Businesses throughout the country are supporting Harris.

Yep, I'm sure shareholders will be thrilled about moving to Ireland to avoid paying less in taxes.
Share holders pay taxes on realized gains, not accrued gains.
Corporate taxes will not effect them directly.
Harris says tax cuts for those making under $200,000 AND INCREASE FOR THE SUPER WEALTHY AND CORPORATIONS.
If you know anything about economics, a tax on corporate taxes are passed on in minimal ways as compared to a tariff on products.
A tariff, like Trump proposes, is, almost, entirely passed on to the consumer.

Trump takes advantage of the MAGA followers having minimal knowledge on economics.
That is why Trump added more to the debt, than any one term President, and MAGA thinks he is an economic wizard.
We are not going to get manufacturing to return y waving a magic wand. That was what Joe did and what Kamala and the Progs will lie to us about. The tariffs will take a little away from real growth and return manufacturing employment to the states. And it is something that will take many years to return what was lost over many years. The fraud legislation passed from Progs that paid off their benefactors has done little for the people. We are so fortunate we are considered the most powerful nation in the world. You want fiscal sanity? Freeze the budget for a few years. Let us see how happy the people will be.
Share holders pay taxes on realized gains, not accrued gains.
Corporate taxes will not effect them directly.
Harris says tax cuts for those making under $200,000 AND INCREASE FOR THE SUPER WEALTHY AND CORPORATIONS.

News flash Elmer, Kamala wants to tax unrealized gains.
Businesses throughout the country are supporting Harris.
People who have never owned a business in their life think Trump is a gret business person.
Business people know what kind of business person he is. Trump is a business person with the same characteristics he has a human; immoral and unethical

View attachment 1008437
What a bunch of leftard horseshit.

Businesses are GOING OUT OF BUSINESS because of leftard policies.

It's happening EVERY SINGLE DAY.

In San Francisco. In New York. In Denver.

People are LOSING THEIR LIVELIHOODS because of you assholes.

I hope you lose yours, for posting idiotic drivel like this.

May the flies of a thousand camels take up residence in your jockstrap.
So much for the GOP being the party of huge multi-national corporate interests, and the Democrat Party being the ones for the regulguy.
This has never been the case. Either point. :dunno: I believe you're an all-in magaturd idiot and a person who lies. :rolleyes: :auiqs.jpg:

Yet, you believe you're some kind of anarchist. :dunno:
If you know anything about economics, a tax on corporate taxes are passed on in minimal ways as compared to a tariff on products.
A tariff, like Trump proposes, is, almost, entirely passed on to the consumer.

Trump takes advantage of the MAGA followers having minimal knowledge on economics.
That is why Trump added more to the debt, than any one term President, and MAGA thinks he is an economic wizard.
Taxes also get passed down, the two are going to increase the cost of living and we will pay for it as we go further in debt. I don’t mind higher taxes for all, but I want spending cuts but neither side wants that, they also have no reason to vote them in other than the other guy is worse, stupi logic.
Only on those with a net worth over 100 million

What's True
It's true Harris endorsed a plan to institute a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains. However …
What's False
… The plan specified that the tax would apply only to those with wealth exceeding $100 million — i.e., not the middle class. Given that it would therefore only affect the wealthiest 0.01% in the country, it is unlikely to cause an "economic calamity."

Yes, Harris Plans to Institute 25% Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains — of Wealthiest Americans
You better give your candidate, Donald Trump, the word about business.
Trump says we will go into a depression because of the socialist Democratic economic policies.
MAGA talks out of both sides of their mouth.
Harris is proposing increasing corporate taxes. Trump proposes reducing corporate taxes.
The business leaders are putting country above what is best for their corporations. Their employees will have a better country to live in under Harris
Famously, Trump is the guy who said that "trade wars are easy to win."

Of course, he said that because he is arrogant and ignorant. His "easy to win" trade war caused an extended manufacturing recession in 2019. And now he's pushing tariffs like there is no potential downside. Because he is arrogant and ignorant.
You better give your candidate, Donald Trump, the word about business.
Trump says we will go into a depression because of the socialist Democratic economic policies.
MAGA talks out of both sides of their mouth.
Harris is proposing increasing corporate taxes. Trump proposes reducing corporate taxes.
The business leaders are putting country above what is best for their corporations. Their employees will have a better country to live in under Harris
elmer just admit you are a democrat and you are voting for harris....geezus quit trying to act like you aint one...
You have no idea about what you are talking about.

When the United States applies tariffs on imported products, the following happens:
Prices increase
Tariffs make imported goods more expensive, which can lead to higher prices for consumers. The products produced in the USA after the tariffs are higher priced than the import. If they would have been competitively priced there would be no need for a tariff.
Trade barriers are created
Tariffs are a type of trade barrier that can reduce the quantity of goods and services available to consumers and businesses
Domestic manufacturers can benefit.
You have to measure the cost of increased prices and trade barriers to new jobs for domestic manufacturers

Trump's across the board tariffs show a heavy price for consumers to pay as opposed to the benefit benefit of an unknown quantity of jobs.

You are very misinformed and have a fundamental misunderstanding of basic economics.

By the way, assuming what you say is true(its not), when did Democrats start believing that corporations are doing what is best for their country instead of themselves?

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