Busted: Transgender Ideology


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. Strange things are happening.
Perhaps the strangest is folks behaving in a manner that runs counter to innate behavior, and even survival.

2. No matter the DNA, the genetics, the physiology one is born with....there are some individuals who deny the reality. They use pharmacology and mutilations to change themselves via some fantasy of what they are.

3. Why?
The answer is that for some....I might even say those either psychologically weak, or who yearn for the warm embrace of the mob, as Coulter puts it, than marching through life on their own.

The promise by the elites of authentication, of raising the person from a no-one to a some-one, of what might be construed as 'fame,' results in so very many hoaxes by Liberally-authorized groups: blacks, gays, feminists, Muslims, fake rape victims...and the latest made up martyrs: 'transgenders'......and claims of being victimized, of requiring the sympathy and that warm embrace of the cult.

One is a hero of the cult simply by being a member of the specified groups...but a superhero if one can claim to be a target of the horrid white xenophobic, racist, homophobic, whatever society.

And to some, the promise of acceptance is worth not just lying to oneself and to the world....but the physical and mental impairment that the role requires.

4. Here was a heads-up announcement that a speaker from the American College of Pediatricians was speaking last night, against "the transgender nightmare."
Moving children toward 'transgender ideology' and 'transgender conversions' is, in fact, child abuse.

It is exploitation of children in order to advance what is most important to the Left, their political agenda.
As this clinician says, it is time for common-sense Americans to stand up against this Progressive nightmare.

I'll share that interview with the doctor shortly.
1. Strange things are happening.
Perhaps the strangest is folks behaving in a manner that runs counter to innate behavior, and even survival.

2. No matter the DNA, the genetics, the physiology one is born with....there are some individuals who deny the reality. They use pharmacology and mutilations to change themselves via some fantasy of what they are.

3. Why?
The answer is that for some....I might even say those either psychologically weak, or who yearn for the warm embrace of the mob, as Coulter puts it, than marching through life on their own.

The promise by the elites of authentication, of raising the person from a no-one to a some-one, of what might be construed as 'fame,' results in so very many hoaxes by Liberally-authorized groups: blacks, gays, feminists, Muslims, fake rape victims...and the latest made up martyrs: 'transgenders'......and claims of being victimized, of requiring the sympathy and that warm embrace of the cult.

One is a hero of the cult simply by being a member of the specified groups...but a superhero if one can claim to be a target of the horrid white xenophobic, racist, homophobic, whatever society.

And to some, the promise of acceptance is worth not just lying to oneself and to the world....but the physical and mental impairment that the role requires.

4. Here was a heads-up announcement that a speaker from the American College of Pediatricians was speaking last night, against "the transgender nightmare."
Moving children toward 'transgender ideology' and 'transgender conversions' is, in fact, child abuse.

It is exploitation of children in order to advance what is most important to the Left, their political agenda.
As this clinician says, it is time for common-sense Americans to stand up against this Progressive nightmare.

I'll share that interview with the doctor shortly.

Bigotry and an appeal to authority aptly describes this hateful thread.
It's difficult to get a grip on calling something "child abuse" when the parents are only patronizing what the child appears to want (at least temporarily). It is BAD parenting, on steroids, but "child abuse"? Not sure I can go along with this, semantically.

Isn't it interesting that the [sexually fucked-up] community goes into full panic mode when anyone suggests that you can "convert" someone from homosexual to straight (homosexuality having no observable physical traits, even going down to the cellular level), but "converting" someone from one gender to another (biologically preposterous) is A-OK.

We are definitely all Bozos on this bus.
1. Strange things are happening.
Perhaps the strangest is folks behaving in a manner that runs counter to innate behavior, and even survival.

2. No matter the DNA, the genetics, the physiology one is born with....there are some individuals who deny the reality. They use pharmacology and mutilations to change themselves via some fantasy of what they are.

3. Why?
The answer is that for some....I might even say those either psychologically weak, or who yearn for the warm embrace of the mob, as Coulter puts it, than marching through life on their own.

The promise by the elites of authentication, of raising the person from a no-one to a some-one, of what might be construed as 'fame,' results in so very many hoaxes by Liberally-authorized groups: blacks, gays, feminists, Muslims, fake rape victims...and the latest made up martyrs: 'transgenders'......and claims of being victimized, of requiring the sympathy and that warm embrace of the cult.

One is a hero of the cult simply by being a member of the specified groups...but a superhero if one can claim to be a target of the horrid white xenophobic, racist, homophobic, whatever society.

And to some, the promise of acceptance is worth not just lying to oneself and to the world....but the physical and mental impairment that the role requires.

4. Here was a heads-up announcement that a speaker from the American College of Pediatricians was speaking last night, against "the transgender nightmare."
Moving children toward 'transgender ideology' and 'transgender conversions' is, in fact, child abuse.

It is exploitation of children in order to advance what is most important to the Left, their political agenda.
As this clinician says, it is time for common-sense Americans to stand up against this Progressive nightmare.

I'll share that interview with the doctor shortly.

Bigotry and an appeal to authority aptly describes this hateful thread.

We find in your whiny post, proof of Gramschi's dictum:
Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist theoretician and founding member and one-time leader of the Communist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today:
“that all life is "political."

My contempt for the anti-science, anti-reality Liberal transgender ideology seems to have stepped on your........toes.

Gettin' ready to cut anything off?

Don't tell me about it.
Isn't this thread a polemic arguing that liberty is only for the conformist?

Back so soon for another lesson?


"The trouble with thinking that the personal is political, as late-1960s feminists taught American radicals to say, ... This fundamental tenet of identity politics, a shorthand way of saying that your personal unhappiness stems from larger political forces—anything from the suffocating nuclear family, the institutionalized oppression of women, or the supposedly ineradicable racism of American society—and that only vast political change can solve your individual problems." Identity Politics Crashes at City Hall

That revelation may be over your head, huh?
Liberty is not the issue. Any adult is free to pretend to be whatever gender, species, or orientation that they would like. The problem arises when Government demands at OTHERS accept these pretenses and ignore reality. For example, when GOVERNMENT demands that we allow men into the girls' toilets or locker rooms.
Liberty is not the issue. Any adult is free to pretend to be whatever gender, species, or orientation that they would like. The problem arises when Government demands at OTHERS accept these pretenses and ignore reality. For example, when GOVERNMENT demands that we allow men into the girls' toilets or locker rooms.

Theodore Dalrymple:
"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small.
In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.

When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed."
It's difficult to get a grip on calling something "child abuse" when the parents are only patronizing what the child appears to want (at least temporarily). It is BAD parenting, on steroids, but "child abuse"? Not sure I can go along with this, semantically.

Isn't it interesting that the [sexually fucked-up] community goes into full panic mode when anyone suggests that you can "convert" someone from homosexual to straight (homosexuality having no observable physical traits, even going down to the cellular level), but "converting" someone from one gender to another (biologically preposterous) is A-OK.

We are definitely all Bozos on this bus.
Yes, a kid may want a loaded 9MM as well. Or only eat sugar.
Playing along with a childs delusion, in a manner as extensive as this, could very well be argued for child abuse.
Psychological mistreatment IS child abuse.
Mentally ill should be put in a hospital and treated for their illness, not encouraged to live in their warped fantasy.
Mentally ill should be put in a hospital and treated for their illness, not encouraged to live in their warped fantasy.

Here's the problem with that approach: the Democrats have closed those hospitals.

1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill
Mentally ill should be put in a hospital and treated for their illness, not encouraged to live in their warped fantasy.

Here's the problem with that approach: the Democrats have closed those hospitals.

1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill

Yup most of them are gone now, and now we have mentally ill roaming free and harming themselves and others.
1. Strange things are happening.
Perhaps the strangest is folks behaving in a manner that runs counter to innate behavior, and even survival.

2. No matter the DNA, the genetics, the physiology one is born with....there are some individuals who deny the reality. They use pharmacology and mutilations to change themselves via some fantasy of what they are.

3. Why?
The answer is that for some....I might even say those either psychologically weak, or who yearn for the warm embrace of the mob, as Coulter puts it, than marching through life on their own.

The promise by the elites of authentication, of raising the person from a no-one to a some-one, of what might be construed as 'fame,' results in so very many hoaxes by Liberally-authorized groups: blacks, gays, feminists, Muslims, fake rape victims...and the latest made up martyrs: 'transgenders'......and claims of being victimized, of requiring the sympathy and that warm embrace of the cult.

One is a hero of the cult simply by being a member of the specified groups...but a superhero if one can claim to be a target of the horrid white xenophobic, racist, homophobic, whatever society.

And to some, the promise of acceptance is worth not just lying to oneself and to the world....but the physical and mental impairment that the role requires.

4. Here was a heads-up announcement that a speaker from the American College of Pediatricians was speaking last night, against "the transgender nightmare."
Moving children toward 'transgender ideology' and 'transgender conversions' is, in fact, child abuse.

It is exploitation of children in order to advance what is most important to the Left, their political agenda.
As this clinician says, it is time for common-sense Americans to stand up against this Progressive nightmare.

I'll share that interview with the doctor shortly.

Bigotry and an appeal to authority aptly describes this hateful thread.

Well, she is a conservative.
1. Strange things are happening.
Perhaps the strangest is folks behaving in a manner that runs counter to innate behavior, and even survival.

2. No matter the DNA, the genetics, the physiology one is born with....there are some individuals who deny the reality. They use pharmacology and mutilations to change themselves via some fantasy of what they are.

3. Why?
The answer is that for some....I might even say those either psychologically weak, or who yearn for the warm embrace of the mob, as Coulter puts it, than marching through life on their own.

The promise by the elites of authentication, of raising the person from a no-one to a some-one, of what might be construed as 'fame,' results in so very many hoaxes by Liberally-authorized groups: blacks, gays, feminists, Muslims, fake rape victims...and the latest made up martyrs: 'transgenders'......and claims of being victimized, of requiring the sympathy and that warm embrace of the cult.

One is a hero of the cult simply by being a member of the specified groups...but a superhero if one can claim to be a target of the horrid white xenophobic, racist, homophobic, whatever society.

And to some, the promise of acceptance is worth not just lying to oneself and to the world....but the physical and mental impairment that the role requires.

4. Here was a heads-up announcement that a speaker from the American College of Pediatricians was speaking last night, against "the transgender nightmare."
Moving children toward 'transgender ideology' and 'transgender conversions' is, in fact, child abuse.

It is exploitation of children in order to advance what is most important to the Left, their political agenda.
As this clinician says, it is time for common-sense Americans to stand up against this Progressive nightmare.

I'll share that interview with the doctor shortly.

Bigotry and an appeal to authority aptly describes this hateful thread.

Well, she is a conservative.

And, you are a dunce.

Now both of us have been identified correctly.....true?
The doctor mentioned above wrote this:

5. "I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.

As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, “Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate,” professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job.

What doctors once treated as a mental illness, the medical community now largely affirms and even promotes as normal.

Last summer, the federal government stated that it would not require Medicare and Medicaid to cover transition-affirming procedures for children or adults because medical experts at the Department of Health and Human Services found the risks were often too high, and the benefits too unclear.

Undeterred by these findings, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health has pressed ahead, claiming—without any evidence—that these procedures are “safe.”

....the only strong evidence regarding this approach is its potential health risks to children."
I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.
Some guy wants to wear a dress . So what . Why should I care .

Let's face it , we grew up knowing that boy who was really girly, and the butch girl everyone would mistake for a boy .

It's all superficial stuff anyway .
Some guy wants to wear a dress . So what . Why should I care .

Let's face it , we grew up knowing that boy who was really girly, and the butch girl everyone would mistake for a boy .

It's all superficial stuff anyway .

Soooo.....when you were trying on the dress....you asked "Does it make me look fatwa?"
Mentally ill should be put in a hospital and treated for their illness, not encouraged to live in their warped fantasy.

I disagree. PoliticalChic's personality disorder (Narcissistic P. D.) does not pose a threat to anyone and does not meet the standard of a danger to themselves or others. Thus I will defend her to 'speak out' on this forum, not matter how warped I find her to be; she does not deserve to be incarcerated. Laughed at and dismissed as a hack is both necessary and sufficient, IMHO.
Mentally ill should be put in a hospital and treated for their illness, not encouraged to live in their warped fantasy.

I disagree. PoliticalChic's personality disorder (Narcissistic P. D.) does not pose a threat to anyone and does not meet the standard of a danger to themselves or others. Thus I will defend her to 'speak out' on this forum, not matter how warped I find her to be; she does not deserve to be incarcerated. Laughed at and dismissed as a hack is both necessary and sufficient, IMHO.

"Laughed at and dismissed as a hack is both necessary and sufficient, IMHO."

But never refuted.

And, you certainly have reason to be humble.

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