BUSTED: Bangladesh prime minister says Clinton personally pressured her to help foundation donor

I cannot believe how many internal investigations are in limbo now. With the firing of Comey and possibly more to come, the agencies need a leader who is wise and doesn't talk about these investigations.

As for the Clinton investigation and the Pay to Play aspects, that ship has probably already sailed. However Trump needs pro Trump headlines to deflect his own problems and that just may serve a purpose.

What a mess.
Makes you wonder eh? You know how many politicians on both sides are scared shitless that Trump would direct the DOJ (FBI etc) to investigate them.

Drain the swamp, remember?

One of his big promises. You know how many of them are the scum in the swamp? Lindsay and McCain for example.

Now, with all of these issues being pushed by their pets in the media, their goal is tie up the government and the justice system.

Now, no matter what Trump calls for, the pets will make it look like he is covering something up.

All of it becomes so convoluted that no one knows where to look. All of this is strategy and attempts by the scumbags that make up that swamp to protect their interests. Which, is not the interest of the American citizen. I will put it that way.

You thought he was going to be able to drain the swamp when those scumbags control the media along with others that have profound influence on our collective psyche?

Remember the pets when they reacted to this?

Now look at how that same media is. It has been 6 months and they still nor will they ever accept the election results.

They can't.

Do you have any idea how controlled we have been?

Throughout the election cylcle and short Trump administration along with the former Director of the FBI, we are quickly losing any prestige and respect we have had in the past for our leaders.

Your are definitely right about the media and these leaders are using them for their own personal agenda. We have to fight for real news so we can make our own personal decisions.

Trump's promises were positive and he tried to make them the first acts of his administration. He shoots himself in the foot with those damn tweets and lack of knowledge of the process of governing. The infantile ire of the left is palatable and is dangerous as Trumps Tweets. Both parties need to regain any integrity that we're able to muster up at the time.

Yeah, your attitude is the attitude that got the dems resoundingly defeated, and which will continue to defeat them. The smug arrogance and conviction that Trump is accidentally pwning them, that he doesn't know what he's doing, that because he's different, he's *stoopid* and not up to the task, that because he refuses to play the game, he's incompetent.

We don't like the way the entrenched politicians are playing the game. We want them out and we want law restored, CONSTITUTIONAL law. We elected him to do it, and it's going to get done, thank goodness.

Can't wait until we have lynchings again.
Nothing like a constitution written by slave owners and rapists.
Now There's a piece of paper to live by.
Anyone found a brown guy at a Don rally yet?
Send them all back to Africa that's what I say

You keep referencing the illegal actions of progressives. Those are the actions that we are seeking to prosecute and eliminate.

As I said, the rats are scurrying. The people who do that shit are currently shitting themselves. You, for example.
I cannot believe how many internal investigations are in limbo now. With the firing of Comey and possibly more to come, the agencies need a leader who is wise and doesn't talk about these investigations.

As for the Clinton investigation and the Pay to Play aspects, that ship has probably already sailed. However Trump needs pro Trump headlines to deflect his own problems and that just may serve a purpose.

What a mess.
Makes you wonder eh? You know how many politicians on both sides are scared shitless that Trump would direct the DOJ (FBI etc) to investigate them.

Drain the swamp, remember?

One of his big promises. You know how many of them are the scum in the swamp? Lindsay and McCain for example.

Now, with all of these issues being pushed by their pets in the media, their goal is tie up the government and the justice system.

Now, no matter what Trump calls for, the pets will make it look like he is covering something up.

All of it becomes so convoluted that no one knows where to look. All of this is strategy and attempts by the scumbags that make up that swamp to protect their interests. Which, is not the interest of the American citizen. I will put it that way.

You thought he was going to be able to drain the swamp when those scumbags control the media along with others that have profound influence on our collective psyche?

Remember the pets when they reacted to this?

Now look at how that same media is. It has been 6 months and they still nor will they ever accept the election results.

They can't.

Do you have any idea how controlled we have been?

Throughout the election cylcle and short Trump administration along with the former Director of the FBI, we are quickly losing any prestige and respect we have had in the past for our leaders.

Your are definitely right about the media and these leaders are using them for their own personal agenda. We have to fight for real news so we can make our own personal decisions.

Trump's promises were positive and he tried to make them the first acts of his administration. He shoots himself in the foot with those damn tweets and lack of knowledge of the process of governing. The infantile ire of the left is palatable and is dangerous as Trumps Tweets. Both parties need to regain any integrity that we're able to muster up at the time.

Yeah, your attitude is the attitude that got the dems resoundingly defeated, and which will continue to defeat them. The smug arrogance and conviction that Trump is accidentally pwning them, that he doesn't know what he's doing, that because he's different, he's *stoopid* and not up to the task, that because he refuses to play the game, he's incompetent.

We don't like the way the entrenched politicians are playing the game. We want them out and we want law restored, CONSTITUTIONAL law. We elected him to do it, and it's going to get done, thank goodness.

Maybe it isn't politics, but mere common sense. I thought we were getting a "doer" for president, instead of the usual "I'm in politics for what I can make for my retirement" agenda...you know the Senator Reid and Pelosi-Waters type.

As a supporter of Trump's, I still hold onto values and what is best for the country. You are so right about Constitutional Law! I'm hoping that the SC will step on the immigration, liberals' pettiness and immaturity.

I don't believe you're a supporter of trump. Because he IS doing. And he is DOING exactly what he said he would do.

If you thought that the wall was going to magically appear overnight the problem is with you, not the president.
Pajesus, you guys are silly Willies!

1-Clinton gets nothing from anyone that donates to the Charity, the Charity gets the money, not a dime goes to the Clintons....second, there was a grave concern, for the working Women of Bangladesh...and the USA and Hillary personally have always taken interest in helping women, around the world.

2-no laws were broken....that's simply for the ill informed

In a 2013 interview, Yunus said he feared his ouster would put the bank he founded to help millions of impoverished people with microcredit -- small loans that are often unsecured by assets but have higher interest rates -- under too much government control and alter its mission.

"It will be a disaster," he said at the time. "Everybody in Bangladesh knows that if any business is controlled by the government, it goes down. Now why do they want to do that for the bank?

"Attack me as a person if you don't like me, but what wrong has the bank done? The bank is owned by the poor women, it is financed with their deposits," he added. "The bank should be under the control of those women. That's the way I had always wanted to keep it."
And to think these people mocked liberals for supposedly not getting over Bush.
I don't recall when conservatives
I cannot believe how many internal investigations are in limbo now. With the firing of Comey and possibly more to come, the agencies need a leader who is wise and doesn't talk about these investigations.

As for the Clinton investigation and the Pay to Play aspects, that ship has probably already sailed. However Trump needs pro Trump headlines to deflect his own problems and that just may serve a purpose.

What a mess.
Makes you wonder eh? You know how many politicians on both sides are scared shitless that Trump would direct the DOJ (FBI etc) to investigate them.

Drain the swamp, remember?

One of his big promises. You know how many of them are the scum in the swamp? Lindsay and McCain for example.

Now, with all of these issues being pushed by their pets in the media, their goal is tie up the government and the justice system.

Now, no matter what Trump calls for, the pets will make it look like he is covering something up.

All of it becomes so convoluted that no one knows where to look. All of this is strategy and attempts by the scumbags that make up that swamp to protect their interests. Which, is not the interest of the American citizen. I will put it that way.

You thought he was going to be able to drain the swamp when those scumbags control the media along with others that have profound influence on our collective psyche?

Remember the pets when they reacted to this?

Now look at how that same media is. It has been 6 months and they still nor will they ever accept the election results.

They can't.

Do you have any idea how controlled we have been?

Throughout the election cylcle and short Trump administration along with the former Director of the FBI, we are quickly losing any prestige and respect we have had in the past for our leaders.

Your are definitely right about the media and these leaders are using them for their own personal agenda. We have to fight for real news so we can make our own personal decisions.

Trump's promises were positive and he tried to make them the first acts of his administration. He shoots himself in the foot with those damn tweets and lack of knowledge of the process of governing. The infantile ire of the left is palatable and is dangerous as Trumps Tweets. Both parties need to regain any integrity that we're able to muster up at the time.

Yeah, your attitude is the attitude that got the dems resoundingly defeated, and which will continue to defeat them. The smug arrogance and conviction that Trump is accidentally pwning them, that he doesn't know what he's doing, that because he's different, he's *stoopid* and not up to the task, that because he refuses to play the game, he's incompetent.

We don't like the way the entrenched politicians are playing the game. We want them out and we want law restored, CONSTITUTIONAL law. We elected him to do it, and it's going to get done, thank goodness.

Maybe it isn't politics, but mere common sense. I thought we were getting a "doer" for president, instead of the usual "I'm in politics for what I can make for my retirement" agenda...you know the Senator Reid and Pelosi-Waters type.

As a supporter of Trump's, I still hold onto values and what is best for the country. You are so right about Constitutional Law! I'm hoping that the SC will step on the immigration, liberals' pettiness and immaturity.

I don't believe you're a supporter of trump. Because he IS doing. And he is DOING exactly what he said he would do.

If you thought that the wall was going to magically appear overnight the problem is with you, not the president.

I was and continue to be a Trump supporter. But that doesn't mean I have to cover my brain with Trump stickers and never be objective again. Like I said, he was was a fire cracker trying to accomplish all that he promised. I was very happy with that. And he was fighting Republicans, Democrats and those who wanted free everything.

I still believe his tweets prove to be counter effective and his firing of Comey was way too late AND LOOKS BAD. He's a person who knows how to deal and he should use that art, or threat to bring Congress in his vision.

With all that has happened would I vote for Clinton if the election was held today? Absolutely not. That is like voting for a loaded toilet.
MmmmmmBUSTED. We need a ledger to keep track of all of the Clintons crimes. Maybe two. And just imagine, SHE was the best thing the Dems had to run for office! You can always tell what they are up to by what they accuse the other side (in this case, Trump) of. The democrats are really sweating bullets. I'm just waiting for the accusation that Trump is really a surgically altered Russian spy made to look like a Scottish businessman!
I guess you liked Don the con when the old Scottish lady wouldn't sell? Built a dune so she couldn't see the North Sea her family had been looking at for generations? Or did you read his divorce transcripts? Wife criticized his latest transplant, dragged her by the hair and raped her.
Total class.
Jealous? Suing your Don university?
All of that tripe does not equal Pay to Pay, The Clinton Foundation illegal moves, destroying evidence and lying to Law +Enforcement and Congress, now does it? Let's look at the angry exwife and building a legal dune as opposed to Clintons actual crimes!
Crimes? Any evidence? No? Your opinion? Angry ex? Ok to rape your wife? Legal dune? What a great short fingered guy.
I notice you don't post the list of hill accomplishments ,911 people etc.
And why did you ever do for anyone in your small life except whine?
MmmmmmBUSTED. We need a ledger to keep track of all of the Clintons crimes. Maybe two. And just imagine, SHE was the best thing the Dems had to run for office! You can always tell what they are up to by what they accuse the other side (in this case, Trump) of. The democrats are really sweating bullets. I'm just waiting for the accusation that Trump is really a surgically altered Russian spy made to look like a Scottish businessman!
I guess you liked Don the con when the old Scottish lady wouldn't sell? Built a dune so she couldn't see the North Sea her family had been looking at for generations? Or did you read his divorce transcripts? Wife criticized his latest transplant, dragged her by the hair and raped her.
Total class.
Jealous? Suing your Don university?
All of that tripe does not equal Pay to Pay, The Clinton Foundation illegal moves, destroying evidence and lying to Law +Enforcement and Congress, now does it? Let's look at the angry exwife and building a legal dune as opposed to Clintons actual crimes!
Crimes? Any evidence? No? Your opinion? Angry ex? Ok to rape your wife? Legal dune? What a great short fingered guy.
I notice you don't post the list of hill accomplishments ,911 people etc.
And why did you ever do for anyone in your small life except whine?
Just thought. Being raped makes you angry? Or if you are a guy are you jealous, all that sex?
nope wont work ... deflecting to Clinton rhetoric is totally irrelevant to Trumps major fuck ups..

No it is not relevant. That was our choice. Voting for Clinton was a click forward to the moat dishonest person on the planet or Trump who wanted to right the wrongs politics had today. The country wanted to "drain the swamp>" And I am with them.
And to think these people mocked liberals for supposedly not getting over Bush.
I don't recall when conservatives
Makes you wonder eh? You know how many politicians on both sides are scared shitless that Trump would direct the DOJ (FBI etc) to investigate them.

Drain the swamp, remember?

One of his big promises. You know how many of them are the scum in the swamp? Lindsay and McCain for example.

Now, with all of these issues being pushed by their pets in the media, their goal is tie up the government and the justice system.

Now, no matter what Trump calls for, the pets will make it look like he is covering something up.

All of it becomes so convoluted that no one knows where to look. All of this is strategy and attempts by the scumbags that make up that swamp to protect their interests. Which, is not the interest of the American citizen. I will put it that way.

You thought he was going to be able to drain the swamp when those scumbags control the media along with others that have profound influence on our collective psyche?

Remember the pets when they reacted to this?

Now look at how that same media is. It has been 6 months and they still nor will they ever accept the election results.

They can't.

Do you have any idea how controlled we have been?

Throughout the election cylcle and short Trump administration along with the former Director of the FBI, we are quickly losing any prestige and respect we have had in the past for our leaders.

Your are definitely right about the media and these leaders are using them for their own personal agenda. We have to fight for real news so we can make our own personal decisions.

Trump's promises were positive and he tried to make them the first acts of his administration. He shoots himself in the foot with those damn tweets and lack of knowledge of the process of governing. The infantile ire of the left is palatable and is dangerous as Trumps Tweets. Both parties need to regain any integrity that we're able to muster up at the time.

Yeah, your attitude is the attitude that got the dems resoundingly defeated, and which will continue to defeat them. The smug arrogance and conviction that Trump is accidentally pwning them, that he doesn't know what he's doing, that because he's different, he's *stoopid* and not up to the task, that because he refuses to play the game, he's incompetent.

We don't like the way the entrenched politicians are playing the game. We want them out and we want law restored, CONSTITUTIONAL law. We elected him to do it, and it's going to get done, thank goodness.

Maybe it isn't politics, but mere common sense. I thought we were getting a "doer" for president, instead of the usual "I'm in politics for what I can make for my retirement" agenda...you know the Senator Reid and Pelosi-Waters type.

As a supporter of Trump's, I still hold onto values and what is best for the country. You are so right about Constitutional Law! I'm hoping that the SC will step on the immigration, liberals' pettiness and immaturity.

I don't believe you're a supporter of trump. Because he IS doing. And he is DOING exactly what he said he would do.

If you thought that the wall was going to magically appear overnight the problem is with you, not the president.

I was and continue to be a Trump supporter. But that doesn't mean I have to cover my brain with Trump stickers and never be objective again. Like I said, he was was a fire cracker trying to accomplish all that he promised. I was very happy with that. And he was fighting Republicans, Democrats and those who wanted free everything.

I still believe his tweets prove to be counter effective and his firing of Comey was way too late AND LOOKS BAD. He's a person who knows how to deal and he should use that art, or threat to bring Congress in his vision.

With all that has happened would I vote for Clinton if the election was held today? Absolutely not. That is like voting for a loaded toilet.

If you're a trump reporter and think he's doing business the same as everybody else has, you're sadly stupid.
nope wont work ... deflecting to Clinton rhetoric is totally irrelevant to Trumps major fuck ups..

No it is not relevant. That was our choice. Voting for Clinton was a click forward to the moat dishonest person on the planet or Trump who wanted to right the wrongs politics had today. The country wanted to "drain the swamp>" And I am with them.
and what about firing comey and the epa minions is not *draining the swamp*?
and violated Ethics Laws.

Says who?
Hillary pressured a Prime Minister to knowingly break the law...and you are good with that.

Bwuhahaha....Just because Hillary had done it doesn't mean everyone is comfortable with breaking the law...

What kind of pressure did she bring to the Prime Minister or was it just a request? It's obvious from the report of the conversation that she told Sec. Clinton no, it was not her decision to make.
MmmmmmBUSTED. We need a ledger to keep track of all of the Clintons crimes. Maybe two. And just imagine, SHE was the best thing the Dems had to run for office! You can always tell what they are up to by what they accuse the other side (in this case, Trump) of. The democrats are really sweating bullets. I'm just waiting for the accusation that Trump is really a surgically altered Russian spy made to look like a Scottish businessman!
I guess you liked Don the con when the old Scottish lady wouldn't sell? Built a dune so she couldn't see the North Sea her family had been looking at for generations? Or did you read his divorce transcripts? Wife criticized his latest transplant, dragged her by the hair and raped her.
Total class.
Jealous? Suing your Don university?
All of that tripe does not equal Pay to Pay, The Clinton Foundation illegal moves, destroying evidence and lying to Law +Enforcement and Congress, now does it? Let's look at the angry exwife and building a legal dune as opposed to Clintons actual crimes!
Crimes? Any evidence? No? Your opinion? Angry ex? Ok to rape your wife? Legal dune? What a great short fingered guy.
I notice you don't post the list of hill accomplishments ,911 people etc.
And why did you ever do for anyone in your small life except whine?
LOL! There certainly is more evidence against Hillary than an exwife who withdrew her comments. And why are you so interested in what I do for others? I give to 5 different charities each month, as much as I can afford. I won't ask you what you give for I am not interested and it doesn't follow the purpose of this thread.
I cannot believe how many internal investigations are in limbo now. With the firing of Comey and possibly more to come, the agencies need a leader who is wise and doesn't talk about these investigations.

As for the Clinton investigation and the Pay to Play aspects, that ship has probably already sailed. However Trump needs pro Trump headlines to deflect his own problems and that just may serve a purpose.

What a mess.
Makes you wonder eh? You know how many politicians on both sides are scared shitless that Trump would direct the DOJ (FBI etc) to investigate them.

Drain the swamp, remember?

One of his big promises. You know how many of them are the scum in the swamp? Lindsay and McCain for example.

Now, with all of these issues being pushed by their pets in the media, their goal is tie up the government and the justice system.

Now, no matter what Trump calls for, the pets will make it look like he is covering something up.

All of it becomes so convoluted that no one knows where to look. All of this is strategy and attempts by the scumbags that make up that swamp to protect their interests. Which, is not the interest of the American citizen. I will put it that way.

You thought he was going to be able to drain the swamp when those scumbags control the media along with others that have profound influence on our collective psyche?

Remember the pets when they reacted to this?

Now look at how that same media is. It has been 6 months and they still nor will they ever accept the election results.

They can't.

Do you have any idea how controlled we have been?

Throughout the election cylcle and short Trump administration along with the former Director of the FBI, we are quickly losing any prestige and respect we have had in the past for our leaders.

Your are definitely right about the media and these leaders are using them for their own personal agenda. We have to fight for real news so we can make our own personal decisions.

Trump's promises were positive and he tried to make them the first acts of his administration. He shoots himself in the foot with those damn tweets and lack of knowledge of the process of governing. The infantile ire of the left is palatable and is dangerous as Trumps Tweets. Both parties need to regain any integrity that we're able to muster up at the time.

The tweet stuff is true, to an extent. We also knew he was not going to be a good little punching bag like most republicans are. The establishment republicans almost seem to play out a role that Trump is supposed to know.

The point is we cannot really find any GOOD EFFECTIVE LEADERS cause of this age of Internet we are in. I mean if you were a billionaire, would you open yourself up and your family up to those hypocritical parasites in the media, whose entire job is to protect everything socialist?

Think about that. The true GOOD LEADERS would not dare open themselves up to this ridicule.

The fact is Trump represents that non political person that would be brave enough to get in the mix and truly fuck up the entire system.

What we are seeing is just how protected that corrupt system is. The pets in the media are experts at hype and their democrat establishment masters know exactly how to use them.

The simple fact is if Trump cannot do it, no one can. Cause quite frankly no one would have the balls.

Would you?

Thank you for that post. You are right.

Except it's garbage.google it garbage from a right wing site
What news sources do these people read? We didn't land on the moon?
And to think these people mocked liberals for supposedly not getting over Bush.
I don't recall when conservatives
Throughout the election cylcle and short Trump administration along with the former Director of the FBI, we are quickly losing any prestige and respect we have had in the past for our leaders.

Your are definitely right about the media and these leaders are using them for their own personal agenda. We have to fight for real news so we can make our own personal decisions.

Trump's promises were positive and he tried to make them the first acts of his administration. He shoots himself in the foot with those damn tweets and lack of knowledge of the process of governing. The infantile ire of the left is palatable and is dangerous as Trumps Tweets. Both parties need to regain any integrity that we're able to muster up at the time.

Yeah, your attitude is the attitude that got the dems resoundingly defeated, and which will continue to defeat them. The smug arrogance and conviction that Trump is accidentally pwning them, that he doesn't know what he's doing, that because he's different, he's *stoopid* and not up to the task, that because he refuses to play the game, he's incompetent.

We don't like the way the entrenched politicians are playing the game. We want them out and we want law restored, CONSTITUTIONAL law. We elected him to do it, and it's going to get done, thank goodness.
Maybe it isn't politics, but mere common sense. I thought we were getting a "doer" for president, instead of the usual "I'm in politics for what I can make for my retirement" agenda...you know the Senator Reid and Pelosi-Waters type.

As a supporter of Trump's, I still hold onto values and what is best for the country. You are so right about Constitutional Law! I'm hoping that the SC will step on the immigration, liberals' pettiness and immaturity.

I don't believe you're a supporter of trump. Because he IS doing. And he is DOING exactly what he said he would do.

If you thought that the wall was going to magically appear overnight the problem is with you, not the president.
I was and continue to be a Trump supporter. But that doesn't mean I have to cover my brain with Trump stickers and never be objective again. Like I said, he was was a fire cracker trying to accomplish all that he promised. I was very happy with that. And he was fighting Republicans, Democrats and those who wanted free everything.

I still believe his tweets prove to be counter effective and his firing of Comey was way too late AND LOOKS BAD. He's a person who knows how to deal and he should use that art, or threat to bring Congress in his vision.

With all that has happened would I vote for Clinton if the election was held today? Absolutely not. That is like voting for a loaded toilet.

If you're a trump reporter and think he's doing business the same as everybody else has, you're sadly stupid.
Where did I say that?
MmmmmmBUSTED. We need a ledger to keep track of all of the Clintons crimes. Maybe two. And just imagine, SHE was the best thing the Dems had to run for office! You can always tell what they are up to by what they accuse the other side (in this case, Trump) of. The democrats are really sweating bullets. I'm just waiting for the accusation that Trump is really a surgically altered Russian spy made to look like a Scottish businessman!
I guess you liked Don the con when the old Scottish lady wouldn't sell? Built a dune so she couldn't see the North Sea her family had been looking at for generations? Or did you read his divorce transcripts? Wife criticized his latest transplant, dragged her by the hair and raped her.
Total class.
Jealous? Suing your Don university?
All of that tripe does not equal Pay to Pay, The Clinton Foundation illegal moves, destroying evidence and lying to Law +Enforcement and Congress, now does it? Let's look at the angry exwife and building a legal dune as opposed to Clintons actual crimes!
Crimes? Any evidence? No? Your opinion? Angry ex? Ok to rape your wife? Legal dune? What a great short fingered guy.
I notice you don't post the list of hill accomplishments ,911 people etc.
And why did you ever do for anyone in your small life except whine?
LOL! There certainly is more evidence against Hillary than an exwife who withdrew her comments. And why are you so interested in what I do for others? I give to 5 different charities each month, as much as I can afford. I won't ask you what you give for I am not interested and it doesn't follow the purpose of this thread.
Don't address that piece of shit. Waste of your time. You can tell a soros puppet. That is one of them. Notice how many posts he has had since 2010?
MmmmmmBUSTED. We need a ledger to keep track of all of the Clintons crimes. Maybe two. And just imagine, SHE was the best thing the Dems had to run for office! You can always tell what they are up to by what they accuse the other side (in this case, Trump) of. The democrats are really sweating bullets. I'm just waiting for the accusation that Trump is really a surgically altered Russian spy made to look like a Scottish businessman!
I guess you liked Don the con when the old Scottish lady wouldn't sell? Built a dune so she couldn't see the North Sea her family had been looking at for generations? Or did you read his divorce transcripts? Wife criticized his latest transplant, dragged her by the hair and raped her.
Total class.
Jealous? Suing your Don university?
All of that tripe does not equal Pay to Pay, The Clinton Foundation illegal moves, destroying evidence and lying to Law +Enforcement and Congress, now does it? Let's look at the angry exwife and building a legal dune as opposed to Clintons actual crimes!
Crimes? Any evidence? No? Your opinion? Angry ex? Ok to rape your wife? Legal dune? What a great short fingered guy.
I notice you don't post the list of hill accomplishments ,911 people etc.
And why did you ever do for anyone in your small life except whine?
LOL! There certainly is more evidence against Hillary than an exwife who withdrew her comments. And why are you so interested in what I do for others? I give to 5 different charities each month, as much as I can afford. I won't ask you what you give for I am not interested and it doesn't follow the purpose of this thread.
Because you are fixated on a woman Who has done 1000 times more than I or you . Give? Me too, hardly the same.
If you wer not so biased you would know the ex got paid off.
No problem with his vagina bragging grabbing and blood coming out f her ??
I think he's absolutely disgusting
And men I know don't talk like that in private. Maybe yours?
Sounds Ike you like me are sucking off our socialist benefits
"While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made a personal call to pressure Bangladesh’s prime minister to aid a donor to her husband’s charitable foundation despite federal ethics laws that require government officials to recuse themselves from matters that could impact their spouse’s business.

The Office of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina confirmed to Circa that Mrs. Clinton called her office in March 2011 to demand that Dr. Muhammed Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace prize winner, be restored to his role as chairman of the country’s most famous microcredit bank, Grameen Bank. The bank’s nonprofit Grameen America, which Yunus chairs, has given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative. Grameen Research, which is chaired by Yunus, has donated between $25,000 and $50,000, according to the Clinton Foundation website."

YES, the part highlighted in RED DOES mean Hillary BROKE THE LAW...


..and THIS corrupt,, law-breaking criminal is who snowflakes are so loyal to and who has them so butt-hurt and 'triggered' that they are willing to not only defend her but commit 'Felony Espionage' for and split the country up over...

Violating federal laws and corruption only matters to the left when it is committed by republicans! I stand by what I have been saying for the last eight years, America no longer has equal justice & liberty for all, we know have a two tier justice system, one for the elites and ruling political class and one for the rest of us!


Clinton pressured Bangladesh prime minister personally to help foundation donor

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