Bush Dynasty a Failure?

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Active Member
Jun 15, 2015
It's a common thing these days for someone, usually a democrat, to say that W fucked up. Really? Do you know what their main obstacles were as president? You know what they did to overcome them? Their solution wasn't good enough? Name someone who proposed an idea that would work and explain ho it wild work? You don't have an answer for all these questions without being a smartass? I know then who to ignore
Starting two wars, expanding Medicare, and lowering taxes all in the same timeframe is generally not "fiscally responsible"
Starting two wars, expanding Medicare, and lowering taxes all in the same timeframe is generally not "fiscally responsible"
...money doesn't matter anymore in politics. Can't believe you don't know this yet.
Republicans continually underestimate the perfidy of their Democrat opposition, who will go to any length to turn military victory into defeat.
Republicans continually underestimate the perfidy of their Democrat opposition, who will go to any length to turn military victory into defeat.

What "victory" would that be?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Starting two wars, expanding Medicare, and lowering taxes all in the same timeframe is generally not "fiscally responsible"
Don't forget pushing the idea that any who opposed him hated America and hated soldiers.

Don't forget what an absolute BUFFOON he made of himself everytime he stepped in front of a microphone.

Don't forget that he created a culture of hatred for our historically greatest allies in europe, and caused them to hate us in turn.

Don't forget that the world was unified with America after 9/11, and he royally fucked that up to the point where the world is reluctant for America to take the lead on ANY global issues anymore.

Don't forget that he was responsible for the Patriot Act, the greatst disgrace to the constitution this country has ever seen.

Don't forget he created the monstrocity that is Homeland Security, for no other reason than to harass and police citizens.
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Bush Dynasty a Failure?

Actually, they're an incredible success. HW's daddy left them a fortune and, even though they're a reeel mediocre bunch, being in bed with Osama bin Laden and other Saudis has made them even wealthier.

As presidents, not so much and of course, Dumb W is among the worst in our history. Iraq was illegal, un-winnable, cost us our financial stability and millions of innocent lives and spawned al Qaeda and ISIL.
Starting two wars, expanding Medicare, and lowering taxes all in the same timeframe is generally not "fiscally responsible"
...money doesn't matter anymore in politics. Can't believe you don't know this yet.
Deficits don't matter. Reagan taught us that. Dick "the bloody dwarf" Cheney.

Far left religious talking points to cover the fact that the debt under Obama dwarfs all other prsidents combined..
Bush Dynasty a Failure?

Actually, they're an incredible success. HW's daddy left them a fortune and, even though they're a reeel mediocre bunch, being in bed with Osama bin Laden and other Saudis has made them even wealthier.

As presidents, not so much and of course, Dumb W is among the worst in our history. Iraq was illegal, un-winnable, cost us our financial stability and millions of innocent lives and spawned al Qaeda and ISIL.

And yet the far left drones continue to vote for worse than Bush each and every time as they support Obama's illegal wars..
Okay since this
Starting two wars, expanding Medicare, and lowering taxes all in the same timeframe is generally not "fiscally responsible"
Don't forget pushing the idea that any who opposed him hated America and hated soldiers.

Don't forget what an absolute BUFFOON he he made of himself everytime he stepped in front of a microphone.

Don't forget that he created a culture of hatred for our historically greatest allies in europe, and caused them to hate us in turn.

Don't forget that the world was unified with America after 9/11, and he royally fucked that up to the point where the world is reluctant for America to take the lead on ANY global issues anymore.

Don't forget that he was responsible for the Patriot Act, the greatst disgrace to the constitution this country has ever seen.

Don't forget he created the monstrocity that is Homeland Security, for no other reason than to harass and police citizens.
wow... I bet you believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories
Republicans continually underestimate the perfidy of their Democrat opposition, who will go to any length to turn military victory into defeat.

What "victory" would that be?

Inquiring minds want to know.

1. Korea
2. Viet Nam
3. Nicaragua
4. Iraq
5. Afghanistan

You call any one of those "victories"?

Says the far left drone that supports Obama illegal wars..
Starting two wars, expanding Medicare, and lowering taxes all in the same timeframe is generally not "fiscally responsible"

Oh look the far left religious talking points from a far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
Actually, the far left ADMITS to Obama's illegal wars!!!!

Starting an Illegal War Obama s Impeachment Trap

The irony of the Obama presidency may hinge on whether he attacks Syria. He began his presidency prematurely winning the Nobel Peace Prize and could end it being impeached for starting an illegal war without congressional or UN approval – violating both domestic and international law.

Yesterday, 163 Members of Congress sent letters to President Obama telling him that under the US Constitution he is required to get congressional approval before beginning a military attack. Theletter drafted by Rep. Scott Rigel (R-VA) had 140 signatures, 119 Republicans and 21 Dems. Rep. Barbara Lee also circulated a letter that had 53 signers, that calls on the president to seek congressional approval.

The Rigel letter warned Obama that engaging in military action “would violate the Separation of Powers Clause that is clearly delineated in the Constitution.” They also note that the justification for war in Libya also violated the Constitution. The Lee letter warns that “we all swore to uphold and defend” the Constitution; and that we should not engage in an “unwise war – especially without adhering to our own Constitutional requirements.” In their concluding paragraph they warn “Before weighing the use of military force, Congress must fully debate and consider the facts and every alternative . . .”

President Obama knows the limits of his powers. In fact, if there is an impeachment proceeding his own words will be quoted. When he was running for president, Obama told the Boston Globe: “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

Vice President Biden, in a 2007 campaign event in Iowa, went further, not only stating clearly that the president does not have unilateral power to conduct military attacks but threatening impeachment of President Bush if he did so.

The Green Shadow Cabinet of the United States was explicit calling on President Obama to seek congressional approval before going to war, noted that under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the US Constitution, it is the Congress that determines whether the United States goes to war. They also highlight the potential of impeachment writing: “If President Obama launches an attack without prior explicit authorization by Congress, he will have committed an offense worthy of impeachment.” [Disclosure, I serve as Attorney General in the alternative cabinet.]

If impeachment proceedings are held all of the doubts about the war will come out. People in the military have protected themselves by telling President Obama that they have serious doubts about a military attack. The have warned Obama about potential blowback, misusing the military to send a message with no clear strategy, drawing the US into a vexing war when they are already burdened by a complicated withdrawal from Afghanistan. Some have used words like “potentially devastating consequences” Reportedly, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey, has warned in great detail about the risks and pitfalls of U.S. military intervention in Syria, warning “deeper involvement is hard to avoid.”

If the war goes wrong, and wars almost always go wrong, President Obama will see the memorandums of various members of the military who warned him. And, they will be called to testify and tell the world that President Obama was warned but went ahead anyway – without congressional approval in violation of the Constitution.


IT has now been over three months since the first NATO bombs fell on Libya, yet President Obama has failed to request Congressional approval for military action, as required by the War Powers Act of 1973. The legal machinations Mr. Obama has used to justify war without Congressional consent set a troubling precedent that could allow future administrations to wage war at their convenience — free of legislative checks and balances.

When Mr. Obama first announced American military involvement in Libya, he notified Congress within 48 hours, as prescribed by the War Powers Act. This initiated a 60-day period, during which he was required to obtain approval from Congress; if he failed to do so, the act gave him at most 30 days to halt all “hostilities.”

Last Sunday was the 90th day of bombing in Libya, but Mr. Obama — armed with dubious legal opinions — is refusing to stop America’s military engagement there. His White House counsel, Robert F. Bauer, has declared that, despite the War Powers Act, the president can continue the Libya campaign indefinitely without legislative support. This conclusion lacks a solid legal foundation. And by adopting it, the White House has shattered the traditional legal process the executive branch has developed to sustain the rule of law over the past 75 years.
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