Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

Oh goodness! it gets even better. This dude is a retarded racist as well as being a free loader. He still calls Black people Negro which may be attributed to his age but check out the comments...

Politicians denounce Bundy?s racist remarks ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

"And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?" Bundy continued. "They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I've often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn't get no more freedom. They got less freedom."

He is going to get crucified in the media. Those that support his welfare have just lost. What a friggin retard. :lol:
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Seriously. You are not qualified to hold forth.

On the other hand, it's great grist for the humor mill.
You seriously aren't qualified to lecture anybody about syntax, aschlep.

Doesnt matter. I still know the difference between thinking and speaking/writing. I can think you are a stupid bitch all day long. Its quite another when I give evidence of this thought and speak or write it.

You mean like all of the evidence I give in regards to left wing hypocrisy and you and your types ignore?

Let me know if you want me to list the things I have listed in other posts and have not been addressed.

Stat boy who prides himself on stats will not answer the question on what percentage of ACTUAL deadbeats who are on welfare are Obama voters.

I know, it is rather rhetorical isn't it? Rather poignant nevertheless.

Please, do not speak as though none of us have provided any evidence of this or that or the other. Even when we do, you ignore it. You rinse and repeat, whip out your bong, seek out approval from some other left wing brainwashed sheep who holds fast to all of the cliches the media and entertainment industry has pumped your heads with and you have a nice little day.

Let me know if you want to me show you massive list of double standards or crimes committed by your pathetic comrade in chief. Let me know.

Meanwhile, ponder the rhetorical question I asked stat boy and consider it whenever a moron bitch like Metrex calls Bundy (the white guy with a cowboy hat) a deadbeat.

I doubt you will. Please, stop talking about evidence. It only adds to the list of hypocritical dispositions you have.
No, the topic is aschlep's failure to grasp the concepts he compulsively yammers about.

Limited comprehension is nothing to be ashamed of...but you will save yourself from being the butt of many jokes if you would learn when to shut up.
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You seriously aren't qualified to lecture anybody about syntax, aschlep.

Doesnt matter. I still know the difference between thinking and speaking/writing. I can think you are a stupid bitch all day long. Its quite another when I give evidence of this thought and speak or write it.

You mean like all of the evidence I give in regards to left wing hypocrisy and you and your types ignore?

Let me know if you want me to list the things I have listed in other posts and have not been addressed.

Stat boy who prides himself on stats will not answer the question on what percentage of ACTUAL deadbeats who are on welfare are Obama voters.

I know, it is rather rhetorical isn't it? Rather poignant nevertheless.

Please, do not speak as though none of us have provided any evidence of this or that or the other. Even when we do, you ignore it. You rinse and repeat, whip out your bong, seek out approval from some other left wing brainwashed sheep who holds fast to all of the cliches the media and entertainment industry has pumped your heads with and you have a nice little day.

Let me know if you want to me show you massive list of double standards or crimes committed by your pathetic comrade in chief. Let me know.

Meanwhile, ponder the rhetorical question I asked stat boy and consider it whenever a moron bitch like Metrex calls Bundy (the white guy with a cowboy hat) a deadbeat.

I doubt you will. Please, stop talking about evidence. It only adds to the list of hypocritical dispositions you have.

Dude you should really take classes on how to change the subject. You are not even slick about it. :lol:
No, the topic is your failure to grasp the concepts you compulsively yammer about.

Limited comprehension is nothing to be ashamed of...but you will save yourself from being the butt of many jokes if you would learn when to shut up.

Maybe you can explain to me in your world how thinking something and saying/writing something is the same thing? If you can do that (and make sense) I will take you seriously and not laugh at your posts quite as hard.
Doesnt matter. I still know the difference between thinking and speaking/writing. I can think you are a stupid bitch all day long. Its quite another when I give evidence of this thought and speak or write it.

You mean like all of the evidence I give in regards to left wing hypocrisy and you and your types ignore?

Let me know if you want me to list the things I have listed in other posts and have not been addressed.

Stat boy who prides himself on stats will not answer the question on what percentage of ACTUAL deadbeats who are on welfare are Obama voters.

I know, it is rather rhetorical isn't it? Rather poignant nevertheless.

Please, do not speak as though none of us have provided any evidence of this or that or the other. Even when we do, you ignore it. You rinse and repeat, whip out your bong, seek out approval from some other left wing brainwashed sheep who holds fast to all of the cliches the media and entertainment industry has pumped your heads with and you have a nice little day.

Let me know if you want to me show you massive list of double standards or crimes committed by your pathetic comrade in chief. Let me know.

Meanwhile, ponder the rhetorical question I asked stat boy and consider it whenever a moron bitch like Metrex calls Bundy (the white guy with a cowboy hat) a deadbeat.

I doubt you will. Please, stop talking about evidence. It only adds to the list of hypocritical dispositions you have.

Dude you should really take classes on how to change the subject. You are not even slick about it. :lol:

When someone calls Bundy a deadbeat, and I point out who the deadbeats are, that is me winning the argument.

In your cognitive dissonance and whenever you and your types lose a debate you claim either "straw man" or you "changed the topic" etc etc etc.

We won this debate a long time ago, just like we win every debate. We know we win, when you start laughing out loud (lols) or when your types go to the left wing play book.

It is long done. You have no debate skills. Try getting facts or try not being a blatant hypocrite. Then again that would mean pulling your cranium out of your smelly butthole and stop taking on left wing arguments using them to spread bullshit lefty propaganda.
Oh goodness! it gets even better. This dude is a retarded racist as well as being a free loader. He still calls Black people Negro which may be attributed to his age but check out the comments...

Politicians denounce Bundy?s racist remarks ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

"And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?" Bundy continued. "They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I've often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn't get no more freedom. They got less freedom."

He is going to get crucified in the media. Those that support his welfare have just lost. What a friggin retard. :lol:

He's a jerk, no doubt about it. Doesn't give the government the right to take away his livelihood.
You mean like all of the evidence I give in regards to left wing hypocrisy and you and your types ignore?

Let me know if you want me to list the things I have listed in other posts and have not been addressed.

Stat boy who prides himself on stats will not answer the question on what percentage of ACTUAL deadbeats who are on welfare are Obama voters.

I know, it is rather rhetorical isn't it? Rather poignant nevertheless.

Please, do not speak as though none of us have provided any evidence of this or that or the other. Even when we do, you ignore it. You rinse and repeat, whip out your bong, seek out approval from some other left wing brainwashed sheep who holds fast to all of the cliches the media and entertainment industry has pumped your heads with and you have a nice little day.

Let me know if you want to me show you massive list of double standards or crimes committed by your pathetic comrade in chief. Let me know.

Meanwhile, ponder the rhetorical question I asked stat boy and consider it whenever a moron bitch like Metrex calls Bundy (the white guy with a cowboy hat) a deadbeat.

I doubt you will. Please, stop talking about evidence. It only adds to the list of hypocritical dispositions you have.

Dude you should really take classes on how to change the subject. You are not even slick about it. :lol:

When someone calls Bundy a deadbeat, and I point out who the deadbeats are, that is me winning the argument.

In your cognitive dissonance and whenever you and your types lose a debate you claim either "straw man" or you "changed the topic" etc etc etc.

We won this debate a long time ago, just like we win every debate. We know we win, when you start laughing out loud (lols) or when your types go to the left wing play book.

It is long done. You have no debate skills. Try getting facts or try not being a blatant hypocrite. Then again that would mean pulling your cranium out of your smelly butthole and stop taking on left wing arguments using them to spread bullshit lefty propaganda.

Class bespeaks itself.

People who have to announce that they are "winning" rarely are, in reality.

Just sayin'.
You mean like all of the evidence I give in regards to left wing hypocrisy and you and your types ignore?

Let me know if you want me to list the things I have listed in other posts and have not been addressed.

Stat boy who prides himself on stats will not answer the question on what percentage of ACTUAL deadbeats who are on welfare are Obama voters.

I know, it is rather rhetorical isn't it? Rather poignant nevertheless.

Please, do not speak as though none of us have provided any evidence of this or that or the other. Even when we do, you ignore it. You rinse and repeat, whip out your bong, seek out approval from some other left wing brainwashed sheep who holds fast to all of the cliches the media and entertainment industry has pumped your heads with and you have a nice little day.

Let me know if you want to me show you massive list of double standards or crimes committed by your pathetic comrade in chief. Let me know.

Meanwhile, ponder the rhetorical question I asked stat boy and consider it whenever a moron bitch like Metrex calls Bundy (the white guy with a cowboy hat) a deadbeat.

I doubt you will. Please, stop talking about evidence. It only adds to the list of hypocritical dispositions you have.

Dude you should really take classes on how to change the subject. You are not even slick about it. :lol:

When someone calls Bundy a deadbeat, and I point out who the deadbeats are, that is me winning the argument.

In your cognitive dissonance and whenever you and your types lose a debate you claim either "straw man" or you "changed the topic" etc etc etc.

We won this debate a long time ago, just like we win every debate. We know we win, when you start laughing out loud (lols) or when your types go to the left wing play book.

It is long done. You have no debate skills. Try getting facts or try not being a blatant hypocrite. Then again that would mean pulling your cranium out of your smelly butthole and stop taking on left wing arguments using them to spread bullshit lefty propaganda.

When you claim you won something it sends a bright red flag up that you are a chronic loser. I was not debating you. I was making fun of you and your retarded ploys a preschooler can see. :lol:
Oh goodness! it gets even better. This dude is a retarded racist as well as being a free loader. He still calls Black people Negro which may be attributed to his age but check out the comments...

Politicians denounce Bundy?s racist remarks ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

"And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?" Bundy continued. "They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I've often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn't get no more freedom. They got less freedom."

He is going to get crucified in the media. Those that support his welfare have just lost. What a friggin retard. :lol:

He's a jerk, no doubt about it. Doesn't give the government the right to take away his livelihood.

Him being a racist does not give the government the right but the 5th amendment does. This latest tidbit will cause the more intelligent conservatives to slowly back away if they havent already after finding out the truth about his case.
those people you like to rob and abuse are the people who run the food banks, who fund the food banks, who fund the charity hospitals, who adopt the children, who house the disenfranchised, who minister and house the addicted....and they do it willingly. Not via money and property that is stolen from them.

Ok lookie! No link! Look, honey, just as many churches are run by liberals as conservatives. It's just that the liberal churches don't make the news all the time will gay hate, racism, and protesting at military funerals.

One more difference? The liberal churches do it with funds donated by their parishioners, not the US Government.

Sure..tell me how many charity hospitals are funded by liberals?

Off the top of my head, St. Judes.

So if a church does something you can use to support your argument they are a liberal church, and if the same church does something that does not support your argument they are an evil republican church. Got it.

No church should be allowed to use public funds obtained through tax breaks or political donations to finance campaigns of hate.

It's against the law. Period.
The liberals are now claiming we were not debating on this thread.

You have to stand in awe at the lengths to go to in order to achieve cognitive consonance.

Stat boy, I am still waiting for your "educated guess" on what percentage of welfare deadbeats are Obama voters.

Go ahead stat boy. Come on. More or less than 75%? Come on stat boy.
Ok lookie! No link! Look, honey, just as many churches are run by liberals as conservatives. It's just that the liberal churches don't make the news all the time will gay hate, racism, and protesting at military funerals.

One more difference? The liberal churches do it with funds donated by their parishioners, not the US Government.

Off the top of my head, St. Judes.

So if a church does something you can use to support your argument they are a liberal church, and if the same church does something that does not support your argument they are an evil republican church. Got it.

No church should be allowed to use public funds obtained through tax breaks or political donations to finance campaigns of hate.

It's against the law. Period.

Are you including

NOW National Organization for Women
Media Matter
Women’s Action for New Directions
Ruckus Society
New World Foundation
Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Brennan Center for Justice
Voto Latino


When you say "church," you are including mosques right?

I bet you were. Maybe you can find a mosque that only allows white people.

The liberals are now claiming we were not debating on this thread.

You have to stand in awe at the lengths to go to in order to achieve cognitive consonance.

Stat boy, I am still waiting for your "educated guess" on what percentage of welfare deadbeats are Obama voters.

Go ahead stat boy. Come on. More or less than 75%? Come on stat boy.

This thread is not about Obama voters, as you call them, and it's not about welfare recipients. This thread is about Cliven Bundy. You do realize that, right?

And you can ASK nicely for a stat from me, and if I feel like it, I may just offer you one. But you ain't my boss; I contribute what I want to contribute, when I want to contribute it. Personal liberty and all that good jazz, you know, Girlie-Owl.

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