Burial for Jews in the First Century,

What are you talking about?
You SEEMED TO HAVE claimed the fleeing naked man was Titus not Lazarus.
This is what I mean by going off topic and discussion, you simply can't stick to what's being discussed, and then you go way far off historical accuracy into your own new narrative with not a single source of which book or chapter of the writer you use as the source. But worse, when you get caught and called out you go even further out into left field. Right now you're sitting in the Bullpen past the left field. In fact you're in the wrong stadium in the wrong country swinging a cricket bat.
What are you talking about?
You SEEMED TO HAVE claimed the fleeing naked man was Titus not Lazarus.
This is what I mean by going off topic and discussion, you simply can't stick to what's being discussed, and then you go way far off historical accuracy into your own new narrative with not a single source of which book or chapter of the writer you use as the source. But worse, when you get caught and called out you go even further out into left field. Right now you're sitting in the Bullpen past the left field. In fact you're in the wrong stadium in the wrong country swinging a cricket bat.

Yes this can't be coincidence of which there are many in Josephus and the Gospels. This is Titus checking out the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus went after the meal, the man with the cloth only got away and Jesus did not. Josephus V Chapter 2 (Yes this is the Destruction of the Temple.)

Now it was here impossible for him to go forward, because all
the places had trenches dug in them from the wall, to preserve the
gardens round about, and were full of gardens obliquely situated,
and of many hedges; and to return back to his own men, he saw it
was also impossible, by reason of the multitude of the enemies that
lay between them; many of whom did not so much as know that the
king was in any danger, but supposed him still among them. So he
perceived that his preservation must be wholly owing to his own
courage, and turned his horse about, and cried out aloud to those
that were about him to follow him, and ran with violence into the
midst of his enemies, in order to force his way through them to his
own men. And hence we may principally learn, that both the success
of wars, and the dangers that kings are in, are under the providence
of God; for while such a number of darts were thrown at Titus, when
he had neither his head-piece on, nor his breastplate, (for, as I told
you, he went out not to fight, but to view the city,
) none of them
touched his body, but went aside without hurting him; as if all of
them missed him on purpose, and only made a noise as they passed
by him.
What are you talking about?
You SEEMED TO HAVE claimed the fleeing naked man was Titus not Lazarus.
This is what I mean by going off topic and discussion, you simply can't stick to what's being discussed, and then you go way far off historical accuracy into your own new narrative with not a single source of which book or chapter of the writer you use as the source. But worse, when you get caught and called out you go even further out into left field. Right now you're sitting in the Bullpen past the left field. In fact you're in the wrong stadium in the wrong country swinging a cricket bat.

Yes this can't be coincidence of which there are many in Josephus and the Gospels. This is Titus checking out the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus went after the meal, the man with the cloth only got away and Jesus did not. Josephus V Chapter 2 (Yes this is the Destruction of the Temple.)

Now it was here impossible for him to go forward, because all
the places had trenches dug in them from the wall, to preserve the
gardens round about, and were full of gardens obliquely situated,
and of many hedges; and to return back to his own men, he saw it
was also impossible, by reason of the multitude of the enemies that
lay between them; many of whom did not so much as know that the
king was in any danger, but supposed him still among them. So he
perceived that his preservation must be wholly owing to his own
courage, and turned his horse about, and cried out aloud to those
that were about him to follow him, and ran with violence into the
midst of his enemies, in order to force his way through them to his
own men. And hence we may principally learn, that both the success
of wars, and the dangers that kings are in, are under the providence
of God; for while such a number of darts were thrown at Titus, when
he had neither his head-piece on, nor his breastplate, (for, as I told
you, he went out not to fight, but to view the city,
) none of them
touched his body, but went aside without hurting him; as if all of
them missed him on purpose, and only made a noise as they passed
by him.

Yeshu 100bc, The Galilean died 6bc, Theudas by the Jordan 45ad.
Titus was born in 39ad in Rome, he would be 6 years old for Theudas era and he lived in Rome. Your Jesus is claimed 6bc-27ad.
Your math and history truly is inspired by your RCC upbringing. Just saying.
Your mythical character and the Most likely bi Theudas don't fit your Titus claim and you sacrifice Matthew for Josephus. Classic !
Epic fail on the propaganda history rewrite.

You shouldn't dig any deeper with your lie to cover the lies.
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Cast, not, your pearls before swine.........

Oh you are just so predictable. :funnyface:

so true------everyone likes to quote the Talmud. Jesus (the one from the
Gallilee)------did it all the time. He was SO predictable:dance:

Not unless he was a time-traveller. Given that the Talmud wasn't compiled to a few centuries AFTER his alleged life.

your time line is WAYYYY off. The Talmud had been a work in progress for more than a century
BEFORE JESUS was born------the writings of the AT THAT TIME very popular HILLEL precede
the birth of Jesus and were well known in Jerusalem----but had not yet hit the book stores
of Brooklyn,, NY
Wasn't Titus 70ad?
According to your without sources comment you'd be calling anyone parading around half dressed as being the person mentioned in scripture, even though Matthew says it was Lazarus. Nice try propaganda pusher.

You just proved my previous points that The Roman rewrite of scripture that you read from & the religion mocked their adversary insurrection leaders religion by making it satanic, through demonization propaganda like Hamas does when it claims blood candy is eaten. The fact you buy the Christian rewrite propaganda and spew this propaganda shows just how gullible a dupe you are to rediculous claims.

The version and your rewrite of history is up there with the non historical rewrite of Herod killing babies propaganda.
Liberals use this same method of propaganda against their opponents as an example of how low people will sink for sake of maintaining power.

Right out of the bible and Josephus
More BS from the anti-Christian anti-Jewish hater, now putting limitations on God.

I'm a RC, and you attack the writer instead of commenting on the message. Just because you think God can do everything , man wrote the bible.

what "message"?? Your writing conveys that which you express---you state that you KNOW

what other people THINK----indicating that YOU are psychotic
I ask a simple question and none of you can answer it, its 72 hours, 3 days, the spirit leaves the body in 3 days so Lazarus could not be back to life, only his body.

only a DOLT would describe the interface between SPIRIT and body as a "SIMPLE" question----
there no DOGMATIC answers to such complex concepts in Judaism------just LOTS OF DISCUSSSION ---
you are thinking of RC and the magical transformation of little cookies into THE BODY of some dead guy

No this is the burial period according to your bible and the NT and Jewish writings. You prepare the body the same day of death if possible and bury or put into a tomb within 3 days. Of course many of you think differently about it , as time passed but this is the way it was in the NT and OT. No I am not talking about communion. If Lazarus was brought back to life only his body was, but he was not alive, he had no spirit.

Cast, not, your pearls before swine.........

Oh you are just so predictable. :funnyface:

so true------everyone likes to quote the Talmud. Jesus (the one from the
Gallilee)------did it all the time. He was SO predictable:dance:

Not unless he was a time-traveller. Given that the Talmud wasn't compiled to a few centuries AFTER his alleged life.

your time line is WAYYYY off. The Talmud had been a work in progress for more than a century
BEFORE JESUS was born------the writings of the AT THAT TIME very popular HILLEL precede
the birth of Jesus and were well known in Jerusalem----but had not yet hit the book stores
of Brooklyn,, NY

What we typically consider Talmud is Shas Mishnah (first collected circa 200 CE) and Gemara (which dates from around 500 CE).

Prior to this, Rabbinic knowledge consisted of the oral tradition. When the Disapora in 70CE made this impossible, the surviving rabbinical scholars, particularly Rav Yehudah HaNasi, began to compile the oral tradition in written form. The knowledge that went into Talmud is compiled from several centuries of this oral tradition but it wasn't referred to as Talmud.

The collective Talmud we have today wasn't printed until the 16th Century CE.
Cast, not, your pearls before swine.........

Oh you are just so predictable. :funnyface:

so true------everyone likes to quote the Talmud. Jesus (the one from the
Gallilee)------did it all the time. He was SO predictable:dance:

Not unless he was a time-traveller. Given that the Talmud wasn't compiled to a few centuries AFTER his alleged life.

your time line is WAYYYY off. The Talmud had been a work in progress for more than a century
BEFORE JESUS was born------the writings of the AT THAT TIME very popular HILLEL precede
the birth of Jesus and were well known in Jerusalem----but had not yet hit the book stores
of Brooklyn,, NY

What we typically consider Talmud is Shas Mishnah (first collected circa 200 CE) and Gemara (which dates from around 500 CE).

Prior to this, Rabbinic knowledge consisted of the oral tradition. When the Disapora in 70CE made this impossible, the surviving rabbinical scholars, particularly Rav Yehudah HaNasi, began to compile the oral tradition in written form. The knowledge that went into Talmud is compiled from several centuries of this oral tradition but it wasn't referred to as Talmud.

The collective Talmud we have today wasn't printed until the 16th Century CE.

you are describing the compilation and redaction of writings of those people commonly
called TALMUDISTS because it was their stuff that make up that which is TODAY
called TALMUD ----one was HILLEL----he lived and wrote and was widely quoted just
before Jesus did his thing----you are quibbling
you are describing the compilation and redaction of writings of those people commonly
called TALMUDISTS because it was their stuff that make up that which is TODAY
called TALMUD ----one was HILLEL----he lived and wrote and was widely quoted just
before Jesus did his thing----you are quibbling

I don't actually believe that Jesus ever existed. But, if he did, he would be quoting Torah shebe`al peh, not Talmud.
you are describing the compilation and redaction of writings of those people commonly
called TALMUDISTS because it was their stuff that make up that which is TODAY
called TALMUD ----one was HILLEL----he lived and wrote and was widely quoted just
before Jesus did his thing----you are quibbling

I don't actually believe that Jesus ever existed. But, if he did, he would be quoting Torah shebe`al peh, not Talmud.

try again------what is quoted in the New Testament---OFTEN -----are words that ended up in the
Talmud because they were the words of HILLEL -----there was no book called
"torah she B'al Peh"-------that is what the scholars who expounded on the torah----
and whose debates ended up being the Talmud called their knowledge---stuff they knew
from fathers and teachers to be the meaning of the words of the torah
there was no book called
"torah she B'al Peh"

You're absolutely correct ... Torah shebe`al peh' means 'Torah that is spoken' or 'oral law'. The opposite of a book.

Rav Hillel, Shammai and other pre-Talmudic sages are often cited in Talmud because their oral traditions were passed on through rabbinical schools until Talmudic times.
there was no book called
"torah she B'al Peh"

You're absolutely correct ... Torah shebe`al peh' means 'Torah that is spoken' or 'oral law'. The opposite of a book.

Rav Hillel, Shammai and other pre-Talmudic sages are often cited in Talmud because their oral traditions were passed on through rabbinical schools until Talmudic times.

yes----Hillel ----LIVED in the Jesus era----said to have died in Jerusalem----at about the same
time Jesus was said to have been born. Hillel was very popular amongst Pharisees---which is
why I find it interesting that words attributed to Jesus ------actually come from Hillel. It is
strong evidence that Jesus was a Pharisee (among other bits of evidence)
yes----Hillel ----LIVED in the Jesus era

Rev Hillel was purported to be born in Babylonia in 110 BCE and to have died in Jerusalem in 10 CE. Not sure how much interaction the 120-year-old Hillel from Jerusalem might have said to a 10-year-old Jesus from Galilee (assuming he actually lived) but I doubt either one was particularly influential on the other from a personal perspective.

However, during that time, much that Hillel is credited with saying would have been common knowledge among rabbinical schools throughout Judea. But, it wasn't included in Talmud until centuries later.
yes----Hillel ----LIVED in the Jesus era

Rev Hillel was purported to be born in Babylonia in 110 BCE and to have died in Jerusalem in 10 CE. Not sure how much interaction the 120-year-old Hillel from Jerusalem might have said to a 10-year-old Jesus from Galilee (assuming he actually lived) but I doubt either one was particularly influential on the other from a personal perspective.

However, during that time, much that Hillel is credited with saying would have been common knowledge among rabbinical schools throughout Judea. But, it wasn't included in Talmud until centuries later.

SO TRUE----but according to the little information on Jesus----it is clear that (if he lived--) he was
moving in sophisticated circles and was literate. Hillel was POPULAR in his day and much
quoted even after he died. He virtually MADE, PUBLIC (religious) policy. He was something
like the "baal shemtov" of his time and quoted everywhere ----especially amongst the ""sect""
of jews he all but led----to wit THE PHARISEES

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