Bundy Terrorists

Yeah, but if one nut uses women and children on the front lines, it becomes more than a consensus, no? If one nut says something like this and the rest don't condemn it...then it is a consensus, no?

You have to deal with this idiot Sam Seder before you get to the quote, but it has been said...do yourself a favor and fast forward to 2:15 in the video

As for threatening violence to avoid jail...it might work for a while, but they will eventually get you. Patience and time is on the side of the evil government.


How do you know he wasn't condemned for those dumbass remarks?
Because I watch the news and haven't seen it. How about you provide me a link showing Bundy condemning it...he may very well have, but I haven't seen it.
But to answer your question, no.
Okay, I hope you keep that one person doesn't represent the whole in all of your arguments.

You said their threatening of violence kept them from being arrested. Are you going to deny saying that?
Why would I deny saying that...it is the truth. Why take on a PR nightmare when all you have to do is be patient? Why jump to a kneejerk reaction when you can use the situation to your advantage...these idiot militiamen are doing nothing more than providing intelligence to the government and defining themselves.

So if a tree falls in the forest and you didn't see it, then it didn't really fall.

You are beyond stupid.

If they were breaking the law they would have been arrested. Law enforcement never lets the threat of violence stop them from making an arrest, NEVER.

You get even more stupid with each comment you make. You should stop while you still have a brain cell or two left.
Any minute now........

And go ahead and call me a libturd, statist, idiot, nut job or whatever else it is you people are calling anyone who disagrees with you. The militia threatened to use women on the front lines. It is despicable, disgusting and telling of these peoples true intentions.

One man doesn't make a militia nor does he speak for all people.

Yes, you are an nutjob, libturd, idiot......etc..

Lol...okay. I wonder who he was referring to when he said 'WE.' I wonder why Fox News, Bundy sympathizers (at least at that time), even aired the statement.

He had a mouse in his pocket.
How do you know he wasn't condemned for those dumbass remarks?
Because I watch the news and haven't seen it. How about you provide me a link showing Bundy condemning it...he may very well have, but I haven't seen it.

Okay, I hope you keep that one person doesn't represent the whole in all of your arguments.

You said their threatening of violence kept them from being arrested. Are you going to deny saying that?
Why would I deny saying that...it is the truth. Why take on a PR nightmare when all you have to do is be patient? Why jump to a kneejerk reaction when you can use the situation to your advantage...these idiot militiamen are doing nothing more than providing intelligence to the government and defining themselves.

So if a tree falls in the forest and you didn't see it, then it didn't really fall.

You are beyond stupid.

If they were breaking the law they would have been arrested. Law enforcement never lets the threat of violence stop them from making an arrest, NEVER.

You get even more stupid with each comment you make. You should stop while you still have a brain cell or two left.

This is why I hate having discussions with pseudo-conservatives and their liberal counterparts. When they realize they are wrong, all they can do is revert to childhood and say, "you are stupid."

Answer me this, if you point a gun at a cop, threaten a cop with violence, refuse to obey lawful orders...is that against the law?

Yeah, when there are a bunch of wackos with guns dressed in fatigues, there is a big difference as to how that law is gonna be enforced. When those bozos go on national television and threaten to use women and children as shields...it gonna be approached differently. You are just plain pathetic if you think this is a 'normal' situation.

So, realizing you are just another one of the idiots who troll this forum so you can insult and attack instead of having an intelligent conversation, let me respond in kind:

You are beyond fucking stupid.

You wanted a link, I provided you a link. All you can respond with is 'if a tree fell in the forest' and call me stupid....wtf, you are truly pathetic and truly an idiot.
nutz obviously doesn't get out much....ruby ridge...waco....hey nutz....educate yourself

Educate myself about what? The mistakes made at ruby ridge and waco?
Because I watch the news and haven't seen it. How about you provide me a link showing Bundy condemning it...he may very well have, but I haven't seen it.

Okay, I hope you keep that one person doesn't represent the whole in all of your arguments.

Why would I deny saying that...it is the truth. Why take on a PR nightmare when all you have to do is be patient? Why jump to a kneejerk reaction when you can use the situation to your advantage...these idiot militiamen are doing nothing more than providing intelligence to the government and defining themselves.

So if a tree falls in the forest and you didn't see it, then it didn't really fall.

You are beyond stupid.

If they were breaking the law they would have been arrested. Law enforcement never lets the threat of violence stop them from making an arrest, NEVER.

You get even more stupid with each comment you make. You should stop while you still have a brain cell or two left.

This is why I hate having discussions with pseudo-conservatives and their liberal counterparts. When they realize they are wrong, all they can do is revert to childhood and say, "you are stupid."

Answer me this, if you point a gun at a cop, threaten a cop with violence, refuse to obey lawful orders...is that against the law?

Yeah, when there are a bunch of wackos with guns dressed in fatigues, there is a big difference as to how that law is gonna be enforced. When those bozos go on national television and threaten to use women and children as shields...it gonna be approached differently. You are just plain pathetic if you think this is a 'normal' situation.

So, realizing you are just another one of the idiots who troll this forum so you can insult and attack instead of having an intelligent conversation, let me respond in kind:

You are beyond fucking stupid.

You wanted a link, I provided you a link. All you can respond with is 'if a tree fell in the forest' and call me stupid....wtf, you are truly pathetic and truly an idiot.

So calling you out on your stupid logic is wrong?

Answer me this, if you point a gun at a cop, threaten a cop with violence, refuse to obey lawful orders...is that against the law?

Yes. But none of that happened at the Bundy ranch.

You are crazy if you think law enforcement won't react to having a weapon pointed at them.

I responded that way because of how you responded with "if I didn't hear it, it didn't happen" nonsense.
again, here is starkey's original claim:

The militia were not under the control of government, thus they were bandits.

his claim is that solely because they were not under government control, they were illegal or bandits. scotus says he is wrong, so liarfakey moves the goals posts and claims now it is because of their actions, not just because they are under government control.

saved for another jake lie

Saved for another Yurt misdirection: in fact, the militia were opposing law enforcement
by showing you scotus said you are wrong that just because they weren't under government control that they are bandits...is moving the goal posts?


you're insane, literally.

your original statement:

The militia were not under the control of government, thus they were bandits.

Your own SCOTUS quote destroys your argument, Yurt.

Yes, the militia were operating outside of government control against the government.

That's criminal activity.

Then why weren't any of them arrested?

They will be. No doubt. At the time, the "human shield" would have been shot in the back by the militia.
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Only in your mind, PredFan. The unorganized militia at Bunkerville were operating against the lawful forces of American government.

I really don't think that even YOU believe that nonsense.

Fakey is a joke. An "unorganized" militia indeed. They certainly looked organized to me.

The joke is on you, dear. To be organized they must be subject to government control. Instead they were opposing it, criminally.
So calling you out on your stupid logic is wrong?
Please explain. FOX NEWS aired a militiaman saying the strategy was to use women as shields. You asked me to provide a link...and I did. Now my logic is flawed because there is irrefutable evidence that this was said. You starting the name calling is nothing more than deflection. A real man would have said thank you for the link. Instead, you spew your personal insults and try to change the topic by calling me stupid.

Answer me this, if you point a gun at a cop, threaten a cop with violence, refuse to obey lawful orders...is that against the law?

Yes. But none of that happened at the Bundy ranch.

You are crazy if you think law enforcement won't react to having a weapon pointed at them.
In a mutually assured destruction situation...in a situation where PR would be bad...yes, the cops are going to show restraint.
I responded that way because of how you responded with "if I didn't hear it, it didn't happen" nonsense.

I really don't think that even YOU believe that nonsense.

Fakey is a joke. An "unorganized" militia indeed. They certainly looked organized to me.

The joke is on you, dear. To be organized they must be subject to government control. Instead they were opposing it, criminally.

I'm not your dear, dickhead.

I'm a member of several organizations, none of which are controlled by the government.

[mi-lish-uh] Show IPA

1. a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies.

2. a body of citizen soldiers as distinguished from professional soldiers.

3. all able-bodied males considered by law eligible for military service.

4. a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government.

Please point out where it states they must be subject to government control.
So calling you out on your stupid logic is wrong?
Please explain. FOX NEWS aired a militiaman saying the strategy was to use women as shields. You asked me to provide a link...and I did. Now my logic is flawed because there is irrefutable evidence that this was said. You starting the name calling is nothing more than deflection. A real man would have said thank you for the link. Instead, you spew your personal insults and try to change the topic by calling me stupid.

Answer me this, if you point a gun at a cop, threaten a cop with violence, refuse to obey lawful orders...is that against the law?


You are crazy if you think law enforcement won't react to having a weapon pointed at them.
In a mutually assured destruction situation...in a situation where PR would be bad...yes, the cops are going to show restraint.
I responded that way because of how you responded with "if I didn't hear it, it didn't happen" nonsense.


Dude learn some reading comprehension skills!

You are stupid. Now go back and read through this thread again and notice at what point I called your logic flawed and why.

You see pictures of what you call snipers and that proves what exactly? Were they aiming at law enforcement? Were they scanning the horizon? Do you actually know or do you simply assume to know what they were in fact aiming at?

Show me a circumstance where law enforcement just walked away from a similar confrontation.

Exactly why you need to go back and read over the thread. You have no clue.
So calling you out on your stupid logic is wrong?
Please explain. FOX NEWS aired a militiaman saying the strategy was to use women as shields. You asked me to provide a link...and I did. Now my logic is flawed because there is irrefutable evidence that this was said. You starting the name calling is nothing more than deflection. A real man would have said thank you for the link. Instead, you spew your personal insults and try to change the topic by calling me stupid.


In a mutually assured destruction situation...in a situation where PR would be bad...yes, the cops are going to show restraint.


Dude learn some reading comprehension skills!

You are stupid. Now go back and read through this thread again and notice at what point I called your logic flawed and why.
Why don't you show me...all I can recall is you asking for a link, getting that link, then spouting off insults and nonsense about a falling tree. Talk about fucking stupid. You are truly pathetic.
You see pictures of what you call snipers and that proves what exactly? Were they aiming at law enforcement? Were they scanning the horizon? Do you actually know or do you simply assume to know what they were in fact aiming at?

Show me a circumstance where law enforcement just walked away from a similar confrontation.
Ever heard of a standoff. And if you think the BLM just walked away, you are crazy.

Exactly why you need to go back and read over the thread. You have no clue.

Exactly, you are such an idiot, you can't even explain yourself. Go back to ignoring the facts and believing what you want to believe. It is obvious you have zero ability to have an adult conversation and ZERO ability to comprehend basic logic. You are not even trying to present an argument anymore...just spewing nonsense. Fucking kids.
Because they threatened violence and they threatened to put women on the front lines if the evil government tried to arrest any of them?

and that has stopped the government before? LOL...not.

they knew they were doing nothing wrong.

Once again Yurt sides with the criminal reactionaries of the far right.

what were they doing that was criminal?

once again, fakey sides with the far left anti gun nutters....
I really don't think that even YOU believe that nonsense.

Fakey is a joke. An "unorganized" militia indeed. They certainly looked organized to me.

The joke is on you, dear. To be organized they must be subject to government control. Instead they were opposing it, criminally.

my good lord, heller says they do not have to be subject to government control....citizen's militia...for fuck sake you even quoted the same part of the case after i did.

how in the hell can you claim citizen militia's are subject to government control?

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