But wait a minute I thought Ukraine was crushing Russia

What's this??? You mean it's possible for Ukraine to lose now? How can that be?
Or is it just that the boomerang bucks have been interrupted and the money laundry is idle right now? Hmmm....must be a few of our congressmen had to put their new swimming pool plans on hold?


Who ever said Ukraine was crushing Russia?
Toro & Litwin

. . . they are STILL laboring under the delusion that Russia is going to collapse any day now. . .

Any quotes or are you just lying again?
Any quotes or are you just lying again?

Just like the twaf tankies!


Not much about Russia being "crushed". Try again.
Shouldn’t this Putin aggression against little Ukraine have been done in like a week?

Russia is mighty. That is to say, they suck mightily.
Not much about Russia being "crushed". Try again.
Shouldn’t this Putin aggression against little Ukraine have been done in like a week?

Russia is mighty. That is to say, they suck mightily.

About a dozen reasons why that is just plain silly . Here are two :-
1. It was not just "little Ukraine" .
It was a UAF plus a considerable NATO force and about as many as the US less and NATO could disguise and get MSM to conveniently not notice . And never mention .

2 .When Russia was convinced that the UAF was going to invade Donbas ( March1, 2022 ) they had an estimated 80 000 troops on the front line compared to 180 000 and possibly 200 000 facing them .
If they did not have that Intel and had not pre-empted Kyiv they likely could have been overrun .

Facts not your gobbledygook opinion .

JFC at least try to support your argument instead of linking random posts

You’re quoting a guy who believes every single conspiracy theory.

So cognitive ability isn’t going to be the first thing you think of when referencing Beale.
Lol. This from a guy who believed all the lies about Russia and Ukraine spouted by the establishment. Probably still does.
Ukraine was never going to 'crush' Russia. What it could do was preserving the Ukrainian state in some meaningful form. And it would have been really a victory for her.

But with two equally incompetent and corrupted administrations - one in the DC and another one in Kiev - handling this 'issue', the chances of it are getting slimmer and slimmer with every day
That's what I thought too. Is it possible the boy is this stupid?
The short answer is yes.

The more complex answer is “lazy”. Most of the world is nuanced. Absolute predictions and absolutists stances often collapse when touched by reality. What is even more feckless is that the absolutism is only applied at certain times when it’s convenient.

For example...

Did Trump build a wall to seal off Mexico? Nope. So he failed. The same absolutists who want to (and believe Trump will) deport everyone with brown skin and ban every muslim give the blob a pass on the the greatest loser’s greatest failure.

“Stupid” isn’t the word I’d use. Dishonest fits but I don’t think the spirit of the folks he tried to hold up as examples is completely mis-represented by his kookie statement. He’s just intellectually lazy as all blob supporters are. One degree of nuance and they fail to comprehend anything.
The short answer is yes.

The more complex answer is “lazy”. Most of the world is nuanced. Absolute predictions and absolutists stances often collapse when touched by reality. What is even more feckless is that the absolutism is only applied at certain times when it’s convenient.

For example...

Did Trump build a wall to seal off Mexico? Nope. So he failed. The same absolutists who want to (and believe Trump will) deport everyone with brown skin and ban every muslim give the blob a pass on the the greatest loser’s greatest failure.

“Stupid” isn’t the word I’d use. Dishonest fits but I don’t think the spirit of the folks he tried to hold up as examples is completely mis-represented by his kookie statement. He’s just intellectually lazy as all blob supporters are. One degree of nuance and they fail to comprehend anything.
Lazy? LMFAO.

This from someone who believes every establishment lie. Still believes Trump is a Russian agent, vax is safe and effective, and Russia’s invasion was unprovoked.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::ahole-1::ahole-1::ahole-1::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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