Bush’s 911 incompetence and lies continue to rack up

Your boy, Obama is a goddamned disgrace to the office of the Presidency.

that is your opinion, and thanks for sharing. :)

However, I tend to rate my Presidents on what they do at home, not in the sand box. The fact Obama has added the ACA into law has me quite happy. My lovely GF does not have insurance and was not bale to find decent HC for years as she has no insurance. She can now find HC, and I thank the Commander in Chief for that.

so see, its all relative. Seriously, I don't give a flying F about Libya, I care about my family and their health.

Bush’s incompetence in ignoring multiple warnings of 911 and Iraqi lies and cover-up of WMDs and Saddam being a threat that led to loss of 10,000 American lives and the loss of a million lives of innocent Muslim men, women and children and a continue mounting deficit. Plus the cost of treating the 30,000 injured and disable Americans returning from those unnecessary wars. Americans and Muslims continue to die because of Bush’s incompetence in ignoring warning of 911. Plus the cost of Bush’s massive tax cuts for the rich that is continue to rack up the deficit.

Bush admitted that there were no WMDs and Iraq was a mistake. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has been convicted of war crimes by International Tribunal and what federal prisons are they in now? And where is the right wing media, Issa and the Republican outrage? Four Americans dies in Benghazi and 10,000 die in 911, Afghanistan and Iraq and 30,000 wounded and disabled Americans. And no right wing outrage yet? Does this mean when you are white you are right and when you are black step back?

Majority of Obama spending is going to the two wars that continue, taking care of the wounded Americans returning from the two unnecessary wars and the continued tax cuts for the rich that continues to grow the deficit. Plus paying for the economical mistakes that Bush made and the continue unemployment. Elect Romney in November and we will have more of the same and he will pick up where Bush left off another war in Iran and more tax cuts for the rich. Costing American lives and costing tax payers more taxes.

Obama is “dancing as fast as he can but not dancing fast enough?”

You are quite illiterate Granny....
Jesus. Didn't she just have this same thread a few weeks ago??

Seems mighty familiar. Still has the same answer. Vague warnings. No who, what where or when. Might have been nice if AQ had e mailed all those facts to Bush. Bush who was only POTUS for 8 months.

Same deal on Clinton. Who could have taken UBL out several times long before 9/11.

Of course Barry will have to take the blame for Libya and his State Departments failure to aide American citizens under attack.

No Bush in that scenario. Of course Generals and Admirals who wanted to send assistance are fired. Just Barry's way. What an asshole he truly is.

truth hurts, huh?

This happened


Bush did this


This happened


Obama did this

Obama fucked up Libya

no, im purrty sure Libya was ruined by a Dictator set in place by our own government.

Some times I do want to like in conservative fantasy land where history began in 2008.
Bush isn't the President,intelligent people understand this on both sides.
The ACA will in the end be the worst thing that has ever been foisted on the American people.
Jesus. Didn't she just have this same thread a few weeks ago??

Seems mighty familiar. Still has the same answer. Vague warnings. No who, what where or when. Might have been nice if AQ had e mailed all those facts to Bush. Bush who was only POTUS for 8 months.

Same deal on Clinton. Who could have taken UBL out several times long before 9/11.

Of course Barry will have to take the blame for Libya and his State Departments failure to aide American citizens under attack.

No Bush in that scenario. Of course Generals and Admirals who wanted to send assistance are fired. Just Barry's way. What an asshole he truly is.

She did...she is a senile old hag.
Your boy, Obama is a goddamned disgrace to the office of the Presidency.

that is your opinion, and thanks for sharing. :)

However, I tend to rate my Presidents on what they do at home, not in the sand box. The fact Obama has added the ACA into law has me quite happy. My lovely GF does not have insurance and was not bale to find decent HC for years as she has no insurance. She can now find HC, and I thank the Commander in Chief for that.

so see, its all relative. Seriously, I don't give a flying F about Libya, I care about my family and their health.

Well as the say "it all depends on who's bull is being gored!"

The people who complain or want to change things are the ones who are being affected. On the other hand people who are not being affected often care very little.

An example from recent news: The Obama health care legislation included a tax on the use of tanning beds. The original idea was to tax voluntary cosmetic surgeries.
But the plastic surgeons were able to convince Congress to gore up someone else's ox.
Read more at explanation

The above comment sums up why I've been so against Obamacare in that in your case you are very personalized subjective situation is your GF MAY get health insurance.

THE Operative word though is MAY!!!!

And the reason is simple!
A) Obamacare was PASSED ON A LIE!
There never were 50 million people like your GF, uninsured! Of the supposedly 50 million including your GF:
1) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS... 2) 14 million ALREADY have Medicaid 3) 18 million DON"T WANT insurance as they are under 34, can buy but pay out of their own!
That leaves less then 8 million truly uninsured that need insurance!

BUT when they passed Obamacare on THIS MAJOR LIE and with such an gigantic bill that totally disrupts 100% of all our health coverage.. BASED ON that simple LIE???

It gets more complicated though!
OBVIOUSLY you are aware of how health financing works and YOU like MANY ignorant people BLAME insurance companies.
YOU obviously don't know that $600 billion a year is WASTED and passed on to payers.. ins. cos. Medicare this waste!
SO why didn't Obamacare go after this $600 billion a year in WASTE that directly translates into higher insurance premiums???

BECAUSE it was as 90% of physicians KNOW is their sending duplicate tests, referring to specialists $600 billion in waste ALL out of FEARS by the physicians!

FEARS that could have been reduced if Obama/Congress hadn't taken $300 million alone in 2008 from the vested interest party in NOT reducing these FEARS!!!

I this group had been taxed JUST aS tanning salons 100% of their $100 billion.. THAT $10 billion a year could have done several positive affects!
1) Provided COVERAGE in the form of a Premium for 8 million UNINSURED such as your GF!!!!
2) In turn directly tied to reducing the $600 billion in waste and in turn would reduced health insurance premiums!

BUT again being totally ignorant like millions who FALSELY believe ACA/Obamacare is GREAT YOU have NO IDEA!

If that $600 billion was reduced premiums reduced and your GF could get insurance as the other 8 million truly could WITHOUT DESTROYING HEALTH CARE for ALL of US!!!
fellas, fact remains Iraq was dreamed up by Republicans and people died for no reason and Trillions were spent.

Post all you want, fact remains, Iraq will be a black eye for the GOP for decades. And rightful so. Wars cost money, wars cost American lives. This is common sense people.

Okay, so we dreamed it up and somehow convinced Dimocrats to vote for it. Guess it was like ObamaCare and they didn't read what they voted for. Except for Hillary of course who later said she didn't think her vote actually meant we'd go to war.

You clowns take stupid to a whole new low.
Majority of Obama spending is going to the two wars that continue, taking care of the wounded Americans returning from the two unnecessary wars and the continued tax cuts for the rich that continues to grow the deficit.

Reagan and Bush moved massive amounts of the Pentagon budget off the books through "emergency spending measures". They used the umbrella of war to hide the spending.

When Obama chose to move the wars back on budget, he was warned that he would get blamed for the spending from these Bush Wars. He decided that America needed to see the costs of these wars.

Reagan was asked by Carter to price the cost of stabilizing the Middle East into a barrel of oil - he wanted Americans to see the real cost oil. Problem is, Reagan didn't want the market to get the "wrong" price signal, which would lead to an increase in investment away from oil and toward alternative energy, higher CAFE standards, conservation, and moving more transportation and shipping to things like trains and water > i.e., all of the above. Reagan prevented this from happening because he was heavily funded by big oil. Carter predicted that if we didn't act, the economy would be swallowed by the $4 gallon.

In other words, we swallowed poison in 1980.
There is no amount of Bush, Cheney or Reagan that the democrats could apply to make obama not be a liar.

Bush’s incompetence in ignoring multiple warnings of 911 and Iraqi lies and cover-up of WMDs and Saddam being a threat that led to loss of 10,000 American lives and the loss of a million lives of innocent Muslim men, women and children and a continue mounting deficit. Plus the cost of treating the 30,000 injured and disable Americans returning from those unnecessary wars. Americans and Muslims continue to die because of Bush’s incompetence in ignoring warning of 911. Plus the cost of Bush’s massive tax cuts for the rich that is continue to rack up the deficit.

Bush admitted that there were no WMDs and Iraq was a mistake. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has been convicted of war crimes by International Tribunal and what federal prisons are they in now? And where is the right wing media, Issa and the Republican outrage? Four Americans dies in Benghazi and 10,000 die in 911, Afghanistan and Iraq and 30,000 wounded and disabled Americans. And no right wing outrage yet? Does this mean when you are white you are right and when you are black step back?

Majority of Obama spending is going to the two wars that continue, taking care of the wounded Americans returning from the two unnecessary wars and the continued tax cuts for the rich that continues to grow the deficit. Plus paying for the economical mistakes that Bush made and the continue unemployment. Elect Romney in November and we will have more of the same and he will pick up where Bush left off another war in Iran and more tax cuts for the rich. Costing American lives and costing tax payers more taxes.

Obama is “dancing as fast as he can but not dancing fast enough?”

Nice try but the truth is that we elected another Bill Clinton and look what we got. We bombed innocent people in Libya to pave the way for the muslem brotherhood and what did we get for it? They murdered the US ambassador and three other people including two Veteran Navy Seals while the president watched the seven hour battle in real time and didn't lift a finger to help. The first attack on the WTC happened under Clinton's watch and the same gang was attending flight school in the US while Bill was diddling Monica and bombing Yugoslavia. Treasonous democrats authorized boots on the ground in Iraq and then undermined the mission anyway they could.
fellas, fact remains Iraq was dreamed up by Republicans and people died for no reason and Trillions were spent.

Post all you want, fact remains, Iraq will be a black eye for the GOP for decades. And rightful so. Wars cost money, wars cost American lives. This is common sense people.

Okay, so we dreamed it up and somehow convinced Dimocrats to vote for it. Guess it was like ObamaCare and they didn't read what they voted for. Except for Hillary of course who later said she didn't think her vote actually meant we'd go to war.

You clowns take stupid to a whole new low.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In your case too you're both a liar (proof provided in link above) and stupid to believe anyone awake in 2002 and engaged in the political process would believe anything you post.

Bush’s incompetence in ignoring multiple warnings of 911 and Iraqi lies and cover-up of WMDs and Saddam being a threat that led to loss of 10,000 American lives and the loss of a million lives of innocent Muslim men, women and children and a continue mounting deficit. Plus the cost of treating the 30,000 injured and disable Americans returning from those unnecessary wars. Americans and Muslims continue to die because of Bush’s incompetence in ignoring warning of 911. Plus the cost of Bush’s massive tax cuts for the rich that is continue to rack up the deficit.

Bush admitted that there were no WMDs and Iraq was a mistake. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld has been convicted of war crimes by International Tribunal and what federal prisons are they in now? And where is the right wing media, Issa and the Republican outrage? Four Americans dies in Benghazi and 10,000 die in 911, Afghanistan and Iraq and 30,000 wounded and disabled Americans. And no right wing outrage yet? Does this mean when you are white you are right and when you are black step back?

Majority of Obama spending is going to the two wars that continue, taking care of the wounded Americans returning from the two unnecessary wars and the continued tax cuts for the rich that continues to grow the deficit. Plus paying for the economical mistakes that Bush made and the continue unemployment. Elect Romney in November and we will have more of the same and he will pick up where Bush left off another war in Iran and more tax cuts for the rich. Costing American lives and costing tax payers more taxes.

Obama is “dancing as fast as he can but not dancing fast enough?”

Oh damn! Bush is running for president again! I thought a person could only serve for 2 terms, but I guess I'm wrong. Why wasn't this in the news anywhere?

Oh wait, you're deflecting attention away from the murdering, cock sucking bastard prick that was voted into office in 2008. Ok, I was confused for a second.
Nice how the lefties keep bringing Bush up.

Hell. Bush hasn't been POTUS for almost 4yrs.

Last I looked Barry is POTUS. Of course I don't hear the lefties condeming him for anything.

If Bush were still POTUS we would hear them screaming bloody murder about the economy, UE, the debt the deficit and the dead in Libya.

Since its Barry they say nothing. Pathetic.
Quit living in the fucking past .. Geez He has been out of office for almost 4 years. GET OVER IT
fellas, fact remains Iraq was dreamed up by Republicans and people died for no reason and Trillions were spent.

Post all you want, fact remains, Iraq will be a black eye for the GOP for decades. And rightful so. Wars cost money, wars cost American lives. This is common sense people.

Okay, so we dreamed it up and somehow convinced Dimocrats to vote for it. Guess it was like ObamaCare and they didn't read what they voted for. Except for Hillary of course who later said she didn't think her vote actually meant we'd go to war.

You clowns take stupid to a whole new low.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In your case too you're both a liar (proof provided in link above) and stupid to believe anyone awake in 2002 and engaged in the political process would believe anything you post.

Is this the proof from your link you're referring to?...

The resolution authorized President Bush to use the Armed Forces of the United States "as he determines to be necessary and appropriate" in order to "defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq."

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