BUSTED!!! “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable”

Carney's as big of a liar as the president is....remember, he also blamed Benghazi on the video!
Hey dumbass - how many protests of that video occurred around the world on 9/11?

Hey dumb ass, they blamed the video right from the start KNOWING that isn't what caused the attacks in Benghazi!


They lied about it for a few weeks before ADMITTING it was a terrorist attack, which they knew right from the beginning. But you're now going to keep up this crap about a video?
That's a lie. Obama called it a terrorist attack the very next day.

This was all covered in the POTUS debate moderated by Candy Crowley.

Do conservatives have really short memories, or are they just prone to dishonesty?

Who's the dumb ass???

That would still be you.
Daily Kos huh?

Lets use another lefty source....

It is true that sequestration was the Obama administration's idea. White House officials proposed it as part of the agreement that resolved the 2011 debt ceiling fight. It was meant to act as a spur to make a bipartisan supercommittee reach an agreement on a package of spending cuts and tax increases that would reduce the national debt over time.

Whose Sequester Is It Anyway? : It's All Politics : NPR

You know, I thought that getting this kind of thing from the Daily Beast (Not Daily KOS) was pretty sketchy myself.

So, I did a Google search, and it turns out it's right on Speaker Boehner's page:

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
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It is a FUCKING BLOG and no trail as to where this 'powerpoint' came from...

idiotic fishing thread

How about even earlier, from the desk of John Boehner?

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov

The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

Feel free to slink away.
How about even earlier, from the desk of John Boehner?

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov

The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

Feel free to slink away.

I imagine they'll try to say that the Speaker's page was hacked, in July of 2011, so that he could be made to look like a fool.

Damn those time-machine-using hackers!
The thing is, I'm not really sure the sequestration will have as bad an effect as everyone thinks, and I think both sides are playing this for political purposes, which disturbs me...

But you can't just go out there and blatantly LIE about it. That's just not right.
Hey dumbass - how many protests of that video occurred around the world on 9/11?

Hey dumb ass, they blamed the video right from the start KNOWING that isn't what caused the attacks in Benghazi!


They lied about it for a few weeks before ADMITTING it was a terrorist attack, which they knew right from the beginning. But you're now going to keep up this crap about a video?
That's a lie. Obama called it a terrorist attack the very next day.

This was all covered in the POTUS debate moderated by Candy Crowley.

Do conservatives have really short memories, or are they just prone to dishonesty?

Who's the dumb ass???

That would still be you.

The truth is...Obama made a vague statement about terrorism the very next day that people like you (and Candy Crowley) have tried to use as proof that Obama didn't lie about the attack in Libya being the result of a YouTube video. At the same time he was making the statement that you "say" was him labeling Benghazi a terrorist attack both he and numerous people in his Administration were going out in front of the camera's to blame the attacks on something they KNEW was completely inaccurate. How can Obama have supposedly declared it a terrorist attack and then repeatedly stated over the following week that it was not? The claim that people like you are now making that Obama said it was a terrorist attack the day after it happened is laughable.

And I'm sorry but it's you that is the dumb ass if you waste time trying to defend what the Obama White House has done and continues to do on this issue. Obama and Clinton fucked the pooch in a major way in Libya and have tried their best to run and hide from it. They lied to us, Synth. There's no other way around it. They knew what REALLY happened in Libya almost from the very start of the attacks and chose to go with the YouTube starting a phantom protest that escalated into an attack on the Consulate "story".
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"I never drink before 11am"

Your "reply" is pretty much what I expected. You know as well as I do that the President didn't REALLY call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack right away. The Obama White House made a decision to go with the "You Tube" narrative and stuck with that story doggedly for a week. When Susan Rice got sent out to the Sunday talk shows with her talking points that was the Obama White House STILL trying to push what they KNEW was a mistruth.

And the fact that they scapegoated the maker of that You Tube video to the point of having him perp walked and jailed, all to further their spin on what happened in Libya, speaks volumes about just how far these people are willing to go to protect themselves.
The thing is, I'm not really sure the sequestration will have as bad an effect as everyone thinks, and I think both sides are playing this for political purposes, which disturbs me...

But you can't just go out there and blatantly LIE about it. That's just not right.

Here's the way this will play out, Vast...

The people running the government will react to having their budgets cut the way they ALWAYS do...they will deliberately try to make the American public feel pain. Cut my budget? Then I'm going to make you wait for two hours in a TSA screening line! I'll close down the National Parks you enjoy so much! I'll do everything that I can to make your life worse so you will give me back my billions. That will be the mindset of the people who run our Federal agencies. Always has been and will continue to be so until we stop letting them get away with it.
Here's the way this will play out, Vast...

The people running the government will react to having their budgets cut the way they ALWAYS do...they will deliberately try to make the American public feel pain. Cut my budget? Then I'm going to make you wait for two hours in a TSA screening line! I'll close down the National Parks you enjoy so much! I'll do everything that I can to make your life worse so you will give me back my billions. That will be the mindset of the people who run our Federal agencies. Always has been and will continue to be so until we stop letting them get away with it.

Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking too, and it really concerns me more than the sequestration itself, oddly enough.
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Your "reply" is pretty much what I expected. You know as well as I do that the President didn't REALLY call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack right away. The Obama White House made a decision to go with the "You Tube" narrative and stuck with that story doggedly for a week. When Susan Rice got sent out to the Sunday talk shows with her talking points that was the Obama White House STILL trying to push what they KNEW was a mistruth.

And the fact that they scapegoated the maker of that You Tube video to the point of having him perp walked and jailed, all to further their spin on what happened in Libya, speaks volumes about just how far these people are willing to go to protect themselves.

That wasn't a reply to you. That was just another photo of Boehner drunk.
Your "reply" is pretty much what I expected. You know as well as I do that the President didn't REALLY call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack right away. The Obama White House made a decision to go with the "You Tube" narrative and stuck with that story doggedly for a week. When Susan Rice got sent out to the Sunday talk shows with her talking points that was the Obama White House STILL trying to push what they KNEW was a mistruth.

And the fact that they scapegoated the maker of that You Tube video to the point of having him perp walked and jailed, all to further their spin on what happened in Libya, speaks volumes about just how far these people are willing to go to protect themselves.

How do you know that they didn't genuinely believe it was due to the youtube video?


Here's a map of the Muslim protests over that video:


This time, click the link.

Then come back and tell me, in the face of all these protests of that video across the ME on 9/11, why it's unreasonable to assume this was just like those protests.
Your "reply" is pretty much what I expected. You know as well as I do that the President didn't REALLY call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack right away. The Obama White House made a decision to go with the "You Tube" narrative and stuck with that story doggedly for a week. When Susan Rice got sent out to the Sunday talk shows with her talking points that was the Obama White House STILL trying to push what they KNEW was a mistruth.

And the fact that they scapegoated the maker of that You Tube video to the point of having him perp walked and jailed, all to further their spin on what happened in Libya, speaks volumes about just how far these people are willing to go to protect themselves.

How do you know that they didn't genuinely believe it was due to the youtube video?


Here's a map of the Muslim protests over that video:


This time, click the link.

Then come back and tell me, in the face of all these protests of that video across the ME on 9/11, why it's unreasonable to assume this was just like those protests.

so there was a protest in Benghazi sept 11? :rolleyes: make up your minds....:lol:
Seems an old John Boehner Powerpoint presentation has been found that proves sequestration was NOT President Obama's idea, it was Speaker Boehner's. :lol:

The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All

I happened to come across an old email that throws cold water on House Republicans’ attempts to call this “Obama’s Sequester.”

It’s a PowerPoint presentation that Boehner’s office developed with the Republican Policy Committee and sent out to the Capitol Hill GOP on July 31, 2011. Intended to explain the outline of the proposed debt deal, the presentation is titled: “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable.”

It’s essentially an internal sales document from the old dealmaker Boehner to his unruly and often unreasonable Tea Party cohort. But it’s clear as day in the presentation that “sequestration” was considered a cudgel to guarantee a reduction in federal spending—the conservatives’ necessary condition for not having America default on its obligations.

The presentation lays out the deal in clear terms, describing the spending backstop as “automatic across-the-board cuts (‘sequestration’). Same mechanism used in 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.”

Here's the .pdf:


Here's a screen grab:




what is this supposed to prove or disprove?

Your "reply" is pretty much what I expected. You know as well as I do that the President didn't REALLY call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack right away. The Obama White House made a decision to go with the "You Tube" narrative and stuck with that story doggedly for a week. When Susan Rice got sent out to the Sunday talk shows with her talking points that was the Obama White House STILL trying to push what they KNEW was a mistruth.

And the fact that they scapegoated the maker of that You Tube video to the point of having him perp walked and jailed, all to further their spin on what happened in Libya, speaks volumes about just how far these people are willing to go to protect themselves.

How do you know that they didn't genuinely believe it was due to the youtube video?


Here's a map of the Muslim protests over that video:


This time, click the link.

Then come back and tell me, in the face of all these protests of that video across the ME on 9/11, why it's unreasonable to assume this was just like those protests.

I don't really CARE what was going on throughout the Middle East, Synth...I CARE about what was happening in Benghazi the night that our consulate was attacked! We had real time streaming video of the streets around the consulate prior to the attacks and there were no protests that escalated into an assault on our consulate. For the Obama Administration to maintain that the attack WAS as a result of a protest over the YouTube video that got out of hand was a blatant attempt to mislead the American people. They flat out lied to us! Even worse they accused anyone who pointed out that their version of events didn't hold up to scrutiny of "playing politics" with the situation. They lied and then they tried to attack anyone who called them on it...all while stone-walling the ever loving shit out of the investigation.
Your "reply" is pretty much what I expected. You know as well as I do that the President didn't REALLY call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack right away. The Obama White House made a decision to go with the "You Tube" narrative and stuck with that story doggedly for a week. When Susan Rice got sent out to the Sunday talk shows with her talking points that was the Obama White House STILL trying to push what they KNEW was a mistruth.

And the fact that they scapegoated the maker of that You Tube video to the point of having him perp walked and jailed, all to further their spin on what happened in Libya, speaks volumes about just how far these people are willing to go to protect themselves.

How do you know that they didn't genuinely believe it was due to the youtube video?


Here's a map of the Muslim protests over that video:


This time, click the link.

Then come back and tell me, in the face of all these protests of that video across the ME on 9/11, why it's unreasonable to assume this was just like those protests.

I don't really CARE what was going on throughout the Middle East, Synth...I CARE about what was happening in Benghazi the night that our consulate was attacked! We had real time streaming video of the streets around the consulate prior to the attacks and there were no protests that escalated into an assault on our consulate. For the Obama Administration to maintain that the attack WAS as a result of a protest over the YouTube video that got out of hand was a blatant attempt to mislead the American people. They flat out lied to us! Even worse they accused anyone who pointed out that their version of events didn't hold up to scrutiny of "playing politics" with the situation. They lied and then they tried to attack anyone who called them on it...all while stone-walling the ever loving shit out of the investigation.

Obviously, your hatred of the President trumps any reasonable perspective of the events of 9/11.
Seems an old John Boehner Powerpoint presentation has been found that proves sequestration was NOT President Obama's idea, it was Speaker Boehner's. :lol:

The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All

I happened to come across an old email that throws cold water on House Republicans’ attempts to call this “Obama’s Sequester.”

It’s a PowerPoint presentation that Boehner’s office developed with the Republican Policy Committee and sent out to the Capitol Hill GOP on July 31, 2011. Intended to explain the outline of the proposed debt deal, the presentation is titled: “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable.”

It’s essentially an internal sales document from the old dealmaker Boehner to his unruly and often unreasonable Tea Party cohort. But it’s clear as day in the presentation that “sequestration” was considered a cudgel to guarantee a reduction in federal spending—the conservatives’ necessary condition for not having America default on its obligations.

The presentation lays out the deal in clear terms, describing the spending backstop as “automatic across-the-board cuts (‘sequestration’). Same mechanism used in 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.”

Here's the .pdf:


Here's a screen grab:




How do you know that they didn't genuinely believe it was due to the youtube video?


Here's a map of the Muslim protests over that video:


This time, click the link.

Then come back and tell me, in the face of all these protests of that video across the ME on 9/11, why it's unreasonable to assume this was just like those protests.

I don't really CARE what was going on throughout the Middle East, Synth...I CARE about what was happening in Benghazi the night that our consulate was attacked! We had real time streaming video of the streets around the consulate prior to the attacks and there were no protests that escalated into an assault on our consulate. For the Obama Administration to maintain that the attack WAS as a result of a protest over the YouTube video that got out of hand was a blatant attempt to mislead the American people. They flat out lied to us! Even worse they accused anyone who pointed out that their version of events didn't hold up to scrutiny of "playing politics" with the situation. They lied and then they tried to attack anyone who called them on it...all while stone-walling the ever loving shit out of the investigation.

Obviously, your hatred of the President trumps any reasonable perspective of the events of 9/11.

So your contention that there was a protest in Benghazi that turned into an attack on our Consulate is "reasonable"? LOL I'm sorry, Synth but there was no protest. We know that for a fact because there was streaming video of the streets outside of the consulate and nobody was protesting. Yet the Obama Administration decided to ignore what their eyes were telling them...that there was no protest that turned ugly...and blame it all on a YouTube video that sparked a "phantom" protest...a protest that we couldn't see because it was invisable?

The truth is...you are so invested in this President that you can't bring yourself to admit when he or his people do lie...and make no mistake about it...Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton lied to us.
I don't really CARE what was going on throughout the Middle East, Synth...I CARE about what was happening in Benghazi the night that our consulate was attacked! We had real time streaming video of the streets around the consulate prior to the attacks and there were no protests that escalated into an assault on our consulate. For the Obama Administration to maintain that the attack WAS as a result of a protest over the YouTube video that got out of hand was a blatant attempt to mislead the American people. They flat out lied to us! Even worse they accused anyone who pointed out that their version of events didn't hold up to scrutiny of "playing politics" with the situation. They lied and then they tried to attack anyone who called them on it...all while stone-walling the ever loving shit out of the investigation.

Obviously, your hatred of the President trumps any reasonable perspective of the events of 9/11.

So your contention that there was a protest in Benghazi that turned into an attack on our Consulate is "reasonable"? LOL I'm sorry, Synth but there was no protest. We know that for a fact because there was streaming video of the streets outside of the consulate and nobody was protesting. Yet the Obama Administration decided to ignore what their eyes were telling them...that there was no protest that turned ugly...and blame it all on a YouTube video that sparked a "phantom" protest...a protest that we couldn't see because it was invisable?

The truth is...you are so invested in this President that you can't bring yourself to admit when he or his people do lie...and make no mistake about it...Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton lied to us.

You didn't look at the map, did you? :lol:

And their eyes weren't telling them anything. They weren't there.
Obviously, your hatred of the President trumps any reasonable perspective of the events of 9/11.

So your contention that there was a protest in Benghazi that turned into an attack on our Consulate is "reasonable"? LOL I'm sorry, Synth but there was no protest. We know that for a fact because there was streaming video of the streets outside of the consulate and nobody was protesting. Yet the Obama Administration decided to ignore what their eyes were telling them...that there was no protest that turned ugly...and blame it all on a YouTube video that sparked a "phantom" protest...a protest that we couldn't see because it was invisable?

The truth is...you are so invested in this President that you can't bring yourself to admit when he or his people do lie...and make no mistake about it...Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton lied to us.

You didn't look at the map, did you? :lol:

And their eyes weren't telling them anything. They weren't there.

What difference does it make, pray tell...if a demonstration was taking place in every other city in the Middle East...IF ONE WASN'T TAKING PLACE IN BENGHAZI!! Your "map" is such an obvious attempt to divert attention from what really happened that night that it's laughable. The truth is...Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton used those OTHER demonstrations to cover up what really happened in Libya. They used those REAL demonstrations to obscure the fact that an Al Queda affiliated terrorist group stormed our Consulate and killed four Americans, including our Ambassador.

As for what their eyes were or weren't telling them? Between the live streaming video and the two drones over head...Obama and Clinton probably had a better birds eye view of what took place in Benghazi than those who WERE there and certainly a better view of an on going conflict than any other leaders in the history of warfare. They weren't there? They certainly weren't "there" for the people who died. I'm not sure where they were or what they were doing (funny how we don't have all those photos of the Obama folks gathered around a TV screen watching Benghazi unfold like we do from when Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan...gee, the White House photographer must have been out sick that day! eye-roll) but they certainly weren't taking action.

Unless of course you count getting your story straight about why it wasn't "their" fault that four Americans were dead...but rather the fault of an obscure film maker who sparked protests with his You Tube video...as taking action? In THAT case the Obama people were working hard!

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