BUSTED!!! “Two Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable”

President Obama does not have a vote in this. This is Boehner's mess. He said he got 98% of what he wanted as he, Ryan crowed about getting his way and McCain pushed it through the house. It is now up to the R house to pull this out but they're still on vacation and don't seem to be in any hurry to come back. Fact is, even if they did come back from their vacation, they only work three days a week and (thanks to McCain) less than 5 hours a day so its likely they wouldn't accomplish much more than their usual obstruction of progress.
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President Obama does not have a vote in this. This is Boehner's mess. He said he got 98% of what he wanted as he, Ryan crowed about getting his way and McCain pushed it through the house. It is now up to the R house to pull this out but they're still on vacation and don't seem to be in any hurry to come back. Fact is, even if they did come back from their vacation, they only work three days a week and (thanks to McCain) less than 5 hours a day so its likely they wouldn't accomplish much more than their usual obstruction of progress.

How is it Boehner's mess? The President just got $43 dollars in tax increases for every $1 in spending cuts in the "fiscal cliff" compromise. Barack Obama campaigned on a "balanced" approach to deficit reduction...tax increases coupled with spending cuts...correct? SO WHERE ARE THE SPENDING CUTS!!!

At some point, Barry is going to have to put on his "big boy pants" and hold Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's feet to the fire on spending cuts. It's the hard part of being a leader...telling people that they can't have everything they want. For more than four years now Barack Obama has been the guy saying yes to everything. It's made him popular with certain segments of the population...namely the ones who can't quite grasp the concept that there really is no such thing as a free lunch and the massive tab for ours is coming due but it that isn't leadership. Leadership often times means doing what is unpopular because it's the right thing to do.

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