Bush and Cheney knew something would happen to Trump on 7/13/24


Active Member
Sep 10, 2022
Too many things dont add up.





Interestinger and interestinger!

Sure, that's it! A filing error! Just the kind of company I want handling my investments!

Well, since Trump DIDN'T die, here is hoping that Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush, and the Cheney Family all took a BATH. I mean a SOAKING.
"Thank you for the very informative thread. That phone call that Trump colluded w/ Bobby jr. to release right after that assassination attempt is starting to make more sense now.

It is like Trump's subtle public apology to the nation about his handling of the COVID, while making it seem like RFKjr. screwed up releasing a private moment. Genius how they did that. . .


LEAKED Video of Trump Offering RFK Jr a DEAL; Trump Talks Biden, Assassination, Vaccines​

Jul 16, 2024
Too many things dont add up.

I saw something like this posted online that there was a record number of shorts on Trumps Truth Social stock that were purchased between early July to the assassination date.

If the FBI doesn't investigate this coincidence I would be shocked.
I saw something like this posted online that there was a record number of shorts on Trumps Truth Social stock that were purchased between early July to the assassination date.

If the FBI doesn't investigate this coincidence I would be shocked.
The FTC investigated the stock manipulation before 9/11 and the manipulation that occurred before the development regarding the COVID jab, and then? Never gave the public any information regarding either, and promptly destroyed the evidence.

. . . this will be swept under the rug, and anyone that points it out, will be called a tin foil hatter.

Why are you so naive?
The FTC investigated the stock manipulation before 9/11 and the manipulation that occurred before the development regarding the COVID jab, and then? Never gave the public any information regarding either, and promptly destroyed the evidence.

. . . this will be swept under the rug, and anyone that points it out, will be called a tin foil hatter.

Why are you so naive?

Fake News
Too many things dont add up.

Oh Yes. Gateway Fucknuts, no shit don't add up. Fuck Nuts is bankrupt. As source, useless.
The FTC investigated the stock manipulation before 9/11 and the manipulation that occurred before the development regarding the COVID jab, and then? Never gave the public any information regarding either, and promptly destroyed the evidence.

. . . this will be swept under the rug, and anyone that points it out, will be called a tin foil hatter.

Why are you so naive?
well look at his avatar,he is incapaable of critical thinking,like the majority of Americans,he has been brainwashed by what our corrupt school system and the CIA controlled media has told him that Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century.He has been listening and reading too much of the garbage political chic posts.:auiqs.jpg:

He thinks Reagan was a great president never mind the fact he was pals with J Edger hoover whom both destroyed many promising careers of upcoming Actors because they were not politically correct with Edgars communist views or never mind the fact that after Jimmy Carter cleaned up the corruption of the CIA by firing the evil George Bush as CIA director and replaced him with Stansfield Turner whom cleaned house in the CIA by firing all covert operaters resulting in no wars under Carter,Reagan came in and fired Turner replacing him with William Casey whom got the CIA back to its covert wars again and the war machine going again as well as the fact Reagan appointed Fauci to the white house and got us into a deficit worse than all presidents COMBINED yet he worships that traiter and mass murderer.

same with most Americans here in the states,Canadians like shockedcanadian are incapeble of criticial thinking as well when it comes to Reagan,he will dismiss this and pretend none of these facts on Reagan are correct of course.

Fake News

coming from a brainwashed Reagan zombie,Im sure he is hurt by your post shockedcanadian . :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
well look at his avatar,he is incapaable of critical thinking,like the majority of Americans,he has been brainwashed by what our corrupt school system and the CIA controlled media has told him that Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century.He has been listening and reading too much of the garbage political chic posts.:auiqs.jpg:

He thinks Reagan was a great president never mind the fact he was pals with J Edger hoover whom both destroyed many promising careers of upcoming Actors because they were not politically correct with Edgars communist views or never mind the fact that after Jimmy Carter cleaned up the corruption of the CIA by firing the evil George Bush as CIA director and replaced him with Stansfield Turner whom cleaned house in the CIA by firing all covert operaters resulting in no wars under Carter,Reagan came in and fired Turner replacing him with William Casey whom got the CIA back to its covert wars again and the war machine going again as well as the fact Reagan appointed Fauci to the white house and got us into a deficit worse than all presidents COMBINED yet he worships that traiter and mass murderer.

same with most Americans here in the states,Canadians like shockedcanadian are incapeble of criticial thinking as well when it comes to Reagan,he will dismiss this and pretend none of these facts on Reagan are correct of course.

Fake News

coming from a brainwashed Reagan zombie,Im sure he is hurt by your post shockedcanadian . :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
one more brainwashed Reagan zombie also incapable of critical thinking brainwashed by our corrupt school system and the CIA controlled media as well is calling this fake news already pretending those are not COLD HARD FACTS about Reagan i listed. :abgg2q.jpg:

even when i post an ACTUAL QUOTE of Reagans CIA appointee saying this,they pretend he did not say this and do this-:scared1:in evade mode after i own them.:auiqs.jpg:

Concerned Citizen and shockedcanadian actually think this quote of Reagans former CIA director Willam Casey below is fake news.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President). She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.
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well look at his avatar,he is incapaable of critical thinking,like the majority of Americans,he has been brainwashed by what our corrupt school system and the CIA controlled media has told him that Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century.He has been listening and reading too much of the garbage political chic posts.:auiqs.jpg:

He thinks Reagan was a great president never mind the fact he was pals with J Edger hoover whom both destroyed many promising careers of upcoming Actors because they were not politically correct with Edgars communist views or never mind the fact that after Jimmy Carter cleaned up the corruption of the CIA by firing the evil George Bush as CIA director and replaced him with Stansfield Turner whom cleaned house in the CIA by firing all covert operaters resulting in no wars under Carter,Reagan came in and fired Turner replacing him with William Casey whom got the CIA back to its covert wars again and the war machine going again as well as the fact Reagan appointed Fauci to the white house and got us into a deficit worse than all presidents COMBINED yet he worships that traiter and mass murderer.

same with most Americans here in the states,Canadians like shockedcanadian are incapeble of criticial thinking as well when it comes to Reagan,he will dismiss this and pretend none of these facts on Reagan are correct of course.

Fake News

coming from a brainwashed Reagan zombie,Im sure he is hurt by your post shockedcanadian . :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
It is important to remember, Reagan and his family were under direct threat of the Bush cabal and the Deep State, so. . you should not be too hard on Reagan.

He was sent a signal, just like Trump was.

So? After the attempt on Reagan, who was really in charge of the nation after that, Bush, or Reagan? :dunno:

". . . I also learned that Poppy Bush was a longtime acquaintance/friend of George de Mohrenschildt, the mysterious Russian “baron” who was perhaps the closest person to Lee Harvey Oswald in the year before Kennedy’s death.

Imagine my interest when I learned of de Mohrenschildt’s connections to American intelligence — and then that Bush Senior himself had covertly served the CIA for decades before being named CIA director as a purported “outsider” in 1976.

Indeed, he’d been secretly mucking around with the spy agency before, during, and after Kennedy was killed.

The CIA, of course, was later revealed by the Senate’s Church Committee investigation to be in the business of arranging the removal — or even the murder — of national leaders in various parts of the world.

Imagine my fascination, then, to learn that John Hinckley Jr., the man who shot and nearly killed President Ronald Reagan in 1981 — an attempt which, if successful, would have resulted in then-Vice President George H.W. Bush moving up to the top spot — was none other than a friend of the Bush family.

How strange is that? So strange that it literally caused NBC News’s anchor John Chancellor’s eyebrows to arch as he reported the curious connection.

The story was broken by the now-defunct Houston Post, and then picked up briefly by the AP and UPI wire services, and some newspapers, plus Newsweek.

Then it vanished without a trace or further inquiry or comment in the mainstream media. . . . "
It is important to remember, Reagan and his family were under direct threat of the Bush cabal and the Deep State, so. . you should not be too hard on Reagan.

He was sent a signal, just like Trump was.

So? After the attempt on Reagan, who was really in charge of the nation after that, Bush, or Reagan? :dunno:

". . . I also learned that Poppy Bush was a longtime acquaintance/friend of George de Mohrenschildt, the mysterious Russian “baron” who was perhaps the closest person to Lee Harvey Oswald in the year before Kennedy’s death.

Imagine my interest when I learned of de Mohrenschildt’s connections to American intelligence — and then that Bush Senior himself had covertly served the CIA for decades before being named CIA director as a purported “outsider” in 1976.

Indeed, he’d been secretly mucking around with the spy agency before, during, and after Kennedy was killed.

The CIA, of course, was later revealed by the Senate’s Church Committee investigation to be in the business of arranging the removal — or even the murder — of national leaders in various parts of the world.

Imagine my fascination, then, to learn that John Hinckley Jr., the man who shot and nearly killed President Ronald Reagan in 1981 — an attempt which, if successful, would have resulted in then-Vice President George H.W. Bush moving up to the top spot — was none other than a friend of the Bush family.

How strange is that? So strange that it literally caused NBC News’s anchor John Chancellor’s eyebrows to arch as he reported the curious connection.

The story was broken by the now-defunct Houston Post, and then picked up briefly by the AP and UPI wire services, and some newspapers, plus Newsweek.

Then it vanished without a trace or further inquiry or comment in the mainstream media. . . . "

they let Reagan off with a warning shot,had they really wanted him dead they would have made sure of it same as they did with JFK.

I hope you posted that for HIS benefit and not mine because all that is old news to me i have known about for DECADES.I know a kennedy professor who has read 1640 books on the event.

This is not the first assassination attempt on Trump,its just the first one the MSM media has covered,there had been over 45 attempts on his life prior to this.

The cabal was pissed at Reagan in the beginning because he was doing his own thing so they sent a message to him with a warning shot YOU PLAY BALL WITH US AND START DOING WHAT WE TELL YOU OR NEXT TIME YOU WILL END UP LIKE JFK.

Reagan got the message because his policys after that drastically changed for the worse and he started serving the deep state with Iran contra,,getting us into debt worse than all presidents COMBINED,the trickle down effect where his policys benefitted only the rich but were hard on the middle class,ect ect.

Ive known that for decades about Poppy Bushs connections with the other George,old news.

They let Reagan off with a warning shot because he had been loyal to the deep state even before becoming potus while governor of california blocking jim garrisons subpeona or however thats spelled to subpeona Allen Dulles of the CIA. That was his reward for doing so,POTUS.they were going to make sure he did not leave dealy plaza alive that day.

again The deep state let off Reagan with a warning shot,they didnt really want him dead or they would have made sure of it as they did with JFK,they just got careless and fired much closer to the heart than what they meant to.

Nobody will watch this video here but this former CIA agent who got out of the CIA once he saw how evil they were,he gives a good explanation on WHY trump wasnt killed.

I am not going to post what he says here because it will rufel some feathers but he gives the truth on WHY Trump survived,its not because he turned his neck at the precise right angle as everybody is saying or any of that nonsense and its not because he is part of the deep state or anything. you just need to watch the video and find out.

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