"But I Know Someone Who Knows Someone Who Read a Story"


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.
It’s bizarre how people can have such strong convictions about things they have zero personal experience with.

The undereducated of America inexplicably also have the strongest opinions
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.

It’s bizarre how people can have such strong convictions about things they have zero personal experience with.

The undereducated of America inexplicably also have the strongest opinions
hahaha…holy shit. You just perfectly described the two of you.
Both of you form opinions based on your little tiny circle…then you believe your opinion has value at scale despite all the data proving you wrong.
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.

It's not limited to the field of education. So many people rely on fourth-hand accounts, rumours, and BS when forming an opinion on a subject.
Maybe you get what you deserve once you begin to believe that our systems should be based on so called Democracy .

The Universe has never been fair or just . Therefore , still believing that we should nevertheless make those aims our ideals and to be virtues , is perverse .imho
We are told that one key aspect of cleverness is learning from mistakes . But not apparently in crucial matters .
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.

Currently reading a book that describes just that problem.

We have a ton of people who are willing to comment on education (including myself) who are not connected to the process.

It would be good to know just what issues you think are being mischaracterized...truly....not looking to argue.
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.
minus 5 points for misspelling all ..
Currently reading a book that describes just that problem.

We have a ton of people who are willing to comment on education (including myself) who are not connected to the process.

It would be good to know just what issues you think are being mischaracterized...truly....not looking to argue.
There are so many things. For example, no union rep has ever set foot in my classroom to tell me what or how to teach. If one did I would toss him out on his ass.

Over 30 years of teaching I have never seen any of the deviant weirdness that some people seem to scour the internet for every day.

There are many other things, but the one that pisses me off the most is the way sheltered little pussies who wouldn't so much as drive through the district where I work feel entitled to denigrate and dismiss the students that I teach because of where they live, where they (or their parents) used to live, or what they look like. Such ignorant shits have no idea what they are talking about and would never stir up the courage to find out for themselves.
There are many other things, but the one that pisses me off the most is the way sheltered little pussies who wouldn't so much as drive through the district where I work feel entitled to denigrate and dismiss the students that I teach because of where they live, where they (or their parents) used to live, or what they look like.

That, I find, amazing. I am not surprised they won't come to the neighborhood, but I don't get putting down the kids.

I just worry that we've so politicized education that the kids are not getting what they need.

Bless you taking on such an awesome responsibility.
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.
minus 5 points for misspelling all ..
That, I find, amazing. I am not surprised they won't come to the neighborhood, but I don't get putting down the kids.

I just worry that we've so politicized education that the kids are not getting what they need.

Bless you taking on such an awesome responsibility.
"Kids" = Junior Varsity Gangstas
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- The president of the Chicago Teacher's Union is hitting back Thursday, after it was revealed late last week that her eldest son attends a private Catholic school on Chicago's South Side.

Stacy Davis Gates, who has in the past spoken against private education and school choice, said in a letter to union educators throughout Chicago "options for Black students, their families and entire Black communities on this city's South and West Sides are limited."

While Chicago Public Schools has declined to comment, one public school advocate believes this is part of a national smear campaign designed to go after public schools and union officials.
... the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.
So many people in this forum and other parts of this site go on and on about things related to education without any relevant experience beyond (supposedly) knowing someone who knows someone who taught in an inner city school, or have some niece/nephew/daughter in law/wife who is now retired who told them allllll about it in every detail that supports the bullshit they just made up about schools because some article on the internet put them into a tizzy. Some numbskulls decide what they want to be true, then make up any bullshit they need to pretend justify it instead of gaining any actual information/experience and THEN forming an opinion about it.

I was going to leave this one mostly alone, but....

My mother was a teacher, my sister is a school administrator, and my niece is a teacher. (Albeit all in the Catholic School System) I considered teaching a profession for a while after I left the Army. Then I realized I'd have to go back to school for two more years to take a pay cut, and really, I don't like Children that much.

There are a lot of teachers I respect.

But then I read the stuff posted by you and SweetSue92 and a few others, and I feel bad for any kids locked in a building with you for any time.

All that said, Public Education is broken. The US spends more per pupil than any advanced country, and we get the absolute worst results.

First, the Unions make it nearly impossible to fire incompetent teachers. I consider myself pretty pro-labor, but the worst part about unions is that they reward mediocrity and discourage merit.

Second- particularly in the big cities, there are such massive levels of bureaucracy that reform simply can't happen.

Third - There are kids who will simply never learn and will be a drag on the rest. Maybe because they have learning disabilities or are just awful kids who will become awful adults destined for a prison cell. Regardless, they take away resources and time from the kids who will contribute to the economy someday.

My mother was a teacher, my sister is a school administrator, and my niece is a teacher. (Albeit all in the Catholic School System) I considered teaching a profession for a while after I left the Army. ...
There are so many things. For example, no union rep has ever set foot in my classroom to tell me what or how to teach. If one did I would toss him out on his ass.

Over 30 years of teaching I have never seen any of the deviant weirdness that some people seem to scour the internet for every day.

There are many other things, but the one that pisses me off the most is the way sheltered little pussies who wouldn't so much as drive through the district where I work feel entitled to denigrate and dismiss the students that I teach because of where they live, where they (or their parents) used to live, or what they look like. Such ignorant shits have no idea what they are talking about and would never stir up the courage to find out for themselves.

Hey, man, I'm sorry that you are so bad at your job that the only position you can get is at a bad school district.

Competent teachers actually get better-paying jobs in the Suburbs.

I’m guilty. I’m becoming more stupid. I work. I tuned it all out mid-NOV 2020. I read only a few headlines and get my updates in here from trusted posters. My car radio is on Sirius sports only in a desperate attempt to escape the BS. My TV mostly on netscape (no commercials) or on sports…..mostly muted often on every minute I’m awake.

I agree with you. I have started to post headlines as fact…..I heard it “somewhere“ has become good enough. You are correct. I now often make mistakes now w/o fact checking.

I see the decline in the nation, GOVT at FED & STATE completely corrupt and out of control. Voting no longer matters. I see the kids playing in the park by the mailbox. They have no idea what these leftist puke have setup for them. They don’t know the actions it will take to wipe out this takeover & rebuild. No one seems to know they are now locking up and persecuting any opposition yet actual criminals roam free. What will it take? When will it begin?
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Hey, man, I'm sorry that you are so bad at your job that the only position you can get is at a bad school district.

Competent teachers actually get better-paying jobs in the Suburbs.
Plenty of such positions available. I was "cold called" by wealthy suburbs all summer. A long time ago I sought out a district where the need for my skills and experience was greatest. Teachers don't teach to get rich or take it easy. We teach because we give a damn about kids and about the future. Maybe difficult for someone like you to understand.
Plenty of such positions available. I was "cold called" by wealthy suburbs all summer. A long time ago I sought out a district where the need for my skills and experience was greatest. Teachers don't teach to get rich or take it easy. We teach because we give a damn about kids and about the future. Maybe difficult for someone like you to understand.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Someone else's kids aren't my problem.

Hey, when you go into the interviews, do you tell them about your oh-so-funny screen name and what it means?
Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Someone else's kids aren't my problem.
^^^^^ Just the kind of selfish douche who does exactly NOTHING for society. You don't deserve to be an American.

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