Bush and Officials Lied leading up to Iraq war

Its your reasoning that is unacceptable and quite childish....
Like saying if I find if reasonable to catch robbers and murderers, it is only reasonable that I personally be expected to join the police force....

Or if I find it reasonable to support the fireman that put out my neighbors burning house, I need to become a fireman....

Their was absolutely no threat to Americans anywhere in the world from the Yugoslavians, when
we found it reasonable to put a stop to perceived genocide in Bosina, by bombing the infrastructure and killing the citizens of Yugoslavia....
These people weren't a threat to their neighboring countries let alone the US....
Its plain that Clinton was after the genocidal maniacs....

And you may ignore the facts of history, in that; the entire UN believed, just about the entire civilized world believed that Saddam had WMD and was a danger to almost everyone....Those are the beliefs that led to the events that followed....
So don't give us crap about 'immediate threat'.....
There was no threat to us in Yugoslavia and only an erroneous belief in a threat from Iraq... mistake....

It is plain that NATO saw a threat to the stability of the entire European continent in the unraveling in the former Yugoslavia.

It was pretty plain to Bush's secretary of state months BEFORE 9/11 that Iraq was not a threat to us or even to its neighbors. Was Colin Powell LYING?
It is plain that NATO saw a threat to the stability of the entire European continent in the unraveling in the former Yugoslavia.
Their was absolutely no threat to Americans anywhere in the world from the Yugoslavians, when
we found it reasonable to put a stop to perceived genocide in Bosina, by bombing the infrastructure and killing the citizens of Yugoslavia....
These people weren't a threat to their neighboring countries let alone the US....
Its plain that Clinton was after the genocidal maniacs....

By neighboring countries I mean those outside the original borders of Yugoslavia... but my point was that these people were not a threat, immediate or otherwise to the US....genocide was the main reason we claimed for being there....and that is a good and legitimate reason.....

It was pretty plain to Bush's secretary of state months BEFORE 9/11 that Iraq was not a threat to us or even to its neighbors. Was Colin Powell LYING?
I don't think he was .....I think he expressed his belief at the time...but I don't remember exactly what your refering to

But all this is far off the point I was attempting to make to Mr. Grump...
And how many of your friends and family have died in Iraq? Your reasoning is not sound, nor is it acceptable. Go to war over an immediate threat by all means. If you're after genocidal maniacs keep on going - Start with N Korea, then head to Burma, Chad, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Libya (kinda), Gabon, Equitorial Guinea, Iran (again, kinda) yadda, yadda, yadda...Oh, and make sure YOUR son or YOUR daughter or even yourself have signed up....if you truly believe of course..

I know a few. Knew a LOT more that died in Vietnam. We lost 58,200 dead in that one. We lost more troops in half a day in major WWII assaults than have been lost in the entire Iraqi campaign.

We'll get around to the others, eventually....if we want to, but most of those don't offer major bases to surround your next target set of thugs....

And don't ever forget, when you're the biggest dog in the hunt, you get to make all the rules...
I don't think he was .....I think he expressed his belief at the time...but I don't remember exactly what your refering to

But all this is far off the point I was attempting to make to Mr. Grump...

There is little point in trying to reason with Maineman or DCD, they are idealogs , they believe what they do because they are liberal democrats and have bought into the lie that is made from that bunch. Claiming there was doubt about WMD's in Iraq before we invaded is the biggest lie of all. The only doubt was how much he had and whether he would use it or not. Even the inspectors thought he still had them, else why were they inspecting at all? Why did Blix keep reporting Saddam was thwarting his efforts? Blix didn't want us to invade yet was forced to officially concede Iraq was refusing still to meet the AGREEMENTS it made on destroying and proving they had no WMDs.

hen we have the idiotic claim by Maineman that our intel services were telling Bush we did not know if Iraq had WMD's. He totally ignores the NIE that STATES with absolutely NO DOUBT that Iraq had weapons, that Iraq was making more weapons, that Iraq was working on getting a nuclear weapon, that Iraq had hidden part of its production facilities in Civilian plants, that Iraq had mobile chemical labs.

He refuses to believe other Countries ALSO stated the same things, NO doubts, except as to how much he had and when he would have nukes.

And he can not for the life of him provide a single source document showing where ANY of our intel agencies prior to the invasion said " we do not know" or " we can not be sure" not even " we might be mistaken" or "our assements are based on limited intel"

By his own definition of what a lie is he is lying every time he insists Bush lied. He either knows it and does not care, or is beyond reasoning with.
I don't think he was .....I think he expressed his belief at the time...but I don't remember exactly what your refering to

"We had a good discussion, the Foreign Minister and I and the President and I, had a good discussion about the nature of the sanctions -- the fact that the sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors."

Secretary Colin L. Powell
Cairo, Egypt (Ittihadiya Palace)
February 24, 2001


NATO went into the former Yugoslavia because there WAS a threat to the European continent. To attempt to suggest there is any moral equivalence between the actions of NATO in Bosnia and Bush's actions in Iraq is inaccurate.
"We had a good discussion, the Foreign Minister and I and the President and I, had a good discussion about the nature of the sanctions -- the fact that the sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors."

Secretary Colin L. Powell
Cairo, Egypt (Ittihadiya Palace)
February 24, 2001


NATO went into the former Yugoslavia because there WAS a threat to the European continent. To attempt to suggest there is any moral equivalence between the actions of NATO in Bosnia and Bush's actions in Iraq is inaccurate.

That wasn't the point being made to Grump, but I can address the topic change....

The Bosnians, with help from the Iran Revolutionary Guard and the Mujahideen,....the Serbians....the Croations....were fighting each other ....
all claiming independant states within the original borders of Yugoslavia....
An ethnic war.....essentially a civil war within Yugoslavia....
None of them threatening others outside the original borders that I can remember.....

A hypothetical...
Assume the US leaves Iraq....will the Sunnis, the Shiites and the Kurds just hold hands and sing campfire songs together...
They will without question kill each other as they are doing now....only without any outside troops restraining them.....Is there a threat to the entire Middle East?
Would it be ok for NATO or the UN to step in to then stop the ethnic killing....
Is this not essentially moral equivalence ....

(try leaving Bush out of this Hypothetical for the moment)
"We had a good discussion, the Foreign Minister and I and the President and I, had a good discussion about the nature of the sanctions -- the fact that the sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors."

Secretary Colin L. Powell
Cairo, Egypt (Ittihadiya Palace)
February 24, 2001


NATO went into the former Yugoslavia because there WAS a threat to the European continent. To attempt to suggest there is any moral equivalence between the actions of NATO in Bosnia and Bush's actions in Iraq is inaccurate.

What exactly was the dire threat to the European continent that made it reasonable for the United States to bomb them.....
That wasn't the point being made to Grump, but I can address the topic change....

The Bosnians, with help from the Iran Revolutionary Guard and the Mujahideen,....the Serbians....the Croations....were fighting each other ....
all claiming independant states within the original borders of Yugoslavia....
An ethnic war.....essentially a civil war within Yugoslavia....
None of them threatening others outside the original borders that I can remember.....

A hypothetical...
Assume the US leaves Iraq....will the Sunnis, the Shiites and the Kurds just hold hands and sing campfire songs together...
They will without question kill each other as they are doing now....only without any outside troops restraining them.....Is there a threat to the entire Middle East?
Would it be ok for NATO or the UN to step in to then stop the ethnic killing....
Is this not essentially moral equivalence ....

(try leaving Bush out of this Hypothetical for the moment)

If Bosnia/Kosovo had ended up costing us one trillion dollars, 35,000 dead and wounded american soldiers, and trapped us in the midst of an ongoing and bloody civil war after 5 years, I'd say fuck 'em and bring the troops home. It ain't worth it.

Fortunately, Clinton handled it competently, with skillful diplomacy, minimal cost to the american taxpayer, and no loss of american troops. So history will judge him kindly on it.

If Bush had handled Iraq and Afghanistan as competently as Bosnia and Kosovo were handled, Bush would be a hero today with a 70% approval rating.
"We had a good discussion, the Foreign Minister and I and the President and I, had a good discussion about the nature of the sanctions -- the fact that the sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors."

Secretary Colin L. Powell
Cairo, Egypt (Ittihadiya Palace)
February 24, 2001


NATO went into the former Yugoslavia because there WAS a threat to the European continent. To attempt to suggest there is any moral equivalence between the actions of NATO in Bosnia and Bush's actions in Iraq is inaccurate.

Here we go, a source that is NOT overly supportive or friendly to the Bush administration. And prior to the 2002 NIE we have all seen.


Iraq has chemical and biological weapons that would complicate any military actions, but it is not clear that these capabilities are rapidly increasing in the absence of UN inspections. The administration-and other nations-should disclose their detailed threat assessments as soon as possible to permit an informed public debate on the threats from Iraq and their urgency.

Now this article is all about disproving the need for us to invade, BUT guess what it does? It states, the author STATES, " Iraq has chemical and biological weapons"

No doubt, no "they might have" , " we are not sure they have" not even " we suspect they have". A clear statement that IRAQ HAS the weapons.

This guy doesn't belief they are a threat, BUT he says IRAQ HAS them.

And all anyone has managed to parse out of the 2001 NIE ( which I still can not find) is that the intel was Iraq had no Nukes. But then, we already KNEW that.
If Bosnia/Kosovo had ended up costing us one trillion dollars, 35,000 dead and wounded american soldiers, and trapped us in the midst of an ongoing and bloody civil war after 5 years, I'd say fuck 'em and bring the troops home. It ain't worth it.

Fortunately, Clinton handled it competently, with skillful diplomacy, minimal cost to the american taxpayer, and no loss of american troops. So history will judge him kindly on it.

If Bush had handled Iraq and Afghanistan as competently as Bosnia and Kosovo were handled, Bush would be a hero today with a 70% approval rating.

You are aware 20k troops are STILL there, with aircraft ships and all the support that goes with those missions? Still deployed in a place we were told would be a short mission that NATO would take over.
If Bosnia/Kosovo had ended up costing us one trillion dollars, 35,000 dead and wounded american soldiers, and trapped us in the midst of an ongoing and bloody civil war after 5 years, I'd say fuck 'em and bring the troops home. It ain't worth it.

Fortunately, Clinton handled it competently, with skillful diplomacy, minimal cost to the american taxpayer, and no loss of american troops. So history will judge him kindly on it.

If Bush had handled Iraq and Afghanistan as competently as Bosnia and Kosovo were handled, Bush would be a hero today with a 70% approval rating.

35,000 dead and wounded?? Over five years? That's less that the toll of gang violence on our own streets. We lost more troops in a single DAY in the battles of WWII and in Korea at places like Chosin Res... I still haven't figured what is "tragic" about Iraq. It has been a comparatively CLEAN and LOW cost venture. So far actual DIRECT costs of the war in Iraq come to $280 Billion but comparison direct WWII costs in inflation adjusted dollars cost the US 4.1 TRILLION dollars over about a year less time for WWII and 1.6 TRILLION for Vietnam over about a two year longer venture

Oh, and to date we have spent almost 200 BILLION in the Balkans since 1995....and that is still going on
You are aware 20k troops are STILL there, with aircraft ships and all the support that goes with those missions? Still deployed in a place we were told would be a short mission that NATO would take over.

Why doesn't it surprise me a Bush lover would lie?

First, there were 20,000 american troops in the initial IFOR stabilization force. There's only several thousand there NOW. European troops are the majority of the SFOR force. You sure you were in the military? I'm surprised how uninformed you are on military matters.

Second, there is no civil war in Bosnia, is there? Nobody is shooting at our troops, and bosnians for the most part love us. They name streets after Wes Clark and Bill Clinton.

Compared to the incompetent, and frankly criminal way your president has bungled Afghanistan and Iraq, Bill Clinton's handling of bosnia and kosovo, in comparison, looks like a text book example of skillful diplomacy, international cooperation, and a non-violent wind down of a long running conflict.
If Bosnia/Kosovo had ended up costing us one trillion dollars, 35,000 dead and wounded american soldiers, and trapped us in the midst of an ongoing and bloody civil war after 5 years, I'd say fuck 'em and bring the troops home. It ain't worth it.

Fortunately, Clinton handled it competently, with skillful diplomacy, minimal cost to the american taxpayer, and no loss of american troops. So history will judge him kindly on it.

If Bush had handled Iraq and Afghanistan as competently as Bosnia and Kosovo were handled, Bush would be a hero today with a 70% approval rating.

So its the cost you really object to...is that correct? Thats your opinion?
To much money....the staggering death toll.....the cost....?????

I guess there are some that would even say that about WWII.....it cost too much.....that would be their opinion....
The costs were no doubt extremely high.....

The total estimated human loss of life caused by World War II was roughly 72 million people. The civilian toll was around 47 million, including 20 million deaths due to war related famine and disease. The military toll was about 25 million, including the deaths of about 4 million prisoners of war in captivity. The Allies lost about 61 million people, and the Axis lost 11 million.

The cost in actual money ... I couldn't even begin to calculate.....

Think that was to costly to fight that war....after all, WE got into that war pretty much voluntarily at first......
Maybe the Presidents didn't do a good job? Maybe the Generals? Maybe the troops weren't up to your standards....

DCD...you're so brain dead with Bush hate, it stunning....
Why doesn't it surprise me a Bush lover would lie?

First, there were 20,000 american troops in the initial IFOR stabilization force. There's only several thousand there NOW. European troops are the majority of the SFOR force. You sure you were in the military? I'm surprised how uninformed you are on military matters.

Second, there is no civil war in Bosnia, is there? Nobody is shooting at our troops, and bosnians for the most part love us. They name streets after Wes Clark and Bill Clinton.

Compared to the incompetent, and frankly criminal way your president has bungled Afghanistan and Iraq, Bill Clinton's handling of bosnia and kosovo, in comparison, looks like a text book example of skillful diplomacy, international cooperation, and a non-violent wind down of a long running conflict.

Wrong, there are still roughly 20,000 US Troops still stationed in that theator, most, as usual, national guard. Some are US units, most are as part of NATO. We still have around 40,000 US troops stationed in Korea and another 28,000 STILL in Japan, 60 years AFTER WWII ended. Oh yea, and still about 100,000 in Europe.... NATO is STILL a predominantly US based force.
ask NATO...it was a NATO action and not solely American.

NATO went into the former Yugoslavia because there WAS a threat to the European continent.

Your claim...so I ask you....
the threat must have been dire to start bombing their troops, their bridges and their citizens....I'll wait....

Then you can address my hypothetical....
So its the cost you really object to...is that correct? Thats your opinion?
To much money....the staggering death toll.....the cost....?????

I guess there are some that would even say that about WWII.....it cost too much.....that would be their opinion....
The costs were no doubt extremely high.....

The total estimated human loss of life caused by World War II was roughly 72 million people. The civilian toll was around 47 million, including 20 million deaths due to war related famine and disease. The military toll was about 25 million, including the deaths of about 4 million prisoners of war in captivity. The Allies lost about 61 million people, and the Axis lost 11 million.

The cost in actual money ... I couldn't even begin to calculate.....

Think that was to costly to fight that war....after all, WE got into that war pretty much voluntarily at first......

DCD...you're so brain dead with Bush hate, it stunning....

Yes, I object to the cost in blood and treasure.

If Clinton had squandered a trillion dollars in the balkans, and gotten tens of thousands of american servicemen and women killed and wounded, I'd be among the first to say we should get out of there, and tell the serbs and bosinans to go fuck themselves.

Fortunately, Clinton was more skillful and competent than the moron you voted for twice. A moron who has created disasters in two countries: afganistan and iraq.
Why doesn't it surprise me a Bush lover would lie?

First, there were 20,000 american troops in the initial IFOR stabilization force. There's only several thousand there NOW. European troops are the majority of the SFOR force. You sure you were in the military? I'm surprised how uninformed you are on military matters.

Second, there is no civil war in Bosnia, is there? Nobody is shooting at our troops, and bosnians for the most part love us. They name streets after Wes Clark and Bill Clinton.

Compared to the incompetent, and frankly criminal way your president has bungled Afghanistan and Iraq, Bill Clinton's handling of bosnia and kosovo, in comparison, looks like a text book example of skillful diplomacy, international cooperation, and a non-violent wind down of a long running conflict.

Oh, and I detest George Bush....never have liked him. Didn't like Clinton, either. The last president that was even remotely worth a damn was Ronald Reagen...
Oh, and I detest George Bush....never have liked him. Didn't like Clinton, either. The last president that was even remotely worth a damn was Ronald Reagen...

They don't care nor believe you, anyone that does not spit on Bush and call him a liar and a crook and claim everything he ever did is bad, well then those people love Bush.

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