Burning prisoners to death, a punishment sanctioned in Islam

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

if you didn't know that

maybe this thread is not for you
What a sick, perverted, barbaric religion Islam is:

Outrage in Mideast over IS killing of Jordan pilot - Yahoo News

Of course, to make a stupid point, the OP has to totally ignore the condemnation of these bastards but the vast majority of Muslims and leaders of Muslim majority countries.
The OP is also a sick fuck, using these idiot hate groups as a reason to hate all Muslims, even the poor dude these ***** burnt to death.

Of course you totally ignore the fact that they played the video of the burning pilot in front of a cheering crowd in Qabba with Muslim children enjoying it as well, and that thousands of Muslims are flocking to ISIS, which holds huge swaths of land.

You guys just hate it when someone tells the truth about Islam. Suddenly now, all these Islamic terrorist groups have become "hate groups"? Ha ha ha.

They hate us no doubt.

Jordan bombed the shit out if Isis in Syria last night.

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.
I can't watch this any more....

They're just looking to justify their hate. Your mistake was yhinking they could be reasoned with, or that facts would matter

you are a bigger idiot then pogo

the fact is isil quoted Qisas (equality in punishment)

during the video fire for fire

No wonder you can't figure out insha'Allah -- you can't even figure out then. And that's English.
This space is usually reserved for Special Ed. Still SMH....
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You naive, strange people who are continuously racking your small brains. looking for moral equivalence of reprehensible Islamic actions, are beyond normal comprehension.

All you are doing is trying to change the subject thereby helping these foul radical savages!

There is no logic whatsoever in your actions.

Instead of looking for excuses for this monstrous burning, why not concentrate on the present, which is the danger of radical Islam as has been proved without a doubt time and time again.

Stop making excuses by attempting to compare actions that are beyond any rational comparison.

Have the courage, decency and common sense to aknowledge these Islamic horrors for what they are instead of always being a willing donkey for radical Islam!

All you are demonstrating is that you seem to have hidden sympathy for all these horrible actions!

Shame on you!

Shame on you?

Shame on you.

Religious extremism sucks. Those that don't recognize it cry "moral equivalency".

African Christians are burning witches and excorsizing kids with acid. Sweet.

Your answer is completely without logic and once again you are descending to moral equivalence, which means you are attempting to change the subject and gloss over its seriousness

Even if your babble about African witches is true ...what possible comparison is there to the Islamic Caliphate State whose religious aim is to dominate the whole world under Sharia Law and maintain its barbaric practices.

Your babble is completly irrelevant!

People who use this moral equivalence garbage, seem to be condoning the actions of radical Islam by saying - "Well so what , a lot of others are doing it, so why shouldn't they?" -

Everybody who makes these disgusting , ignorant comparisons is only helping the enemy by being a useful donkey for radical Islam.

You can be sure that the enemy is fully aware of these "moral equivalence" comments and is greatly encouraged by them.

They are no doubt amazed by all the sympathy they get from the enemy, in other words the enemy is in the necessary state of submission like so many in this thread.

sky----the word "ENEMY" is relative ----relative to the person being considered. Al Qaeda may be YOUR enemy----but it
is not the enemy of coyote----nor is "isis" Placing a young pilot in a cage and setting him on fire may seem
like an atrocity and a crime to YOU-----but it is not so for coyote RELATIVE to WHO is doing the 'setting on fire'
and to what end. Your problem, sky----is that you do not
enjoy obscene sophistry

Speak for yourself you obscene creature. You only care if atrocities are committed by Muslims. Anyone else, well...it's just an aberration according to you and Skye - or perhaps it just doesn't count if it's not Muslim.
What you're hoping to side-step is that the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot brought into focus the continuing threat of islamo-fascism and its appeals to a resurgence of islamo-conquest and the islamo-caliphate proposed by ISIS.

You need to keep this latest incident of islamo-barbarism in context with the on-going islamo-atrocities taking place across the globe. The reality is that the thugs, misogynists and murderers that many converts and pom pom flailers find excuses for, live and thrive off of the infliction of death, destruction and suffering. They find a holy mandate for murder. They are, after all, following in the footsteps of the islamo-model for all humanity: muhammud (swish). "The way of the prophet" is what drives the swath of death and destruction across Iraq and Syria. ISIS sees Muhammud's (swish) design in destruction, suffering in pursuit of a caliphate.

And the greater context is that you can replace "Islamo-adjective" with any unlimited number of fanaticist wackoism, whether it's religious, political, or both, and you have exactly the same thing. Painting this as specifically Islamo-barbarism is not only a Composition Fallacy ---- it's a cop-out.

Let's drop the Doublethink that (a) a band of extremists nobody in their religion agrees with somehow represents that religion, (b) that that religion somehow invented death by fire, and (c) that we haven't done the same thing.
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I am not a Muslim but Americans can be very hypocritical.

DOES CHRISTIANITY SANCTION KILLING THE INNOCENT? YES IT DOES! It teaches in the Book of Romans to obey earthy rulers, WHO CAN ORDER KILLING PEOPLE FOR NO REASON LIKE WHAT TOOK PLACE IN IRAQ; is Christianity a sick, perverted, barbaric religion?

I do not side with terrorists, WHATEVER RELIGION THEY CLAIM, just for the record and though I'm not a Muslim I have studied the Qur'an and it does NOT say to burn anyone alive as a penalty for anything; WARNING TO BOARD MEMBERS WHO HAVE NEVER READ THE QUR'AN: People on this board LIE about Islam very much...if you want to know what the Qur'an ("Koran") says, read the Yusuf Ali translation for yourself.

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Shame on you?

Shame on you.

Religious extremism sucks. Those that don't recognize it cry "moral equivalency".

African Christians are burning witches and excorsizing kids with acid. Sweet.

Your answer is completely without logic and once again you are descending to moral equivalence, which means you are attempting to change the subject and gloss over its seriousness

Even if your babble about African witches is true ...what possible comparison is there to the Islamic Caliphate State whose religious aim is to dominate the whole world under Sharia Law and maintain its barbaric practices.

Your babble is completly irrelevant!

People who use this moral equivalence garbage, seem to be condoning the actions of radical Islam by saying - "Well so what , a lot of others are doing it, so why shouldn't they?" -

Everybody who makes these disgusting , ignorant comparisons is only helping the enemy by being a useful donkey for radical Islam.

You can be sure that the enemy is fully aware of these "moral equivalence" comments and is greatly encouraged by them.

They are no doubt amazed by all the sympathy they get from the enemy, in other words the enemy is in the necessary state of submission like so many in this thread.

sky----the word "ENEMY" is relative ----relative to the person being considered. Al Qaeda may be YOUR enemy----but it
is not the enemy of coyote----nor is "isis" Placing a young pilot in a cage and setting him on fire may seem
like an atrocity and a crime to YOU-----but it is not so for coyote RELATIVE to WHO is doing the 'setting on fire'
and to what end. Your problem, sky----is that you do not
enjoy obscene sophistry

Speak for yourself you obscene creature. You only care if atrocities are committed by Muslims. Anyone else, well...it's just an aberration according to you and Skye - or perhaps it just doesn't count if it's not Muslim.
What you're hoping to side-step is that the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot brought into focus the continuing threat of islamo-fascism and its appeals to a resurgence of islamo-conquest and the islamo-caliphate proposed by ISIS.

You need to keep this latest incident of islamo-barbarism in context with the on-going islamo-atrocities taking place across the globe. The reality is that the thugs, misogynists and murderers that many converts and pom pom flailers find excuses for, live and thrive off of the infliction of death, destruction and suffering. They find a holy mandate for murder. They are, after all, following in the footsteps of the islamo-model for all humanity: muhammud (swish). "The way of the prophet" is what drives the swath of death and destruction across Iraq and Syria. ISIS sees Muhammud's (swish) design in destruction, suffering in pursuit of a caliphate.

And the greater context is that you can replace "Islamo-adjective" with any unlimited number of fanaticist wackoism, whether it's religious, political, or both, and you have exactly the same thing. Painting this as specifically Islamo-barbarism is not only a Composition Fallacy ---- it's a cop-out.

Let's drop the Doublethink that (a) a band of extremists nobody in their religion agrees with somehow represents that religion, (b) that that religion somehow invented death by fire, and (c) that we haven't done the same thing.

The greater context and the context of my comments was to address the here and now context of the wannabe caliphate'ists slaughtering their way across iraq and Syria. Painting the acts of islamo-barbarians as islamic when the barbarians make appeals to islamist ideology is acknowledging what the barbarians are explicity telling us. Making excuse for this is the cop-out.

It's plain to see that the islamo-barbarians who have been involved in the commission of the savage and brutal crimes are not at all innovative or aberrant. They are not the wayward sons of Islam that you might want to portray them as. Because the acts of war, conquest and brutality we're seeing across Iraq and Syria are consistent with the islamo-conquests that occurred after the death of muhammud (swish), you may want to think that these horrifying things we see are a response to recent events (as if that would in any way justify such savagery). Even worse, many actually apologized for this despicable trend, drawing an insane moral equivalence between Western "imperialistic aggression" and the barbaric murder that the islamo-holy warriors have been inflicting on those unfortunate enough to fall into their grasp. And in front of their cameras.

However, You should try and understand the motivations of ISIS. Islamo-ideology involves in the way of muhammud (swish) and to subject all of mankind to muhammud's (swish) will (as understood by Moslems), irrespective of any cultural, national, or ethnic considerations. Conquest of the planet for muhammud (swish), through force of arms or otherwise, is Islam's endgame—the universal implementation of brutal seventh century politico religious laws in the modern age.

I am not a Muslim but Americans can be very hypocritical.

DOES CHRISTIANITY SANCTION KILLING THE INNOCENT? YES IT DOES! It teaches in the Book of Romans to obey earthy rulers, WHO CAN ORDER KILLING PEOPLE FOR NO REASON LIKE WHAT TOOK PLACE IN IRAQ; is Christianity a sick, perverted, barbaric religion?

I do not side with terrorists, WHATEVER RELIGION THEY CLAIM, just for the record and though I'm not a Muslim I have studied the Qur'an and it does NOT say to burn anyone alive as a penalty for anything; WARNING TO BOARD MEMBERS WHO HAVE NEVER READ THE QUR'AN: People on this board LIE about Islam very much...if you want to know what the Qur'an ("Koran") says, then read the Yusuf Ali translation for yourself.


Go tell it to the Pope. Catholicism does not represent Christians. It is an anti Christ false teaching institution and has nothing to do with Christianity. Funny you do not seem to be concerned with the real culprits.
I can't watch this any more....

They're just looking to justify their hate. Your mistake was yhinking they could be reasoned with, or that facts would matter

This is not about hate. This is about the fact that ISIS asked their clerical Islamic religious leaders about the appropriate punishment for the pilot, and then dealt it. In other words the decision to burn the pilot was based on the same religious teaching that calls for Muslims to behead the unbelievers.
Go tell it to the Pope. Catholicism does not represent Christians. It is an anti Christ false teaching institution and has nothing to do with Christianity. Funny you do not seem to be concerned with the real culprits.

As I said, Sir, I do not side with terrorists, whatever religion they claim; what is truly questionable is the lack of interest among many about the CULPRITS of the Iraq-American war in which hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT Iraqis were KILLED (MURDERED) by the US military, for no reason.
What a sick, perverted, barbaric religion Islam is:

Outrage in Mideast over IS killing of Jordan pilot - Yahoo News

Of course, to make a stupid point, the OP has to totally ignore the condemnation of these bastards but the vast majority of Muslims and leaders of Muslim majority countries.
The OP is also a sick fuck, using these idiot hate groups as a reason to hate all Muslims, even the poor dude these ***** burnt to death.

Of course you totally ignore the fact that they played the video of the burning pilot in front of a cheering crowd in Qabba with Muslim children enjoying it as well, and that thousands of Muslims are flocking to ISIS, which holds huge swaths of land.

You guys just hate it when someone tells the truth about Islam. Suddenly now, all these Islamic terrorist groups have become "hate groups"? Ha ha ha.

They hate us no doubt.

Jordan bombed the shit out if Isis in Syria last night.

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

Jordan's Muslims want ISIS killed because ISIS fucked up and killed a well known Jordanian Muslim. If ISIS had burned a non Jordanian Christian or a Jew? Meh. Who gives a fuck.

ISIS has been committing genocide and beheading human aid workers and video taping it, while thousands of Muslims flock to join it, even in the West, and even after the burning. Where was all the "outrage", anger, and big marches by Muslims the way we see in Jordan now? NON EXISTENT.
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Go tell it to the Pope. Catholicism does not represent Christians. It is an anti Christ false teaching institution and has nothing to do with Christianity. Funny you do not seem to be concerned with the real culprits.

As I said, Sir, I do not side with terrorists, whatever religion they claim; what is truly questionable is the lack of interest among many about the CULPRITS of the Iraq-American war in which hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT Iraqis were KILLED (MURDERED) by the US military, for no reason.
Your comments can be posted to multiple threads that discuss the US war in Iraq, rather than post off topic comments in this thread.
I can't watch this any more....

They're just looking to justify their hate. Your mistake was yhinking they could be reasoned with, or that facts would matter

This is not about hate. This is about the fact that ISIS asked their clerical Islamic religious leaders about the appropriate punishment for the pilot, and then dealt it. In other words the decision to burn the pilot was based on the same religious teaching that calls for Muslims to behead the unbelievers.

The stream you quoted wasn't about either one; it was about the meaning of the phrase insha'Allah.
But yes, your entire thread here is about hate and blanket stereotyping and Composition Fallacy. I've already refuted your bullshit that tries to equate this act with Islam, in which it's anathema. And I've challenged you to cite or in any way document the causal relationship you claimed at the outset.

And you failed.

Deal with that.
You naive, strange people who are continuously racking your small brains. looking for moral equivalence of reprehensible Islamic actions, are beyond normal comprehension.

All you are doing is trying to change the subject thereby helping these foul radical savages!

There is no logic whatsoever in your actions.

Instead of looking for excuses for this monstrous burning, why not concentrate on the present, which is the danger of radical Islam as has been proved without a doubt time and time again.

Stop making excuses by attempting to compare actions that are beyond any rational comparison.

Have the courage, decency and common sense to aknowledge these Islamic horrors for what they are instead of always being a willing donkey for radical Islam!

All you are demonstrating is that you seem to have hidden sympathy for all these horrible actions!

Shame on you!

Shame on you?

Shame on you.

Religious extremism sucks. Those that don't recognize it cry "moral equivalency".

African Christians are burning witches and excorsizing kids with acid. Sweet.

Your answer is completely without logic and once again you are descending to moral equivalence, which means you are attempting to change the subject and gloss over its seriousness

Even if your babble about African witches is true ...what possible comparison is there to the Islamic Caliphate State whose religious aim is to dominate the whole world under Sharia Law and maintain its barbaric practices.

Your babble is completly irrelevant!

People who use this moral equivalence garbage, seem to be condoning the actions of radical Islam by saying - "Well so what , a lot of others are doing it, so why shouldn't they?" -

Everybody who makes these disgusting , ignorant comparisons is only helping the enemy by being a useful donkey for radical Islam.

You can be sure that the enemy is fully aware of these "moral equivalence" comments and is greatly encouraged by them.

They are no doubt amazed by all the sympathy they get from the enemy, in other words the enemy is in the necessary state of submission like so many in this thread.

sky----the word "ENEMY" is relative ----relative to the person being considered. Al Qaeda may be YOUR enemy----but it
is not the enemy of coyote----nor is "isis" Placing a young pilot in a cage and setting him on fire may seem
like an atrocity and a crime to YOU-----but it is not so for coyote RELATIVE to WHO is doing the 'setting on fire'
and to what end. Your problem, sky----is that you do not
enjoy obscene sophistry

Speak for yourself you obscene creature. You only care if atrocities are committed by Muslims. Anyone else, well...it's just an aberration according to you and Skye - or perhaps it just doesn't count if it's not Muslim.
What you're hoping to side-step is that the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot brought into focus the continuing threat of islamo-fascism and its appeals to a resurgence of islamo-conquest and the islamo-caliphate proposed by ISIS.

You need to keep this latest incident of islamo-barbarism in context with the on-going islamo-atrocities taking place across the globe. The reality is that the thugs, misogynists and murderers that many converts and pom pom flailers find excuses for, live and thrive off of the infliction of death, destruction and suffering. They find a holy mandate for murder. They are, after all, following in the footsteps of the islamo-model for all humanity: muhammud (swish). "The way of the prophet" is what drives the swath of death and destruction across Iraq and Syria. ISIS sees Muhammud's (swish) design in destruction, suffering in pursuit of a caliphate.

Actually I'm kind of wondering why you're suddenly incensed by the burning alive of one person by ISIS, then using that to broadbrush an entire religion when Christians have been burning "witches" alive in Africa for years and are still doing it. However, I long ago gave up on any expectations of rationality from you and yours :)
What a sick, perverted, barbaric religion Islam is:

Outrage in Mideast over IS killing of Jordan pilot - Yahoo News

Of course, to make a stupid point, the OP has to totally ignore the condemnation of these bastards but the vast majority of Muslims and leaders of Muslim majority countries.
The OP is also a sick fuck, using these idiot hate groups as a reason to hate all Muslims, even the poor dude these ***** burnt to death.

Of course you totally ignore the fact that they played the video of the burning pilot in front of a cheering crowd in Qabba with Muslim children enjoying it as well, and that thousands of Muslims are flocking to ISIS, which holds huge swaths of land.

You guys just hate it when someone tells the truth about Islam. Suddenly now, all these Islamic terrorist groups have become "hate groups"? Ha ha ha.

They hate us no doubt.

Jordan bombed the shit out if Isis in Syria last night.

Dicks of his type try to paint the extremists as the whole of Islam, totally ignoring the pilot was a Muslim, and Jordan's Muslims want ISIS destroyed.

Basically, he's a sick fucker.

He's trying to incite mob mentality. What could go wrong with that, since it worked out so well with the Jews. And blacks. And Indians. And witches. And Catholics. And Protestants. And ad infinitum. Some of us just never learn.

Doesn't look like you've learned from history. Indofred is anti American Muslim who thinks Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, and you're just a useful idiot, who can't handle the truth that ISIS' behavior is based entirely on the teachings of the Koran. They call themselves ISLAMIC STATE for a reason.
Your comments can be posted to multiple threads that discuss the US war in Iraq, rather than post off topic comments in this thread.


We are discussing killing and how religion relates to killing. I see that you answered none of my questions about CHRISTIAN American bombers murdering the INNOCENT in Iraq and the Bible's saying to "obey earthy rulers," who can order whoever they want to be killed.
Shame on you?

Shame on you.

Religious extremism sucks. Those that don't recognize it cry "moral equivalency".

African Christians are burning witches and excorsizing kids with acid. Sweet.

Your answer is completely without logic and once again you are descending to moral equivalence, which means you are attempting to change the subject and gloss over its seriousness

Even if your babble about African witches is true ...what possible comparison is there to the Islamic Caliphate State whose religious aim is to dominate the whole world under Sharia Law and maintain its barbaric practices.

Your babble is completly irrelevant!

People who use this moral equivalence garbage, seem to be condoning the actions of radical Islam by saying - "Well so what , a lot of others are doing it, so why shouldn't they?" -

Everybody who makes these disgusting , ignorant comparisons is only helping the enemy by being a useful donkey for radical Islam.

You can be sure that the enemy is fully aware of these "moral equivalence" comments and is greatly encouraged by them.

They are no doubt amazed by all the sympathy they get from the enemy, in other words the enemy is in the necessary state of submission like so many in this thread.

sky----the word "ENEMY" is relative ----relative to the person being considered. Al Qaeda may be YOUR enemy----but it
is not the enemy of coyote----nor is "isis" Placing a young pilot in a cage and setting him on fire may seem
like an atrocity and a crime to YOU-----but it is not so for coyote RELATIVE to WHO is doing the 'setting on fire'
and to what end. Your problem, sky----is that you do not
enjoy obscene sophistry

Speak for yourself you obscene creature. You only care if atrocities are committed by Muslims. Anyone else, well...it's just an aberration according to you and Skye - or perhaps it just doesn't count if it's not Muslim.
What you're hoping to side-step is that the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot brought into focus the continuing threat of islamo-fascism and its appeals to a resurgence of islamo-conquest and the islamo-caliphate proposed by ISIS.

You need to keep this latest incident of islamo-barbarism in context with the on-going islamo-atrocities taking place across the globe. The reality is that the thugs, misogynists and murderers that many converts and pom pom flailers find excuses for, live and thrive off of the infliction of death, destruction and suffering. They find a holy mandate for murder. They are, after all, following in the footsteps of the islamo-model for all humanity: muhammud (swish). "The way of the prophet" is what drives the swath of death and destruction across Iraq and Syria. ISIS sees Muhammud's (swish) design in destruction, suffering in pursuit of a caliphate.

Actually I'm kind of wondering why you're suddenly incensed by the burning alive of one person by ISIS, then using that to broadbrush an entire religion when Christians have been burning "witches" alive in Africa for years and are still doing it. However, I long ago gave up on any expectations of rationality from you and yours :)
It was a strategic move on your part not to address the comments in my post.

Otherwise, I have no allusions as to why you're incensed that anyone would dare criticize islamist ideology.
Your comments can be posted to multiple threads that discuss the US war in Iraq, rather than post off topic comments in this thread.


We are discussing killing and how religion relates to killing. I see that you answered none of my questions about CHRISTIAN American bombers murdering the INNOCENT in Iraq and the Bible's saying to "obey earthy rulers," who can order whoever they want to be killed.
You may wish to lol in a thread relevant to your comments.
I can't watch this any more....

They're just looking to justify their hate. Your mistake was yhinking they could be reasoned with, or that facts would matter

This is not about hate. This is about the fact that ISIS asked their clerical Islamic religious leaders about the appropriate punishment for the pilot, and then dealt it. In other words the decision to burn the pilot was based on the same religious teaching that calls for Muslims to behead the unbelievers.

The stream you quoted wasn't about either one; it was about the meaning of the phrase insha'Allah.
But yes, your entire thread here is about hate and blanket stereotyping and Composition Fallacy. I've already refuted your bullshit that tries to equate this act with Islam, in which it's anathema. And I've challenged you to cite or in any way document the causal relationship you claimed at the outset.

And you failed.

Deal with that.

Bullshit. This thread is about the fact that when ISIS beheads people, or in this case, burns a fellow Muslim, it is based on Islam.
Did you know that Hitler and Mussolini were both devout Catholics trying to conquer the world and set up a milenial kingdom for the Pope? The holocaust was just another Roman Catholic Inquisition. Only instead of wearing robes they wore Nazi uniforms. The outdoor mass held in Munich in 1937 was to bless the Nazi party and the Fuhrer. (there are photographs on record of this event) Mussolini and Franco signed official contracts with the Vatican called the Concordate ( it was a political and religious contract of mutual support) There are photographs of that event as well.

The signer was Cardinal Pacelli ( who later became Pope Pius XII) . By 1933 he was the Vatican secretary of State. Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Roman Catholic was the Papal Nuncio ( ambassador to Germany - The Vatican's diplomat who hleped bring Hitler to Power).

Another one who was in on it was a Vatican prelate named Montini who later was to become Pope Paul VI.

Van Papen boasted to the world, "The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognizes, but puts into practice, the highest principles of the papacy. (DER VOELKISCHER BEOBACHTER, January 14, 1934)

In 1934 the German armed forces swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler using the same two fingered salute the Pope uses. As early as 1212, by papal edict - Jews were required to wear a distinctive badge and were forbidden from holding public office and that was enforced by the Dominicans. Additional papal decrees forbid the Jews, non Catholics and true Christians from owning real estate, selling new goods or living near Roman Catholics.

Adolf Hitler said, I reject that book by Rosenberg. It was written by a protestant. It is not a party book. As a Catholic I never felt comfortable in the evangelical church or structures. As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy the Catholic Church has adopted 1500 years ago, when it regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into the ghettos because they knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of the race for church and state, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a service. ( what a sick mind - to consider Catholicism Christianity! ) To Hitler, Christianity was Roman Catholicism. He serves Pius XII very faithfully.

The slaughter of the Jews was perfectly legal according to the laws of the Roman Catholic System (Still on the books today) Because according to the Council of Trent they were heretics and considered enemies of God. You and I are considered heretics by the Roman Catholic Church. Nothing has changed, Roudy. Those laws are still in effect today. Any Jew who trusts the Roman Catholic Church is meshugenah. Churchill once said that the further back you can see in history the further ahead you can see into the future.

Is it any wonder the Roman Church has been so busy rewriting history on what happened in holocaust and Inquisitions? Not to me it isn't. They are planning their next Inquisition even now! Wake up, Roudy!
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