Burying the Story Lead on Illegal Alien Crime


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Crime reports that lead with generic descriptions like a “Dallas man” or an “Oklahoma mother” can mislead casual readers and listeners as to the actual identity of perpetrators. Peruse this small sampling of news items from the past two weeks:

I don’t need to read the samples because I know what they say. Our news sources go to great lengths to avoid terms like “black,” “Muslim,” “Illegal,” in their effort to be “fair and balanced.”


We also notice the prolific word “alleged” in every single crime report.

Open-borders advocates are in on the downplay. The left-leaning Marshall Project resorted to weasel words and meaningless qualifiers recently when it opined: “Most types of crime had an almost flat trend line, indicating that changes in undocumented populations had little or no effect on crime in the various metro areas under survey. Murder was the only type of crime that appeared to show a rise, but again, the difference was small and uncertain (effectively zero).”

More of this @ Burying the Lead on Illegal Alien Crime

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