Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war


Yeah, I'm so sure RSG was counting Halliburton and Burger King personel, and dish washing contractors in the balkans who feed and supply our troops, as part of our 20,000 military committment in the balkans.

Hey MORON they are TROOPS. US military personnel. Now if you were not so stupid and ignorant on the military you would realize that. Further dipship even IF everyone of the 16 k were civilians ( which they are NOT) the Government through the MILITARY is paying for them.

The least you could do retard is learn facts about how the military works and operates.
You won't be saying that when peak oil goes critical and its the strategic tactical advantage the U.S. has over all the other oil suiters that saves our economy while the rest of the world goes oil starved. Face the fact : If other countries had the military resources and savvy to do what the U.S. does they would. Don't fool yourself with that belief that we can all work together in peace. For you atheist out there its your Darwin's survival of the fittest.

Gee.... I thought Jesus talked about taking care of the weak. I guess that's except when you want something they have.

You "good Christians" do so warm my heart.
20k like I said. But retard DCD is to stupid to understand.

Awww, how cute. RSG had to wait until somone else threw him a life line.

I'm calling BS. There's 4000 US troops in the balkans. The only way you get to 20,000 is if you add Burger King employees, dish washing contractors, and laundry contractor service personnel the government contracts to service the troops.

And I know you weren't including Burger King employees in your "20,000" military committment to the balkans.
Awww, how cute. RSG had to wait until somone else threw him a life line.

I'm calling BS. There's 4000 US troops in the balkans. The only way you get to 20,000 is if you add Burger King employees, dish washing contractors, and laundry contractor service personnel the government contracts to service the troops.

And I know you weren't including Burger King employees in your "20,000" military committment to the balkans.

You truely are a retard, keep making posts like this so we can all laugh at you. Ohh wait maybe since your such a pal of Maineman he will try and salvage your ignorant statements.
Your head is so far up bush's ass, the lack of oxygen to your brain is making you think up ridiculous arguments.

Yeah, we shouldn't have fought two nations that declared war on us, and attacked us: Japan at pearl harbor, and Germany's declaration of war on us, and sending their U-boat fleet into the gulf of mexico and atlantic seaboard to attack our naval and merchant shipping. :rolleyes:
Really....did you write your own history book fantasy?

General William Clinton.....thats got a nice ring to it.....

Mush better than "that draft dodging bastard, Clinton"...

I think we should have fought WWII....but by your own logic, the cost must be over the top for you......we lost 400,000+ men
and you have problem with less than 4000 ......
You truely are a retard, keep making posts like this so we can all laugh at you. Ohh wait maybe since your such a pal of Maineman he will SUCCEED in validating your CORRECT statements.


from this DoD website:

"The U.S. today has about 2,500 troops in Kosovo and around 900 in Bosnia."

it's a few years old....but I don't think that RGS is claiming that we have redeployed 16K troops to the balkans in three years

from this DoD website:

"The U.S. today has about 2,500 troops in Kosovo and around 900 in Bosnia."

it's a few years old....but I don't think that RGS is claiming that we have redeployed 16K troops to the balkans in three years

Combat troops, or are you claiming we have NO support troops there at all?

Hey look DCD Maineman has come to your rescue. Kiss his ass now so you two can smooch and make doe eyes at each other.
Europe viewed an escalating, spreading ethnic based bloody conflict on their southern flank as a threat to their security. That's a fact.

Iraq offered no such threat to OUR security
And Yugoslavia offered no threat to OUR security

....according to Powell, not even a threat to the security of his immediate neighbors.
I imagine the attack on Kuwait much have shocked the shit out Powell then.....

First its.....it was 4000....
No, you're wrong, "it was 4005"

and then.....

Next DCD and MM will be onto the spelling and the grammar.........

And then....the real clincher....punctuation....

Well I for one can't take that kind of abuse....
Actually, Bosnia is a National Guard deployment since 2001 according to this chart.


National Guard when activated is ARMY. In fact after the draw down in the 90's 1/3 of the supposed strength of the Army is in fact National Guard.

Further I am not claiming all the support personnel are located in Macadonia or Bosnia, though I am sure a good chunk are. Most are probably in Italy. I know the air contingents that support the ground forces are located in Italy. Further I know that the Navy Command and any ships assigned are ported out of Italy.
Combat troops, or are you claiming we have NO support troops there at all?

Hey look DCD Maineman has come to your rescue. Kiss his ass now so you two can smooch and make doe eyes at each other.

please show me the word "combat" in that DoD article quote. I'll wait
no on suggested that Yugoslavia was a direct threat to the United States. It WAS, however, determined to be a direct threat to the members of NATO. In case you weren't sure, that's a mutual defense treaty that we are a signatory of. So...when there is a threat to any of the countries of NATO, there is, by definition, an agreed upon threat to US interests. Go look on your globe and see how many NATO nations directly border the balkans.

from this DoD website:

"The U.S. today has about 2,500 troops in Kosovo and around 900 in Bosnia."

it's a few years old....but I don't think that RGS is claiming that we have redeployed 16K troops to the balkans in three years

Like I said, RSG either lied or pulled a number out of his ass when we said that we "still" have 20,000 troops IN bosnia/kosovo.

LOL: and as we can see, he's reaching out to count air force personnel in Italy, Greece, and other parts of europe, as well as counting support personnel employed by Halliburton, Burger King, and Western Union, to try to jack his number up to 20,000.

Just admit it rsg: you lied or pulled a number out of your ass.

And the point is, in the 1990s, we had a competent, diplomatically-skilled president who didn't leave or strand american troops in the middle of a civil war in two countries, like bush has done.
Like I said, RSG either lied or pulled a number out of his ass when we said that we "still" have 20,000 troops IN bosnia/kosovo.

LOL: and as we can see, he's reaching out to count air force personnel in Italy, Greece, and other parts of europe, as well as counting support personnel employed by Halliburton, Burger King, and Western Union, to try to jack his number up to 20,000.

Just admit it rsg: you lied or pulled a number out of your ass.

And the point is, in the 1990s, we had a competent, diplomatically-skilled president who didn't leave or strand american troops in the middle of a civil war in two countries, like bush has done.

:cuckoo: hahaha....American troops "left" in 2 countries?
American troops "stranded" in 2 countries?

Tell me....do the little voices in your head repeat this nonsense to you until you perceive this shit as factual....or are you influenced by little voices outside your head.....like left-wing radio or something....
:cuckoo: hahaha....American troops "left" in 2 countries?
American troops "stranded" in 2 countries?

Tell me....do the little voices in your head repeat this nonsense to you until you perceive this shit as factual....or are you influenced by little voices outside your head.....like left-wing radio or something....

did DoD lie about troop levels?
What are you talking about.....?
What did I say about the DOD and troop levels?

If your answer is "nothing" ....thats right...

DCD gave troops levels in Bosnia and you and your butt buddy RGS have been arguing with him about it. I gave the DoD page that confirms his position.
DCD gave troops levels in Bosnia and you and your butt buddy RGS have been arguing with him about it. I gave the DoD page that confirms his position.

Not me sonny......todays troops levels in Bosnia are of no interest to me....

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