Burn! Alvin Bragg Schools Jim Jordan on Crime Stats! Let's talk about crime in Ohio cities compared to NYC, Jimmy

Their own you dummy.
Wrong again. It's the GOP and racists who make our system so unfair to regular people, and of course the blacks do the worst of all... or you are just saying that blacks are inferior which Makes you a racist.... try a living wage health care daycare cheap college and training and see what happens. so far, 100% success rate if you give them a chance....
Idiot, do you not read the news?


NYC convictions plummet, downgraded charges surge under Manhattan DA Bragg
meanwhile we have 10 times per capita the number of prisoners anywhere And there is no room for them all. Blacks lead the way in getting screwed during the pandemic.... the 1980s and 1990s were much worse So this is all garbage propaganda anyway.......
Wrong again. It's the GOP and racists who make our system so unfair to regular people, and of course the blacks do the worst of all... or you are just saying that blacks are inferior which Makes you a racist.... try a living wage health care daycare cheap college and training and see what happens. so far, 100% success rate if you give them a chance....

This is a free country where everybody has a chance. If you don't want to exercise that, it's your own fault and nobody else.

Our founders didn't create a federal government to provide all needs; in fact just the opposite. If you want a government that provides all needs, then move to Cuba or North Korea.

"I cannot undertake to lay my fingers on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

There is a reason people are trying to sneak into this country from over 110 different countries instead of these socialist shitholes.
Here's the problem: you're a moron troll that repeats the same shit over and over with every post you make. The only thing that causes poverty are people who won't do anything to improve their plight in life.
I would say it's the Republicans that make doing that as expensive and difficult as possible often times. nowhere else in the modern world is like this. And you still don't get it. Tax the rich again and invest than Americans again. Sorry the truth is so repetitive as opposed to your endlessly imaginary propaganda.... so it's the Black's fault and you are a racist LOL.
This is a free country where everybody has a chance. If you don't want to exercise that, it's your own fault and nobody else.

Our founders didn't create a federal government to provide all needs; in fact just the opposite. If you want a government that provides all needs, then move to Cuba or North Korea.

"I cannot undertake to lay my fingers on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

There is a reason people are trying to sneak into this country from over 110 different countries instead of these socialist shitholes.
because we allow it with no national ID card or national policy on illegals at all? and it's right next door. if you think people aren't trying to get into the Europe you're out of your mind....
Ohio cities have actual police that make actual arrests. Ohio cities have actual prosecutors that take cases to trial and get convictions. Ohio cities have actual judges the set cash Bail and sentence criminals to prison.

New York has Alvin Bragg.
I would say it's the Republicans that make doing that as expensive and difficult as possible often times. nowhere else in the modern world is like this. And you still don't get it. Tax the rich again and invest than Americans again. Sorry the truth is so repetitive as opposed to your endlessly imaginary propaganda.... so it's the Black's fault and you are a racist LOL.

Shove your racist shit up your ass troll. There is nothing racist about saying people are responsible for their own future in life. You are correct on one thing though: Nowhere else is it like the USA, and that's why people are trying to sneak in. Most all colleges charging outrageous prices for a higher education are ran by you Communists.
That's awesome!

A New York politician exchanging insults with an Ohio politician about whose state is the most riddled with criminals. That's what politicians should do.

What politicians should not do is be elected to the position of prosecutor using wildly disproportionate amounts of foreign money which was donated for the purpose of having the politician prosecute a specific individual.
so you complain about divisive misinformation from the GOP - And that is where this all starts- and then you add another one LOL.
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so you complain about divisive misinformation from the GOP - And that is where this all starts- and then you add another one LOL.
I wasn't complaining about divisive misinformation from the GOP.

If you know of some, I'll complain about it, but I wasn't doing that in the post you quoted.
Shove your racist shit up your ass troll. There is nothing racist about saying people are responsible for their own future in life. You are correct on one thing though: Nowhere else is it like the USA, and that's why people are trying to sneak in. Most all colleges charging outrageous prices for a higher education are ran by you Communists.
no no you're just saying one race is lazy and stupid. nothing racist about that at all. When you say communists you sound like a **** **** fool lol
I wasn't complaining about divisive misinformation from the GOP.

If you know of some, I'll complain about it, but I wasn't doing that in the post you quoted.
they go on and on about what a lost cause San Francisco and Chicago are and how biden is totally incompetent and corrupt and they skip 90% of the news and the 10% they do report is spun out of all resemblance to reality. And you end up believing in election fraud vaccine fraud global warming fraud Etcetera Etcetera You must be crazy. Today Fox ignored the two black politicians in Tennessee who they had to take back again and how far of an overreach that is. Corporate news you think is Democratic never mentions the GOP giveaway to the rich et cetera et cetera. See I watch all news like a good citizen so I know how screwed up Yours is and you are....
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About 46,000 blacks in poverty in 2021, about 246,000 whites.

Do the math, you racist punk.
  1. Poverty in the United States: 2021 - census.gov

    WebIn 2021, SPM rates for non-Hispanic White (2.7 percent), Black (8.1 percent), and Hispanic (8.4 percent) children were also the lowest rates on record, falling from 2020. (Figure 8 …
  1. Poverty in the United States: 2021 - census.gov

    WebIn 2021, SPM rates for non-Hispanic White (2.7 percent), Black (8.1 percent), and Hispanic (8.4 percent) children were also the lowest rates on record, falling from 2020. (Figure 8 …
Table A4, you raving lunatic.

Whites in poverty: 248,909
Blacks in poverty: 48,225

You lose again, you racist punk.:dance::dance::dance:

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