for a Tylenol and (equally important to the unions, you would think) employing lots of healthcare professionals. The $100 million gift was the largest in the hospital’s history.

No, the only thing the liberal interest groups didn’t like about the new hospital wing was its funding source: the philanthropist known as David H. Koch. The new wing was gratefully to be named after Koch, who along with his brother Charles stands as one of today’s great philanthropists.

Among the many David Koch gifts to this city alone are a previous $15 million to New York-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, $30 million to Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, $25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery, $20 million to a dinosaur exhibit at the
American Museum of Natural History, $65 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and $100 million to the Lincoln Center theater that is home to the New York City Ballet and the
New York City Opera.

If you’re a ballerina, an opera singer, a dinosaur or just a person who has been or could potentially become sick in this city, you should think of David Koch approximately the way you think of, say, Derek Jeter, only not really because Jeter profits from you whereas you profit from Koch.

No hospital receiving funding from George Soros has to worry about a picket line forming outside, even though Soros funded Lynne Stewart, the radical lawyer who served four years in prison for providing material support to al Qaeda terrorism. But let’s not sweat it. It’s not like Soros backs terrorists. He merely backs those who back terrorists, so it’s cool.

The anti-Koch groups held their protest on International Women’s Day to signify that this was a woman’s issue: It turns out a group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which also receives some Koch brothers largesse, has given $1 million to Susan B. Anthony’s List, a pro-life group. And the nurses who have made it their calling to protect human life? They don’t like that.


Liberals are pathetic. You are a liberal. That means you are pathetic.

Feel better now?

Looks like he's having an extreme butt hurt melt down....:lol::lol:
So, you stink fucking hypocrites brag how much the fucking liberals care so much for kids. You fucking stink hypocrites bring up St Judes.

I point out stink pathetic fucking hypocritical piece of shit liberals protesting (get this) for the Koch brothers donating 100 million dollars to a hospital.

Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother?s $100M hospital gift | New York Post

Was the hospital secretly to be used as a gay re-education camp that would seek to use a combination of systematic exposure to Sylvester Stallone movies, shock therapy and prayer to destroy homosexual impulses in its patients?

Or was there simply to be a large sign posted at the door that read, “Sorry! Whites only.”
It turned out that none of these factors was at play. The new structure will simply be an ordinary wing of a hospital doing regular hospital stuff like saving lives, charging $25 for a Tylenol and (equally important to the unions, you would think) employing lots of healthcare professionals. The $100 million gift was the largest in the hospital’s history.

No, the only thing the liberal interest groups didn’t like about the new hospital wing was its funding source: the philanthropist known as David H. Koch. The new wing was gratefully to be named after Koch, who along with his brother Charles stands as one of today’s great philanthropists.

Among the many David Koch gifts to this city alone are a previous $15 million to New York-Presbyterian’s Weill Cornell Medical Center, $30 million to Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, $25 million to the Hospital for Special Surgery, $20 million to a dinosaur exhibit at the
American Museum of Natural History, $65 million to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and $100 million to the Lincoln Center theater that is home to the New York City Ballet and the
New York City Opera.

If you’re a ballerina, an opera singer, a dinosaur or just a person who has been or could potentially become sick in this city, you should think of David Koch approximately the way you think of, say, Derek Jeter, only not really because Jeter profits from you whereas you profit from Koch.

No hospital receiving funding from George Soros has to worry about a picket line forming outside, even though Soros funded Lynne Stewart, the radical lawyer who served four years in prison for providing material support to al Qaeda terrorism. But let’s not sweat it. It’s not like Soros backs terrorists. He merely backs those who back terrorists, so it’s cool.

The anti-Koch groups held their protest on International Women’s Day to signify that this was a woman’s issue: It turns out a group called the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which also receives some Koch brothers largesse, has given $1 million to Susan B. Anthony’s List, a pro-life group. And the nurses who have made it their calling to protect human life? They don’t like that.


Liberals are pathetic. You are a liberal. That means you are pathetic.

Feel better now?

Looks like he's having an extreme butt hurt melt down....:lol::lol:

Yes, the lights in his alove are dimming, dimming, dimming...
Yeah, if you dare be disgusted by perverts, criminals and progressives, then you're having a *meltdown* and it's *funny*.

Uh huh.
Stat boy is all enamored by Mertex. It is pretty funny. How many times have you given her little stats? Pathetic liberals. So funny.

Hey stat boy (the moron), are you going to at any point give me your best guess at what percentage of people on welfare (who have the ability work) are Obama voters? Go ahead stat boy, give us a guess. Come on man.

It is relevant to the topic, for assholes like JimH (another liberal....who cannot think for himself) since it is the moronic liberals that accuse Bundy for taking free hand outs.

They then back up any and every brown person that is on welfare, regardless if that BROWN person can get a job or not.

Then you had another asshole liberal going to the script, then I showed the deadbeat BLACK WOMAN screaming with the ignorance of a thousand morons, chanting about FREE PHONES. He wanted to know why I showed a black woman doing it, as though.......oh never mind.

He then of course ignored the other youtube video of selling and buying foodstamps on Craigslist. You know all Obama voters too. To say nothing of the illegals and rampant voter fraud. Who, are also overwhelmingly Obama voters. (they chant about rule of law)

These are the same assholes mind you that chant shit about following the "rule of law." I then provided 10 things their pathetic president did in violation of the constitution before the 2012 election. They knew about it before, it was all revealed after the election and these cocksucking hypocrites could not possibly give one shit less. I have list of 50 things too. They won't even address any of the 10 things, let alone the 50 more violations AFTER he was "reelected."

Now, the stupid bitch (who stat boy hits on and it is pretty pathetic) goes to her playbook of liberal talking points and cliches about the democrats "caring for the poor and children." I then provide the pathetic morons on the left protesting the Koch brothers (infamous for their philanthropy) for donating 100 million dollars to a hospital.

Truly, there is no sense even trying to debate the pieces of shit. There is no need to treat any of them with an ounce of respect. They sure as shit do not show any to anyone here that differs with anything they stand for (which is nothing).

The only thing we can do is point out their blatant hypocrisy. All with pure and total disrespect. Like when the stupid bitch (the one stat boy has a crush on) pointed out that they were making fun of Bundy (who just so happens to be white and wear a cowboy hat) but they hold hands for all the fucking welfare ACTUAL deadbeats that vote for Obama who just so happen to be brown.

They are nothing but cliches. They have nothing, they stand for nothing.
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I keep saying..they're criminal. They're criminal in intent and action, and they should be treated as such.
Except I called no one a stupid bitch. If I did you should be able to quote that.

[MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] you are having your problem with time again. You said "Only a stupid bitch would call someone else a stupid bitch" this in directly responding to a message that included a copy of theOwl calling someone a stupid bitch. Thus, you most certainly called theOwl out as a stupid bitch for calling someone a stupid bitch.

Brown you are having a problem with reading my words and my mind. I would have called him a stupid bitch if that was my intent. I merely warned that those who did so were stupid bitches. Slight difference that escapes your level of understanding.

I get the difference.

It's the distinction I reject.
He doesn't get that if you maintain that those who call people stupid bitches are stupid bitches themselves, he is a stupid bitch for identifying them as stupid bitches.

It's too complex a concept for his felonious mind.
Which is the reason repeat offenders are repeat offenders....

they just don't grasp the finer concepts...liberty, honesty, integrity...all these are foreign to them.
[MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] you are having your problem with time again. You said "Only a stupid bitch would call someone else a stupid bitch" this in directly responding to a message that included a copy of theOwl calling someone a stupid bitch. Thus, you most certainly called theOwl out as a stupid bitch for calling someone a stupid bitch.

Brown you are having a problem with reading my words and my mind. I would have called him a stupid bitch if that was my intent. I merely warned that those who did so were stupid bitches. Slight difference that escapes your level of understanding.

I get the difference.

It's the distinction I reject.

Thats why its good to live in a free country. You can reject things and not understand things all day long and you cant be locked up for it. You can even pretend to read minds and get paid for it.
He doesn't get that if you maintain that those who call people stupid bitches are stupid bitches themselves, he is a stupid bitch for identifying them as stupid bitches.

It's too complex a concept for his felonious mind.

Its a good thing that calling people stupid bitches is different from believing they are. Otherwise your retarded logic would actually make sense.

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