Burn! Alvin Bragg Schools Jim Jordan on Crime Stats! Let's talk about crime in Ohio cities compared to NYC, Jimmy

"The Manhattan D.A.'s Office welcomes public safety conversations. We have them every day with our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners," the statement added, pointing to New York Police Department data showing that shootings and homicides fell in the first quarter of 2023 "with progress in Manhattan helping to drive the overall citywide decrease."

As of April 2, 2023, the statement noted, nearly all major crime categories are lower in Manhattan now than they were last year: murders are down 14 percent, shootings are down 17 percent, burglaries are down 21 percent and robberies are down 8 percent.

"In D.A. Bragg's first year in office, New York City had one of the lowest murder rates of major cities in the United States – nearly three times lower than Columbus, Ohio," the statement said. "If Chairman Jordan truly cared about public safety, he could take a short drive to Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Akron, or Toledo in his home state, instead of using taxpayer dollars to travel hundreds of miles out of his way."

Wikipedia might have a problem with that claim:

In your case, Ignorance is not bliss.

The numbers of murders in a small city are never compared to the murder of murders in a megalopolis. A city of 10,000 with1000 murders compared with a city of let's say 6 million with 100 murders? Which city is considered safer?
Spin it all you want. Even NYC's own mayor decries the violence in his city. He doesn't talk about Ohio, he talks about NY, unlike Bragg, who would rather talk about Ohio rather than his own city. Bragg needs to go. His policies create crime and violence.
In a heated debate between Alvin Bragg, a district attorney from New York City, and Jim Jordan, a Republican representative from Ohio, the former took the latter to task for his criticism of NYC's crime rates. In a perfect retort, Bragg cited the crime statistics of Ohio cities which far outstrip New York City's - a point that clearly seemed to catch Jordan off guard. It was truly a battle of wits with Bragg as the undeniable victor.

Columbus, which has a population of approximately 907,000 people, closed out 2022 with 140 murders, according to The Columbus Dispatch, or 15.4 murders per 100,000 citizens. New York City, which has a population of roughly 8.4 million, closed out 2022 with 433 murders, the Wall Street Journal reported, for a murder rate of 5.2 murders per 100,000 citizens.

Jim Jordan isn't in charge of Ohio, he's a congressman in a single district, he is not a DA who's letting criminals have free for alls knowing his leniency means no consequences. Jim Jordan has zero to do with Ohio crime rates, nor can you use population as a determination since NY has many dual citizens (other countries and states) never even residing there to be counted in said population.
Furthermore because of NY's size crimes often go unreported and or purposely unrecorded. -OP post-epic fail!
In a heated debate between Alvin Bragg, a district attorney from New York City, and Jim Jordan, a Republican representative from Ohio, the former took the latter to task for his criticism of NYC's crime rates. In a perfect retort, Bragg cited the crime statistics of Ohio cities which far outstrip New York City's - a point that clearly seemed to catch Jordan off guard. It was truly a battle of wits with Bragg as the undeniable victor.

Columbus, which has a population of approximately 907,000 people, closed out 2022 with 140 murders, according to The Columbus Dispatch, or 15.4 murders per 100,000 citizens. New York City, which has a population of roughly 8.4 million, closed out 2022 with 433 murders, the Wall Street Journal reported, for a murder rate of 5.2 murders per 100,000 citizens.

1. WTF does a Congressman have to do with local law enforcement in a Dimwinger controlled city?,

2. Jordan’s district doesn’t include Columbus.

Major fail by Bragg and the moron OP pyetro :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Wikipedia might have a problem with that claim:

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Jan 2023 NYPD reports on murder rate in December 2022 - Down, down, down.


Shootings and Homicides​

There were 433 homicides last year, about an 11 percent drop since 2021 and the fewest since 2019. Killings touched a 22-year low in 2017, when only 292 people were slain.

Last year, about 300 fewer people were shot than the year before. Shootings in 2022 also fell to 1,294, a 17 percent decrease.
Spin it all you want. Even NYC's own mayor decries the violence in his city. He doesn't talk about Ohio, he talks about NY, unlike Bragg, who would rather talk about Ohio rather than his own city. Bragg needs to go. His policies create crime and violence.
Bragg talks about NYC. Jordan and wacko loons like you keep jumping in with bs and lies, so Bragg said look closer to home: Jordan/Ohio

Shootings and Homicides​

There were 433 homicides last year, about an 11 percent drop since 2021 and the fewest since 2019. Killings touched a 22-year low in 2017, when only 292 people were slain.

Last year, about 300 fewer people were shot than the year before. Shootings in 2022 also fell to 1,294, a 17 percent decrease.
Which goes to show his stupidity. All of our crime ridden cities are ran by Democrats that Jordan has no control over; he's a Congressman. Fat Alvin on the other hand IS responsible for what goes on in his city and he is part of the reason for the increasing crime there.

You're playing a disingenuous game. Most blacks and minorities and the poor tend to live in urban areas. That they vote for democrats doesn't prove 'Democrats cause minorities, blacks, and urban crime'. The point is, that cities are often run by Democrats is an incidental (non causal) fact. "Correlation is not necessarily causation'. If I said 'all heroin addicts drank milk as a baby, does drinking mild as a baby cause heroin addiction? No, it doesn't'. So, quit being disingenuous, which is alluding to a lie to score political points.

But, naturally, republicans are not honest. They prove this every day of the week.
You're playing a disingenuous game. Most blacks and minorities and the poor tend to live in urban areas. That they vote for democrats doesn't prove 'Democrats cause minorities, blacks, and urban crime'. The point is, that cities are often run by Democrats is an incidental (non causal) fact. "Correlation is not necessarily causation'. If I said 'all heroin addicts drank milk as a baby, does drinking mild as a baby cause heroin addiction? No, it doesn't'. So, quit being disingenuous, which is alluding to a lie to score political points.

But, naturally, republicans are not honest. They prove this every day of the week.

We're being totally honest. When you give criminals a slap on the hand, they laugh and continue being a criminal. Fat Alvin has a record of dropping felony charges to misdemeanors. The felonies he does go forward with he loses the cases half the time, and likely on purpose.

Look at Lauri Lighthead in Chicago. She stopped police from giving foot chases to criminals unless they called in and got permission from their supervisor which by then, the suspect is three blocks away. How's that working out for their city?

When they lowered shoplifting and theft to a misdemeanor in San Francisco unless you steal more than $1,000, what did they think was going to happen? That's why all the Walgreens closed up there and other shops following them. In fact you can't even rent a U-haul truck in CA to get the hell out of there so many residents and businesses left already.

So don't give me this causation crap. Democrats are soft on crime and that promotes more crime.

Of course the numbers drop when fat man Bragg refuses to prosecute murderers, rapists, muggers. Or just drops the felony down to a misdemeanor hand slap as the victim and their families suffer again. The real numbers are far worse than what his doctored statistics say.
Which goes to show his stupidity. All of our crime ridden cities are ran by Democrats that Jordan has no control over; he's a Congressman. Fat Alvin on the other hand IS responsible for what goes on in his city and he is part of the reason for the increasing crime there.
yes yes, cities with large black populations have a crime problem. On average, blacks have 1/10th the wealth of whites, they control the illegal drug sales in cities and cause gang wars, whose fault is all that?
yes yes, cities with large black populations have a crime problem. On average, blacks have 1/10th the wealth of whites, they control the illegal drug sales in cities and cause gang wars, whose fault is all that?
Worse its not even accurate. Murder and poverty are worse in Red States than Blue States and even when we remove the largest Blue cities from those Red States their higher murder rate persists.

The Two-Decade Red State Murder Problem â Third Way

Some on the right argue that murder rates in red states are higher because of the blue cities in those red states. Of course, blue states have more blue urban areas than red states. That is what makes most states blue. The fact is that murder rates have increased in urban, suburban, and rural areas.

But to answer these critics, we performed an exercise to give red states a special boost. For this exercise, we removed all of the murders in the county with the largest city for 19 of 25 red states. In six rural red states home to no cities with large numbers of murders, this calculation was not possible based on available CDC data.2 Blue states would get no such advantage. But even with the largest city removed from red states, the Red State murder gap persisted.

Over the course of the full 21 years between 2000 and 2020, the Red State murder rate was still 12% higher than the Blue State murder rate, even when murders in the largest cities in those red states were removed. And the murder rate was still higher in 18 of 21 years.

Between 2010 and 2020, even after removing New Orleans and Jackson, Louisiana and Mississippi continued to hold the number one and two spots for highest murder rates. Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, and Tennessee were still consistently in the top 10 after removing their largest city.

Republicans are always, always full of shit. Some other highlights from the 20 year comparison, Blue States have more police per capita and fund the police more per capita than Red States so even their Defund the Police bullshit is just that, bullshit. It was an aspirational slogan from a grass roots organization, never actual implemented policy.
We're being totally honest. When you give criminals a slap on the hand, they laugh and continue being a criminal. Fat Alvin has a record of dropping felony charges to misdemeanors. The felonies he does go forward with he loses the cases half the time, and likely on purpose.

Look at Lauri Lighthead in Chicago. She stopped police from giving foot chases to criminals unless they called in and got permission from their supervisor which by then, the suspect is three blocks away. How's that working out for their city?

When they lowered shoplifting and theft to a misdemeanor in San Francisco unless you steal more than $1,000, what did they think was going to happen? That's why all the Walgreens closed up there and other shops following them. In fact you can't even rent a U-haul truck in CA to get the hell out of there so many residents and businesses left already.

So don't give me this causation crap. Democrats are soft on crime and that promotes more crime.

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poverty causes crime, and the GOP and racists cause poverty. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich Have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere by far And this is exactly what happens -blaming Black City Mayors is absolutely ridiculous and RACIST. And many thanks for keeping the pandemic going with BS and partisan fear mongering about crime and everything else when it's not all that bad at all, compared with the 80s and 90s for example....AND THE GOP'S FAULT!! stupidest wars ever, a world depression, greed- that's all...your brain wash is a catastrophe ARRGGHH....
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We're being totally honest. When you give criminals a slap on the hand, they laugh and continue being a criminal. Fat Alvin has a record of dropping felony charges to misdemeanors. The felonies he does go forward with he loses the cases half the time, and likely on purpose.

Look at Lauri Lighthead in Chicago. She stopped police from giving foot chases to criminals unless they called in and got permission from their supervisor which by then, the suspect is three blocks away. How's that working out for their city?

When they lowered shoplifting and theft to a misdemeanor in San Francisco unless you steal more than $1,000, what did they think was going to happen? That's why all the Walgreens closed up there and other shops following them. In fact you can't even rent a U-haul truck in CA to get the hell out of there so many residents and businesses left already.

So don't give me this causation crap. Democrats are soft on crime and that promotes more crime.

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When Dems signed a crime bill under Clinton and Biden as senator, we got railed for being too hard on crime.

. Make up your mind.

Now you are trafficking in cheap shots, ad homs, weasel words, etc., and by that fact, I can't take you seriously,

One is a representative in DC and the other is a district attorney. Which one would be responsible for crime in their city?
LOL. Of course you don't want to talk about the numbers. That's why it was so stupid for Bragg to bring it up. So a half have

So he had if I have 30 incorrect answers in a 300-question test, can you have 20 incorrect answers in a 25-question test, I'm worse than you because my number of incorrect questions is larger?
In your case, Ignorance is not bliss.

The numbers of murders in a small city are never compared to the murder of murders in a megalopolis. A city of 10,000 with1000 murders compared with a city of let's say 6 million with 100 murders? Which city is considered safer?
He's a troll. He's pretending not to understand that the crime rate is a ratio.
He's fully aware of it but pretending not to know.

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