But, we only want gay marriage....once we get that, then we will come after your churches....

You're too stupid to think outside the boxes they put you in

And you're a total jerk on top of it

I'm not the one falling for their little games... that would be you.

Here's the thing. People being Gay has no effect on your life. Not really.
People practicing Islam has no effect on your life.

I interact with gays and Muslims all day, but at the end of the day, I don't have to do gay sex or pray towards Mecca. They can't make me.

On the other hand, thanks to the way that the one percent has used these fears to get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests, that does have an effect on my life. Rather than enjoying a nice, lifetime protected union job like my Dad had, we all have to deal with at-will employment with no rights at work.

Joe, you're just a run of the mill idiot bigot who thinks he has a special dispensation for his bigotry

You don't

You're just a bigot and it makes you a jerk

Naw, just because I have contempt for Political Chick's self-loathing, hardly makes me a bigot. Maybe a jerk, but I tried being polite to her and usually get her rambling, number-pointed crazy like she didn't even process what was being said. (but she does that to everyone.)

Hey, I noticed you duck and ran when I pointed out that some self-loathing Asians get their eyes rounded, and asked you how that was any different than a tranny getting his/her dick cut off.

I have said everything I ever wanted to say to you, and leave you to stew in your own unfortunate sauce

Don't let this man get to you. He's never had anything of value to say since I've been on this forum.

We all hear you, and we know you are right.
Ohhh noooo.... Obama and the left were actively trying to force religious institution's into covering contraception and abortion procedures in their insurance plans excetera, excetera, excetera and so on and so forth.

Okay. So what? Benefits shouldn't be faith-based. You provide a benefit as a condition of employment, not a condition of faith.
Okay then take up Joe's position.

Do it.

White evangelical churches lose tax exempt status because no gay marriages...

but mosques do not.


Wasn't my position, but okay.

Here's the thing. Mosques aren't big money making operations like the Evangelical scams are. They probably aren't even making any money to tax to start with.

On the other hand, the big mega-Churches, the last thing they want to see at their door is an IRS Auditor...
Now you’re saying the IRS is not 100% corrupt, Boy... you’re a gullible little fucker aren’t you?
No, he is evil.
Ohhh noooo.... Obama and the left were actively trying to force religious institution's into covering contraception and abortion procedures in their insurance plans excetera, excetera, excetera and so on and so forth.

Okay. So what? Benefits shouldn't be faith-based. You provide a benefit as a condition of employment, not a condition of faith.

They should buy them themselves...

"The Pill usually costs between $0–$50 a month, depending on the type. Many health and family planning clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) sell birth control pills for less."

"On average, condoms cost about a dollar each, but it may be less or more depending on the brand, store, and package — most of the time larger packs end up being a better value. Boxes of 3 go for about $2 to $6. In packages of 12 or more, condoms usually cost less than $1 each."
https://www.plannedparenthood.org › learn › birth-control › condom › how...

Sounds pretty affordable to me, which means there was a different agenda in forcing religious institutions to provide them.
hey should buy them themselves...

"The Pill usually costs between $0–$50 a month, depending on the type. Many health and family planning clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) sell birth control pills for less."

"On average, condoms cost about a dollar each, but it may be less or more depending on the brand, store, and package — most of the time larger packs end up being a better value. Boxes of 3 go for about $2 to $6. In packages of 12 or more, condoms usually cost less than $1 each."
https://www.plannedparenthood.org › learn › birth-control › condom › how...

Sounds pretty affordable to me, which means there was a different agenda in forcing religious institutions to provide them.

If you want to make Birth Control Pills over the counter without a prescription, I'd have no problem with that... but the medical community INSISTS that they be a prescription medication.

And I wasn't aware of any health care program that demanded insurance pay for condoms. Probably a good idea, though, given their help in controlling STD's and such.
hey should buy them themselves...

"The Pill usually costs between $0–$50 a month, depending on the type. Many health and family planning clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) sell birth control pills for less."

"On average, condoms cost about a dollar each, but it may be less or more depending on the brand, store, and package — most of the time larger packs end up being a better value. Boxes of 3 go for about $2 to $6. In packages of 12 or more, condoms usually cost less than $1 each."
https://www.plannedparenthood.org › learn › birth-control › condom › how...

Sounds pretty affordable to me, which means there was a different agenda in forcing religious institutions to provide them.

If you want to make Birth Control Pills over the counter without a prescription, I'd have no problem with that... but the medical community INSISTS that they be a prescription medication.

And I wasn't aware of any health care program that demanded insurance pay for condoms. Probably a good idea, though, given their help in controlling STD's and such.

I don't think you can make the pill OTC...Each woman is different as far as how their body reacts to different formulations of the pill...

However, it's not a huge expense, so if religious institutions don't want to pay for any part of BC then they shouldn't have to....
I don't think you can make the pill OTC...Each woman is different as far as how their body reacts to different formulations of the pill...

However, it's not a huge expense, so if religious institutions don't want to pay for any part of BC then they shouldn't have to....

Either it's part of comprehensive health coverage or it isn't.

The problem is, of course, it's not just the cost of the pill, it's the cost of the doctor's visit and testing that's the issue. Why make religious assholes who live in mortal terror someone might be enjoying themselves pay for that, either.
Ohhh noooo.... Obama and the left were actively trying to force religious institution's into covering contraception and abortion procedures in their insurance plans excetera, excetera, excetera and so on and so forth.

Okay. So what? Benefits shouldn't be faith-based. You provide a benefit as a condition of employment, not a condition of faith.
As long as there are choices in where one works, plays, lives, and eats, then faith based operations can set their platform up based upon their belief system any day, and at anytime. Don't like it, can't comply, then go somewhere else right ?? The choice is there, and nobody is stopping anyone from doing that. The fear undoubtedly is that if these things aren't fought against, then a popular movement might spread, and the limit of choices would become less and less as people go about enjoying the Churches and society in which they choose to live in. So the only counter to this freedom is to use government to forcefully control society and commerce but for who ???
As long as there are choices in where one works, plays, lives, and eats, then faith based operations can set their platform up based upon their belief system any day, and at anytime. Don't like it, can't comply, then go somewhere else right ?? The choice is there, and nobody is stopping anyone from doing that. The fear undoubtedly is that if these things aren't fought against, then a popular movement might spread, and the limit of choices would become less and less as people go about enjoying the Churches and society in which they choose to live in. So the only counter to this freedom is to use government to forcefully control society and commerce but for who ???

Here's the thing.

A health care system run by the government we vote for, which has a vested interested in keeping me the voter happy.


A health care system that I get through an employer, where the goal is to maximize profits by not paying out benefits unless they absolutely have to, and which goes away if I become too sick to work.

This isn't a complicated choice.
As long as there are choices in where one works, plays, lives, and eats, then faith based operations can set their platform up based upon their belief system any day, and at anytime. Don't like it, can't comply, then go somewhere else right ?? The choice is there, and nobody is stopping anyone from doing that. The fear undoubtedly is that if these things aren't fought against, then a popular movement might spread, and the limit of choices would become less and less as people go about enjoying the Churches and society in which they choose to live in. So the only counter to this freedom is to use government to forcefully control society and commerce but for who ???

Here's the thing.

A health care system run by the government we vote for, which has a vested interested in keeping me the voter happy.


A health care system that I get through an employer, where the goal is to maximize profits by not paying out benefits unless they absolutely have to, and which goes away if I become too sick to work.

This isn't a complicated choice.
If you become to sick to work, then you collect the benefits you had on your way out, and then you go and qualify for government healthcare and benefits if you can't work anymore, but if you can work then you go back to work and resume your benefits while you work. Simple.
If you become to sick to work, then you collect the benefits you had on your way out, and then you go and qualify for government healthcare and benefits if you can't work anymore, but if you can work then you go back to work and resume your benefits while you work. Simple.

You've obviously never had a relative go through a terminal illness, or you wouldn't say anything SO FUCKING STUPID
If you become to sick to work, then you collect the benefits you had on your way out, and then you go and qualify for government healthcare and benefits if you can't work anymore, but if you can work then you go back to work and resume your benefits while you work. Simple.

You've obviously never had a relative go through a terminal illness, or you wouldn't say anything SO FUCKING STUPID
Yep I had people go through terminal illnesses, and they were treated in the best ways possible until their passing. Funny how jobs, money, and such things at that point became meaningless in the situation. The nation has a number of fail-safes in place, and it's just up to people to be educated about them. If anything the government is dropping the ball when it comes to educating and informing the citizens of their choices available into them, so is your prescious government acting in the same ways that your hated private sector entities are ??? No way it can't be right ? You are the one that is stupid, so how about getting your head out of the sand ok.
I don't think you can make the pill OTC...Each woman is different as far as how their body reacts to different formulations of the pill...

However, it's not a huge expense, so if religious institutions don't want to pay for any part of BC then they shouldn't have to....

Either it's part of comprehensive health coverage or it isn't.

I vote isn't....I think people can afford $1

The problem is, of course, it's not just the cost of the pill, it's the cost of the doctor's visit and testing that's the issue. Why make religious assholes who live in mortal terror someone might be enjoying themselves pay for that, either.

"Religious assholes"? What's the matter with you?
Yep I had people go through terminal illnesses, and they were treated in the best ways possible until their passing. Funny how jobs, money, and such things at that point became meaningless in the situation. The nation has a number of fail-safes in place, and it's just up to people to be educated about them. If anything the government is dropping the ball when it comes to educating and informing the citizens of their choices available into them, so is your prescious government acting in the same ways that your hated private sector entities are ??? No way it can't be right ? You are the one that is stupid, so how about getting your head out of the sand ok.

The fail safes are there if you have the resources... If you don't, not so much.

But you do have a point. If we didn't have government programs, we'd be kind of fucked.

So why do we tolerate private insurance? Medicare for all. Works for me.
I don’t mind if all churches lose their tax exempt status. If a church plays politics, the should definitely lose their tax exempt status. Since gay marriage can go against a churches belief and not based on politics, then I would disagree with denying them tax exempt status. There could be a violation in the Constitution under the equal protection clause.
As long as there are choices in where one works, plays, lives, and eats, then faith based operations can set their platform up based upon their belief system any day, and at anytime. Don't like it, can't comply, then go somewhere else right ?? The choice is there, and nobody is stopping anyone from doing that. The fear undoubtedly is that if these things aren't fought against, then a popular movement might spread, and the limit of choices would become less and less as people go about enjoying the Churches and society in which they choose to live in. So the only counter to this freedom is to use government to forcefully control society and commerce but for who ???

Here's the thing.

A health care system run by the government we vote for, which has a vested interested in keeping me the voter happy.


A health care system that I get through an employer, where the goal is to maximize profits by not paying out benefits unless they absolutely have to, and which goes away if I become too sick to work.

This isn't a complicated choice.
A health care system run by the government doesn't care if you are happy or not. It's the government. You are out of options. If the government thinks some treatment is too expensive you will die.

When employees are unhappy with the choice of health care plans the employer finds another insurance company. It's called competition and the government doesn't have it.
Yep I had people go through terminal illnesses, and they were treated in the best ways possible until their passing. Funny how jobs, money, and such things at that point became meaningless in the situation. The nation has a number of fail-safes in place, and it's just up to people to be educated about them. If anything the government is dropping the ball when it comes to educating and informing the citizens of their choices available into them, so is your prescious government acting in the same ways that your hated private sector entities are ??? No way it can't be right ? You are the one that is stupid, so how about getting your head out of the sand ok.

The fail safes are there if you have the resources... If you don't, not so much.

But you do have a point. If we didn't have government programs, we'd be kind of fucked.

So why do we tolerate private insurance? Medicare for all. Works for me.
Medicare for all is veterinary medicine for humans. The owner of a dog chooses whether to pay for a treatment or not. No one asks a cat if she wants to be put down. In medicare for all, the government is the owner.
Beto........he will go after the tax exempt status of any church that refuses to do gay weddings....

The democrats hate the Constitution and freedom...the 1st and 2nd Amendments will not exist if the democrat get total power....

Beto Vows to Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Churches That Oppose Gay Marriage

Barack Obama's IRS may have targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny, but Obama never pledged to strip tax-exempt status from organizations that disagreed with his position on an issue.

Yet on Thursday, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) said he would strip tax-exempt status from any religious organization that supports traditional marriage, defined as one man and one woman. In fact, his position essentially amounts to a government preference for pro-gay marriage religious bodies that likely violates the Establishment Clause.

CNN's Don Lemon quoted O'Rourke's policy on LGBT issues, which states: "Freedom of religion is a fundamental right but it should not be used to discriminate."

"Do you think religious institutions — like colleges, churches, charities — should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?" Lemon asked.

"Yes," O'Rourke replied — to loud applause from the audience.

There's already legal precedence for this.

Churches that preach racism do not get a tax exemption. For instance, Richard Hale's "World Church of the Creator" does not get a tax exemption for their views that God opposes race mixing.

So once you've established that sexual orientation is indeed a protected status under the law, churches that discriminate should lose their tax exemption.

Me. Personally, I think all churches should lose their tax exemption and be subject to taxes, just like the rest of us. Would be nice to see all these pastors driving around in luxury cars and living in mansions with air conditioned dog houses get the kind of scrutiny regular folks get.

This kind of falls into the "God didn't change his mind, so we did" category. In 50 years, all the churches will be denying they had anything to do with the homophobia, and they'll say, "Well, that was the OLD Testament" when asked about homophobia, just like they do now when anyone asks them about slavery and witch-burning.

I would love to know if Beto would go after Imams in mosques too, since they oppose gay marriage as well?

Or does this only apply to white evangelical Christians.

Sounds fair to me. Islamophobic Twat always finding a way to hate on Muslims. She thinks there are Muslims hiding in her closet, waiting to get her... big, swarthy Islamic men with scimitars.... but enough about her fantasies.

Joe the non-racist enjoys calling Asian-American women racist slurs when they disagree with him too.

Joe is a complete scumbag

He is.

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