BUSTED!!! “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable”

Almost as absurd as relying on anything said by any Republican.

Almost as moronic as relying on the word of any Democrat.

Well that settles it. There is no benefit to debate, discuss or defend anything because your mind - and I use that term loosely - has already decided without facts or evidence. Making you one of the willfully ignorant. But, don't feel too bad, most on your side of the aisle are congenitally ignorant (though I haven't ruled that out in your case yet).

I guess I am consigned to the role of playing a mirror for you.

for the very thing you claim about me is what I see in you.

You are the one who made the pronouncement. It is absolutely silly to pretend that you can't rely on anything said by a Republican but then balk when it gets noted that it is ridiculous to rely on the word of any Democrat.

You need to grow up. And smarten up. And I say "need" with all due consideration.
Seems an old John Boehner Powerpoint presentation has been found that proves sequestration was NOT President Obama's idea, it was Speaker Boehner's. :lol:

The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All

I happened to come across an old email that throws cold water on House Republicans’ attempts to call this “Obama’s Sequester.”

It’s a PowerPoint presentation that Boehner’s office developed with the Republican Policy Committee and sent out to the Capitol Hill GOP on July 31, 2011. Intended to explain the outline of the proposed debt deal, the presentation is titled: “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable.”

It’s essentially an internal sales document from the old dealmaker Boehner to his unruly and often unreasonable Tea Party cohort. But it’s clear as day in the presentation that “sequestration” was considered a cudgel to guarantee a reduction in federal spending—the conservatives’ necessary condition for not having America default on its obligations.

The presentation lays out the deal in clear terms, describing the spending backstop as “automatic across-the-board cuts (‘sequestration’). Same mechanism used in 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.”

Here's the .pdf:


Here's a screen grab:




what is this supposed to prove or disprove?
The BIGGER question is whether Carney got it right a week ago or should he be fired?

That's not a question, it's a weak effort to derail the thread.

No. It's not.

The OP cited a powerpoint that was obtained from Boehner's supossed e-mailing effort.

But what that says is at odds with what the WHITE HOUSE said only a week ago.

If you think we should disregard the President's Press Secretary as dishonest, inaccurate or misinformed, just say so.

Carney's as big of a liar as the president is....remember, he also blamed Benghazi on the video!
Face it folks, obama is never going to take the blame for anything and his cult members will fall on the sword for him no matter what..

It's a waste of time with this irresponsible man as President
As I have already shown by quoting CNN it was the Presidents idea....sorry.

There is only one logical conclusion.

If the Boehner e-mail powerpoint story is true, then Press Secretary Carney needs to be disregarded from now on.
As I have already shown, Lyin' Ryan has already admitted that the sequester enforcement mechanism for spending caps is something he said CON$ have been fighting for FOR YEARS! Obama simply made a concession to the CON$ to try to move the process forward.

And Boner had the sequester posted on his web site before he made his powerpoint presentation to the GOP House just before the vote on the bill.

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov

The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011
As I have already shown by quoting CNN it was the Presidents idea....sorry.

There is only one logical conclusion.

If the Boehner e-mail powerpoint story is true, then Press Secretary Carney needs to be disregarded from now on.
As I have already shown, Lyin' Ryan has already admitted that the sequester enforcement mechanism for spending caps is something he said CON$ have been fighting for FOR YEARS! Obama simply made a concession to the CON$ to try to move the process forward.

And Boner had the sequester posted on his web site before he made his powerpoint presentation to the GOP House just before the vote on the bill.

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov

The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011
And I have already shown by quoting Lyin' Ryan on Fox News that using the sequester as an enforcement mechanism for spending caps was a LONG STANDING CON$ervative idea, and he and his fellow CON$ took full credit for it being written into the law that passed. Lyin' Ryan and his CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood own the sequester.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, Fox News, August 2011
There is only one logical conclusion.

If the Boehner e-mail powerpoint story is true, then Press Secretary Carney needs to be disregarded from now on.
As I have already shown, Lyin' Ryan has already admitted that the sequester enforcement mechanism for spending caps is something he said CON$ have been fighting for FOR YEARS! Obama simply made a concession to the CON$ to try to move the process forward.

And Boner had the sequester posted on his web site before he made his powerpoint presentation to the GOP House just before the vote on the bill.

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov

The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011

Well then you must be contending that it is absurd to rely on anything ever said by the President's Press Secretary.

No, that's your bullshit deflection. Carney may have been wrong. Big fucking whoop. Ari Fleischer out and out lied on a daily basis.

The point is that Boner proposed it, Boner, Ryan and all the rest of them voted for it, and Boner said it gave him 98% of what he wanted.

Boner owns it.
Poor kid, your own source doesn't preclude it from being Obama's idea.

No,it says there is enough blame to go around because Boehner "supported" the idea.

Learn to read your own sources kid.

Daily Kos huh?

Lets use another lefty source....

It is true that sequestration was the Obama administration's idea. White House officials proposed it as part of the agreement that resolved the 2011 debt ceiling fight. It was meant to act as a spur to make a bipartisan supercommittee reach an agreement on a package of spending cuts and tax increases that would reduce the national debt over time.

Whose Sequester Is It Anyway? : It's All Politics : NPR
Where are you getting 'Daily Kos' from, you mindless chimp?
Supported, voted for, then praised.

And it wasn't Daily Kos, was it?
Seems an old John Boehner Powerpoint presentation has been found that proves sequestration was NOT President Obama's idea, it was Speaker Boehner's. :lol:

The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All

I happened to come across an old email that throws cold water on House Republicans’ attempts to call this “Obama’s Sequester.”

It’s a PowerPoint presentation that Boehner’s office developed with the Republican Policy Committee and sent out to the Capitol Hill GOP on July 31, 2011. Intended to explain the outline of the proposed debt deal, the presentation is titled: “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable.”

It’s essentially an internal sales document from the old dealmaker Boehner to his unruly and often unreasonable Tea Party cohort. But it’s clear as day in the presentation that “sequestration” was considered a cudgel to guarantee a reduction in federal spending—the conservatives’ necessary condition for not having America default on its obligations.

The presentation lays out the deal in clear terms, describing the spending backstop as “automatic across-the-board cuts (‘sequestration’). Same mechanism used in 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.”

Here's the .pdf:


Here's a screen grab:




what is this supposed to prove or disprove?
Would someone here like to spoon-feed Trajan?
That's not a question, it's a weak effort to derail the thread.

No. It's not.

The OP cited a powerpoint that was obtained from Boehner's supossed e-mailing effort.

But what that says is at odds with what the WHITE HOUSE said only a week ago.

If you think we should disregard the President's Press Secretary as dishonest, inaccurate or misinformed, just say so.

Carney's as big of a liar as the president is....remember, he also blamed Benghazi on the video!
Hey dumbass - how many protests of that video occurred around the world on 9/11?
No. It's not.

The OP cited a powerpoint that was obtained from Boehner's supossed e-mailing effort.

But what that says is at odds with what the WHITE HOUSE said only a week ago.

If you think we should disregard the President's Press Secretary as dishonest, inaccurate or misinformed, just say so.

Carney's as big of a liar as the president is....remember, he also blamed Benghazi on the video!
Hey dumbass - how many protests of that video occurred around the world on 9/11?

Pretty transparently disingenuous deflection effort.

Stick to Benghazi.
Carney's as big of a liar as the president is....remember, he also blamed Benghazi on the video!
Hey dumbass - how many protests of that video occurred around the world on 9/11?

Pretty transparently disingenuous deflection effort.

Stick to Benghazi.

You're out of your league, junior:

Following the release of a low-quality, poorly made video, which was disrespected the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Muslims, mostly in Libya, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia went on a protesting spree. Most of the protests were violent. In Libya, a protest which led to an attack that allegedly killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and then later after some more Muslim countries expressed their outrage, back in Pakistan; tyres were burned, people were beaten, and a few killed.

None of those countries, protestors, or officials had a single thing to do with that video. But as is usual in the Muslim world, Muslims and then some pay the price. There was no outrage and no protests against the violent protesting that took place.


September 13:

'Innocence of Muslims' YouTube Video Spurs Protests Across Mideast

Unrest sparked by a YouTube video, considered derogatory of Islam and the Prophet Mohammad, spread to Yemen Thursday, leading hundreds of demonstrators to storm the U.S. embassy.

Protesters in Sana, Yemen's capital, reportedly climbed the embassy's perimeter wall, set fire to a building compound and began attempting to loot equipment, before being dispersed by security forces. Some demonstrators were injured in the fracas. At this time, there are no reports of American casualties.

Yemen's president has since apologized to President Obama for the assault and called for a full investigation into the event.

The State Department seemed to anticipate the unrest, as the embassy's website warned visitors of the possibility of protests a day before the demonstrations began.

The details of the protest come from the New York Times, which also reported that approximately 500 protesters attempted to swarm the Swiss Embassy in Iran, through which the U.S. conducts its diplomatic affairs, since there's no U.S. embassy in Iran. Iranian police kept those protesters away from the embassy.

New protests related to the film, titled "Innocence of Muslims," have also been reported in Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia near respective American diplomatic posts.


Anti-Islam YouTube video, 'Innocence of Muslims', sparks violent protests

CAIRO - Fury over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with deadly clashes near Western embassies in Tunisia and Sudan, an American fast-food restaurant set ablaze in Lebanon, and international peacekeepers attacked in the Sinai despite an appeal for calm from Egypt's Islamist president.

At least four people -- all protesters -- were killed and dozens were wounded in the demonstrations in more than 20 countries from the Middle East to Southeast Asia. Most were peaceful but they turned violent in several nations, presenting challenges for the leaders who came to power in the Arab Spring.

Security forces worked to rein in the anti-American crowds but appeared to struggle in doing so. Police in Cairo prevented stone-throwing protesters from getting near the U.S. Embassy, firing tear gas and deploying armored vehicles in a fourth day of clashes in the Egyptian capital. One person died there after being shot by rubber bullets.

The State Department said U.S. Embassy personnel were reported to be safe in Tunisia, Sudan and Yemen -- sites of Friday's violent demonstrations.

Here's a map of the Muslim protests over that video:


Come back when you've got some game, dopey.
Hey dumbass - how many protests of that video occurred around the world on 9/11?

Pretty transparently disingenuous deflection effort.

Stick to Benghazi.

You're out of your league, junior:

Following the release of a low-quality, poorly made video, which was disrespected the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Muslims, mostly in Libya, Egypt, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia went on a protesting spree. Most of the protests were violent. In Libya, a protest which led to an attack that allegedly killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and then later after some more Muslim countries expressed their outrage, back in Pakistan; tyres were burned, people were beaten, and a few killed.

None of those countries, protestors, or officials had a single thing to do with that video. But as is usual in the Muslim world, Muslims and then some pay the price. There was no outrage and no protests against the violent protesting that took place.


September 13:

'Innocence of Muslims' YouTube Video Spurs Protests Across Mideast

Unrest sparked by a YouTube video, considered derogatory of Islam and the Prophet Mohammad, spread to Yemen Thursday, leading hundreds of demonstrators to storm the U.S. embassy.

Protesters in Sana, Yemen's capital, reportedly climbed the embassy's perimeter wall, set fire to a building compound and began attempting to loot equipment, before being dispersed by security forces. Some demonstrators were injured in the fracas. At this time, there are no reports of American casualties.

Yemen's president has since apologized to President Obama for the assault and called for a full investigation into the event.

The State Department seemed to anticipate the unrest, as the embassy's website warned visitors of the possibility of protests a day before the demonstrations began.

The details of the protest come from the New York Times, which also reported that approximately 500 protesters attempted to swarm the Swiss Embassy in Iran, through which the U.S. conducts its diplomatic affairs, since there's no U.S. embassy in Iran. Iranian police kept those protesters away from the embassy.

New protests related to the film, titled "Innocence of Muslims," have also been reported in Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia near respective American diplomatic posts.


Anti-Islam YouTube video, 'Innocence of Muslims', sparks violent protests

CAIRO - Fury over an anti-Islam film spread across the Muslim world Friday, with deadly clashes near Western embassies in Tunisia and Sudan, an American fast-food restaurant set ablaze in Lebanon, and international peacekeepers attacked in the Sinai despite an appeal for calm from Egypt's Islamist president.

At least four people -- all protesters -- were killed and dozens were wounded in the demonstrations in more than 20 countries from the Middle East to Southeast Asia. Most were peaceful but they turned violent in several nations, presenting challenges for the leaders who came to power in the Arab Spring.

Security forces worked to rein in the anti-American crowds but appeared to struggle in doing so. Police in Cairo prevented stone-throwing protesters from getting near the U.S. Embassy, firing tear gas and deploying armored vehicles in a fourth day of clashes in the Egyptian capital. One person died there after being shot by rubber bullets.

The State Department said U.S. Embassy personnel were reported to be safe in Tunisia, Sudan and Yemen -- sites of Friday's violent demonstrations.

Here's a map of the Muslim protests over that video:


Come back when you've got some game, dopey.

Blah blah blah. You really are clueless or just intentionally side-stepping the actual topic. I would never play in your minor league, you putz.

All that bullshit about the dopey film still has nothing to do with the orchestrated attack on our consulate over in Benghazi.
Since Synthaholic is determined to spin his dishonest propaganda and to avoid discussing the true topic, I wonder if there's anybody out there who can address this thread in an honest fashion.

Clearly, Synthatholic finds honesty beneath him.
Almost as moronic as relying on the word of any Democrat.

Well that settles it. There is no benefit to debate, discuss or defend anything because your mind - and I use that term loosely - has already decided without facts or evidence. Making you one of the willfully ignorant. But, don't feel too bad, most on your side of the aisle are congenitally ignorant (though I haven't ruled that out in your case yet).

I guess I am consigned to the role of playing a mirror for you.

for the very thing you claim about me is what I see in you.

You are the one who made the pronouncement. It is absolutely silly to pretend that you can't rely on anything said by a Republican but then balk when it gets noted that it is ridiculous to rely on the word of any Democrat.

You need to grow up. And smarten up. And I say "need" with all due consideration.

Here is the problem with your logic my friend.

The right in this country deny sceince

they deny the definitions in the dictionary

they deny encyclopedia articles.

they deny counrt documented evidence

they deny history

they deny state documents

they deny war service

they deny any cold hard facts they dont like.

Democrats do NOT do that.
Well that settles it. There is no benefit to debate, discuss or defend anything because your mind - and I use that term loosely - has already decided without facts or evidence. Making you one of the willfully ignorant. But, don't feel too bad, most on your side of the aisle are congenitally ignorant (though I haven't ruled that out in your case yet).

I guess I am consigned to the role of playing a mirror for you.

for the very thing you claim about me is what I see in you.

You are the one who made the pronouncement. It is absolutely silly to pretend that you can't rely on anything said by a Republican but then balk when it gets noted that it is ridiculous to rely on the word of any Democrat.

You need to grow up. And smarten up. And I say "need" with all due consideration.

Here is the problem with your logic my friend.

The right in this country deny sceince

they deny the definitions in the dictionary

they deny encyclopedia articles.

they deny counrt documented evidence

they deny history

they deny state documents

they deny war service

they deny any cold hard facts they dont like.

Democrats do NOT do that.

I see clearly in your post why people laugh at you amiga.

You make broad, sweeping and thoroughly idiotic claims. And then you repeat them as though that makes your gibberish any less based on faulty premises.

The right does NOT "deny sceince." Or science even. Neither do they deny dictionary defintiions. They do not deny "counrt documented cases." Or court cases, either. Etc., etc., etc.

Your love of the universal generalization exposes you as shallow.
No. It's not.

The OP cited a powerpoint that was obtained from Boehner's supossed e-mailing effort.

But what that says is at odds with what the WHITE HOUSE said only a week ago.

If you think we should disregard the President's Press Secretary as dishonest, inaccurate or misinformed, just say so.

Carney's as big of a liar as the president is....remember, he also blamed Benghazi on the video!
Hey dumbass - how many protests of that video occurred around the world on 9/11?

Hey dumb ass, they blamed the video right from the start KNOWING that isn't what caused the attacks in Benghazi! They lied about it for a few weeks before ADMITTING it was a terrorist attack, which they knew right from the beginning. But you're now going to keep up this crap about a video? Who's the dumb ass???

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