Bus terminals are closing. Greyhound Trail Ways and others.

I have used them a few times over the years and found them a comfortable and affordable way for a working-class guy like me to travel.
From its article, it looks like the same big money groups buying out residential properties are also buying up bus terminals in big cities.
The bus companies are relying on smaller terminals way out side the city and far from city public transportation. Biden said that the feds are
improving infrastructure but this issue says different. Millions of Americans depend on the Bus service and it seems like in other areas Big Corp. is taking over everything that's convenient to the working man.

the feds are improving infrastructure

Bus terminals are private property owned and run by companies where profit is #1
I briefly considered bus travel when I didn't have a car. Trains have better restrooms and bike racks. Taking a bike on a bus is technically possible, but disassembled in a container, with a bulky luggage charge. Without a car, I would need a bike. At specific times, trains have a little bit of overpriced fast food. Buses are entirely bring your own food.

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