Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Who's the lying bastard?


That is your sense of moral eqivalence?

Someone having to look for another insurance plan vs starting a war on false pretenses and killing 100,000 people?

Has your side sunk that low?

We have covered the false pretense lie but I see you missed lesson one. Repeating it will do no good.

Next topic with be the 100000 lie that the left keeps repeating.

How many has Obama killed in Afghanistan? How many US military have died and how many civilians? Bet you don't know cause you dont' really give a crap.

When Bush lied to support his innept invasion of Iraq, 5000 Americans died as well as over 100,000 innocent Iraqis

When Obama supposedly "lied" about keeping your healthcare, people ended up with better plans

How do you sleep at night?
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Who's the lying bastard?


That is your sense of moral eqivalence?

Someone having to look for another insurance plan vs starting a war on false pretenses and killing 100,000 people?

Has your side sunk that low?

Obama's people created the bill. He put his name on it. he should have known what was in it. he didn't and he LIED on national television repeatedly.

Bush was acting on the intelligence information he had at the time. He was not shown information (as far as we know) saying Saddam had, without a doubt" NO WMD's. Saddam never came out and said he had none. It turns out he was lying, and his government was lying the whole time.

Your president was caught in a 100% LIE. Deal with it.

The bottom line here is that the CIA KNEW there were no WMD. As the CIA reports directly to the president it means that before the war bush KNEW Iraq had no WMD. He knew the truth and surpressed it from the American people. THAT IS A LIE.

MI6 and CIA were told before invasion that Iraq had no active WMD
Fresh evidence has been revealed about how MI6 and the CIA were told through secret channels by Saddam Hussein's foreign minister and his head of intelligence that Iraq had no active weapons of mass destruction.

Tony Blair told parliament before the war that intelligence showed Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programme was "active", "growing" and "up and running".

Now, as far as your assinine statement about Obama lying, CAN YOU PROVIDE ANY PROOF THAT OBAMA KNEW BEFOREHAND THAT WHAT HE WAS SAYING WITH WRONG. If you can provide such proof then Obama was lying. If you cannot provide such proof then Obama was wrong in what he said but he was not lying. He said what he had been led to believe was the truth which is contrary to what bush did. bush knew the truth and did not speak it. Big difference. In fact, perhaps it is to big a difference for a small mind to understand.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

Who's the lying bastard?
Perhaps you should give some thought to what a lie is. A lie occurs when someone KNOWS the truth and purposely says something they know to be untrue. For example, LBJ knew that an American ship HAD NOT been attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin but that is not what he told the American people. That was a lie because he purposely hid the truth. Another example would be gwb saying that Iraq had WMD. bush had received briefings that Saddam did not have WMD yet his people were talking of germ warfare, poison gas, and mushroom clouds over New York. bush knew the truth and purposely kept it from the American people.
Now, as to Obama lying, you can only make that claim if you have some proof that he knew what he was saying was wrong and purposely misled the American people. DO YOU HAVE PROOF THAT BEFORE HE MADE THE STATEMENT YOU ARE CITING HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS SAYING WAS WRONG. You can accuse him of making statements that were WRONG but you statement he was lying is as phony as the Death Panels that never existed.
But hey, facts mean nothing here. It's all about the mud. Right? Right???????

Are you an idiot? Or is it that you think Obama is?

Obama was aware that many plans did NOT have the requirements mandated under the new law....thus why they made them mandates.

Enough said.
Hummm....... "Obama was aware that many plans did NOT have the requirements mandated under the new law." Hummmm ..... And you have proof that your statement is correct? I knew Obama taught Constitutional Law but I did not realize he was an expert in the medical insurance field.
The bottom line which you are too dense to understand is that Obama made statements that were wrong<PERIOD> Making wrong statements is not a lie. The information he used was given to him by the people working on writing the bill. IT IS NOT A LIE IF HE IS GIVEN WRONG INFORMATION AND REPEATS IT. Until you can prove that he knew beforehand what he was saying was wrong he did not lie. It is not a lie to repeat wrong information as much as you want to make it one.
Now I realize this is old news that everyone should know but in an attempt to make those who listen to those who dispense lies I think reeducation is needed.

Here is what our President Bush said "We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the 11 September attacks," Mr Bush told reporters as he met members of Congress on energy legislation.

Many people may believe this was the case because in "Fahrenheit 9/11," Michael Moore truncated a comment by Condi Rice in order to deliberately give viewers of his movie that false impression. Here's the quote as it appeared in the film:

"There is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11"

Now here's the full quote:

"Oh, indeed there is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. It’s not that Saddam Hussein was somehow himself and his regime involved in 9/11, but, if you think about what caused 9/11, it is the rise of ideologies of hatred that lead people to drive airplanes into buildings in New York."
bush and rice MAY have made the quotes you cited but the big question is, WHEN WERE THESE QUOTES MADE? That is a rather important piece of information that you have not included in your post. I suspect that was not an accident. I suspect these quotes were made well after American troops were in Iraq. If you are going to cite a quote you NEED to give the date of the quote and where you obtained the quote. Failure to do so renders the quote as being worthless.
You cannot deny that prior to the attack virtually all members of the bush administration were screaming about al Qaida being an ally of Saddam AND the fact they were allied linked them to 9/11.

Even if it was afterward, atleat he acted like a grownup and said he ws wrong, again IF he didmstate the opposite previously.

So what do we have from this administration a bullshit story and they want to ignore it and wish it away. They dont even pretend to be interested in what happend, fed us some shit that morons bought and act like they cant be bothered with it. They have to spend their time trying to make this country in the image of a carribean orafrican bannana republic

That is your sense of moral eqivalence?

Someone having to look for another insurance plan vs starting a war on false pretenses and killing 100,000 people?

Has your side sunk that low?

We have covered the false pretense lie but I see you missed lesson one. Repeating it will do no good.

Next topic with be the 100000 lie that the left keeps repeating.

How many has Obama killed in Afghanistan? How many US military have died and how many civilians? Bet you don't know cause you dont' really give a crap.

When Bush lied to support his innept invasion of Iraq, 5000 Americans died as well as over 100,000 innocent Iraqis

When Obama supposedly "lied" about keeping your healthcare, people ended up with better plans

How do you sleep at night?

Since your first sentence is nothing but lies, as you have been and will be shown. I guess the only way you sleep at night is because you have no conscience.
Bush was always very careful about the Iraq 9/11 connection. He never tied them together.

However, many information sources on the right were clearly directed to imply a link between Al Qaeda and Hussein. There was a huge cloud of disinformation about Iraq, much of it coming from the overlapping set of think tanks and media assets that shapes opinion on the right.

Here is the truth. Hussein's ability to affect oil supplies and prices made him more dangerous than a thousand 9/11s, and more valuable to any special interests that seized his oil fields. But don't mention this to any republicans because most of them don't understand the effect of oil scarcity on the American economy.

I was all for the taking of Iraqi oil fields, an event that became necessary when Reagan tied our energy future to petroleum & the Middle East. However, I forgot to think about what might happen if the American energy sector that brought us Enron actually controlled the source of petroleum. This would give them the greatest pricing control and monopoly power in world history.

But yes, everyone but the talk radio right knows that 9/11 gave the Bushies a context for making a play on the world's last low hanging fruit. Saddam's oil fields have been circled in the Pentagon war room since before Reagan funded and protected his ascendancy.
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Bush was always very careful about the Iraq 9/11 connection. He never tied them together.

However, many information sources on the right were clearly directed to imply a link between Al Qaeda and Hussein. There was a huge cloud of disinformation about Iraq, much of it coming from the overlapping set of think tanks and media assets that shapes opinion on the right.

Here is the truth. Hussein's ability to affect oil supplies and prices made him more dangerous than a thousand 9/11s, and more valuable to any special interests that seized his oil fields. But don't mention this to any republicans because most of them don't understand the effect of oil scarcity on the American economy.

I was all for the taking of Iraqi oil fields, an event that became necessary when Reagan tied our energy future to petroleum & the Middle East. However, I forgot to think about what might happen if the American energy sector that brought us Enron actually controlled the source of petroleum. This would give them the greatest pricing control and monopoly power in world history.

But yes, everyone but the talk radio right knows that 9/11 gave the Bushies a context for making a play on the world's last low hanging fruit. Saddam's oil fields have been circled in the Pentagon war room since before Reagan funded and protected his ascendancy.

When exactly did the US take the Iraqi oil fields?

Wonder how 935 stacks up against statements made by Slick and Mrs. Willie and scads of other dimocrats who preached of the danger of Saddam's WMD and the threat he posed to the world because of them?

Have it your way. So clinton loaded the gun but bush pulled the trigger. He used the bully pulpit to sell sadaam having weapons of mass destruction. Scaring the populace who for the most part believe a president. For weeks on end, bush pushing the weapons. They knew where they were. Weapons capable of great destruction. Weapons given to sadaam by another bush by the way but hey, so what. Anyway, bush won't be tried for anything so you can stop chasing around on the internet looking for links that prove bush innocent.
By the way, after the weapons weren't found, why did USA stay in Iraq? The story changed to "have to get sadaam" After they got sadaam why didn't USA leave then? Too much money being made. The whole reason for going into Iraq.

I think the WMD talk has entered the rehlm of BS. Yes that was pushed as a reason for war. But it is not like Saddam didn't deserve to be removed. The kurds love Bush for getting rid of the murderous Saddam. Saddam used WMDs against his own people and the conduct of the war against Iran was atrocious. Even Saddam's boys were certified man men. I, for one, never really thought the war was about WMD. It was about removing a threat to the region who might have WMD. Saddam needed to go and the US had the balls to do it. Every time a woman gets to vote the US should be praised for our sacrifice. What we don't need to see is the liberal left keep taking the side of Saddam.

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