Bus Companies Must Continue to Allow Searches

This is 1960's technology. Print a PDF copy. Roll it up...insert.
W54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM)
Hey...BTW...we put a man on the moon. You do know that don't you?

Do you know what a kiloton is? This is a fucking firecracker dumbass! It is 10-20 TONS of yield.
When did you ever stop being a Complete Fucking Dick Head? Never. Ever. 10-20TONS of Dick Head yield.

BOOM! Go chase that shit, Beotch!

You stupid MF! A kiloton is 1000 tons. When you get to middle school, your teacher will explain the difference. I despise miserable shits like you and Bush92 who talk out of their ass!

I was a Navy nuclear weapons officer. I used to serve on a boomer and a nuclear capable guided missile cruiser. Your Google is as worthless as teats on a boar hog or trying to get an educated answer out of most USMB retards!
Dayum! U Mad Bro?

Yeah Stupid MFs would make anyone mad!

Actually, no. Drink a beer. Get high.

They lough You. They hate you.

And who is going to pay your SS and Medicare?
CBP has the authority to stop any vehicle for inspection within 100 miles of the border. That includes private and commercial vehicles.


Two thirds of the U.S. population live in that zone. Florida lies completely within it.

Fourth Amendment applies regardless of what authority the federal government claims it has. As does the requirement for probable cause.

In case we've forgotten, and it appears that some have, the Constitution was designed to limit the government. Not to limit our civil liberties.

You seem to have forgotten the courts have upheld CBPs inspection authority and the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

CBP has the authority to stop any vehicle for inspection within 100 miles of the border. That includes private and commercial vehicles.


Two thirds of the U.S. population live in that zone. Florida lies completely within it.

Fourth Amendment applies regardless of what authority the federal government claims it has. As does the requirement for probable cause.

In case we've forgotten, and it appears that some have, the Constitution was designed to limit the government. Not to limit our civil liberties.

You seem to have forgotten the courts have upheld CBPs inspection authority and the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.

Nobody has forgotten any thing.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

A nuke device is the size of a fucking grapefruit? Please go somewhere and play with your private parts while the educated adults discuss the topic.

A grapefruit? You are a fucking moron!
This is 1960's technology. Print a PDF copy. Roll it up...insert.
W54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM)
Hey...BTW...we put a man on the moon. You do know that don't you?

Do you know what a kiloton is? This is a fucking firecracker dumbass! It is 10-20 TONS of yield.

Still more than enough to take down a building, or a bridge.
CBP has the authority to stop any vehicle for inspection within 100 miles of the border. That includes private and commercial vehicles.


Two thirds of the U.S. population live in that zone. Florida lies completely within it.

Fourth Amendment applies regardless of what authority the federal government claims it has. As does the requirement for probable cause.

In case we've forgotten, and it appears that some have, the Constitution was designed to limit the government. Not to limit our civil liberties.

You seem to have forgotten the courts have upheld CBPs inspection authority and the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.
Courts have used the Constitution as toilet paper for decades...nothing new.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

A nuke device is the size of a fucking grapefruit? Please go somewhere and play with your private parts while the educated adults discuss the topic.

A grapefruit? You are a fucking moron!
This is 1960's technology. Print a PDF copy. Roll it up...insert.
W54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM)
Hey...BTW...we put a man on the moon. You do know that don't you?

Do you know what a kiloton is? This is a fucking firecracker dumbass! It is 10-20 TONS of yield.

Still more than enough to take down a building, or a bridge.
That's exactly right and if you have two, three, or four of them in a downtown area of of a major city your talking massive casualties and radioactive fallout. If that happens down near Wall Street what going to happen to global markets when you can't go downtown to run the stock exchange because of radioactive dust?
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

Name the terrorist who crossed the southern border in a Greyhound bus
The one we don't know yet. Could anyone name the 9-11 hijackers until after the event had played out?

So zero. Thank you for admitting what we already know while you advocate we emulate Nazi Germany with random checkpoints all over the place. Another "small" government conservative worshiping the ground of the police state.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

Name the terrorist who crossed the southern border in a Greyhound bus
The one we don't know yet. Could anyone name the 9-11 hijackers until after the event had played out?

So zero. Thank you for admitting what we already know while you advocate we emulate Nazi Germany with random checkpoints all over the place. Another "small" government conservative worshiping the ground of the police state.
It only takes one. I'm Positive that Homeland Security, FBI, and CIA are concerned because terrorist are working 24/7 and 365 to perpetrate a mass casualty event inside the United States.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

Name the terrorist who crossed the southern border in a Greyhound bus
The one we don't know yet. Could anyone name the 9-11 hijackers until after the event had played out?

So zero. Thank you for admitting what we already know while you advocate we emulate Nazi Germany with random checkpoints all over the place. Another "small" government conservative worshiping the ground of the police state.
Here are some names for you...
Border Crisis & Terrorism: Yes Link Is Real | National Review
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

Name the terrorist who crossed the southern border in a Greyhound bus
The one we don't know yet. Could anyone name the 9-11 hijackers until after the event had played out?

So zero. Thank you for admitting what we already know while you advocate we emulate Nazi Germany with random checkpoints all over the place. Another "small" government conservative worshiping the ground of the police state.
It only takes one. I'm Positive that Homeland Security, FBI, and CIA are concerned because terrorist are working 24/7 and 365 to perpetrate a mass casualty event inside the United States.

If that's what you believe, fine, but stop lying about supporting the Constitution and believing in small government because you don't. You support authoritarianism. You are no different than those dip shit school administrators who call the police on kids for pointing their fingers in the shape of a gun because they absurdly believe they are stopping the next school shooting. After all, it only takes one.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

Name the terrorist who crossed the southern border in a Greyhound bus
The one we don't know yet. Could anyone name the 9-11 hijackers until after the event had played out?

So zero. Thank you for admitting what we already know while you advocate we emulate Nazi Germany with random checkpoints all over the place. Another "small" government conservative worshiping the ground of the police state.
It only takes one. I'm Positive that Homeland Security, FBI, and CIA are concerned because terrorist are working 24/7 and 365 to perpetrate a mass casualty event inside the United States.

If that's what you believe, fine, but stop lying about supporting the Constitution and believing in small government because you don't. You support authoritarianism. You are no different than those dip shit school administrators who call the police on kids for pointing their fingers in the shape of a gun because they absurdly believe they are stopping the next school shooting. After all, it only takes one.
What does any of that have to do with national security at our borders? I'm 100% in favor of small government and a strict constructionist on the Constitution.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

A nuke device is the size of a fucking grapefruit? Please go somewhere and play with your private parts while the educated adults discuss the topic.

A grapefruit? You are a fucking moron!
This is 1960's technology. Print a PDF copy. Roll it up...insert.
W54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM)
Hey...BTW...we put a man on the moon. You do know that don't you?

The smallest ADM, known as the Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM), weighed approximately 150 pounds and used the 59-pound W-54 warhead. The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) was a Navy and Marines project that was demonstrated as feasible in the mid-to-late 1960s, but was never used.

That is not the inches you are claiming.
And that is the US making the smallest in the world.
The rest of the world can't get nearly that small.
Army Combat Engineers were training on these well into the 70's Even had their own MOS designation 12E
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.
Awesome conservative values, give up rights and freedoms out of fear. Sounds like a cowards philosophy. So every on the bus is supposed to submit to governmental interference and hours of stolen time as well as right violations over a 1 in 1.6 million chance a terrorist hurts you. Those who give up freedom over security deserve neither.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.
Awesome conservative values, give up rights and freedoms out of fear. Sounds like a cowards philosophy. So every on the bus is supposed to submit to governmental interference and hours of stolen time as well as right violations over a 1 in 1.6 million chance a terrorist hurts you. Those who give up freedom over security deserve neither.
If it's crossing the border? Fucking-A -Right!
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.
Awesome conservative values, give up rights and freedoms out of fear. Sounds like a cowards philosophy. So every on the bus is supposed to submit to governmental interference and hours of stolen time as well as right violations over a 1 in 1.6 million chance a terrorist hurts you. Those who give up freedom over security deserve neither.
If it's crossing the border? Fucking-A -Right!
Wear that cowards crown proud buddy! Who knew you were a piece of shit prog! Welcome to the nanny state idiot!
You seem to have forgotten the courts have upheld CBPs inspection authority and the Constitution isn't a suicide pact.


Mm. I see. Heh heh. Well, go find judicial review in Article III and get back to us. We'll wait.

What, the judicial review you commies try to use every time you don't get your way. I just love your commie hypocrisy, you run to the courts when you think it will benefit you and cry when things don't go your way. Grow up asshole.

Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

Name the terrorist who crossed the southern border in a Greyhound bus
The one we don't know yet. Could anyone name the 9-11 hijackers until after the event had played out?

You mean the 9-11 hijackers who were granted visas by the US consulate in Jeddah, even after the state dept officer who issued the visas initially refused to do it because their applications were full of red flags, but he was forced to by his boss? Those hijackers? Ok.
Greyhound to stop allowing Border Patrol agents to conduct immigration checks on buses without warrant
Let's get real. Terrorist attack planning is all about coming from our southern border. OK Democrat's let them smuggle a nuke across our southern border and blow up a city. Bloods on your hands. Nuke device is size of a fucking grapefruit. Can come into our country in a gym bag and be left in a bus terminal. Idiots.

If it were me I'd tell Greyhound they are not allowed to operate within 200 miles of the border.

So, which dictator is issuing this decree?

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