"But ____ (fill in the blank) is not running for President"

Let's hold Trump to the lowest common denominator

Trump is the one running for President. Let him answer for his actions and Hillary answer for hers

Given that you people didn't hold or want previous candidates held accountable for similar actions and words in previous elections, why start now?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?
he was held accountable? really? he was still considered fit to complete his term, he was elected to a second term even though people knew about his discretion. There is no problem in any ones mind now when it comes to what he did.
He was not held accountable. And the impeachment was more for his lying than it was for his actions. He was never held accountable for his raping those women.
All accusations were levied before he took office. The voters decided if they believed them or not. He was hounded for eight years by Republicans

Same thing being done to Trump
Let's hold Trump to the lowest common denominator

Trump is the one running for President. Let him answer for his actions and Hillary answer for hers

Given that you people didn't hold or want previous candidates held accountable for similar actions and words in previous elections, why start now?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?
he was held accountable? really? he was still considered fit to complete his term, he was elected to a second term even though people knew about his discretion. There is no problem in any ones mind now when it comes to what he did.
He was not held accountable. And the impeachment was more for his lying than it was for his actions. He was never held accountable for his raping those women.

He was impeached, but the Senate did not vote to convict him. That's just how it works. And I think that when you say "he was elected to a second term even though people knew about his discretion" you are confusing events. (Also, the word you want is "indiscretion"). But he was reelected before the Lewsinsky scandal broke.
he was elected AFTER people already knew about his other issues. Im not familiar with the Lewsinsky scandal so I cant speak of that one, I will try to look it up.
I am familiar with Lewinsky and he should not have been thrown out of office for that one, he was not impeached because he got a blow job, he was impeached for lying about it. Big difference, if they threw people out of government for getting a blow job, you might have 2 or 3 people in the country that would be allowed to run for office.
He was impeached, but the Senate did not vote to convict him. That's just how it works. And I think that when you say "he was elected to a second term even though people knew about his discretion" you are confusing events. (Also, the word you want is "indiscretion"). But he was reelected before the Lewsinsky scandal broke.
Yet Clinton apologized for his behavior. Wasn't he also fined and disbarred for perjury?

President Clinton impeached - Dec 19, 1998 - HISTORY.com
Five weeks later, on February 12, the Senate voted on whether to remove Clinton from office. The president was acquitted on both articles of impeachment. The prosecution needed a two-thirds majority to convict but failed to achieve even a bare majority. Rejecting the first charge of perjury, 45 Democrats and 10 Republicans voted “not guilty,” and on the charge of obstruction of justice the Senate was split 50-50. After the trial concluded, President Clinton said he was “profoundly sorry” for the burden his behavior imposed on Congress and the American people.
Democrats are calling out Trump's behavior towards women (open mic, any accusation woman coming forth between now and the Election). When presented with the behavior and or accusations of Bill Clinton, the late Ted Kennedy or citing Beyoncé lyrics, the retort is, "But ____ is NOT running for President. Clearly, by their own words, Democrats are only going to call out sexual assault, both verbal and physical, if one is running for President. But, historically speaking, we've seen them willing to overlook that as well.
Democrats have selective morals.

how selective would you be if Obama had been caught on tape saying what Trump said?

there'e YOUR selective morals

Who is defending or ignoring what Trump said? That's the point. How many Democrats over the years have said similar things about women or even engaged in those actions and the same people attacking Trump now defended or ignored statements or actions simply because candidate was on their side?
This is exactly the point. This thread scrsams of your own hypocrisy. You are saying the Democrasts should not talk about Donald Trump's assaults becauser Bill had accusations too.

Well Bucko, I have news. Donald Trump & Republicans had a freakin fit about Bill. He was even impeached. But now you say " OH NO we can't talk about Donald because that is hypocrisy?" Do you listen to yourself?

The Hypocrisy is those exact same Republicans that had a fit about Bull Clinton are now defending Donald Trump.

You people are really something.
Democrats are calling out Trump's behavior towards women (open mic, any accusation woman coming forth between now and the Election). When presented with the behavior and or accusations of Bill Clinton, the late Ted Kennedy or citing Beyoncé lyrics, the retort is, "But ____ is NOT running for President. Clearly, by their own words, Democrats are only going to call out sexual assault, both verbal and physical, if one is running for President. But, historically speaking, we've seen them willing to overlook that as well.
Democrats have selective morals.

how selective would you be if Obama had been caught on tape saying what Trump said?

there'e YOUR selective morals

Who is defending or ignoring what Trump said? That's the point. How many Democrats over the years have said similar things about women or even engaged in those actions and the same people attacking Trump now defended or ignored statements or actions simply because candidate was on their side?
This is exactly the point. This thread scrsams of your own hypocrisy. You are saying the Democrasts should not talk about Donald Trump's assaults becauser Bill had accusations too.

Well Bucko, I have news. Donald Trump & Republicans had a freakin fit about Bill. He was even impeached. But now you say " OH NO we can't talk about Donald because that is hypocrisy?" Do you listen to yourself?

The Hypocrisy is those exact same Republicans that had a fit about Bull Clinton are now defending Donald Trump.

You people are really something.
again, Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath.
If he would have said, hell yes I got a blow job from Monica, I doubt that an impeachment would have followed. maybe a psych evaluation, but not an impeachment.
Democrats are calling out Trump's behavior towards women (open mic, any accusation woman coming forth between now and the Election). When presented with the behavior and or accusations of Bill Clinton, the late Ted Kennedy or citing Beyoncé lyrics, the retort is, "But ____ is NOT running for President. Clearly, by their own words, Democrats are only going to call out sexual assault, both verbal and physical, if one is running for President. But, historically speaking, we've seen them willing to overlook that as well.
It’s known as a red herring fallacy – a deflection, conservatives are masters of the red herring fallacy and deflection because they lack the courage to address the fact that Trump is unfit to be president.

Consequently, conservatives try to make Bill Clinton the ‘issue,’ when in fact Bill Clinton isn’t running for anything – including president, where references to Bill Clinton have no bearing whatsoever on Clinton’s qualifications to be president.
You know, many of the liberals on here have given us Americans a load of crap because we still back Trump, evidently if we still want to vote for him, and we see nothing wrong with what he said, they according to the liberals on here, we are as big a piece of shit as they perceive Trump to be.
So I have to ask, if that is in fact true, wouldn't that make hillary even worse than we are considering she not only protected billy bob from his rape victims, she condoned it by staying married to the horn dog, and to top it off she wants to put him in charge of the economy.
Now if we are just as bad as Trump because we are still going to vote for him, wouldn't the same consideration of character be extended to hillary leaving her in your minds unfit to hold the office.
lets not even get in to her seriously racist attitude toward blacks by saying they are natural born predators, or her homophobic mindset when it came to gay marriage, or even her a few years back saying we needed a wall to stop the illegals.
Why do you overlook all of hillarys crimes and racist actions when you refuse to give the same leeway to Trump or his supporters.
Whiners. Blaming Hillary for Bill's actions.

Then, read the entire "predator" speech. She called gangs & drug dealers predators. This is an example of how stupid you Trump people really are. At one time, Hillary thought the gay marriage issue could be solved using civil unions.

And furthermore, a fence is not a freaking wall. A huuuuuuughe wall.

Is there anything you groper supporters will no lie about?
Ask any woman to compare Bill Clinton's & Donald Trump's history with women.
Let's hold Trump to the lowest common denominator

Trump is the one running for President. Let him answer for his actions and Hillary answer for hers

Given that you people didn't hold or want previous candidates held accountable for similar actions and words in previous elections, why start now?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?

By whom?

The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?
Let's hold Trump to the lowest common denominator

Trump is the one running for President. Let him answer for his actions and Hillary answer for hers

Given that you people didn't hold or want previous candidates held accountable for similar actions and words in previous elections, why start now?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?

By whom?

The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?

Are you talking about his treatment of women or his attempt to obstruct Justice? The legal system did not care about his Lewinskies. You know that.
Let's hold Trump to the lowest common denominator

Trump is the one running for President. Let him answer for his actions and Hillary answer for hers

Given that you people didn't hold or want previous candidates held accountable for similar actions and words in previous elections, why start now?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?

By whom?

The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?

Are you talking about his treatment of women or his attempt to obstruct Justice? The legal system did not care about his Lewinskies. You know that.
The legal system didn't care

Republicans seemed to think it was the worst crime in the history of mankind....up until Hillary used a private server
Given that you people didn't hold or want previous candidates held accountable for similar actions and words in previous elections, why start now?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?

By whom?

The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?

Are you talking about his treatment of women or his attempt to obstruct Justice? The legal system did not care about his Lewinskies. You know that.
The legal system didn't care

Republicans seemed to think it was the worst crime in the history of mankind....up until Hillary used a private server

He got impeached and his law license suspended......did the Press do that or legal system do that? Also, if you are good with cabinet secretaries being exempt from FISMA, why in God's name do you think US should trust you people with American Security?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?

By whom?

The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?

Are you talking about his treatment of women or his attempt to obstruct Justice? The legal system did not care about his Lewinskies. You know that.
The legal system didn't care

Republicans seemed to think it was the worst crime in the history of mankind....up until Hillary used a private server

He got impeached and his law license suspended......did the Press do that or legal system do that? Also, if you are good with cabinet secretaries being exempt from FISMA, why in God's name do you think US should trust you people with American Security?

He got "impeached" by a Republican House overstepping its authority

Having his law license suspended by a bunch of Republicans in Arkansas is hardly a concern for an ex President. Not many exPresidents practice law in Arkansas

The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?

Are you talking about his treatment of women or his attempt to obstruct Justice? The legal system did not care about his Lewinskies. You know that.
The legal system didn't care

Republicans seemed to think it was the worst crime in the history of mankind....up until Hillary used a private server

He got impeached and his law license suspended......did the Press do that or legal system do that? Also, if you are good with cabinet secretaries being exempt from FISMA, why in God's name do you think US should trust you people with American Security?

He got "impeached" by a Republican House overstepping its authority

Having his law license suspended by a bunch of Republicans in Arkansas is hardly a concern for an ex President. Not many exPresidents practice law in Arkansas

How did the House overstep its authority? Getting your Law license suspended in your Home state? Was it a bunch of Republicans or a woman judge that suspended his license?
The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?

Are you talking about his treatment of women or his attempt to obstruct Justice? The legal system did not care about his Lewinskies. You know that.
The legal system didn't care

Republicans seemed to think it was the worst crime in the history of mankind....up until Hillary used a private server

He got impeached and his law license suspended......did the Press do that or legal system do that? Also, if you are good with cabinet secretaries being exempt from FISMA, why in God's name do you think US should trust you people with American Security?

He got "impeached" by a Republican House overstepping its authority

Having his law license suspended by a bunch of Republicans in Arkansas is hardly a concern for an ex President. Not many exPresidents practice law in Arkansas

How did the House overstep its authority? Getting your Law license suspended in your Home state? Was it a bunch of Republicans or a woman judge that suspended his license?

Just because you have the votes to do something doesn't mean you should. A blow job hardly constitutes as a high crime and misdemeanor. Neither does denying one
Are you talking about his treatment of women or his attempt to obstruct Justice? The legal system did not care about his Lewinskies. You know that.
The legal system didn't care

Republicans seemed to think it was the worst crime in the history of mankind....up until Hillary used a private server

He got impeached and his law license suspended......did the Press do that or legal system do that? Also, if you are good with cabinet secretaries being exempt from FISMA, why in God's name do you think US should trust you people with American Security?

He got "impeached" by a Republican House overstepping its authority

Having his law license suspended by a bunch of Republicans in Arkansas is hardly a concern for an ex President. Not many exPresidents practice law in Arkansas

How did the House overstep its authority? Getting your Law license suspended in your Home state? Was it a bunch of Republicans or a woman judge that suspended his license?

Just because you have the votes to do something doesn't mean you should. A blow job hardly constitutes as a high crime and misdemeanor. Neither does denying one

Obstruction of Justice was the reason. How and why do you keep bringing up Blow Jobs? When you are under oath and/or when you try to get people to deny with you over a Blow Job, a fart in Church, etc., it's obstruction of Justice. As Clinton said himself, it's not the crime, it's the cover up. Don't cover up.
Don't bring Ted Kennedy into the issue. Hillary was (is) married to Bill Clinton and she spent her entire adult life in politics using the resources of the state and later the federal government to attack and intimidate the victims of her husband's sexual abuse.
Let's hold Trump to the lowest common denominator

Trump is the one running for President. Let him answer for his actions and Hillary answer for hers

Given that you people didn't hold or want previous candidates held accountable for similar actions and words in previous elections, why start now?
Bill Clinton was held accountable

Why not Trump?

By whom?

The press, the public, the legal system, impeachment

Why not expect the same for Trump?
Why not expect the same from the Hillary supporters that you all seem to expect from the Trump supporters. By your standards, neither one should get a vote.

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