Bush AG: Lynch betrayal made DOJ an arm of the Clinton campaign


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
So here is the Daily Callers spin on this topic..........


The former attorney general under George W. Bush said Loretta Lynch made the Department of Justice “an arm of the Clinton campaign” by instructing then-FBI Director James Comey to mislead the public about the Clinton email investigation.

Bush AG: Lynch ‘Betrayal’ Made DOJ ‘An Arm Of The Clinton Campaign’

Then here is how the non mmm decodes what others say because they know how to break down what is really being said or thought of. That's why MSM makes it out to be not true they have no idea of the truth or they are told not to write the truth because they want to keep the public dumbed down and most are already to dumbed down to realize that's what is going on denial is their best friend.

Bush AG: Lynch ‘Betrayal’ Made DOJ ‘An Arm Of The Clinton Campaign’

“In other words, it made the Department of Justice essentially an arm of the Clinton campaign,” added Mukasey, who served as the attorney general from 2007 until 2009. “That is a betrayal of the department and of its independence to illustrate that clearly that the attorney general was essentially in the tank for Secretary Clinton.”

Comey testified on Thursday that Lynch successfully pressured him into using the Clinton campaign’s spin on the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of state.


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