Bundy denied his right to attorney AGAIN


That's a shame. Bundy deserves a clown like Klayman as his lawyer.
Its unconstitutional is what it is. No one has to agree with who he wants for his lawyer its his life and freedom on the line...the judge is OBVIOUSLY scared of Klayman for some reason...no other legit reason to deny him.

Sure there is - the countless ethics complaints against Klayman, for one.
He is still a lawyer and those have nothing to do with THIS case or even in Nevada or Oregon.They are in DC. Just because he has some things working out doesn't mean he can't be a lawyer..course what am I supposed to expect from the good ole USA..same country that burned people to death at Waco and shot a 14 year old in the back at Ruby Ridge. No surprise they do whatever they must to get a kangaroo court to convict him.

Yeah! The jackboots can do anything they want so long as they are hassling brown folks . But mess wh while people , and it's the greatest injustice ever!!

Funny, black people can burn down buildings and loot while police and the Feds stand down...but when a group of citizens stand up to the federal "gubermint" for stealing property and unfairly prosecuting people to get them off of it and doing so peacefully? Shit, that just pisses the commie left off. Leftards cheered when Lavoy Finnicum was ambushed by a bunch of cowardly Feds and shot nine times while not resisting. How do I hate the commie left and the federal "gubermint".........let me count the ways.

Stand down? The cops are shooting unarmed blacks left n right .

They handled those Oregon dudes wh kid gloves . They let them camp out in those buildings for weeks!

And whites riot too . But it's for importang stuff, like losing a sports championship .
I know more than you...you are a brain dead idiot. You worship at the feet of this criminal cabal of thieves because you lack the intelligence to see what is happening. Fuck the federal "gubermint". Their jurisdiction is only within the District of Columbia. The problem is that people are ignorant of the law and the ones that they put in charge of their states are too stupid to claim their jurisdiction or they are simply bought and paid for. Have a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself"....and don't forget to thank me.....one thing I can't stand is an ingrate.

I Think I just saw a sasquatch and Elvis down by the Piggly Wiggly. Come quick or you'll miss them.

No thread would be complete without an idiot "knows-nothing" retard like Bulldog.....holy shit...they seem to be everywhere.

OK.Now say some more dumb ass conspiracy theory crap so I can laugh at that too.

Bulldog Sez????: "Hey!!! Look at me!!!! I am a stupid fuck!!!! Look at me!!!!"

I'm just asking you to write more of the crazy shit you always write. Now. How about one where the Tri-lateral -commission and high school lunch ladies are trading people's birth certificates in a scheme to get control of who gets pudding for dessert? Your stories are so entertaining.

Bulldog Sez?????: Look at me, Dale!!!! Look at me!!!!! Toss me a doggy biscuit!!!"
Its unconstitutional is what it is. No one has to agree with who he wants for his lawyer its his life and freedom on the line...the judge is OBVIOUSLY scared of Klayman for some reason...no other legit reason to deny him.

Sure there is - the countless ethics complaints against Klayman, for one.
He is still a lawyer and those have nothing to do with THIS case or even in Nevada or Oregon.They are in DC. Just because he has some things working out doesn't mean he can't be a lawyer..course what am I supposed to expect from the good ole USA..same country that burned people to death at Waco and shot a 14 year old in the back at Ruby Ridge. No surprise they do whatever they must to get a kangaroo court to convict him.

Yeah! The jackboots can do anything they want so long as they are hassling brown folks . But mess wh while people , and it's the greatest injustice ever!!

Funny, black people can burn down buildings and loot while police and the Feds stand down...but when a group of citizens stand up to the federal "gubermint" for stealing property and unfairly prosecuting people to get them off of it and doing so peacefully? Shit, that just pisses the commie left off. Leftards cheered when Lavoy Finnicum was ambushed by a bunch of cowardly Feds and shot nine times while not resisting. How do I hate the commie left and the federal "gubermint".........let me count the ways.

Stand down? The cops are shooting unarmed blacks left n right .

They handled those Oregon dudes wh kid gloves . They let them camp out in those buildings for weeks!

And whites riot too . But it's for importang stuff, like losing a sports championship .

They are shooting unarmed whites as well.....but when the blacks riot? They do nothing ands the reason is that they want to sow seed of dissent.

They "let" them camp there? Does the federal "gubermint" own every fucking thing in every fucking state? No, they don't and they only have any type of jurisdiction if the state that they are loitering in allows them to do so and only if the sheriff allows it because HIS jurisdiction super-cedes that of the federal "gubermint" pieces of shit. The sheriff stood down, that worthless POS governor stood down and allowed people that were trying to draw attention to the blatant corruption of the BLM. You are not in Kansas anymore, Timmy.....time for you to put on your big boy pants and turn off the cartoons.
Dont do the crime if you cant do the time :cool-45:
What crime was that???
Ethics violations.
By the British Accreditation Registry? That's like the mafia telling one of their hit men that they went too far on a hit.......what a joke.
Who's that? The article said the Washington bar. It doesn't mention the British Accreditation Registry at all. What are you smoking?
Sigh.......I know too much for you to even handle or even comprehend. I am not in the mood to take you by the hand and guide you. Unfortunately, there are just too many clueless people on this website for me to "tutor".
Yeah, you're a real Einstein. :cuckoo:
What crime was that???
Ethics violations.
By the British Accreditation Registry? That's like the mafia telling one of their hit men that they went too far on a hit.......what a joke.
Who's that? The article said the Washington bar. It doesn't mention the British Accreditation Registry at all. What are you smoking?
Sigh.......I know too much for you to even handle or even comprehend. I am not in the mood to take you by the hand and guide you. Unfortunately, there are just too many clueless people on this website for me to "tutor".
Yeah, you're a real Einstein. :cuckoo:

I know more than you...FACT.

You understand that I'm talking about Bar Association rules, not criminal law - right?

Edit to add link:

Larry Klayman Sanctioned. Again.

The British Accreditation Registry "censored" him? He must have violated one of the admiralty law statutes, acts or codes of conduct for not working close enough with the administrator for the bank (i.e "Judge").


This is the good shit that I was asking for in that other thread of yours. The truly batshit stuff.

So you're one of those "Freeman-on-the-land" morons?

I know more than you...you are a brain dead idiot. You worship at the feet of this criminal cabal of thieves because you lack the intelligence to see what is happening. Fuck the federal "gubermint". Their jurisdiction is only within the District of Columbia. The problem is that people are ignorant of the law and the ones that they put in charge of their states are too stupid to claim their jurisdiction or they are simply bought and paid for. Have a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself"....and don't forget to thank me.....one thing I can't stand is an ingrate.


You don't know shit, clown shoes.

Tell us more about "admiralty law".

You understand that I'm talking about Bar Association rules, not criminal law - right?

Edit to add link:

Larry Klayman Sanctioned. Again.

The British Accreditation Registry "censored" him? He must have violated one of the admiralty law statutes, acts or codes of conduct for not working close enough with the administrator for the bank (i.e "Judge").


This is the good shit that I was asking for in that other thread of yours. The truly batshit stuff.

So you're one of those "Freeman-on-the-land" morons?

I know more than you...you are a brain dead idiot. You worship at the feet of this criminal cabal of thieves because you lack the intelligence to see what is happening. Fuck the federal "gubermint". Their jurisdiction is only within the District of Columbia. The problem is that people are ignorant of the law and the ones that they put in charge of their states are too stupid to claim their jurisdiction or they are simply bought and paid for. Have a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself"....and don't forget to thank me.....one thing I can't stand is an ingrate.


You don't know shit, clown shoes.

Tell us more about "admiralty law".

I have already chewed you up and spit you out....go fuck yourself. You have no debating skills and your flames are beyond lame....consider yourself "dismissed", punkinpuss.


The British Accreditation Registry "censored" him? He must have violated one of the admiralty law statutes, acts or codes of conduct for not working close enough with the administrator for the bank (i.e "Judge").


This is the good shit that I was asking for in that other thread of yours. The truly batshit stuff.

So you're one of those "Freeman-on-the-land" morons?

I know more than you...you are a brain dead idiot. You worship at the feet of this criminal cabal of thieves because you lack the intelligence to see what is happening. Fuck the federal "gubermint". Their jurisdiction is only within the District of Columbia. The problem is that people are ignorant of the law and the ones that they put in charge of their states are too stupid to claim their jurisdiction or they are simply bought and paid for. Have a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself"....and don't forget to thank me.....one thing I can't stand is an ingrate.


You don't know shit, clown shoes.

Tell us more about "admiralty law".
The British Accreditation Registry "censored" him? He must have violated one of the admiralty law statutes, acts or codes of conduct for not working close enough with the administrator for the bank (i.e "Judge").


This is the good shit that I was asking for in that other thread of yours. The truly batshit stuff.

So you're one of those "Freeman-on-the-land" morons?

I know more than you...you are a brain dead idiot. You worship at the feet of this criminal cabal of thieves because you lack the intelligence to see what is happening. Fuck the federal "gubermint". Their jurisdiction is only within the District of Columbia. The problem is that people are ignorant of the law and the ones that they put in charge of their states are too stupid to claim their jurisdiction or they are simply bought and paid for. Have a heapin' helpin' of "Go fuck yourself"....and don't forget to thank me.....one thing I can't stand is an ingrate.


You don't know shit, clown shoes.

Tell us more about "admiralty law".

I have already chewed you up and spit you out....go fuck yourself. You have no debating skills and your flames are beyond lame....consider yourself "dismissed", punkinpuss.


"Bundy denied his right to attorney AGAIN"

This is a lie.

Bundy has been afforded his right to counsel.

The thread premise is ignorant idiocy.

Fuck off, you sorry prick......no one that was at the Oregon refuge deserves the type of treatment that they have received by this criminal cabal that you lovingly refer to as "my beloved gubermint". Seriously, do you have ANY common sense or ability to think clearly? Have you even read up on what their beef was that wasn't spun by the lamestream media?
The attorney in question may lose his license, then the trial would have to start all over again. The OP is BS.
The whole deal was to protest the added sentences to the Hammonds..........In one of the so called great fires only 1 acre of Federal land was burned...........and it was in response to a lightning strike fire as a back burn..........the first fire got out of control and burned 137 acres were burned...............yet it is insignificant compared to the millions of acres burning every year.................

Private property has been burned by the BLM time and again out there.......including burning alive the cattle of ranchers..............yet no one holds the BLM accountable for the private loses on local ranchers...................

I could show many cases and examples of BLM abuse, and EPA abuses to private citizens which I consider abuse of power..........I have done so on many threads.............but it falls on the deaf and dumb.............who say.........GOV'T GOOD......RANCHERS BAD...............

This battle over ranching out there is more than meets the eye.............It is about power and control of the land........Gov't taking more land and then insiders making money off deals after taking the land and chasing off the people. Uranium One and the Clintons being a prime example.............Selling off Uranium rights to the Russians in the United States.........

Yippie Ki Yah MF's...........
Judge again refuses to let nationally known lawyer defend Cliven Bundy

What a pathetic bitch....no surprise a tyrant in a robe is dictating from the bench as usual.ANYTHING the lawyer may have going on has NOTHING to do with THIS case.This bitch is just making sure she can do whatever she can to make sure Bundy goes to prison.

And if you read the article you find out why. He has problems with the DC bar.
That has SO MUCH to do with a case in Nevada...its BLATANTLY unconstitutional acts on the judges part.
The Bureau of Land Management needs to be investigated and by investigated I mean better, faster and more thoroughly than the IRS has been.
Last edited:
Judge again refuses to let nationally known lawyer defend Cliven Bundy

What a pathetic bitch....no surprise a tyrant in a robe is dictating from the bench as usual.ANYTHING the lawyer may have going on has NOTHING to do with THIS case.This bitch is just making sure she can do whatever she can to make sure Bundy goes to prison.

And if you read the article you find out why. He has problems with the DC bar.
That has SO MUCH to do with a case in Nevada...its BLATANTLY unconstitutional acts on the judges part.

It is not unconstitutional to disallow an attorney in poor standing to represent someone.
Judge again refuses to let nationally known lawyer defend Cliven Bundy

What a pathetic bitch....no surprise a tyrant in a robe is dictating from the bench as usual.ANYTHING the lawyer may have going on has NOTHING to do with THIS case.This bitch is just making sure she can do whatever she can to make sure Bundy goes to prison.

And if you read the article you find out why. He has problems with the DC bar.
That has SO MUCH to do with a case in Nevada...its BLATANTLY unconstitutional acts on the judges part.

Lawyers have to be bar accredited, right? If a lawyer isn't a member of a bar, they can't represent another person.

Is it unconstitutional to prevent a person who isn't a member of the bar from representing someone else?

No, it isn't.

In this case the guy has issues with the bar. The judge made a decision based on these issues. If he got disbarred half way through the case, it could cause loads of problems. However this doesn't stop this guy helping the legal team.
He is entitled to the best legal defense he can afford, if he cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for him.
He is entitled to the best legal defense he can afford, if he cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for him.

So if the best legal defense he can afford just happens to be a Japanese lawyer who speaks no English and has never even been to the US, let alone passed the bar... is he entitled to this?
He is entitled to the best legal defense he can afford, if he cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for him.

So if the best legal defense he can afford just happens to be a Japanese lawyer who speaks no English and has never even been to the US, let alone passed the bar... is he entitled to this?

How would that ever be the best legal defense, affordability aside? You and I already established the attorney must be in good standing with the ABA.

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