Bushbot Neocons Exiting GOP

The Republican Party is going to just be QAnon, Proud Boys not yet in prison, and vax deniers, and flat-earthers. :laugh:

They will be in the minority for 10 years.
Not necessarily. They could easily win the House in 22 unless Biden pulls off an economic miracle.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

I notice Reuters is promoting the false claim bullshit. That is where I stopped reading. Those Republicans are simply irrelevant now.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

I notice Reuters is promoting the false claim bullshit. That is where I stopped reading. Those Republicans are simply irrelevant now.
Not necessarily. The question is where do they go, and what will they support. Presumably they join the numbers of independents who outnumber each of the parties. But many of those who voted for dem house members in 18 flipped back to the gop in 20. they appear to be "up for grabs."

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

I notice Reuters is promoting the false claim bullshit. That is where I stopped reading. Those Republicans are simply irrelevant now.
Not necessarily. The question is where do they go, and what will they support. Presumably they join the numbers of independents who outnumber each of the parties. But many of those who voted for dem house members in 18 flipped back to the gop in 20. they appear to be "up for grabs."
They are not independent they are corrupt. They ignore their constituents and side with elites. That independent party will take votes from Democrats not from Trump supporters and the new Republicans.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Lol. Yeah...Butchering a million Iraqis and ushering in an unprecedented era of surveillance and military expansionism was one thing, but starting a riot? Unacceptable sir. - Caitlin Johnstone
my worst vote ever. LOL
Wouldn’t have mattered. Gore and John F-ing Kerry would’ve done much the same as dumb W.

No point in voting for potus.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Lol. Yeah...Butchering a million Iraqis and ushering in an unprecedented era of surveillance and military expansionism was one thing, but starting a riot? Unacceptable sir. - Caitlin Johnstone
You're comparing an action by the president, the House, and the Senate, approved through the legislative process, perfectly legal, with a riot conducted by a bunch of dirty thugs?

Fuck off, asshole.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Lol. Yeah...Butchering a million Iraqis and ushering in an unprecedented era of surveillance and military expansionism was one thing, but starting a riot? Unacceptable sir. - Caitlin Johnstone
You're comparing an action by the president, the House, and the Senate, approved through the legislative process, perfectly legal, with a riot conducted by a bunch of dirty thugs?

Fuck off, asshole.
Yes, those thugs were from the Left. The FBI are the new brown shirts.
The Republican Party is going to just be QAnon, Proud Boys not yet in prison, and vax deniers, and flat-earthers. :laugh:

They will be in the minority for 10 years.
Not necessarily. They could easily win the House in 22 unless Biden pulls off an economic miracle.
He won't pull off anything....Everything he has done has the effect of raising energy costs, destroying jobs, and putting Murica further back of the iron economic boot of the CCP....It's as though he's trying to crash the economy on purpose.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

I notice Reuters is promoting the false claim bullshit. That is where I stopped reading. Those Republicans are simply irrelevant now.
Not necessarily. The question is where do they go, and what will they support. Presumably they join the numbers of independents who outnumber each of the parties. But many of those who voted for dem house members in 18 flipped back to the gop in 20. they appear to be "up for grabs."
Once more independents cluster together with united goals, things will shift in a most stringent fashion. Once an independent wins, true progress can be made. The "chart guy" Ross Perot tried in 1992 as an independent and won 18.9% of the popular vote (but no electoral votes), and ran again in '96 on the Reform Party ticket receiving only 8% of the popular vote. He was ahead of his time. Otherwise, he might have been a good contender this past election or even 2016. His was the best popular vote showing ever for an independent candidate who stood alone on no third party ticket and was smart as a whip. Too bad he was a bit short in the likeable category-people still want to vote for someone they "like", even if they half-way realize that it's not the best candidate voters tend to vote for relatable folks.

It shouldn't be that way...that taller candidates typically fare better than shorter candidates with voters, and the better looking ones are even more appealing to the average voter. People still associate glasses with intelligence lol could be true or really off. Similar with females who run, but it's a bit different. A woman can't run on her looks and needs to prove herself, still in 2021.

Holding office should only be based upon IQ, emotional, motives, government knowledge, and leadership ability. Test everyone who runs for office...down to the city council members. Wonder how many would still run?

On the national level, that would bust through a lot of the decades-old smoke and mirrors coming from both sides.

"What, asks a regular Joe Blow or Jane Blow voter? You mean that nice looking, tall male in excellent shape, with a nice smile is actually a conniving shape-shifter?!" Yes...if voters don't want to do the leg work (most don't) provide them with test results and then they can decide who to vote for in living color!

Had Trump run on an independent ticket he might have still won in 2016, but hard to know if enough independents would have pulled him over. As far as I know, the trend of pulling away from both major parties is still a trend.
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Once more independents cluster together with united goals, things will shift in a most stringent fashion. Once an independent wins, true progress can be made. The "chart guy" Ross Perot tried in 1992 as an independent and won 18.9% of the popular vote (but no electoral votes), and ran again in '96 on the Reform Party ticket receiving only 8% of the popular vote. He was ahead of his time. Otherwise, he might have been a good contender this past election or even 2016. His was the best popular vote showing ever for an independent candidate who stood alone on no third party ticket and was smart as a whip. Too bad he was a bit short in the likeable category-people still want to vote for someone they "like", even if they half-way realize that it's not the best candidate voters tend to vote for relatable folks.

It shouldn't be that way...that taller candidates typically fare better than shorter candidates with voters, and the better looking ones are even more appealing to the average voter. People still associate glasses with intelligence lol could be true or really off. Similar with females who run, but it's a bit different. A women can't run on her looks and needs to prove herself, still in 2021.

Holding office should only be based upon IQ, emotional, motives, government knowledge, and leadership ability. Test everyone who runs for office...down to the city council members. Wonder how many would still run?

On the national level, that would bust through a lot of the decades-old smoke and mirrors coming from both sides.

"What, asks a regular Joe Blow or Jane Blow voter? You mean that nice looking, tall male in excellent shape, with a nice smile is actually a conniving shape-shifter?!" Yes...if voters don't want to do the leg work (most don't) provide them with test results and then they can decide who to vote for in living color!

Had Trump run on an independent ticket he might have still won in 2016, but hard to know if enough independents would have pulled him over. As far as I know, the trend of pulling away from both major parties is still a trend.
Trump is an indy who seized the GOP....His entire agenda is/was a smorgasbord of issues the democratipublican uniparty once embraced, as recently as the 1990s.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

ZOMG!!! They're in mid double digits!
Professional political hangers-on have come to the realization that the GOP is out of power and likely to stay there for the forseeable future.

Switching parties is the smart move.
The republican party is changing for the better....the GOP will be from now on Trump's party...a party for the working class and underclass...a party for people who want freedom and a chance to succeed in life...a party that doesn't want handouts and are sick of the big cats screwing them....a party that wants term limits and an end to money grubbing politicians that only work to win another term....
If the DNC doesn't follow suit and clean its house as well it will cease to exist...

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Dozens of bush officials are trying to separate themselves from the dumpster fire they fueled and fanned for decades.

They’re just mad Trump said the quiet parts out loud. (and a few others, aka qanon)
Lol. Yeah...Butchering a million Iraqis and ushering in an unprecedented era of surveillance and military expansionism was one thing, but starting a riot? Unacceptable sir. - Caitlin Johnstone
You're comparing an action by the president, the House, and the Senate, approved through the legislative process, perfectly legal, with a riot conducted by a bunch of dirty thugs?

Fuck off, asshole.
Yes, those thugs were from the Left. The FBI are the new brown shirts.
The FBI is the democrat Party Waffen SS. I feel about the FBI the same way minorities felt about crooked cops in the 70's
The Establishment Reps do not seem to understand that we are in a struggle to save our country from the Democrat Extremist who are turning our country into a Banana Republic.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Afraid of the Dimm purge and being career blacklisted! The biggest fear of RINO'S is dying poor in the street.

They "don't recognize the party anymore"....Yeah, it's tough when the guy you hate so much doesn't start any new wars, so you can stuff your pockets with military-industrial contractor and lobbyist loot!

But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.

“The Republican Party as I knew it no longer exists. I’d call it the cult of Trump,” said Jimmy Gurulé, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the Bush administration.

Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House’s communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it, from conversations he has been having. “The number is growing every day,” Purcell said.

Afraid of the Dimm purge and being career blacklisted! The biggest fear of RINO'S is dying poor in the street.
Never happen...They've loaded up on their graft already.

Their biggest fear is not getting invited to the cool parties, getting good tee times, and getting ther homely mugs on the Sunday shows that nobody watches anymore....IOW, their self-esteem is tied to what the people who hate them think.

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