Burning prisoners to death, a punishment sanctioned in Islam

Of course, to make a stupid point, the OP has to totally ignore the condemnation of these bastards but the vast majority of Muslims and leaders of Muslim majority countries.
The OP is also a sick fuck, using these idiot hate groups as a reason to hate all Muslims, even the poor dude these ***** burnt to death.

Of course you totally ignore the fact that they played the video of the burning pilot in front of a cheering crowd in Qabba with Muslim children enjoying it as well, and that thousands of Muslims are flocking to ISIS, which holds huge swaths of land.

You guys just hate it when someone tells the truth about Islam. Suddenly now, all these Islamic terrorist groups have become "hate groups"? Ha ha ha.

They hate us no doubt.

Jordan bombed the shit out if Isis in Syria last night.

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.

That's what your myopia tells you?

Diga me hombre -- do you see the difference between this:

Islam is the cancer of modern civilization.

and this:


... and this?


Me neither.
How many times do we have to learn where this road goes?
How many? Just give me a number.
Your comments can be posted to multiple threads that discuss the US war in Iraq, rather than post off topic comments in this thread.


We are discussing killing and how religion relates to killing. I see that you answered none of my questions about CHRISTIAN American bombers murdering the INNOCENT in Iraq and the Bible's saying to "obey earthy rulers," who can order whoever they want to be killed.

Another bulshit argument. We are talking about the treatment of prisoners, by ISLAMISTS. The non Muslim human aid workers that ISIS beheads do not even qualify as "prisoners".

Dropping bombs in a theatre of war doesn't tie religion into it. These are all lame and failed arguments.
You may wish to lol in a thread relevant to your comments.

How is the fact that many of the people who bombed (BURNED & MURDERED) the innocent in Iraq were Christians irrelevant to a religion forum, simpleton LOLOL?
Go tell it to the Pope. Catholicism does not represent Christians. It is an anti Christ false teaching institution and has nothing to do with Christianity. Funny you do not seem to be concerned with the real culprits.

As I said, Sir, I do not side with terrorists, whatever religion they claim; what is truly questionable is the lack of interest among many about the CULPRITS of the Iraq-American war in which hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT Iraqis were KILLED (MURDERED) by the US military, for no reason.

You really do not get it, do you? The Vatican was behind that war. Look up everything you can find on Ex Jesuit Alberto Rivera and you will learn the truth. Look up the thread I have posted on him here on religion forum. Look up the books available on Jack Chick Publications about him too. You'll find the truth there. You are in for the shock of your life, 1977. Just wait.
Did you know that Hitler and Mussolini were both devout Catholics trying to conquer the world and set up a milenial kingdom for the Pope? The holocaust was just another Roman Catholic Inquisition. Only instead of wearing robes they wore Nazi uniforms. The outdoor mass held in Munich in 1937 was to bless the Nazi party and the Fuhrer. (there are photographs on record of this event) Mussolini and Franco signed official contracts with the Vatican called the Concordate ( it was a political and religious contract of mutual support) There are photographs of that event as well.

The signer was Cardinal Pacelli ( who later became Pope Pius XII) . By 1933 he was the Vatican secretary of State. Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic was the Papal Nuncio ( ambassador to Germany - The Vatican's diplomat who hleped bring Hitler to Power).

Another one who was in on it was a Vatican prelate named Montini who later was to become Pope Paul VI.

Van Papen boasted to the world, "The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognizes, but puts into practice, the highest principles of the papacy. (DER VOELKISCHER BEOBACHTER, January 14, 1934)

In 1934 the German armed forces swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler using the same two fingered salute the Pope uses. As early as 1212, by papal edict - Jews were required to wear a distinctive badge and were forbidden from holding public office and that was enforced by the Dominicans. Additional papal decrees forbid the Jews, non Catholics and true Christians from owning real estate, selling new goods or living near Roman Catholics.

Adolf Hitler said, I reject that book by Rosenberg. It was written by a protestant. It is not a party book. As a Catholic I never felt comfortable in the evangelical church or structures. As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy the Catholic Church has adopted 1500 years ago, when it regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into the ghettos because they knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of the race for church and state, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a service. ( what a sick mind - to consider Catholicism Christianity! ) To Hitler, Christianity was Roman Catholicism. He serves Pius XII very faithfully.

The slaughter of the Jews was perfectly legal according to the laws of the Roman Catholic System (Still on the books today) Because according to the Council of Trent they were heretics and considered enemies of God. You and I are considered heretics by the Roman Catholic Church. Nothing has changed, Roudy. Those laws are still in effect today. Any Jew who trusts the Roman Catholic Church is meshugenah. Churchill once said that the further back you can see in history the further ahead you can see into the future.

Is it any wonder the Roman Church has been so busy rewriting history on what happened in holocaust and Inquisitions? Not to me it isn't. They are planning their next Inquisition even now! Wake up, Roudy!

While I agree that Hitler was a Catholic who blended certain aspects of Catholicism into the Nazi movement, in the end he thought of Catholicism and Christianty as a whole as an offshoot of Judaism and too weak of a faith. He also used Pope Pius who was a rabid anti Semite himself, to elevate himself and his party to power. Hence "Hitler's Pope".

Hitler did not believe in God but from all religions he showed the greatest admiration Islam, mostly because it was a warrior religion. He saw a future with a German Muslims conquering the world, as he felt Arabs were too racially inferior to carry it out.
Bullshit. This thread is about the fact that when ISIS beheads people, or in this case, burns a fellow Muslim, it is based on Islam.

Well I don't trust the media to give me my info, but what is the MURDERING of the innocent in Iraq by the US military, which is mostly Christian, based on?
Of course you totally ignore the fact that they played the video of the burning pilot in front of a cheering crowd in Qabba with Muslim children enjoying it as well, and that thousands of Muslims are flocking to ISIS, which holds huge swaths of land.

You guys just hate it when someone tells the truth about Islam. Suddenly now, all these Islamic terrorist groups have become "hate groups"? Ha ha ha.

They hate us no doubt.

Jordan bombed the shit out if Isis in Syria last night.

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.

That's what your myopia tells you?

Diga me hombre -- do you see the difference between this:

Islam is the cancer of modern civilization.

and this:


... and this?


Me neither.
How many times do we have to learn where this road goes?
How many? Just give me a number.

How does this relate? You guys are trying to compare the worldwide scourge of Islamic terrorism to every single thing whites, Europeans, or Christians have done in the past.

Christians aren't murdering non Christians in the name of Jesus. Vast majority of White Christians are Western style democracies and tolerant societies.

Epic fail.
Last edited:
Bullshit. This thread is about the fact that when ISIS beheads people, or in this case, burns a fellow Muslim, it is based on Islam.

Well I don't trust the media to give me my info, but what is the MURDERING of the innocent in Iraq by the US military, which is mostly Christian, based on?

It was a perceived national security threat by a dictator named Sadam who had invaded a neighboring country (Kuwait), and dropped chemical weapons on his own people, killing at least half a million Iraqis. Whatever it was based on, it wasn't a religious war, nor were they specially targeting innocents or those who were unwilling to "submit" to Christianty. :cuckoo:
Another bulshit argument. We are talking about the treatment of prisoners, by ISLAMISTS. The non Muslim human aid workers that ISIS beheads do not even qualify as "prisoners".

Dropping bombs in a theatre of war doesn't tie religion into it. These are all lame and failed arguments.

Well I am talking about the treatment of THE INNOCENT in Iraq, who were killed by the U.S. military which is made up of mostly Christian people. How does one claim to believe in Jesus and bomb innocent people? Is it based on this Scripture:

"(1)Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (2)Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." Romans 13:1-2, NIV

Does this sanction a Christian military service-person refusing to rebel against his/her government if it commands to kill the innocent, like the people of Iraq? YES IT DOES!

Whatever your problem is with Islam I don't know. But I can tell you that Muhammad said that his community would deviate from his path and that is what I believe they have done...
It was a perceived national security threat by a dictator named Sadam who had invaded a neighboring country (Kuwait), and dropped chemical weapons on his own people, killing at least half a million Iraqis. Whatever it was based on, it wasn't a religious war, nor were they specially targeting innocents or those who were unwilling to "submit" to Christianty. :cuckoo:

And what happened in America's Civil War, fool? The North invaded the South when it seceded from the Union and that is what happened in Iraq/Kuwait, and in the Civil War, the Union used weapons of war against the South when it tried to rebel against the government, you f*cking hypocrite!

Another bulshit argument. We are talking about the treatment of prisoners, by ISLAMISTS. The non Muslim human aid workers that ISIS beheads do not even qualify as "prisoners".

Dropping bombs in a theatre of war doesn't tie religion into it. These are all lame and failed arguments.

Well I am talking about the treatment of THE INNOCENT in Iraq, who were killed by the U.S. military which is made up of mostly Christian people. How does one claim to believe in Jesus and bomb innocent people? Is it based on this Scripture:

"(1)Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. (2)Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves." Romans 13:1-2, NIV

Does this sanction a Christian military service-person refusing to rebel against his/her government if it commands to kill the innocent, like the people of Iraq? YES IT DOES!

Whatever your problem is with Islam I don't know. But I can tell you that Muhammad said that his community would deviate from his path and that is what I believe they have done...

Innocents get killed in and mistreated in every war. Bashir Assad the genocial maniac and his army have killed over 250,000 Syrians, many of them innocent. They've dropped bombs, used chemical weapons, and raped and tortured fellow Syrians. Did they do it in the name of Islam, no. Neither did Sadam attack Kuwait in the name of Islam. Yet they were all Muslims and therefore should be blamed according to you.

So your claim belongs in the context of a general discussion of war and its effects, not the fact that Muslim Islamist lunatics are behaving like savage subhuman animals in the name of Islam.

What's the problem with Islam? Isn't it obvious? I would point you to the Egyptian leader General Sissi's recent speech about reforming Islam and Islamic thinking.
It was a perceived national security threat by a dictator named Sadam who had invaded a neighboring country (Kuwait), and dropped chemical weapons on his own people, killing at least half a million Iraqis. Whatever it was based on, it wasn't a religious war, nor were they specially targeting innocents or those who were unwilling to "submit" to Christianty. :cuckoo:

And what happened in America's Civil War, fool? The North invaded the South when it seceded from the Union and that is what happened in Iraq/Kuwait, and in the Civil War, the Union used weapons of war against the South when it tried to rebel against the government, you f*cking hypocrite!


Calm down and pull your pants up Achmed, your Islam is showing.
They hate us no doubt.

Jordan bombed the shit out if Isis in Syria last night.

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.

That's what your myopia tells you?

Diga me hombre -- do you see the difference between this:

Islam is the cancer of modern civilization.

and this:


... and this?


Me neither.
How many times do we have to learn where this road goes?
How many? Just give me a number.

How does this relate? You guys are trying to compare the worldwide scourge of Islamic terrorism to every single thing whites, Europeans, or Christians have done in the past.

Christians aren't murdering non Christians in the name of Jesus. Vast majority of White Christians are Western style democracies and tolerant societies.

Epic fail.

"How does it relate"? "How does it relate???"

What's the same about all of those examples? It's got nothing to do with religion-- that's why I put the 3rd example in there.

So if it's not religion, what do these three pieces of propaganda all have in common? Think about it.
And here is ISIS' Fatwa, which is a religious order as to why they burned the pilot. Mohammad did the same to the apostates, and a good Muslim follows Mohammad.

ISIS Distributes Fatwa to Justify “Burning Sentence” of Jordanian Pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh

ISIS circulated a document citing the Prophet Mohammed burning apostates to justify today’s pilot torching video.


But this has nothing to do with Islam, right?

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.

That's what your myopia tells you?

Diga me hombre -- do you see the difference between this:

Islam is the cancer of modern civilization.

and this:


... and this?


Me neither.
How many times do we have to learn where this road goes?
How many? Just give me a number.

How does this relate? You guys are trying to compare the worldwide scourge of Islamic terrorism to every single thing whites, Europeans, or Christians have done in the past.

Christians aren't murdering non Christians in the name of Jesus. Vast majority of White Christians are Western style democracies and tolerant societies.

Epic fail.

"How does it relate"? "How does it relate???"

What's the same about all of those examples? It's got nothing to do with religion-- that's why I put the 3rd example in there.

So if it's not religion, what do these three pieces of propaganda all have in common? Think about it.

And here is the verse Regarding the apostates:

As Abu Bakr, Muhammad's closest companion, explained in a letter at the time, his prophet "struck whoever turned his back to Him until he came to Islam, willingly or grudgingly." Thus did Abu Bakr promise to "burn them with fire, slaughter them by any means, and take women and children captive" any who left Islam. (al-Tabari v10 p.55-57)

And burn he did. ISIS Is just following what Islam teaches them to.
They hate us no doubt.

Jordan bombed the shit out if Isis in Syria last night.

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.

That's what your myopia tells you?

Diga me hombre -- do you see the difference between this:

Islam is the cancer of modern civilization.

and this:


... and this?


Me neither.
How many times do we have to learn where this road goes?
How many? Just give me a number.

How does this relate? You guys are trying to compare the worldwide scourge of Islamic terrorism to every single thing whites, Europeans, or Christians have done in the past.

Christians aren't murdering non Christians in the name of Jesus.

Scott Roeder did. Eric Rudolph did. John Salvi did. Michael Griffin did. The Reverend Paul Jennings Hill did. Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons and Kaye Wiggins called their Christmas Day bombing "a gift to Jesus on his birthday". All Christians. And lots more.

Now by your logic this has to mean that "Christianity sanctions muder". And bombing too for that matter. It MUST mean that.

Your own logic, dood.

You can keep running this illogic play over and over expecting different results; you won't get 'em.
Calm down and pull your pants up Achmed, your Islam is showing.

LOLOLOL. I'm not a Muslim, punk LOLOL.

You guys are a bunch of homos lololol...Russia took Crimea and your tone about policing the world changed, you F*CKING F*GGOTS.
Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.

That's what your myopia tells you?

Diga me hombre -- do you see the difference between this:

Islam is the cancer of modern civilization.

and this:


... and this?


Me neither.
How many times do we have to learn where this road goes?
How many? Just give me a number.

How does this relate? You guys are trying to compare the worldwide scourge of Islamic terrorism to every single thing whites, Europeans, or Christians have done in the past.

Christians aren't murdering non Christians in the name of Jesus.

Scott Roeder did. Eric Rudolph did. John Salvi did. Michael Griffin did. The Reverend Paul Jennings Hill did. Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons and Kaye Wiggins called their Christmas Day bombing "a gift to Jesus on his birthday". All Christians. And lots more.

Now by your logic this has to mean that "Christianity sanctions muder". And bombing too for that matter. It MUST mean that.

Your own logic, dood.

You can keep running this illogic play over and over expecting different results; you won't get 'em.

If there were groups like that today killing and threatening all non Christians to follow their ideology all over the world, then yes, I'd take another look at the NT. But that's not the case is it. Christians are promoting coexistence and tolerance, while the opposite seems to be happening in the Muslim world. Even Muslims that immigrate to Western nations are now threatening and killing Christians in their own countries, in the name of Islam.

But of course all of this has nothing to do with Islam. Yep.
He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.

That's what your myopia tells you?

Diga me hombre -- do you see the difference between this:

Islam is the cancer of modern civilization.

and this:


... and this?


Me neither.
How many times do we have to learn where this road goes?
How many? Just give me a number.

How does this relate? You guys are trying to compare the worldwide scourge of Islamic terrorism to every single thing whites, Europeans, or Christians have done in the past.

Christians aren't murdering non Christians in the name of Jesus.

Scott Roeder did. Eric Rudolph did. John Salvi did. Michael Griffin did. The Reverend Paul Jennings Hill did. Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons and Kaye Wiggins called their Christmas Day bombing "a gift to Jesus on his birthday". All Christians. And lots more.

Now by your logic this has to mean that "Christianity sanctions muder". And bombing too for that matter. It MUST mean that.

Your own logic, dood.

You can keep running this illogic play over and over expecting different results; you won't get 'em.

If there were groups like that today killing and threatening all non Christians to follow their ideology all over the world, then yes, I'd take another look at the NT. But that's not the case is it. Christians are promoting coexistence and tolerance, while the opposite seems to be happening in the Muslim world. Even Muslims that immigrate to Western nations are now threatening and killing Christians in their own countries, in the name of Islam.

But of course all of this has nothing to do with Islam. Yep.

Ah, so a tiny irrepresentative sample of "our" people doesn't count, while a tiny irrepresentative sample of "theirs" suddenly embodies a billion-plus people. Having it both ways: Priceless.

Still drowning in your own biased sample fallacy swill.

--- which kinda makes the outrage in the rest of the Muslim world over an execution method they consider abhorrent -- as I linked already two or three times --- difficult to explain, doesn't it?

This whole thread is like a chapter from 1984 -- emphasis on Doublethink.
And of course, Two Minutes Hate.

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