Burn the Koran on 9-11

Burning the Koran - The Week

More examples of intollerance from Christians. And they want us to to use a christian example of how to deal with those of a different faith?

A controversial church in Florida is attracting global attention as it organizes a "Burn the Koran" day to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Pastor Terry Jones — leader of Dove World Outreach Center and author of a book called Islam is the Devil — says Islam is a "violent and oppressive" faith, and that the only way to stop Muslim terrorists is to expose their religion "for what it is."

Hate mongering, profiling, misrepresenting. All par for you Rightwinger.

From your link....

Groups as diverse as Al-Azhar's Supreme Council in Egypt and the National Association of Evangelicals in the U.S. have condemned the event, which the church announced in July on its Facebook page. Many Americans may be wagging their fingers at Terry Jones, says Chris McGreal in the Guardian, but he's hardly alone in his "hostility" to Islam. From the protests against the mosque at Ground Zero to the attempts to portray Barack Obama as a closet Islamist, "Muslim-bashing" is a reality of post-9/11 American life. No matter what you think about Islam, says Rick Moore at the Holy Coast blog, you should recognize that this "stunt" does not advance the cause of Christ. These hateful "wackos" give Christians "a bad name.

Burning the Koran - The Week

How about backing down a bit and rethink your claim???

don't confuse rightwinger with facts, it hurts him
Not just a troll thread, but a dupe troll thread, at that

And yet appropriate in a time we are willing to ignore our own Constitution to prevent a mosque from being built in lower Manhattan.

Is the way to protest a horrific act of religious intolerance to perform an act of religious intolerance?

Please direct us to the passage of the Constitution that provides that anyone can build anything they like on private property.

Muslims will continue to legally practice their religion across this nation and in NYC, regardless of whether or not they get the permit to build a center for terrorism and the establishment of Islamic dominance within a few feet of ground zero.
Remember, Christianity was used as a justification for segregation and violent subjugation of blacks in the American South just 40 years ago.

Simply because people are doing bad things in the name of religion does not mean that is what the religion stands for.

Please show me a quote where anyone said that Jesus said to treat blacks as non people. Just one quote. One verse from the Bible which supports your claim.

Or you can do the usual leftie limbo and run from this thread for two pages and then come back hoping the thread has forgotten about your absurd claims.


Well, first of all, the Bible is more than just Jesus. If you want to talk about all the bad shit in the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, we can do that.

But that's not the point. The point is that Christianity was used as a justification to subjugate and inflict terror and violence on blacks in the South. (And to be fair, in other parts of the country too.) Whether or not Jesus said to do that is irrelevant, and it proves my point. People will do bad things in the name of religion.

That's not true at all. Offer some proofs of your claim. Show me one slave owner who said " I own slaves b/c I'm a Christian." Now if you want to argue that some Christians owned slaves, well of course they did, but some Christians drink beer to, that doesn't mean they drink beer b/c they are Christians. I will point out that most abolitionists were Christians as well. Are most people who condemn terrorists Muslims? Nope.

This is a strawman and a failed one at that.
And let's be clear, if Islam was merely a collection of Rev. Wright's and Pat Robertson's spewing nonsense.... I'd couldn't care less. But it i s not. It is culture of death and intolerance that kills, subjugates and maimes worldwide on a daily basis.
And yet appropriate in a time we are willing to ignore our own Constitution to prevent a mosque from being built in lower Manhattan.

Is the way to protest a horrific act of religious intolerance to perform an act of religious intolerance?

I hate to once again inform you that Christians have constitutional rights as well, but burning books is not illegal.


Never said it was...

I always thought burning books reflected more negatively against the ones doing the burning that the ones whose books were being burned

I don't condone burning books, but your OP was clearly bitching about Christians talking about exercising their right to freedom of speech.

Why don't you just come on out and admit what we all see anyway, you hate Christians and want them silenced.
Always remember... there is only ONE Islam.

The notion of "radical" vs. "mainstream" Islam is a fools folly.


And only one Christianity..

I guess by your logic......Fred Phelps represents all Christians

No, not at all. Like I said, call me when Fred Phelps starts withthe stonings, beheadings and bombings.

One Fred Phelps spewing words is quite a far cry from the death toll from Islam. Nice try though.

Oh I get it now....its a matter of scope

As long as Christians are not beheading anyone, their actions should be tolerated.
C'mon Soggy, we all know you're not that thick. Read my post again, and don't put words in my mouth.

My post related to the fact that you would more than likely be killed if caught engaging in homosexuality or in mere posession of a Bible in Mecca.

You post implied that the same people would suffer the same fate at a Baptist Church. Which of course is an idiotic comparison.

There is a huge difference between the Westboro Baptist Church and the rest of the Baptist churches. If I really generalized about Baptists, I wouldn't have specified the Westboro Baptist Church.

You also missed the rest of my point. There are parts of this country which aren't tolerant, which really undermines any moral generalizations you direct at all of Islam.

Like I said, call me when peronal intolerance turns to bombings, beheadings and stonings.
Remember, Christianity was used as a justification for segregation and violent subjugation of blacks in the American South just 40 years ago.

Simply because people are doing bad things in the name of religion does not mean that is what the religion stands for.

Please show me a quote where anyone said that Jesus said to treat blacks as non people. Just one quote. One verse from the Bible which supports your claim.

Or you can do the usual leftie limbo and run from this thread for two pages and then come back hoping the thread has forgotten about your absurd claims.


Well, first of all, the Bible is more than just Jesus. If you want to talk about all the bad shit in the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, we can do that.

But that's not the point. The point is that Christianity was used as a justification to subjugate and inflict terror and violence on blacks in the South. (And to be fair, in other parts of the country too.) Whether or not Jesus said to do that is irrelevant, and it proves my point. People will do bad things in the name of religion.

pretty lame toro....

i guess you forgot the muslims and black africans who sold the slaves and how used them as slaves, kidnapped them and took them from their native land.....

additionally, just because some folks use christianity to justify their actions, doesn't mean that what christianity stands for....

And only one Christianity..

I guess by your logic......Fred Phelps represents all Christians

No, not at all. Like I said, call me when Fred Phelps starts withthe stonings, beheadings and bombings.

One Fred Phelps spewing words is quite a far cry from the death toll from Islam. Nice try though.

Oh I get it now....its a matter of scope

As long as Christians are not beheading anyone, their actions should be tolerated.

So you enjoy pointing out the intolerance of Christians. Do you give equal voice to the intolerance of other religions??

And only one Christianity..

I guess by your logic......Fred Phelps represents all Christians

No, not at all. Like I said, call me when Fred Phelps starts withthe stonings, beheadings and bombings.

One Fred Phelps spewing words is quite a far cry from the death toll from Islam. Nice try though.

Oh I get it now....its a matter of scope

As long as Christians are not beheading anyone, their actions should be tolerated.

Yes. People have the right to whatever view they want to hold. or, at least the last I checked they do.
I hate to once again inform you that Christians have constitutional rights as well, but burning books is not illegal.


Never said it was...

I always thought burning books reflected more negatively against the ones doing the burning that the ones whose books were being burned

I don't condone burning books, but your OP was clearly bitching about Christians talking about exercising their right to freedom of speech.

Why don't you just come on out and admit what we all see anyway, you hate Christians and want them silenced.

No...not at all

Some of my best friends are Christians. To put the thread in simplistic terms, it is about tolerance of other faiths and judging entire faiths on the actions of their extremist elements.

I am an atheist, but have more tolerance of the right to maintain a religious belief than most believers. They are wrapped up in "My Religion is the right religion and all other religions must be destroyed"
No, not at all. Like I said, call me when Fred Phelps starts withthe stonings, beheadings and bombings.

One Fred Phelps spewing words is quite a far cry from the death toll from Islam. Nice try though.

Oh I get it now....its a matter of scope

As long as Christians are not beheading anyone, their actions should be tolerated.

So you enjoy pointing out the intolerance of Christians. Do you give equal voice to the intolerance of other religions??

Of course not; he hasn't the balls to confront Islam. Which is very telling; seems he knows who the real threat is.
Never said it was...

I always thought burning books reflected more negatively against the ones doing the burning that the ones whose books were being burned

I don't condone burning books, but your OP was clearly bitching about Christians talking about exercising their right to freedom of speech.

Why don't you just come on out and admit what we all see anyway, you hate Christians and want them silenced.

No...not at all

Some of my best friends are Christians. To put the thread in simplistic terms, it is about tolerance of other faiths and judging entire faiths on the actions of their extremist elements.

I am an atheist, but have more tolerance of the right to maintain a religious belief than most believers. They are wrapped up in "My Religion is the right religion and all other religions must be destroyed"

How do you know I am a Christian? I never stated that.

Why would that be a "better" idea??

It's not. That was intended irony. It would be just as bad as Soggy's idea.

You really see those situations as completely equivalent??

My post related to the fact that you would more than likely be killed if caught engaging in homosexuality or in mere posession of a Bible in Mecca.

You post implied that the same people would suffer the same fate at a Baptist Church. Which of course is an idiotic comparison.

There is a huge difference between the Westboro Baptist Church and the rest of the Baptist churches. If I really generalized about Baptists, I wouldn't have specified the Westboro Baptist Church.

You also missed the rest of my point. There are parts of this country which aren't tolerant, which really undermines any moral generalizations you direct at all of Islam.

Like I said, call me when peronal intolerance turns to bombings, beheadings and stonings.

Hate crimes happen here too guys. I suppose (and this is directed at Soggy) you have citations that prove all Muslims act the same way here? That all American Muslims think the same as the radical ones?
No, not at all. Like I said, call me when Fred Phelps starts withthe stonings, beheadings and bombings.

One Fred Phelps spewing words is quite a far cry from the death toll from Islam. Nice try though.

Oh I get it now....its a matter of scope

As long as Christians are not beheading anyone, their actions should be tolerated.

So you enjoy pointing out the intolerance of Christians. Do you give equal voice to the intolerance of other religions??

Why of course not...

Christians making asses out of themselves are still asses
Muslims making asses out of themselves are still asses
Atheists making asses out of themselves are still asses

Its when you judge the total on the fact that some are asses that we have a problem
Never said it was...

I always thought burning books reflected more negatively against the ones doing the burning that the ones whose books were being burned

I don't condone burning books, but your OP was clearly bitching about Christians talking about exercising their right to freedom of speech.

Why don't you just come on out and admit what we all see anyway, you hate Christians and want them silenced.

No...not at all

Some of my best friends are Christians. To put the thread in simplistic terms, it is about tolerance of other faiths and judging entire faiths on the actions of their extremist elements.

I am an atheist, but have more tolerance of the right to maintain a religious belief than most believers. They are wrapped up in "My Religion is the right religion and all other religions must be destroyed"

I don't believe you for one second, and I don't think anyone else here does. You bash Christians at EVERY opportunity. This thread is proof, your original post grouped all Christians in with one small church, and you called them nuts for expressing their desire to exercise their first amendment right.

Tell me this, IF they have a right to build a mosque on their property, then why do you cry about Christians wanting to burn THEIR property?

PS - Most sane people do not call for the destruction of Islam.
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Ya gotta love it, people are being brutally murdered worldwide, daily in the name of Islam... yet the Jews and the Christians are the problem. If we just let them have their Mosque at Ground Zero, the'll be happy and leave us alone.

Churchhill was right, appeasement is the hope that he crocodile eats you last.
I don't condone burning books, but your OP was clearly bitching about Christians talking about exercising their right to freedom of speech.

Why don't you just come on out and admit what we all see anyway, you hate Christians and want them silenced.

No...not at all

Some of my best friends are Christians. To put the thread in simplistic terms, it is about tolerance of other faiths and judging entire faiths on the actions of their extremist elements.

I am an atheist, but have more tolerance of the right to maintain a religious belief than most believers. They are wrapped up in "My Religion is the right religion and all other religions must be destroyed"

How do you know I am a Christian? I never stated that.


Is your name ConHog by chance?
Ya gotta love it, people are being brutally murdered worldwide, daily in the name of Islam... yet the Jews and the Christians are the problem. If we just let them have their Mosque at Ground Zero, the'll be happy and leave us alone.

Churchhill was right, appeasement is the hope that he crocodile eats you last.

Way to miss the point. If you're going to generalize all Muslims are the same along the lines of their radical wankers, you might as well be fair and do the same for Christians.

I don't think anyone in this thread is condoning or approving of what theocratic dictatorships like Saudi Arabia do.
How can this be true? Was the book they're going to burn found too close to Ground Zero?

But it was burned in the minds of the terroist that killed over 3000 people on 9/11

We were attacked on 9/11 because Bin Laden et al wanted the US 'invaders' out of their homeland/holy land. That is far more than a mere religious motive.

Well I'll buy that argument. So if all the muslims go the fuck home, and we come the fuck home then peace shall reign in all the land???

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