Bundys Are Back: A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon

The Bundy terrorists need a good drone strike. Light their freeloading asses up.

You're far too lusting after blood. I condemn what these people are doing. I equally condemn your attitude.

Agreed, but something must be done, right? Or maybe that's what they want... Sounds kinda like ISIS. Definitely seems like terrorism.
Dometic Terrorism. Those armed thugs have robbed you, the American citizen at gun point. That is your property. Teddy Roosevelt turned that federal land into a National Wildlife Refuge and you have been paying for it with your tax dollars ever since. Actually, the refuge was enlarged with the purchase of additional lands with taxpayer cash. The buildings that the terrorists are now staying in were built with your money. It is your property and these criminals have decided to take it by force at the point of a gun.

Malheur, btw, is French for "misfortune". THAT is an understatement.

If these folks were any race other than white cowpunchers, this thing would be over already and we all know it.
Here is white conservative thinking:

An unarmed Treyvon Martin killed as he walked home unarmed...perfectly reasonable
Freddy Gray having his head tore off his spine by Police ...perfectly reasonable
Tamir Rice 12 year old boy killed by Police in a public park....perfectly reasonable
Laquan McDonald dead in a hail of 16 shots as he moved away from Police...perfectly reasonable
Eric Gardner choked to death by Police for selling tobacco single cigs ...perfectly reasonable

Two white thug convicted for the crime of Arson having to serve prison time ? ...that is abusive Government Intrusion into our lives...
Here is white conservative thinking:

An unarmed Treyvon Martin killed as he walked home unarmed...perfectly reasonable
Freddy Gray having his head tore off his spine by Police ...perfectly reasonable
Tamir Rice 12 year old boy killed by Police in a public park....perfectly reasonable
Laquan McDonald dead in a hail of 16 shots as he moved away from Police...perfectly reasonable
Eric Gardner choked to death by Police for selling tobacco single cigs ...perfectly reasonable

Two white thug convicted for the crime of Arson having to serve prison time ? ...that is abusive Government Intrusion into our lives...

They should go to prison and the rap sheet you posted are taking dirt naps as appropriate,

System works

Two white thug convicts for the crime of Arson having to serve prison time ? ...that is abusive Government Intrusion into our lives... The Conservatives
You post a thread over this petty non-event, but you have yet to express one word of concern over the fact that the radical Muslim "militia" known as ISIS has occupied and controls an area of land the size of Indiana in western Iraq and eastern Syria, and that ISIS has far more funding, power, and reach than do all the crackpot survivalist militias combined. I really do wonder whose side you're on.
Here is white conservative thinking:

An unarmed Treyvon Martin killed as he walked home unarmed...perfectly reasonable
Freddy Gray having his head tore off his spine by Police ...perfectly reasonable
Tamir Rice 12 year old boy killed by Police in a public park....perfectly reasonable
Laquan McDonald dead in a hail of 16 shots as he moved away from Police...perfectly reasonable
Eric Gardner choked to death by Police for selling tobacco single cigs ...perfectly reasonable

Two white thug convicted for the crime of Arson having to serve prison time ? ...that is abusive Government Intrusion into our lives...

They should go to prison and the rap sheet you posted are taking dirt naps as appropriate,

System works

should the Police kill some of them as examples of why Police orders should be obeyed?
You post a thread over this non-event, but have yet to express one word of concern over the fact that the radical Muslim "militia" known as ISIS has occupied and controls an area of land the size of Indiana in western Iraq and eastern Syria, and that ISIS has far more funding, power, and reach than do all the crackpot survivalist militias combined. I really do wonder whose side you're on.
If you are scared get drunk or something ...I am not one tiny little atom scared of ISIS
Here is white conservative thinking:

An unarmed Treyvon Martin killed as he walked home unarmed...perfectly reasonable
Freddy Gray having his head tore off his spine by Police ...perfectly reasonable
Tamir Rice 12 year old boy killed by Police in a public park....perfectly reasonable
Laquan McDonald dead in a hail of 16 shots as he moved away from Police...perfectly reasonable
Eric Gardner choked to death by Police for selling tobacco single cigs ...perfectly reasonable

Two white thug convicted for the crime of Arson having to serve prison time ? ...that is abusive Government Intrusion into our lives...

They should go to prison and the rap sheet you posted are taking dirt naps as appropriate,

System works

should the Police kill some of them as examples of why Police orders should be obeyed?

Well I have no idea. Yea, they could pull a Reno and blow off a woman's head holding a baby

Well I have no idea. Yea, they could pull a Reno and blow off a woman's head holding a baby


You say 12 year old Tamir Rice playing in an open carry State with a toy gun deserved death and was a "dirt bag" ....for being Black ?

If you are white in Ohio you can open carry a fucking Thompson submachine gun but if you are a 12 year old Black boy in Ohio and you carry a toy gun the Police have every right to execute you............the Prosecutor will twist himself into curly fries getting you not charged but giving you an award for bravery in the face of peril from the boy..........



Why don't you go after Sharpton then?
You post a thread over this petty non-event, but you have yet to express one word of concern over the fact that the radical Muslim "militia" known as ISIS has occupied and controls an area of land the size of Indiana in western Iraq and eastern Syria, and that ISIS has far more funding, power, and reach than do all the crackpot survivalist militias combined. I really do wonder whose side you're on.

So one has to be on the side of rightwing domestic insurgents in order to be against Islamist terrorism? That's an either/or situation?

Let me ask you this. Which do you support?

Walking, or chewing gum?
It's time for the feds to seriously kick some Bundy ass! Send them to meet David Koresh.

I bet you loved the smell of burning children.
Libs are okay with gunning down Americans. Just not Muslim terrorists.
Conservative drek mung say they are okay with Black children being gunned down in an Ohio park they just are offended that white criminals have to serve prison time is all.....

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