But I thought European gun control countries had no crime...

It's not me saying there is no gun crime in Europe...it is all the gun grabbers who constantly throw Europe and Australia in our faces as to why we are crazy and they are awesome...they just have blinders on about guns and crime...
So you admit that you lied in the OP. Who said that there is no crime?
So you admit that you lied in the OP.

No, I point out that the gun grabbers always say that these gun grabbing countries have lower crime rates than the U.S....which isn't true...but try telling that to people like you...
So you admit that you lied in the OP.

No, I point out that the gun grabbers always say that these gun grabbing countries have lower crime rates than the U.S....which isn't true...but try telling that to people like you...
That is not what you said. Try honesty the next time.
Actually, what I said in the first post was this...

Well, we have been told that our European friends are better than us because they don't worship guns....but...then how is this situation possible...

And that is true...they also claim they have lower crime rates because they control their guns...which is also true...but thanks for playing...
BTW, whoever told you that Europe "has no crime" is an idiot.
Ahhh...c.claytonjones....the laziest poster...who can only criticize and not really contribute...with the vast knowledge you allege yourself to have...and yet you add nothing but bitching, moaning and complaining about my posts...I'd be flattered if you weren't such a twit...
Ahhh...c.claytonjones....the laziest poster...who can only criticize and not really contribute...with the vast knowledge you allege yourself to have...and yet you add nothing but bitching, moaning and complaining about my posts...I'd be flattered if you weren't such a twit...
The failed and idiotic premises of your threads receive all the attention they deserve.
The failed and idiotic premises of your threads receive all the attention they deserve.

Yes...as un helpful as ever...

"But I thought European gun control countries had no crime.."

And you were wrong again, as usual.

No, the OP just proved that Euro's want their guns back.



No it doesn't.

In Europe, the specter of American levels of crime is used as a rhetorical bludgeon for more gun control, not less.

Yes it does.. haha



Telegraph new law competition: vote now

Last week, as Westminster discussed Private Members Bills, we asked you to provide MPs with some inspiration.

The readers of telegraph.co.uk/politics did not disappoint, and provided us with a raft of ideas. These are the six that caught our eye. Now, it is over to you - vote below for the Bill you'd like to see debated in the Commons

Repeal the ban on hand guns and re-open shooting clubs,proposed by Colliemum. They write: "After all, why should only criminals be 'allowed' to possess guns and shoot unarmed, defenceless citizens and police officers?"

Vote now: which bill would you like to see introduced in the Commons?
Term limit on Prime Ministers 1.6% (496 votes)

A flat tax 4.7% (1,459 votes)

Greening of public spaces 1.83% (569 votes)

Close child maintenance loophole 0.69% (215 votes)

Ban spitting 1.78% (552 votes)

Repeal the ban on hand guns 89% (27,781 votes)

Total Votes: 31,072



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