Bushbot Neocons Exiting GOP


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Professional political hangers-on have come to the realization that the GOP is out of power and likely to stay there for the forseeable future.

Switching parties is the smart move.
Professional political hangers-on have come to the realization that the GOP is out of power and likely to stay there for the forseeable future.

Switching parties is the smart move.
Probably has nothing at all to do with the 75 million people who voted against their establishment hangers-on, globalist, warmongering, surrender monkey way of running things.....Newp, nothing at all.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

I wonder who the never trumpers think they are and where are they going to go?

I guess they can defect to the democrat party and help support the rise of china and the decline of America.

But if they do the fallen republicans will be relegated to cleaning the bathrooms and sweeping floors at the DNC.

Which is hardly the high status they once envisioned for themselves

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

I wonder who the never trumpers think they are and where are they going to go?

But if they do the fallen republicans will be relegated to cleaning the bathrooms and sweeping floor at the DNC.

Which is hardly the high status they once envisioned for themselves
I guess they can defect to the democrat party and help support the rise of china and the decline of America.

Why not?....They've been doing just that as alleged republicans for decades now.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
They're the ones who gave us Trump, commie dumbfuck.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

As much as I supported Bush Jr. as president, he seemed far removed from any conservatism roots that Reagan had planted (let's not forget how dominant the victories by Reagan were and how patriotic Americans were under him).

So, the Neo-Cons in Bushes image are NOT the future of the Party, nor the country as far as I can tell. Them leaving isn't a loss to anyone, certainly not Americans who want to confront China economically.
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They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

As much as I supported him as president, he seemed far removed from any conservatism roots that Reagan had planted (let's not forget how dominant the victories by Reagan were and how patriotic Americans were under him).

So, the Neo-Cons in Bushes image are NOT the future of the Party, nor the country as far as I can tell. Them leaving isn't a loss to anyone, certainly not Americans who want to confront China economically.
Reagan detested Bush....Having him as veep was a sop to the Rockefeller country club surrender monkey wing of the party.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Get rid of that jit bag known as Fauci. He is a fraud liar.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

It all got moving with the Lincoln Project goobers. Consider that unfortunate group, and their founder's current predicament.

Now, the rest are exposing themselves. How inevitable was that?

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Get rid of that jit bag known as Fauci. He is a fraud liar.

Stay on topic, this isnt about Fauci.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

It all got moving with the Lincoln Project goobers. Consider that unfortunate group, and their founder's current predicament.

Now, the rest are exposing themselves. How inevitable was that?
Mostly....But it really started in 2015, with pearl clutching smug snobs like Bill Kristol and George Will going after Trump for his demeanor, while he was flushing them out into the open as the disingenuous poseurs that they are.

Though my disagreements with populist attitudes are numerous, they have done a far better job of smoking out these statist bootlicking weasels than any other political movement ever has.
The Republican Party is going to just be QAnon, Proud Boys not yet in prison, and vax deniers, and flat-earthers. :laugh:

They will be in the minority for 10 years.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)

They're mad because even though not much light was shed on these parasites, the amount that did come in through the keyhole had them squirming like cockroaches.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Reagan's biggest mistake.....picking Bush for VP in 1980. The most of the Bushies are not worth a dime these days.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Lol. Yeah...Butchering a million Iraqis and ushering in an unprecedented era of surveillance and military expansionism was one thing, but starting a riot? Unacceptable sir. - Caitlin Johnstone

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Fuck ‘em and feed ‘em fish heads

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Lol. Yeah...Butchering a million Iraqis and ushering in an unprecedented era of surveillance and military expansionism was one thing, but starting a riot? Unacceptable sir. - Caitlin Johnstone
my worst vote ever. LOL

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